Beispiel #1
def MC_make_angles_nrb(R,U,pVec,detectorGeom,planeData,omeMin,omeMax,tweak = False, stdev = rad(.1)):
    angl,axxx = Rotations.angleAxisOfRotMat(R)
    Rparams0 = (angl*axxx).flatten()
    #import uncertainty_analysis
    tmpDG = detector.DetectorGeomGE(detectorGeom, pVec=pVec)
    #print 'recip vects...',
    recips = planeData.makeRecipVectors(R = R, U = U)
    #print 'made'
    wavelength = planeData.wavelength
    nvecs = recips.shape[1]
    from data_class import inv_dict
    #allangs = inv_dict()
    allangs = []
    #import sys
    #print "nvecs",nvecs
    for j in range(10):
        print j,
    #print "done"
    for i in range(nvecs):
        #print i
        #sys.stdout.write(str(i)+ " ")
        rI = recips[:,i]
        #print "rI",rI,tweak
        if tweak:
            Rparams_tweak = numpy.random.normal([0,0,0],[stdev,stdev,stdev])
            #Rparams = Rparams0 + Rparams_tweak
            Rtweak = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams_tweak)
            #print Rparams0, Rparams
            rI =,rI)
        angle_sols  = Get_LLNL_Angles(rI,wavelength)
        #print rI, angle_sols
        for key in angle_sols.keys():
            tth,eta,w = angle_sols[key]
            w = mapOme(w,-num.pi,num.pi)
            if eta!=num.pi and eta!=-num.pi:
                eta = mapOme(eta,-num.pi,num.pi)
            if w<omeMin.getVal('radians') or w>omeMax.getVal('radians'):
            if w is not None:
                #pred_angle_vector = num.array(detectorGeom.xyoToAng(*(px,py,w)))
                tmpX, tmpY, tmpO = tmpDG.angToXYO([tth,tth],[eta,eta],[w,w])
                tmpX = tmpX[0]
                tmpY = tmpY[0]
                tmpO = tmpO[0]
                tmpTTh, tmpEta, tmpOme = detectorGeom.xyoToAng(tmpX, tmpY, tmpO)
                tmpAngs = num.vstack([tmpTTh, tmpEta, tmpOme])
    return num.array(allangs)
Beispiel #2
    def _fitRotation_lsq(Rparams, gIs,angles0, U,wavelength):
        out = []
        Rmat = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
        Fmat = dot(Rmat,U)
        for i in range(len(gIs)):
            gI,angles = gIs[i], angles0[i]
            r_i = _fitR_residual(angles,gI, Fmat, wavelength)
            if weighting:
                weight = uncertainty_analysis.propagateUncertainty(_fitR_residual, weighting[i], 1e-8,angles,gI,Fmat,wavelength)
                maxiter = 100
                ct = 0
                while weight==0:
                    weight = uncertainty_analysis.propagateUncertainty(_fitR_residual, weighting[i], 1e-8,angles,gI,Fmat,wavelength)
                    if ct>=maxiter:
                        print 'zero weight error, i = ',i
                        weight = 1
                weight = 1.
            if weight == 0:
                print 'wefiht0',i,weighting[i],Fmat

        out = num.array(out)

    #    print out
        return out
Beispiel #3
def MC_fitAll_Angles_wrap(allparams,agrain,wmin,wmax,angles, weighting = True):
    pVec = allparams[0:3]
    Rparams = allparams[3:6]
    Uparams = allparams[6:12]
    U = gw.vec_to_sym(Uparams)
    R = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
    #angles = MC_make_angles_from_spots_grain(R,U,agrain,pVec,wmin,wmax,tweak = False)
    return MC_Angle_Fit(R,U,agrain,pVec,wmin,wmax,angles,weighting)
Beispiel #4
def MC_make_rIs(Rparams, gIs, sigma):
    rIs = []
    R = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
    for i in range(len(gIs)):
        gI = gIs[i]
        rI_mus =,gI)
        errors = numpy.random.normal(0, sigma, 3)
        rI = rI_mus + errors
    return rIs
Beispiel #5
def fitOrientation_func(Rparams, gIs, rIs):
    R = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
    residual = []
    for i in range(len(gIs)):
        gI = gIs[i]
        rI = rIs[i]
        diff =,gI) - rI
    residual = num.array(residual)
    return residual
Beispiel #6
def misorientationGrain(kocks, angs, frames, kor, gr_mis=False):
    It takes in the mesh, the grain number of interest, the angles output from
    FePX and then the number of frames.
    It outputs the misorientations angles calculated for that specific grain
    by using the built in misorientation function within the ODFPF library.
    Input: kocks - the kocks angle of the the grain being examined
           grNum - an integer of the grain that you want to find the 
                   misorientation for each element
           angs - a numpy array 3xnxnframes of the angles output from FePX
           frames - list of frames your interested in examining
   Output: misAngs - a numpy array of nxframes that contains the angle of
                     misorientation for each element with respect to the
                     original orientation of the grain
           misQuat - a numpy array of 4xnxnframes that contains the
                     misorientation quaternion for each element with respect to
                     the original orientation of the grain
    angs = np.atleast_3d(angs)
    if angs.shape[0] == 1:
        angs = angs.T
    lenQuat = angs.shape[1]
    deg = 'degrees'
    misAngs = np.zeros((lenQuat, len(frames)))
    misQuat = np.zeros((4, lenQuat, len(frames)))
    misQuat[0, :, :] = 1
    if (gr_mis):
        origQuat = rot.OrientConvert(kocks, 'rod', 'quat', deg, deg)
        origQuat = rot.OrientConvert(kocks, 'kocks', 'quat', deg, deg)
    csym = rot.CubSymmetries()
    j = 0
    for i in frames:
        if kor == 'axis' or kor == 'axisangle':
            tQuat = rot.QuatOfAngleAxis(np.squeeze(angs[0, :, i]),
                                        np.squeeze(angs[1:4, :, i]))
            tQuat = rot.OrientConvert(np.squeeze(angs[:, :, i]), kor, 'quat',
                                      deg, deg)
        misAngs[:, j], misQuat[:, :,
                               j] = rot.Misorientation(origQuat, tQuat, csym)
        j += 1

    return (misAngs, misQuat)
Beispiel #7
def MC_make_rIs_grain(Rparams, grainInstance, scale = 1, sigma = 0):
    rIs = []
    R = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
    masterReflInfo = grainInstance.grainSpots
    hitRelfId = num.where(masterReflInfo['iRefl'] >= 0)[0]
    measHKLs = masterReflInfo['hkl'][hitRelfId, :]
    #measAngs = masterReflInfo['measAngles'][hitRelfId, :]
    #measQvec = grain.makeScatteringVectors(measAngs[:, 0], measAngs[:, 1], measAngs[:, 2])
    #predQvec = R, mUtil.unitVector(, measHKLs.T) ) )
    pred_rIs = R,, measHKLs.T) )
    pred_rIs = UnMatlab(pred_rIs)
    err_rIs = []
    for i in range(len(pred_rIs)):
        rI = pred_rIs[i]
        if sigma == 0:
            errors = num.zeros(3)
            errors = numpy.random.normal(0, sigma, 3)
        rI = rI + errors
    #rIS_2 = grainInstance.planeData.makeRecipVectors(R = R)
    return err_rIs
Beispiel #8
def main():
    file_name, figure, book_color = Rotations.get_program_parameters()
    # Set up for six rotations about the y-axis.
    figure = 2
    book_color = True
    Rotations.rotate(file_name, figure, book_color)
 #Legacy code but just setting our deformation gradient to the identity array
 defgrad = np.swapaxes(np.tile(np.atleast_3d(np.identity(3)), (1,1,nel)), 0, 2)
 #A list holding our deformation stats for the discrete and lofem methods
 deflist = []
 ldeflist = []
 #el_angs is a temporary variable that will hold the grain values that go into misoriD
 el_angs = np.zeros((3,nel,nsteps))
 #Our difference quats, lofem quaternion at nodes, lofem quaternion at the centroid of the element, and discrete method quats
 diff_misQuats = np.zeros((4,nel,nsteps))
 lQuats = np.zeros((4, npts, nsteps))
 leQuats = np.zeros((4, nel, nsteps))
 dQuats = np.zeros((4, nel, nsteps))
 #Just converting from our inputted orientation data to quaternions
 for j in range(nsteps):      
     el_angs[:,:,j] = fe.elem_fe_cen_val(ldata['angs'][:,indlog2,j], lcon2)
     lQuats[:,:,j] = rot.QuatOfRod(np.squeeze(ldata['angs'][:,indlog2,j]))
     leQuats[:,:,j] = rot.QuatOfRod(np.squeeze(el_angs[:,:,j]))
     dQuats[:,:,j] = rot.OrientConvert(np.squeeze(data['angs'][:,indlog,j]), 'kocks', 'quat', 'degrees', 'radians')
 #Here we're getting the misorientation angle and quaternion for our angles when taken with respect the original orientation
 #for the lofem method
 lemisAngs, lemisQuats = mis.misorientationGrain(mesh['kocks'][:,i-1], el_angs, frames, kor)
 for j in range(nsteps):
     #Getting misorientation between the lofem and disc elements
     temp2, tempQ = mis.misorientationGrain(data['angs'][:,indlog, j], el_angs[:,:,j], [0], kor)
     diff_misQuats[:,:,j] = np.squeeze(tempQ)
     misoriD[indlog, j] = np.squeeze(temp2)
     crd = np.squeeze(data['coord'][:,ucon, j])
     #Getting strain data
     epsVec = np.squeeze(ldata['strain'][:, indlog, j])
Beispiel #10
def MC_fitC_angle_weights(Rparams, Uparams, gIs,angles0, wavelength, weighting = False, report = True, evaluate = False):
    alternate fitting approach for U, uses no Rotation information.
    Cparams: [C11,C22,C33,C12,C23,C13]
    from Vector_funcs import Mag
    from numpy import dot,sqrt
    import uncertainty_analysis
    'internal objective function'
    def _fitC_residual(angles, r0, invCmat, wavelength):
        rI = gw.makeARecipVector(angles, wavelength)
        #print rI
        df = 1./Mag(rI)
        d0 = 1./Mag(r0)
        gii_0 = dot(r0,r0)
        gii = dot(dot(invCmat,r0),r0)
        r_i = df/d0 - sqrt(gii_0)/(sqrt(gii))
        return r_i
    def _fitC(Cparams,gIs,angles,wavelength):
        Cmat = gw.vec_to_sym(Cparams)
        invCmat = inv(Cmat)
        out = []
        for i in range(len(gIs)):
            gI = gIs[i]
            angCOM = angles[i] #, spot in gI_spots:
            r_i = _fitC_residual(angCOM,gI, invCmat, wavelength)
            if weighting:
                weight = uncertainty_analysis.propagateUncertainty(_fitC_residual, weighting[i], 1e-8,angCOM,gI,invCmat,wavelength)
                weight = 1
        return num.array(out)
    if Rparams == 'default':
        angl,axxx = Rotations.angleAxisOfRotMat(num.eye(3))
        Rparams = (angl*axxx).flatten()
        Rparams = Rparams
    if Uparams=='default':
        Uparams = sym_to_vec(num.eye(3))
        Uparams = Uparams
    U = gw.vec_to_sym(Uparams)
    R = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
    F =,U)
    C_ =,F)
    Cparams = gw.sym_to_vec(C_)

    if evaluate:
        return _fitC(Cparams,gIs,angles0,wavelength)
    optResults = optimize.leastsq(_fitC, x0 = Cparams, args = (gIs,angles0,wavelength), full_output = 1)
    Cparams = optResults[0]    
    C = gw.vec_to_sym(Cparams)
    from scipy.linalg import eig
    'spectral decomposition to get U'
    eval,evec = eig(C)
    l1_sqr,l2_sqr,l3_sqr = num.asarray(eval,dtype = 'float')
    u1,u2,u3 = evec[:,0],evec[:,1],evec[:,2]
    U = sqrt(l1_sqr)*num.outer(u1,u1) + sqrt(l2_sqr)*num.outer(u2,u2) + sqrt(l3_sqr)*num.outer(u3,u3)
    if report:
        print "refined stretch matrix: \n%g, %g, %g\n%g, %g, %g\n%g, %g, %g\n" \
              % (U[0, 0], U[0, 1], U[0, 2], \
                 U[1, 0], U[1, 1], U[1, 2], \
                 U[2, 0], U[2, 1], U[2, 2], )

    return optResults
Beispiel #11
def MC_fitR_Angle_wrap(Rparams,U,agrain,pVec,wmin,wmax,angles,weighting = True):
    R = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
    #angles = MC_make_angles_from_spots_grain(R,U,agrain,pVec,wmin,wmax,tweak = False)
    return MC_Angle_Fit(R,U,agrain,pVec,wmin,wmax,angles,weighting)
Beispiel #12
def MC_fitRotation_angles(Rparams, Uparams, gIs,angles0, wavelength, weighting = False, report = True,evaluate = False):
    assert len(gIs)==len(angles0), 'different lengths'
    def _fitR_residual(angles, r0, Fmat, wavelength):
        Cmat = dot(Fmat.T,Fmat)
        rI = gw.makeARecipVector(angles,wavelength)
        n = Unit(rI)
        N = Unit(r0)
        #print Fmat,Cmat
        alpha_ = sqrt(Inner_Prod(Star(Cmat),N,N))
        #print alpha_
        r_i = Inner_Prod(Star(Fmat),n,N) - alpha_
        #print 'r_i'
        return r_i        
    def _fitRotation_lsq(Rparams, gIs,angles0, U,wavelength):
        out = []
        Rmat = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(Rparams)
        Fmat = dot(Rmat,U)
        for i in range(len(gIs)):
            gI,angles = gIs[i], angles0[i]
            r_i = _fitR_residual(angles,gI, Fmat, wavelength)
            if weighting:
                weight = uncertainty_analysis.propagateUncertainty(_fitR_residual, weighting[i], 1e-8,angles,gI,Fmat,wavelength)
                maxiter = 100
                ct = 0
                while weight==0:
                    weight = uncertainty_analysis.propagateUncertainty(_fitR_residual, weighting[i], 1e-8,angles,gI,Fmat,wavelength)
                    if ct>=maxiter:
                        print 'zero weight error, i = ',i
                        weight = 1
                weight = 1.
            if weight == 0:
                print 'wefiht0',i,weighting[i],Fmat

        out = num.array(out)

    #    print out
        return out
    if Rparams == 'default':
        angl,axxx = Rotations.angleAxisOfRotMat(num.eye(3))
        Rparams = (angl*axxx).flatten()
        Rparams = Rparams
    if Uparams=='default':
        Uparams = sym_to_vec(num.eye(3))
        Uparams = Uparams
    U = gw.vec_to_sym(Uparams)
    if evaluate:
        return _fitRotation_lsq(Rparams,gIs,angles0,U,wavelength)
    optResults = optimize.leastsq(_fitRotation_lsq, x0 = Rparams, args = (gIs,angles0, U, wavelength), full_output = 1)
    r1 = optResults[0]
    U1 = Rotations.rotMatOfExpMap(r1)
    if report:
        print "refined orientation matrix: \n%g, %g, %g\n%g, %g, %g\n%g, %g, %g\n" \
              % (U1[0, 0], U1[0, 1], U1[0, 2], \
                 U1[1, 0], U1[1, 1], U1[1, 2], \
                 U1[2, 0], U1[2, 1], U1[2, 2], )
    return optResults
 crd = np.zeros((ncrd, dim), dtype='float64', order='F')
 el_vec = np.zeros((dim, nnpe, nel), dtype='float64', order='F')
 vec_grad = np.zeros((dim, dim, nel), dtype='float64', order='F')
 nye_ten = np.zeros((dim, dim, nel), dtype='float64', order='F')
 density = np.zeros((ngdot, nel), dtype='float64', order='F')
 loc_dndx = np.zeros((dim, nnpe, nel), dtype='float64', order='F')
 det_qpt = np.zeros((nel), dtype='float64', order='F')
 ang_axis = np.zeros((dim, ncrd, nsteps), dtype='float64', order='F')
 #The Nye Tensor is based on our angle axis representation so we need
 #to rotate from a rod vec to angle axis
 for j in range(nsteps):
     ang_axis[:,:,j] = rot.AngleAxisOfRod(ldata['angs'][:,indlog2,j])
 for j in range(nsteps):
     crd[:,:] = np.squeeze(data['coord'][:,ucon, j]).T 
     #Creating an array that contains our coords for each element
     #Creates an array that has an array of our orientations for each element
     for k in range(nel):
         elem_crd[:, :, k] = crd[lcon[:, k], :]
         el_vec[:, :, k] = ang_axis[:, lcon2[:, k], j]
     #Here we're obtaining our local dN/dX versions of our shape function along with our
     # jacobian at the middle quadrature point    
     loc_dndx[:,:,:], det_qpt[:] = fe.local_gradient_shape_func(iso_dndx, elem_crd, 4)
     #Here we're getting the gradient of our vector data and from that the Nye tensor
     vec_grad = fe.get_vec_grad(el_vec, loc_dndx)
     nye_ten = fe.get_nye_tensor(vec_grad)
Beispiel #14
    dim = 3
    nnpe = 9
    kdim1 = 29
    deflist = []
    ldeflist = []
    el_angs = np.zeros((3,nel,nsteps))
    diff_misQuats = np.zeros((4,nel,nsteps))
    lQuats = np.zeros((4, npts, nsteps))
    leQuats = np.zeros((4, nel, nsteps))
    dQuats = np.zeros((4, nel, nsteps))
    for j in range(nsteps):      
        el_angs[:,:,j] = fe.elem_fe_cen_val(gdata['angs'][:,:,j], lcon)
        lQuats[:,:,j] = rot.OrientConvert(np.squeeze(gdata['angs'][:,:,j]), 'rod', 'quat', 'radians', 'radians')
        leQuats[:,:,j] = rot.OrientConvert(np.squeeze(el_angs[:,:,j]), 'rod', 'quat', 'radians', 'radians')
        dQuats[:,:,j] = rot.OrientConvert(np.squeeze(data['angs'][:,indlog,j]), 'kocks', 'quat', 'degrees', 'radians')

    lemisAngs, lemisQuats = mis.misorientationGrain(mesh['kocks'][:,i-1], el_angs, frames, kor)
    for j in range(nsteps):
        #Getting misorientation between the lofem and disc elements
        temp2, tempQ = mis.misorientationGrain(data['angs'][:,indlog, j], el_angs[:,:,j], [0], kor)
        diff_misQuats[:,:,j] = np.squeeze(tempQ)
        misoriD[indlog, j] = np.squeeze(temp2)
        crd = np.squeeze(data['coord'][:,ucon, j])
        epsVec = np.squeeze(ldata['strain'][:, indlog, j]).T
        strain = fepxDM.fixStrain(epsVec)
Beispiel #15
def main():
    file_name, figure, book_color = Rotations.get_program_parameters()
    # First a rotation about the x-axis, then six rotations about the y-axis.
    figure = 4
    book_color = True
    Rotations.rotate(file_name, figure, book_color)