Beispiel #1
def createFileMetadata(outFiles, job, outsDict, dsname, datasetDict, sitename):
    """ create the metadata for the output + log files """

    ec = 0

    # get/assign guids to the output files
    if outFiles:
        if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outFiles):
            ec, job.pilotErrorDiag, job.outFilesGuids = RunJobUtilities.getOutFilesGuids(job.outFiles, job.workdir)
            if ec:
                # missing PoolFileCatalog (only error code from getOutFilesGuids)
                return ec, job, None
            tolog("Build job - do not use PoolFileCatalog to get guid (generated)")
        tolog("This job has no output files")

    # get the file sizes and checksums for the local output files
    # WARNING: any errors are lost if occur in getOutputFileInfo()
    ec, pilotErrorDiag, fsize, checksum = pUtil.getOutputFileInfo(list(outFiles), getChecksumCommand(), skiplog=True, logFile=job.logFile)
    if ec != 0:
        tolog("!!FAILED!!2999!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag))
        failJob(job.result[1], ec, job, pilotserver, pilotport, pilotErrorDiag=pilotErrorDiag)

    if logguid:
        guid = logguid
        guid = job.tarFileGuid

    # create preliminary metadata (no metadata yet about log file - added later in
    _fname = "%s/metadata-%d.xml" % (job.workdir, job.jobId)
        _status = pUtil.PFCxml(job.experiment, _fname, list(job.outFiles), fguids=job.outFilesGuids, fntag="lfn", alog=job.logFile, alogguid=guid,\
                               fsize=fsize, checksum=checksum, analJob=analJob)
    except Exception, e:
        pilotErrorDiag = "PFCxml failed due to problematic XML: %s" % (e)
        tolog("!!WARNING!!1113!! %s" % (pilotErrorDiag)) 
        failJob(job.result[1], error.ERR_MISSINGGUID, job, pilotserver, pilotport, pilotErrorDiag=pilotErrorDiag)