Beispiel #1
#Silly thing to put a nerdy ascii banner in
print(" ")
print(" ")
init(strip=not sys.stdout.isatty())  # strip colors if stdout is redirected
cprint(figlet_format('AWS CONF', font='doom'), 'red', attrs=['bold'])
#os.system('pause') is a neat way of allowing the user to "unpause" the application

#instantiate all the AWS objects
res = Resources.Resource()
ec2 = res.EC2Resource()
ec2_cont = EC2.EC2Controller()
ebs_cont = Volumes.Volumes()
s3 = res.S3Resource()
contS3 = S3.S3Controller()
cw = res.CWClient()
contCW = CloudWatch.CWController()

tags = [{"Key": "key1", "Value": "value1"}, {"Key": "key2", "Value": "value2"}]

#function that renders the menu
def print_menu():
    print(75 * "-")
    print("---Aidan Reilly - R00156542---" + 45 * "-")
    print(" ")
    print(" ")
    print(75 * "-")
    print("Use this program to work with AWS using Python and Boto3.")
    print("Select from the options below.")
Beispiel #2
 def s3_controller(self):
     # get S3 Controller
     if self.s3_cont is None:
         self.s3_cont = S3.S3Controller(self.s3_res)
     return self.s3_cont