def setUniqueIDField(ssdo, weightsFile): """Replace SSUTILITIES.setUniqueIDField to support flexible weights file headers.""" if weightsFile == None: return ssdo.oidName weightsSuffix = weightsFile.split(".")[-1].lower() swmFileBool = (weightsSuffix == "swm") if swmFileBool: return UTILS.setUniqueIDField(ssdo, weightsFile) fo = UTILS.openFile(weightsFile, "r") header = fo.readline().strip() headerItems = header.split(" ") if len(headerItems) == 1 and weightsSuffix == "gal": return ssdo.oidName elif len(headerItems) > 1: for item in headerItems: if not item.isdigit() and item.lower() != "unknown" \ and len(item) > 0: masterField = item # check to see if in ssdo for fieldName, fieldObj in ssdo.allFields.items(): if fieldObj.baseName.upper() == masterField.upper(): return masterField msg = "Header is not valid in Weights file (%s)." % weightsFile ARCPY.AddWarning(msg)
def setupStandardDistance(): """Retrieves the parameters from the User Interface and executes the appropriate commands.""" inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) outputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1) stdDeviations = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(2).upper().replace(" ", "_") weightField = UTILS.getTextParameter(3, fieldName=True) caseField = UTILS.getTextParameter(4, fieldName=True) fieldList = [] if weightField: fieldList.append(weightField) if caseField: fieldList.append(caseField) stdDeviations = circleDict[stdDeviations] #### Create a Spatial Stats Data Object (SSDO) #### ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC=outputFC, useChordal=False) #### Populate SSDO with Data #### ssdo.obtainData(ssdo.oidName, fieldList, minNumObs=2, dateStr=True) #### Run Analysis #### sd = StandardDistance(ssdo, weightField=weightField, caseField=caseField, stdDeviations=stdDeviations) #### Create Output #### sd.createOutput(outputFC)
def setStudyArea(self): """Sets the study area for the nearest neighbor stat.""" #### Attribute Shortcuts #### ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84248)) ssdo = self.ssdo if self.studyArea == None: #### Create Min Enc Rect #### studyAreaFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("regularBound_FC") clearedMinBoundGeom = UTILS.clearExtent(UTILS.minBoundGeomPoints) clearedMinBoundGeom(ssdo.xyCoords, studyAreaFC, geomType = "RECTANGLE_BY_AREA", spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRef) polyInfo = UTILS.returnPolygon(studyAreaFC, spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRefString, useGeodesic = ssdo.useChordal) studyAreaPoly, studyArea = polyInfo UTILS.passiveDelete(studyAreaFC) if studyArea == None: #### Invalid Study Area #### ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 932) raise SystemExit() self.studyArea = studyArea
def setupParameters(): """ Setup Parameters for Distance-based Weights Creation """ #### Get User Provided Inputs #### inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) outputFile = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1) distanceType = UTILS.getTextParameter(2).upper() # idField = UTILS.getTextParameter(3) #### Validate Input of Distance Type #### if not distanceType or distanceType not in DISTTYPE: ARCPY.AddError("Distance type is not set, or it is not in the " "predefined list...") raise SystemExit() #### Setup Default Values of Threshold/KnnNum/InverseDist #### threshold = UTILS.getNumericParameter(4) \ if distanceType == DISTTYPE[0] or distanceType == DISTTYPE[2] else None knnNum = UTILS.getNumericParameter(5) \ if distanceType == DISTTYPE[1] else None inverseDist = UTILS.getNumericParameter(6) \ if distanceType == DISTTYPE[2] else None #### Run Dist Weights Creation #### distW = DistW_PySAL(inputFC, outputFile, idField, distanceType, threshold,\ knnNum, inverseDist) #### Create Output #### distW.createOutput()
def copy2FC(self, outputFC, outName = None, setNullable = False): """Copies self to an output feature class. INPUTS: outputFC (str): path to output feature class outName (str): optional output field name (for joins and such.) setNullable (bool): if set to true, overwrite self to nullable """ if outName == None: outName = if setNullable: nullable = True else: nullable = self.nullable UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, outName, self.type, alias = self.alias, nullable = nullable, precision = self.fieldObject.precision, scale = self.fieldObject.scale, length = self.fieldObject.length, required = self.fieldObject.required, domain = self.fieldObject.domain)
def setupParameters(): #### Get User Provided Inputs #### inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) depVarName = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1).upper() indVarNames = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(2).upper() indVarNames = indVarNames.split(";") outputFC = UTILS.getTextParameter(3) weightsFile = UTILS.getTextParameter(4) #### Create SSDataObject #### fieldList = [depVarName] + indVarNames ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = outputFC) masterField = AUTILS.setUniqueIDField(ssdo, weightsFile = weightsFile) #### Populate SSDO with Data #### ssdo.obtainData(masterField, fieldList, minNumObs = 5) #### Resolve Weights File #### if weightsFile: patW = AUTILS.PAT_W(ssdo, weightsFile) else: patW = None #### Run OLS #### ols = OLS_PySAL(ssdo, depVarName, indVarNames, patW = patW) #### Create Output #### ols.createOutput(outputFC)
def copy2FC(self, outputFC, outName=None, setNullable=False): """Copies self to an output feature class. INPUTS: outputFC (str): path to output feature class outName (str): optional output field name (for joins and such.) setNullable (bool): if set to true, overwrite self to nullable """ if outName == None: outName = if setNullable: nullable = True else: nullable = self.nullable UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, outName, self.type, alias=self.alias, nullable=nullable, precision=self.fieldObject.precision, scale=self.fieldObject.scale, length=self.fieldObject.length, required=self.fieldObject.required, domain=self.fieldObject.domain)
def createInterpretReport(self): """Creates the interpretation table for OLS.""" #### Generate Interpretation Table ##### header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84081) #### Set up Rows in Tables #### decimalSep = UTILS.returnDecimalChar() if decimalSep == ".": pValue = "0.01" VIF = "7.5" else: pValue = "0,01" VIF = "7,5" significance = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84111), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84082).format(pValue)] coefficient = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84080), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84349)] probs = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84086), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84350).format(pValue)] multicoll = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84103), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84083).format(VIF)] rSquared = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84104), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84084)] jointFW = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84105), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84085).format(pValue)] bpRow = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84106), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84087).format(pValue)] jbRow = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84107), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84088).format(pValue)] #### Finalize Interpretation Table #### intTotal = [significance, coefficient, probs, multicoll, rSquared, jointFW, bpRow, jbRow] body = UTILS.outputTextTable(intTotal, pad = 1, justify = ["center", "left"]) self.interpretTable = "\n%s%s" % (header, body) self.interpretRaw = intTotal
def createCoefficientTable(self, tableName): """Creates Output Coefficient Database Table for OLS. INPUTS: tableName (str): catalog path to the output table """ #### Set Progressor #### ARCPY.AddMessage(ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84071)) ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84071)) outPath, outName = OS.path.split(tableName) #### Set Up Field Names and Types #### inputFields = UTILS.getFieldNames(olsCoefFieldNames, outPath) inputTypes = ["TEXT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE"] #### Set Up Input Data #### inputData = [] coefList = list(self.coef.flatten()) for rowInd, rowVal in enumerate(coefList): inputData.append( (self.varLabels[rowInd], rowVal, self.seCoef[rowInd], self.tStats[rowInd], self.pVals[rowInd], self.seCoefRob[rowInd], self.tStatsRob[rowInd], self.pValsRob[rowInd], self.coefSTD[rowInd]) ) #### Write Coefficient Table #### UTILS.createOutputTable(tableName, inputFields, inputTypes, inputData)
def validateRaster(self, ssdoCoords): printOHSSubject(84439, addNewLine = False) envMask = ARCPY.env.mask maskExists = False if envMask: try: descMask = ARCPY.Describe(envMask) maskExists = True except: maskExists = False if not envMask or not maskExists: #### Use Convex Hull #### msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84440) ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg) printOHSAnswer(msg) boundaryFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("tempCH_FC") UTILS.minBoundGeomPoints(ssdoCoords, boundaryFC, geomType = "CONVEX_HULL", spatialRef = self.ssdo.spatialRef) self.boundaryFC = boundaryFC self.cleanUpList.append(boundaryFC) self.maskExists = maskExists
def setupParameters(): #### Get User Provided Inputs #### inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) depVarName = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1).upper() indVarNames = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(2).upper() indVarNames = indVarNames.split(";") outputFC = UTILS.getTextParameter(3) weightsFile = UTILS.getTextParameter(4) #### Create SSDataObject #### fieldList = [depVarName] + indVarNames ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC=outputFC) masterField = AUTILS.setUniqueIDField(ssdo, weightsFile=weightsFile) #### Populate SSDO with Data #### ssdo.obtainData(masterField, fieldList, minNumObs=5) #### Resolve Weights File #### if weightsFile: patW = AUTILS.PAT_W(ssdo, weightsFile) else: patW = None #### Run OLS #### ols = OLS_PySAL(ssdo, depVarName, indVarNames, patW=patW) #### Create Output #### ols.createOutput(outputFC)
def __init__(self, ssdo, varName, outputFC, wType, weightsFile = None, concept = "EUCLIDEAN", rowStandard = True, threshold = None, exponent = 1.0, permutations = None, applyFDR = False): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Assess Whether SWM File Being Used #### self.swmFileBool = False if weightsFile: weightSuffix = weightsFile.split(".")[-1].lower() self.swmFileBool = (weightSuffix == "swm") #### Warn Inverse Distance if Geographic Coord System #### #if wType in [0, 7]: # WU.checkGeographicCoord(self.ssdo.spatialRefType, # WU.wTypeDispatch[wType]) #### Create Shape File Boolean for NULL Values #### self.outShapeFileBool = UTILS.isShapeFile(outputFC) #### Initialize Data #### self.initialize() #### Construct Based on SWM File or On The Fly #### self.construct()
def setupMedianCenter(): """Retrieves the parameters from the User Interface and executes the appropriate commands.""" inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) outputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1) weightField = UTILS.getTextParameter(2, fieldName = True) caseField = UTILS.getTextParameter(3, fieldName = True) attFields = UTILS.getTextParameter(4, fieldName = True) fieldList = [] if weightField: fieldList.append(weightField) if caseField: fieldList.append(caseField) if attFields: attFields = attFields.split(";") fieldList = fieldList + attFields #### Populate SSDO with Data #### ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = outputFC, useChordal = False) #### Populate SSDO with Data #### ssdo.obtainData(ssdo.oidName, fieldList, minNumObs = 1, dateStr = True) #### Run Analysis #### mc = MedianCenter(ssdo, weightField = weightField, caseField = caseField, attFields = attFields) #### Create Output #### mc.createOutput(outputFC)
def validateRaster(self, ssdoCoords): printOHSSubject(84439, addNewLine=False) envMask = ARCPY.env.mask maskExists = False if envMask: try: descMask = ARCPY.Describe(envMask) maskExists = True except: maskExists = False if not envMask or not maskExists: #### Use Convex Hull #### msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84440) ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg) printOHSAnswer(msg) boundaryFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("tempCH_FC") UTILS.minBoundGeomPoints(ssdoCoords, boundaryFC, geomType="CONVEX_HULL", spatialRef=self.ssdo.spatialRef) self.boundaryFC = boundaryFC self.cleanUpList.append(boundaryFC) self.maskExists = maskExists
def __init__(self, ssdo, weightsFile): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) self.wPath, self.wName = OS.path.split(weightsFile) name, ext = OS.path.splitext(weightsFile.upper()) self.wExt = ext.strip(".") self.setWeights()
def report(self): """Reports the results from exploratory regression analysis.""" #### Set Title #### title = self.label #### Column Labels #### labs = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84021), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84249), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84042), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84036), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84284), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84292), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84286)] r2Info = [ labs ] #### Adjusted R2, Sorted Highest to Lowest with ID Tie Breaks #### header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84287) numRes = UTILS.ssRange(len(self.bestR2Res)) r2Data = [] for i in numRes: r2Val = self.bestR2Vals[i] idVal = int(self.bestR2Res[i].split(":")[-1]) r2Data.append((r2Val, idVal)) r2Data = NUM.array(r2Data, dtype = [('r2', float), ('ids', int)]) r2SortedInds = r2Data.argsort(order = ('r2', 'ids')) sortIndex = reversed(r2SortedInds) for ind in sortIndex: olsID = self.bestR2Res[ind] olsRes = self.olsResults[olsID] olsOut = = "%0.2f") r2Info.append(olsOut) r2Report = UTILS.outputTextTable(r2Info, header = header, justify = masterJustify) #### Passing Models #### header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84288) passList = [ labs ] r2Values = [] olsIDs = [] for olsID in self.passBools: olsRes = self.olsResults[olsID] r2Values.append(olsRes.r2) olsIDs.append(olsID) sortIndex = NUM.argsort(r2Values).tolist() sortIndex.reverse() for ind in sortIndex: olsID = olsIDs[ind] olsRes = self.olsResults[olsID] olsOut = = "%0.6f") passList.append(olsOut) passingReport = UTILS.outputTextTable(passList, header = header) #### Print Report #### starMess = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84289) * 78 finalReport = [starMess, title, r2Report, passingReport] finalReport = "\n".join(finalReport) finalReport = finalReport + "\n" ARCPY.AddMessage(finalReport) return finalReport
def report(self, fileName = None): """Reports the Median Center results as a message or to a file. INPUTS: fileName {str, None}: path to a text file to populate with results """ header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84190) columns = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84191), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84192), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84193)] if self.attFields: for attField in self.attFields: columns.append(ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84194).format(attField)) results = [ columns ] for case in self.uniqueCases: if not self.caseField: strCase = "ALL" else: strCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case, self.caseIsString) medX, medY = self.medianCenter[case] rowResult = [ strCase, LOCALE.format("%0.6f", medX), LOCALE.format("%0.6f", medY) ] if self.attFields: for attInd, attField in enumerate(self.attFields): medAtt = self.attCenter[case][attInd] rowResult.append(LOCALE.format("%0.6f", medAtt)) results.append(rowResult) outputTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(results, header = header) if fileName: f = open(fileName, "w") f.write(outputTable) f.close() else: ARCPY.AddMessage(outputTable)
def setupMeanCenter(): """Retrieves the parameters from the User Interface and executes the appropriate commands.""" inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) outputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1) weightField = UTILS.getTextParameter(2, fieldName=True) caseField = UTILS.getTextParameter(3, fieldName=True) dimField = UTILS.getTextParameter(4, fieldName=True) fieldList = [] if weightField: fieldList.append(weightField) if caseField: fieldList.append(caseField) if dimField: fieldList.append(dimField) ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC=outputFC, useChordal=False) ssdo.obtainData(ssdo.oidName, fieldList, minNumObs=1, dateStr=True) mc = MeanCenter(ssdo, weightField=weightField, caseField=caseField, dimField=dimField) mc.createOutput(outputFC)
def __init__(self, allVarNames, numChoose, ssdo, weightMatrix, weightsType = "SWM", minR2 = .5, maxCoef = .01, maxVIF = 5.0, minJB = .1, minMI = .1, silent = False): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Set Label #### self.numVars = len(self.allVarNames) self.label = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84283).format(numChoose, self.numVars) if numChoose <= 2: self.eachAppears = 1 else: self.eachAppears = nChooseK(self.numVars - 2, numChoose - 2) #### Set Result Structures #### self.varSignDict = {} self.signDict = {} self.vifDict = {} for varName in self.allVarNames: self.varSignDict[varName] = [0, 0] self.signDict[varName] = [0, 0] self.vifDict[varName] = [0, []] self.olsResults = {} self.bestR2Vals = [] self.bestR2Res = [] self.passTable = [] self.passBools = [] self.r2Residuals = NUM.empty((self.ssdo.numObs, 3), dtype = float) self.allJBPass = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, self.minJB, rTol = .00000001) self.allMIPass = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, self.minMI, rTol = .00000001) self.miVals = []
def report(self, fileName=None): """Reports the Central Feature results as a message or to a file. INPUTS: fileName {str, None}: path to a text file to populate with results. """ header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84200) columns = [ ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84191), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84201), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84202) ] results = [columns] for case in self.uniqueCases: if not self.caseField: strCase = "ALL" else: strCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case, self.caseIsString) cfOIDs, minSumDist =[case] cfOIDs = [str(i) for i in cfOIDs] cfOIDs = ", ".join(cfOIDs) rowResult = [strCase, cfOIDs, LOCALE.format("%0.6f", minSumDist)] results.append(rowResult) outputTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(results, header=header) if fileName: f = UTILS.openFile(fileName, "w") f.write(outputTable) f.close() else: ARCPY.AddMessage(outputTable)
def __init__(self, ssdo, varName, wType, weightsFile = None, concept = "EUCLIDEAN", rowStandard = True, threshold = None, exponent = 1.0, displayIt = False): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Assess Whether SWM File Being Used #### self.swmFileBool = False if weightsFile: weightSuffix = weightsFile.split(".")[-1].lower() self.swmFileBool = (weightSuffix == "swm") ##### Warn Inverse Distance if Geographic Coord System #### #if wType in [0, 7]: # WU.checkGeographicCoord(self.ssdo.spatialRefType, # WU.wTypeDispatch[wType]) #### Initialize Data #### self.initialize() #### Construct Based on SWM File or On The Fly #### self.construct() #### Calculate General G #### self.calculate()
def doPoint2Poly(self): #### Initial Data Assessment #### printOHSSection(84428, prependNewLine=True) printOHSSubject(84431, addNewLine=False) self.ssdo.obtainData(self.ssdo.oidName) self.checkIncidents(self.ssdo.numObs) if len(self.ssdo.badRecords): ARCPY.AddMessage("\n") ################################# #### Checking Polygon Message #### printOHSSubject(84430, addNewLine=False) #### Spatial Join (Hold Messages) #### outputFieldMaps = "EMPTY" tempFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("SpatialJoin_TempFC") self.cleanUpList.append(tempFC) joinWithSpatialRef = UTILS.funWithSpatialRef(ANA.SpatialJoin, self.ssdo.spatialRef, outputFC=tempFC) joinWithXY = UTILS.funWithXYTolerance(joinWithSpatialRef, self.ssdo.distanceInfo) joinWithXY(self.polygonFC, self.ssdo.inputFC, tempFC, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", outputFieldMaps) #### Set VarName, MasterField, AnalysisSSDO #### self.createAnalysisSSDO(tempFC, "JOIN_COUNT")
def doPoint2Poly(self): #### Initial Data Assessment #### printOHSSection(84428, prependNewLine = True) printOHSSubject(84431, addNewLine = False) self.ssdo.obtainData(self.ssdo.oidName) self.checkIncidents(self.ssdo.numObs) if len(self.ssdo.badRecords): ARCPY.AddMessage("\n") ################################# #### Checking Polygon Message #### printOHSSubject(84430, addNewLine = False) #### Spatial Join (Hold Messages) #### outputFieldMaps = "EMPTY" tempFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("SpatialJoin_TempFC") self.cleanUpList.append(tempFC) joinWithSpatialRef = UTILS.funWithSpatialRef(ANA.SpatialJoin, self.ssdo.spatialRef, outputFC = tempFC) joinWithXY = UTILS.funWithXYTolerance(joinWithSpatialRef, self.ssdo.distanceInfo) joinWithXY(self.polygonFC, self.ssdo.inputFC, tempFC, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL", outputFieldMaps) #### Set VarName, MasterField, AnalysisSSDO #### self.createAnalysisSSDO(tempFC, "JOIN_COUNT")
def setStudyArea(self): """Sets the study area for the nearest neighbor stat.""" #### Attribute Shortcuts #### ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84248)) ssdo = self.ssdo if self.studyArea == None: #### Create Min Enc Rect #### studyAreaFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("regularBound_FC") clearedMinBoundGeom = UTILS.clearExtent(UTILS.minBoundGeomPoints) clearedMinBoundGeom(ssdo.xyCoords, studyAreaFC, geomType="RECTANGLE_BY_AREA", spatialRef=ssdo.spatialRef) polyInfo = UTILS.returnPolygon(studyAreaFC, spatialRef=ssdo.spatialRefString, useGeodesic=ssdo.useChordal) studyAreaPoly, studyArea = polyInfo UTILS.passiveDelete(studyAreaFC) if studyArea == None: #### Invalid Study Area #### ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 932) raise SystemExit() self.studyArea = studyArea
def report(self, fileName = None): """Reports the Standard Distance results as a message or to a file. INPUTS: fileName {str, None}: path to a text file to populate with results """ header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84224) columns = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84191), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84211), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84212), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84225), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84226)] results = [columns] for case in self.uniqueCases: if not self.caseField: strCase = "ALL" else: strCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case, self.caseIsString) meanX, meanY = self.meanCenter[case] rowResult = [ strCase, LOCALE.format("%0.6f", meanX), LOCALE.format("%0.6f", meanY), LOCALE.format("%0.6f",[case]), LOCALE.format("%0.1f", self.stdDeviations) ] results.append(rowResult) outputTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(results, header = header) if fileName: f = UTILS.openFile(fileName, "w") f.write(outputTable) f.close() else: ARCPY.AddMessage(outputTable)
def report(self, fileName = None): """Reports the Central Feature results as a message or to a file. INPUTS: fileName {str, None}: path to a text file to populate with results. """ header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84200) columns = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84191), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84201), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84202)] results = [ columns ] for case in self.uniqueCases: if not self.caseField: strCase = "ALL" else: strCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case, self.caseIsString) cfOIDs, minSumDist =[case] cfOIDs = [ str(i) for i in cfOIDs ] cfOIDs = ", ".join(cfOIDs) rowResult = [ strCase, cfOIDs, LOCALE.format("%0.6f", minSumDist) ] results.append(rowResult) outputTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(results, header = header) if fileName: f = UTILS.openFile(fileName, "w") f.write(outputTable) f.close() else: ARCPY.AddMessage(outputTable)
def createCoefficientTable(self, tableName): """Creates Output Coefficient Database Table for OLS. INPUTS: tableName (str): catalog path to the output table """ #### Set Progressor #### ARCPY.AddMessage(ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84071)) ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84071)) outPath, outName = OS.path.split(tableName) #### Set Up Field Names and Types #### inputFields = UTILS.getFieldNames(olsCoefFieldNames, outPath) inputTypes = [ "TEXT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE" ] #### Set Up Input Data #### inputData = [] coefList = list(self.coef.flatten()) for rowInd, rowVal in enumerate(coefList): inputData.append( (self.varLabels[rowInd], rowVal, self.seCoef[rowInd], self.tStats[rowInd], self.pVals[rowInd], self.seCoefRob[rowInd], self.tStatsRob[rowInd], self.pValsRob[rowInd], self.coefSTD[rowInd])) #### Write Coefficient Table #### UTILS.createOutputTable(tableName, inputFields, inputTypes, inputData)
def setupStandardDistance(): """Retrieves the parameters from the User Interface and executes the appropriate commands.""" inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) outputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1) stdDeviations = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(2).upper().replace(" ", "_") weightField = UTILS.getTextParameter(3, fieldName = True) caseField = UTILS.getTextParameter(4, fieldName = True) fieldList = [] if weightField: fieldList.append(weightField) if caseField: fieldList.append(caseField) stdDeviations = circleDict[stdDeviations] #### Create a Spatial Stats Data Object (SSDO) #### ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = outputFC, useChordal = False) #### Populate SSDO with Data #### ssdo.obtainData(ssdo.oidName, fieldList, minNumObs = 2, dateStr = True) #### Run Analysis #### sd = StandardDistance(ssdo, weightField = weightField, caseField = caseField, stdDeviations = stdDeviations) #### Create Output #### sd.createOutput(outputFC)
def __init__(self, ssdo, varName, outputFC, wType, weightsFile=None, concept="EUCLIDEAN", rowStandard=True, threshold=None, exponent=1.0, permutations=None, applyFDR=False): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Assess Whether SWM File Being Used #### self.swmFileBool = False if weightsFile: weightSuffix = weightsFile.split(".")[-1].lower() self.swmFileBool = (weightSuffix == "swm") #### Warn Inverse Distance if Geographic Coord System #### #if wType in [0, 7]: # WU.checkGeographicCoord(self.ssdo.spatialRefType, # WU.wTypeDispatch[wType]) #### Create Shape File Boolean for NULL Values #### self.outShapeFileBool = UTILS.isShapeFile(outputFC) #### Initialize Data #### self.initialize() #### Construct Based on SWM File or On The Fly #### self.construct()
def setupKFunction(): """Retrieves the parameters from the User Interface and executes the appropriate commands.""" inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0) outputTable = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1) nIncrements = ARCPY.GetParameter(2) permutations = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(3).upper().replace(" ", "_") displayIt = ARCPY.GetParameter(4) weightField = UTILS.getTextParameter(5, fieldName = True) begDist = UTILS.getNumericParameter(6) dIncrement = UTILS.getNumericParameter(7) edgeCorrection = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(8).upper().replace(" ", "_") studyAreaMethod = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(9).upper().replace(" ", "_") studyAreaFC = UTILS.getTextParameter(10) #### Resolve Table Extension #### if ".dbf" not in OS.path.basename(outputTable): dirInfo = ARCPY.Describe(OS.path.dirname(outputTable)) if dirInfo == "FileSystem": outputTable = outputTable + ".dbf" #### Resolve Remaining Parameters #### if nIncrements > 100: nIncrements = 100 if edgeCorrection == "NONE" or edgeCorrection == "#": edgeCorrection = None elif edgeCorrection == "SIMULATE_OUTER_BOUNDARY_VALUES": edgeCorrection = "Simulate" elif edgeCorrection == "REDUCE_ANALYSIS_AREA": edgeCorrection = "Reduce" else: edgeCorrection = "Ripley" if permutations == "0_PERMUTATIONS_-_NO_CONFIDENCE_ENVELOPE": permutations = 0 elif permutations == "99_PERMUTATIONS": permutations = 99 elif permutations == "999_PERMUTATIONS": permutations = 999 else: permutations = 9 if studyAreaMethod == "USER_PROVIDED_STUDY_AREA_FEATURE_CLASS": studyAreaMethod = 1 else: studyAreaMethod = 0 k = KFunction(inputFC, outputTable = outputTable, nIncrements = nIncrements, permutations = permutations, weightField = weightField, begDist = begDist, dIncrement = dIncrement, edgeCorrection = edgeCorrection, studyAreaMethod = studyAreaMethod, studyAreaFC = studyAreaFC) k.createOutput(outputTable, displayIt = displayIt)
def __init__(self, ssdoBase, ssdoCand, fieldNames, similarType = 'MOST_SIMILAR', matchMethod = 'ATTRIBUTE_VALUES', numResults = 10, appendFields = []): UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) self.k = len(self.fieldNames) self.validateNumResults() self.initialize() self.solve()
def __init__(self, ssdo, depVarName, indVarNames, patW, useHAC=True): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Initialize Data #### self.initialize() #### Calculate Statistic #### self.calculate()
def cleanUp(self): #### Delete Temp Structures #### for tempItem in self.cleanUpList: UTILS.passiveDelete(tempItem) #### Reset Extent #### ARCPY.env.extent = self.startExtent #### Final Line Print #### ARCPY.AddMessage("\n")
def __init__(self, ssdo, concept="EUCLIDEAN", studyArea=None): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Set Study Area #### self.setStudyArea() #### Calculate #### self.calculate()
def __init__(self, ssdo, concept = "EUCLIDEAN", studyArea = None): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Set Study Area #### self.setStudyArea() #### Calculate #### self.calculate()
def __init__(self, ssdo, depVarName, indVarNames, patW, useHAC = True): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Initialize Data #### self.initialize() #### Calculate Statistic #### self.calculate()
def __init__(self, ssdo, y, weightsMatrix, weightsType="SWM", silent=True): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Construct Based on SWM File or On The Fly #### self.construct() #### Calculate Moran's I #### self.calculate()
def createOutputTable(self): """Create output table for a given set of results.""" #### Message and Progressor #### msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84008) ARCPY.AddMessage(msg) ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", msg) #### Create/Finalize Output Table Name #### UTILS.createOutputTable(self.outputTable, self.outFieldNames, self.outFieldTypes, self.tableResults)
def __init__(self, ssdo, y, weightsMatrix, weightsType = "SWM", silent = True): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) #### Construct Based on SWM File or On The Fly #### self.construct() #### Calculate Moran's I #### self.calculate()
def createCoefficientReport(self): """Creates a formatted summary table of the OLS coefficients.""" #### Table Title #### header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84075) aFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84080) bFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84086) cFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84103) coefColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84049) + " " + aFoot probColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84055) + " " + bFoot robColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84102) + " " + bFoot vifColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84284) + " " + cFoot #### Column Labels #### total = [[ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84068), coefColLab, ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84051), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84053), probColLab, ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84097), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84101), robColLab]] if self.vif: total[0].append(vifColLab) #### Loop Through Explanatory Variables #### for row in UTILS.ssRange(self.k): #### Variable Name #### rowVals = [self.varLabels[row]] #### Standard Values #### rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.coef[row, 0])) rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.seCoef[row])) rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.tStats[row])) rowVals.append(UTILS.writePVal(self.pVals[row], padNonSig = True)) #### Robust Values #### rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.seCoefRob[row])) rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.tStatsRob[row])) rowVals.append(UTILS.writePVal(self.pValsRob[row], padNonSig = True)) #### VIF #### if self.vif: if row == 0: rowVIF = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84092) else: rowVIF = self.vifVal[(row - 1)] if abs(rowVIF) > 1000: rowVIF = "> 1000.0" else: rowVIF = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", rowVIF) rowVals.append(rowVIF) #### Append Row to Result List #### total.append(rowVals) #### Finalize Coefficient Table #### self.coefTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(total, header = header, pad = 1, justify = "right") self.coefRaw = total
def __init__(self, id, varNames, coef, pVals, vifVals, r2, aic, jb, bp, allMIPass = False): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals()) self.pVals = NUM.array(pVals) self.varNameArray = NUM.array(self.varNames) self.miPVal = None self.k = len(varNames) #### Create Model to Print #### self.createModel()
def setAnalysisSSDO(self, tempFC, varName): #### Initial Data Assessment #### printOHSSection(84428, prependNewLine=True) self.varName = varName self.analysisSSDO = self.ssdo self.masterField = UTILS.setUniqueIDField(self.analysisSSDO) if UTILS.renderType[self.ssdo.shapeType.upper()]: stringShape = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84502) else: stringShape = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84501) #### Assure Enough Features (Q) #### printOHSSubject(84429, addNewLine=False) self.analysisSSDO.obtainDataGA(self.masterField, [self.varName]) if len(self.analysisSSDO.badRecords): ARCPY.AddMessage("\n") if self.analysisSSDO.numObs < 30: ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1571, '30', stringShape) self.cleanUp() raise SystemExit() msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84485).format(self.analysisSSDO.numObs) printOHSAnswer(msg) #### Errors and Warnings #### printOHSSubject(84432, addNewLine=False) y = self.analysisSSDO.fields[self.varName].returnDouble() yVar = NUM.var(y) #### Zero Variance #### if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0: ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1575) self.cleanUp() raise SystemExit() #### Analysis Var Description #### msg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84446).format(self.varName) printOHSAnswer(msg, addNewLine=False) printWeightAnswer(y) #### Locational Outliers #### lo = UTILS.LocationInfo(self.analysisSSDO, concept="EUCLIDEAN", silentThreshold=True, stdDeviations=3) printOHSLocationalOutliers(lo, aggType=2) #### Raster Boundary #### if self.outputRaster: self.validateRaster(self.analysisSSDO.xyCoords)
def __init__(self, name, type, data=None, alias=None, nullable=True, precision=None, scale=None, length=None, required=False, domain=None): #### Set Initial Attributes #### UTILS.assignClassAttr(self, locals())
def createOutput(self, outputTable): """Creates Moran's I Step Output Table. INPUTS outputTable (str): path to the output table """ #### Allow Overwrite Output #### ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = 1 #### Get Output Table Name With Extension if Appropriate #### outputTable, dbf = UTILS.returnTableName(outputTable) #### Set Progressor #### ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84008)) #### Delete Table If Exists #### UTILS.passiveDelete(outputTable) #### Create Table #### outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputTable) try: DM.CreateTable(outPath, outName) except: ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 541) raise SystemExit() #### Add Result Fields #### self.outputFields = [] for field in iaFieldNames: fieldOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(field, outPath) UTILS.addEmptyField(outputTable, fieldOut, "DOUBLE") self.outputFields.append(fieldOut) #### Create Insert Cursor #### try: insert = DA.InsertCursor(outputTable, self.outputFields) except: ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 204) raise SystemExit() #### Add Rows to Output Table #### for testIter in xrange(self.nIncrements): insert.insertRow(self.giResults[testIter]) #### Clean Up #### del insert return outputTable, dbf
def getMoranStats(self): self.sumMoranRuns = 0 self.sumMoranPass = 0 miValues = [] miModels = [] miSorted = NUM.array([(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0)], dtype = [('mi', float), ('r2', float)]) for resKey, resHandler in UTILS.iteritems(self.resultDict): for olsKey, olsRes in UTILS.iteritems(resHandler.olsResults): miValue = olsRes.miPVal if miValue is not None: numRes = len(miValues) if numRes < 3: miValues.append(miValue) miModels.append(olsRes) else: if numRes == 3: miSorted['mi'] = miValues miSorted['r2'] = [ ols.r2 for ols in miModels ] minIndex = miSorted.argsort(order = ('mi', 'r2'))[0] minValue = miValues[minIndex] valueSame = UTILS.compareFloat(minValue, miValue) update = False if valueSame: if olsRes.r2 > miModels[minIndex].r2: update = True else: if minValue < miValue: update = True if update: miValues[minIndex] = miValue miModels[minIndex] = olsRes miSorted['mi'][minIndex] = miValue miSorted['r2'][minIndex] = olsRes.r2 self.sumMoranRuns += 1 if miValue > self.minMI: self.sumMoranPass += 1 miOrder = list(miSorted.argsort(order = ('mi', 'r2'))) #miOrder = list(NUM.argsort(miValues)) miOrder.reverse() self.miReportRows = [] for miIndex in miOrder: try: miResult = miModels[miIndex] self.miReportRows.append( = 2)) except: pass
def copy2FC(self, outputFC): """Copies self to an output feature class. INPUTS: outputFC (str): path to output feature class """ UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC,, self.type, alias = self.alias, nullable = self.nullable, precision = self.precision, scale = self.scale, length = self.length, required = self.required, domain = self.domain)