def generate_final_report (symbol, info: 'ask_for_quote_info') -> 'final report':
    Formats the final analysis report
    closing_prices = info[0]
    dates = info[1]

    format_str = '{:<14} {:<10} {:<10} {:<10}'

    response = input(MENU)
    if response.strip() == 's':
        result = SignalStrategies.run_signal_strategy(Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(), info[0])
        indicator = result[0]
        signal = result [1]
        days = result[2]

        print('\n--------------------- Here is the final analysis report ---------------------\n')
        print('SYMBOL: {} \nSTRATEGY: Simple moving average ({}-day)\n'.format(symbol, days))
        print('DATE           CLOSE      INDICATOR  SIGNAL')
        for i in range(len(indicator)):
            print(format_str.format(dates[i], closing_prices[i], indicator[i], signal[i]))

    elif response.strip() == 'd':
        buy_threshold = input('Enter a buy threshold: ')
        sell_threshold = input('Enter a sell threshold: ')

        result = SignalStrategies.run_signal_strategy(Indicators.Directional(), info[0])
        indicator = []
        signal = []
        days = result[2]

        for i in result[0]:
            if i > 0:

        for i in range(len(result[1])):
            if result[1][i] == result[1][i-1]:
                result[1][i] = '-'
        print('\n--------------------- Here is the final analysis report ---------------------\n')
        print('SYMBOL: {}\nSTRATEGY: Directional ({}-day), buy above +{}, sell below {}\n'.format(
            symbol, days, buy_threshold, sell_threshold))
        print('DATE           CLOSE      INDICATOR  SIGNAL')
        for i in range(len(indicator)):
            print(format_str.format(dates[i], closing_prices[i], indicator[i], signal[i]))
def calcDirectionalSignal(indicator:list, days:int):
    buy = int(input('Enter your buying threshold: '))
    sell = int(input('Enter your selling threshold: '))
    while sell > buy:
        print('The selling threshold should be below the buying threshold. ')
        sell = int(input('Enter your selling threshold: '))
    p = SignalStrategies.directionalIndicatorStrategy(buy,sell)
    return p.execute(indicator)
Beispiel #3
def indicator_and_signal(price_list):
	while True:
			strategy = UserIOUtils.ask_for_signal_strategy()
			period = UserIOUtils.ask_for_period()

			if strategy == 1:
				buy_signal, sell_signal = '+', '-'
				SMA = SignalStrategies.simple_moving_average(price_list, period)
				indicator_list, signal_list = SMA.execute()
				buy_signal, sell_signal = UserIOUtils.ask_for_buy_and_sell_signals()
				DI = SignalStrategies.directional_indicator(price_list, period, buy_signal, sell_signal)
				indicator_list, signal_list = DI.execute()
			return strategy, period, buy_signal, sell_signal, indicator_list, signal_list
		except Exception as error:
			print("Invalid @ indicatorAndSignal. Please try again.")
def calcSimpleMovingAverageSignal(indicator:list, days:int, closePrices:list):
    p = SignalStrategies.simpleMovingAverageStrategy(indicator,days)
    return p.execute(closePrices)