Beispiel #1
        print("\nPlease input name of file containing city locations ")
        filename = input("Format: <filename.csv> ")
        df_TSP = pd.read_csv(filename)
        print("File with name " + filename + " found!")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("The file with name " + filename + " does not exist!")
    return df_TSP, filename

df_TSP, filename = read_file(
)  # to see comparison of optimisation methods I have used I2.csv

Solution1 = Solution(df_TSP, filename)
cost = Solution1.Cost()
cost1, sol1, test1 = Solution1.HC()  # Method 1
Solution2 = Solution(df_TSP, filename)
cost2, sol2, test2 = Solution2.HC_Swap_Insert_Reverse()  # Method 2
# simulated annealing method yields the lowest cost
# but takes a lot of computation time
Solution3 = Solution(df_TSP, filename)
cost3, sol3, test3 = Solution3.SimulatedAnnealing()  # Method 3


# Method 2 (Hill Climbing method with swap/insert/revert at random ) gives worse solution because
# it cannot produce a better solution than my initial solution obtained using GREEDY algorithm
# Method 1 (Hill Climbing method) obtains 2nd best solution but it is more efficient optimising solution