Beispiel #1
import SymbolTable

filename = sys.argv[1]
ifile = open(filename, 'r')
strfile =
instr = strfile.split('\n')
i = 0
l1 = ['', '\r', '\n']
instr_str = []
for x in instr:
    if not x.startwith('//'):
        if x not in l1:

address = 16
sym = SymbolTable.Constructor()

for x in instr_str:
    if x.find('@') >= 0 or x.find('(') >= 0:
        symbol = Parser.symbol(x)
        if not SymbolTable.contains(symbol, sym) and not symbol.isdigit():
            sym = SymbolTable.addEntry(symbol, address, sym)
            address = address + 1

while Parser.hasMoreCommands(i, instr_str):
    c_type = Parser.commandType(instr_str[i])
    if c_type == 'A':
        str1 = Parser.symbol(instr_str[i])
        if str1.isdigit():
            str1 = bin(int(str1))[2:]
            address = str1.zfill(16)
Beispiel #2
import sys
import Parser
import Code
import SymbolTable

filename = sys.argv[1]
symboldict = SymbolTable.Constructor()
rfile = open(filename, 'r')
i = 0
linepre = rfile.readline()
flag = Parser.hasMoreCommands(linepre)

while flag:
    while linepre == '\r\n' or linepre.startswith('//'):
        linepre = rfile.readline()

    if linepre.find('(') >= 0:
        linepre = linepre.strip()
        symbol = linepre.strip('()\n')
        if not SymbolTable.contains(symbol, symboldict):
            symboldict = SymbolTable.addEntry(symbol, i, symboldict)
        i += 1

    linepre = Parser.advance(rfile, linepre)
    flag = Parser.hasMoreCommands(linepre)


j = 0
Beispiel #3
import Parser
import Code
import SymbolTable as st
from sys import argv


f = open(argv[1])
lines = f.readlines()

symbol_count = 0
cmd_count = 0
bin_output = ''

# loop 1, check and build jump table
for l in lines:
	cleaned_str = Parser.clean(l)
	cmd_type = Parser.commandType(cleaned_str)

	if cmd_type == Parser.A_COMMAND:
		cmd_count = cmd_count + 1
	if cmd_type == Parser.C_COMMAND:
		cmd_count = cmd_count + 1
	if cmd_type == Parser.L_COMMAND:
		symbol = cleaned_str[1:-1]
		st.addEntry(symbol, cmd_count)

for l in lines:
	cleaned_str = Parser.clean(l)
	cmd_type = Parser.commandType(cleaned_str)
	# A command