Beispiel #1
    def callback(self,data):
        global initial_flag
        global contour
        #global contour1
        global Buffer
        global Buffer_images
        global old_gray
        global totalF
        global Score
        global p0
        global pts
        global jac
        global trackers
        global threshR
        global pts1
        global temp
        #cv_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
        old_frame1 = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
        if not initial_flag:
######################################################### REFERENCE FOR TABBING
            old_frame = cv.resize(old_frame1, None, fx=ratio, fy=ratio)
            #old_frame_c = old_frame.copy()
            means = []
            pts1 = contour #Drawing.Draw(old_frame)
            print("PTS 1 : ")
            print("PTS CONTOUR1 : ")

            old_gray, old_gray1, temp, gray_orig = Preprocessing.Track_init(old_frame, contour1)
            #   old_gray = frame rescaled, processed, with edge mask
            #   old_gray1 = frame rescaled, processed, with edge mask and with mask over ROI
            #   temp = frame rescaled, processed, cropped over boundingbox of ROI. Template for model
            #   gray_orig = frame rescaled, processed

            Buffer, Buffer_images = BufferStartUp.start(Buffer, Buffer_images, temp)
            # Buffer = buffer data
            # Buffer_images = list of model images
            p0, pts = Tracking.init(old_gray, pts1) # p0 are detected features, pts are vertices of the polygons
            # p0 = kaze features found
            # pts = input argument of vertices/points of the contour is reshaped and parsed for numpy

            #############   Initialize various variables to be used

            totalF = len(p0)  # total number of features found/detected at (re-)initialization

            Score = 1  # jaccard score of most recent (re-)initialization
            threshR = 10  # tracker ransacReprojThreshold
            jac = []  # jaccard score history
            trackers = []  # list of active trackers
            img_array = []  # not used
            times = []  # execution times
            initial_flag = True
            ##########################################   2   ############################################################
            #############   Just a small test to see if the input is an image, and if it is non NULL

                frame1 = cv.resize(old_frame1, None, fx=ratio, fy=ratio)
                # resize by predefined ratio
                #frame_orig = frame1.copy()
                # copy

            start = time.time()
            frame_gray, frame_o, frame_proc, temp = Preprocessing.Track(frame1)
            #   frame_gray = frame rescaled, processed, with edge mask
            #   frame_o = original input frame is being sent back
            #   frame_proc = frame rescaled, processed
            #   temp = frame rescaled, processed, cropped over boundingbox of ROI. Template for model. Returned regardless of edge.

            ######### This function called "" does the tracking and reinitialization. There is a LOT of code inside.
            # What returns
            # img = most recent acquired frame with tracked contour drawn on top
            # p0 = kaze features found
            # pts = input argument of vertices/points of the contour is reshaped and parsed for numpy
            # Buffer = buffer data
            # Buffer_images = list of model images
            # TotalF = total number of features found/detected at (re-)initialization
            # Score = jaccard score of most recent (re-)initialization
            # jac = jaccard score history
            # trackers = trackers that are active and have been tracked from last frame to current frame
            img, p0, pts, Buffer, Buffer_images, totalF, Score, jac, trackers = \
      , frame_gray, frame_proc, temp, Buffer, Buffer_images, frame_o, totalF, Score, p0, pts,
                            jac, trackers, threshR)
            # Arguments used for
            # old_gray = image/frame from previous loop cycle. It is frame_gray from old loop
            # frame_gray = current mose recent frame rescaled, processed, with edge mask
            # frame_proc = current most recent frame rescaled, processed
            # temp = current most recent frame rescaled, processed, cropped over boundingbox of ROI. Template for model. Returned regardless of edge.
            # Buffer = buffer data
            # Buffer_images = list of model images
            # frame_o = current most recent original input frame is being sent back
            # totalF = total number of features detected at (re-)intialization. Used as reference to see how much of the initial trackers have been lost/found
            # Score = jaccard score of most recent (re-)initialization
            # p0 = kaze features found
            # pts = input argument of vertices/points of the contour is reshaped and parsed for numpy
            # jac = jaccard score history
            # trackers = trackers that have been tracked to the last frame, from the one before it. Active trackers that we want to try to find in this loop
            # threshR = tracker ransacReprojThreshold

    ##########################################   3   ############################################################


    ###########     Just computes current fps, and prints it on the image.
            t = 1/(time.time() - start)
            cv.putText(img, 'FPS: ' + str(t), (0, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 1)

            old_gray = frame_gray.copy()

            msg = Int16MultiArray()
   = np.reshape(pts, len(pts) * len(pts[0][0]))  # , order='F')
            # preparation of point message to be published

            a1l = len(pts)
            a1l0 = len(pts[0][0])
            a1 = np.reshape(pts, a1l * a1l0)  # , order='F')
   = a1

            # This is almost always zero there is no empty padding at the start of your data
            msg.layout.data_offset = 0
            # create two dimensions in the dim array
            msg.layout.dim = [MultiArrayDimension(), MultiArrayDimension()]
            # dim[0] is the vertical dimension of your matrix
            msg.layout.dim[0].label = "axes"
            msg.layout.dim[0].size = a1l0
            msg.layout.dim[0].stride = a1l * a1l0
            # dim[1] is the horizontal dimension of your matrix
            msg.layout.dim[1].label = "vertices"
            msg.layout.dim[1].size = a1l
            msg.layout.dim[1].stride = a1l

        #except CvBridgeError as e:
        #    print(e)

            self.image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, "bgr8"))
        except CvBridgeError as e:
Beispiel #2
    #   frame_o = original input frame is being sent back
    #   frame_proc = frame rescaled, processed
    #   temp = frame rescaled, processed, cropped over boundingbox of ROI. Template for model. Returned regardless of edge.

    # What returns
    # img = most recent acquired frame with tracked contour drawn on top
    # p0 = kaze features found
    # pts = input argument of vertices/points of the contour is reshaped and parsed for numpy
    # Buffer = buffer data
    # Buffer_images = list of model images
    # TotalF = total number of features found/detected at (re-)initialization
    # Score = jaccard score of most recent (re-)initialization
    # jac = jaccard score history
    # trackers = trackers that are active and have been tracked from last frame to current frame
    img, p0, pts, Buffer, Buffer_images, totalF, Score, jac, trackers = \, frame_gray, frame_proc, temp, Buffer, Buffer_images, frame_o, totalF, Score, p0, pts, jac,
                    trackers, threshR)
    # Arguments used for
    # old_gray = image/frame from previous loop cycle. It is frame_gray from old loop
    # frame_gray = current mose recent frame rescaled, processed, with edge mask
    # frame_proc = current most recent frame rescaled, processed
    # temp = current most recent frame rescaled, processed, cropped over boundingbox of ROI. Template for model. Returned regardless of edge.
    # Buffer = buffer data
    # Buffer_images = list of model images
    # frame_o = current most recent original input frame is being sent back
    # totalF = total number of features detected at (re-)intialization. Used as reference to see how much of the initial trackers have been lost/found
    # Score = jaccard score of most recent (re-)initialization
    # p0 = kaze features found
    # pts = input argument of vertices/points of the contour is reshaped and parsed for numpy
    # jac = jaccard score history
    # trackers = trackers that have been tracked to the last frame, from the one before it. Active trackers that we want to try to find in this loop
    # threshR = tracker ransacReprojThreshold