def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(TraktTV, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) self.db = TraktTVDB(dbfilename) world.flushers.append(self.db.flush) self.APIKEY = self.registryValue("apikey")
class TraktTV(callbacks.PluginRegexp): socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) SITEURL = "" APIURL = "" def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(TraktTV, self) self.__parent.__init__(irc) self.db = TraktTVDB(dbfilename) world.flushers.append(self.db.flush) self.APIKEY = self.registryValue("apikey") def die(self): if self.db.flush in world.flushers: world.flushers.remove(self.db.flush) self.db.close() self.__parent.die() def setUserId(self, irc, msg, args, newId): """<id> Sets the TraktTV ID for the caller and saves it in a database. """ self.db.set(msg.nick, newId) irc.reply("TraktTV ID changed.") #self.profile(irc, msg, args) set = wrap(setUserId, ["something"]) def keyCheck(self, irc): if len(self.APIKEY) < 1: irc.reply("You can't use this command until you've set an API key!") return False else: return True def trendingMovies(self, irc, msg, args, wtf): """Get a list of movies trending right now""" if not self.keyCheck(irc): return False url = "%s/movies/trending.json/%s" % (self.APIURL, self.APIKEY) try: f = urllib2.urlopen(url) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: irc.error("Error: %s" % (e.code)) print return data = simplejson.load(f) movies = 0 for movie in data: movies += 1 people = "people" if movie["watchers"] == 1: people = "person"; are = "are" if movie["watchers"] == 1: are = "is" irc.reply(("%d %s %s now watching: %s (%d) | %s | %d%% | Trailer: %s" % ( movie["watchers"], people, are, movie["title"], movie["year"], movie["url"], movie["ratings"]["percentage"], movie["trailer"] )).encode("utf-8")) if movies >= 5: break