Beispiel #1
	def complete(self):
		for i in range(len(self.args)):
			arg = self.args[i]
			if (arg.__class__.__name__ == 'str'):
				type = arg
				name = "a%d" % (i+1,)
				attr = {}
				# hack to remove class
				#if type[0:5] == "class": type = type[6:]
				self.args[i] = (TypeMap.getTypename(type), name, attr)
			elif (arg.__class__.__name__ == 'tuple'):
				if (len(arg) > 3): print "Error"
				if (len(arg) == 0): print "Error"
				if (len(arg) == 1):
					type = arg[0]
					name = "a%d" % (i+1,)
					attr = {}
					# hack to remove class
					#if type[0:5] == "class": type = type[6:]
					self.args[i] = (TypeMap.getTypename(type), name, attr)
				elif len(arg) == 2:
					type = arg[0]
					if arg[1].__class__.__name__ == 'str':
						name = arg[1]
						attr = {}
					elif arg[1].__class__.__name__ == 'dict':
						name = "a%d" % (i+1,)
						attr =arg[1] 
					# hack to remove class
					#if type[0:5] == "class": type = type[6:]
					self.args[i] = (TypeMap.getTypename(type), name, attr)
				else: # len  = 3
					self.args[i] = (TypeMap.getTypename(self.args[i][0]), self.args[i][1], self.args[i][2])

		self.ndefaults = 0
		for i in range(len(self.args)):
			arg = self.args[i]
			if arg[2].has_key('default'):
				self.ndefaults = self.ndefaults+1
			elif self.ndefaults != 0:  # arg wo default following args with default
				print "Error: argument ", i+1, " of ",, "must have a default value"
				import sys
Beispiel #2
	def __init__(self, retval, args= [], flags = None):
		self.retval = TypeMap.getTypename(retval)
		self.args = ArgList()
		for a in args: self.args.add(a)
		self.ownresult = 0

		self.protected = 0
		self.private = 0
		self.virtual = 0
		self.const = 0
		self.static = 0
		self.abstract = 0
		self.isimpl = 0
		self.doc = None
		if flags:
			if 'c' in flags: self.const = 1
			if 'p' in flags: self.protected = 1
			if 'P' in flags: self.private = 1
			if 'v' in flags: self.virtual = 1
			if 's' in flags: self.static = 1
			if 'a' in flags: self.abstract = 1
			if 'i' in flags: self.isimpl = 1
		self.implementation = ""
Beispiel #3
 for arg,val in options:
   if arg == '-h' or arg == '--help': print_help(); sys.exit (0)
   if arg == '-v' or arg == '--version': print_help (false); sys.exit (0)
   if arg == '--aida-debug': config['pass-exceptions'] = 1
   if arg == '-o': config['output'] = val
   if arg == '-I': config['includedirs'] += [ val ]
   if arg == '--insertions': config['insertions'] += [ val ]
   if arg == '--inclusions': config['inclusions'] += [ val ]
   if arg == '--skip-skels': config['skip-skels'] += [ val ]
   if arg == '-G': config['backend-options'] += [ val ]
   if arg == '-x': module_import (val)
   if arg == '--bse-extensions': config['bse-extensions'] = True
   if arg == '--cc-intern-file':
     import TypeMap
     data = open (val).read()
     s = TypeMap.cquote (data)
     print '// This file is generated by aidacc. DO NOT EDIT.'
     print 'static const char intern_%s[] =' % re.sub (r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', val)
     print '  ' + re.sub ('\n', '\n  ', s) + ";"
     sys.exit (0)
   if arg == '--list-formats':
     print "\nAvailable Output Formats:"
     b = __Aida__.list_backends()
     for bname in b:
       bedoc = __Aida__.backends[bname][1]
       bedoc = re.sub ('\n\s*\n', '\n', bedoc)                         # remove empty lines
       bedoc = re.compile (r'^', re.MULTILINE).sub ('    ', bedoc)     # indent
       print "  %s" % bname
       if bedoc:
         print bedoc.rstrip()
Beispiel #4
 if arg == '-v' or arg == '--version':
 if arg == '--aida-debug': config['pass-exceptions'] = 1
 if arg == '-o': config['output'] = val
 if arg == '-I': config['includedirs'] += [val]
 if arg == '--insertions': config['insertions'] += [val]
 if arg == '--inclusions': config['inclusions'] += [val]
 if arg == '--skip-skels': config['skip-skels'] += [val]
 if arg == '-G': config['backend-options'] += [val]
 if arg == '-x': module_import(val)
 if arg == '--bse-extensions': config['bse-extensions'] = True
 if arg == '--cc-intern-file':
     import TypeMap
     data = open(val).read()
     s = TypeMap.cquote(data)
     print '// This file is generated by aidacc. DO NOT EDIT.'
     print 'static const char intern_%s[] =' % re.sub(
         r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', val)
     print '  ' + re.sub('\n', '\n  ', s) + ";"
 if arg == '--list-formats':
     print "\nAvailable Output Formats:"
     b = __Aida__.list_backends()
     for bname in b:
         bedoc = __Aida__.backends[bname][1]
         bedoc = re.sub('\n\s*\n', '\n', bedoc)  # remove empty lines
         bedoc = re.compile(r'^', re.MULTILINE).sub('    ',
                                                    bedoc)  # indent
         print "  %s" % bname
         if bedoc:
Beispiel #5
	def addStaticMember(self, name, type):
		self.staticmembers[name] = Member(name, TypeMap.getTypename(type))