Beispiel #1
    def uptime( self, sock, words ):
        """returns the current uptime"""
        msg = Uptime.getUptime().getString()

        self.sendMessage( sock, msg )
Beispiel #2
import Inbound
import Display
import SpamFilter

import sys
import os
import Acl
import Config
import QuoteThread
import Uptime
if __name__ == "__main__":

    #start the uptime counter
    Config.loadConfig( "rogie.cfg" )
    config = Config.getConfig()
    protocol = config.getString("login", "protocol")
    #init the protocol we are going to use
    Protocol.initProtocol( protocol )
    protocol = Protocol.getProtocol()   
    #first get the cookie and id's     
    nick = config.getString( "login", "username" )
    passwd = config.getString( "login", "password" )