Beispiel #1
import VkInline as vki
import numpy as np

darr = vki.device_vector_from_list(range(1,1025), 'int')

kernel = vki.Computer(['dst', 'src', 'n'],
shared {0} s_buf[{1}];
void main()
	uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
	uint i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
	if (i<n) s_buf[tid] = get_value(src, i);
	for (uint s = {1}/2; s>0; s>>=1)
		if (tid < s && i+s<n)
    		s_buf[tid] += s_buf[tid + s];
	if (tid==0) set_value(dst, gl_WorkGroupID.x, s_buf[tid]);	

dst  = darr
while dst.size()>1:
	src = dst
	n = src.size()
	blocks = int((n + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE)
	dst = vki.SVVector("int", blocks)
Beispiel #2
sky_cube = np.array('cubemap.png').convert('RGBA'))
gpu_sky_cube = vki.Cubemap(512, 512, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB)

sky = fri.TexturedSky(0)

kernel = vki.Computer(['camera', 'sky'],
void main()
    int x = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);
    int y = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y);
    if (x >= || y> return;

    float fx = float(x)+0.5;
    float fy = float(y)+0.5;

    vec3 origin, dir;
    generate_ray(camera, fx, fy, 0.0, 0.0, origin, dir);
    Spectrum col = get_sky_color(sky, dir);
    incr_pixel(, x, y, col);

blockSize = (8,8)
gridSize = (int((width+7)/8), int((height+7)/8))
kernel.launch(gridSize, blockSize, [camera, sky], cubemaps = [gpu_sky_cube])
Beispiel #3
class RNGInitializer(vki.ShaderViewable):
    def __init__(self):
        xorwow_data = np.fromfile(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' +
        self.d_xorwow_data = vki.device_vector_from_numpy(xorwow_data)
        self.m_cptr = SVCombine_Create({'data': self.d_xorwow_data}, '''
void matvec_i(int i, uint v_i, in Comb_#hash# initializer, int offset, inout V5 result)
    for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
        if ((v_i & (1 << j))!=0)
            int k = (i * 32 + j)*5 + offset;            
            result.v0 ^= get_value(, k);
            result.v1 ^= get_value(, k + 1);
            result.v2 ^= get_value(, k + 2);
            result.v3 ^= get_value(, k + 3);
            result.v4 ^= get_value(, k + 4);

void matvec(in V5 vector, in Comb_#hash# initializer, int offset, inout V5 result)
    result.v0 = result.v1 = result.v2 = result.v3 = result.v4 = 0;
    matvec_i(0, vector.v0, initializer, offset, result);
    matvec_i(1, vector.v1, initializer, offset, result);
    matvec_i(2, vector.v2, initializer, offset, result);
    matvec_i(3, vector.v3, initializer, offset, result);
    matvec_i(4, vector.v4, initializer, offset, result);                    

void state_init(in Comb_#hash# initializer, uint64_t seed, uint64_t subsequence, inout RNGState state)
    if (subsequence>= (1<<18) ) subsequence= (1<<18) -1;

    uint s0 = uint(seed) ^ 0xaad26b49U;
    uint s1 = uint(seed >> 32) ^ 0xf7dcefddU;
    uint t0 = 1099087573U * s0;
    uint t1 = 2591861531U * s1;
    state.d = 6615241 + t1 + t0;
    state.v.v0 = 123456789U + t0;
    state.v.v1 = 362436069U ^ t0;
    state.v.v2 = 521288629U + t1;
    state.v.v3 = 88675123U ^ t1;
    state.v.v4 = 5783321U + t0;

    // apply sequence matrix
    V5 result;
    uint64_t p = subsequence;
    int i_mat = 0;

    while (p!=0 && i_mat<7)
        for (uint t = 0; t < (p & 3); t++)
            matvec(state.v, initializer, i_mat*800, result);
            state.v = result;
        p >>= 2;
    for (uint t = 0; t < (p & 0xF); t++)
        matvec(state.v, initializer, i_mat*800, result);
        state.v = result;

    rand_init = vki.Computer(['initializer', 'arr_out'],
void main()
    uint id = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
    if (id >= get_size(arr_out)) return;
    RNGState state;
    state_init(initializer, 1234, uint64_t(id), state);
    set_value(arr_out, id, state);

    def InitRNGVector(self, arr_out):
        blocks = int((arr_out.size() + 127) / 128)
        self.rand_init.launch(blocks, 128, [self, arr_out])
Beispiel #4
# interface with numpy
harr = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], dtype='float32')
darr = vki.device_vector_from_numpy(harr)

# GLSL data type

harr2 = np.array([6, 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype='int32')
darr2 = vki.device_vector_from_numpy(harr2)

# kernel with auto parameters, launched twice with different types
kernel = vki.Computer(['arr_in', 'arr_out', 'k'], '''
void main()
    uint id = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
    if (id >= get_size(arr_in)) return;
    set_value(arr_out, id, get_value(arr_in, id)*k);

darr_out = vki.SVVector('float', 5)
kernel.launch(1, 128, [darr, darr_out, vki.SVFloat(10.0)])

darr_out = vki.SVVector('int', 5)
kernel.launch(1, 128, [darr2, darr_out, vki.SVInt32(5)])

# create a vector from python list with GLSL type specified
darr3 = vki.device_vector_from_list([3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0], 'float')
Beispiel #5
width = image_in.shape[1]
height = image_in.shape[0]

tex2d = vki.Texture2D(width, height, VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB)

darr = vki.SVVector('vec4', width * height)

kernel = vki.Computer(['width', 'height', 'arr'], '''
void main()
    uint x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
    uint y = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y;
    if (x >= width || y>=height) return;

    float u = (float(x)+0.5)/float(width);
    float v = (float(y)+0.5)/float(height);

    vec4 rgba = texture(arr_tex2d[0], vec2(u,v));

    set_value(arr, x+y*width, rgba);

blockSize = (8, 8)
gridSize = (int((width + 7) / 8), int((height + 7) / 8))

    [vki.SVInt32(width), vki.SVInt32(height), darr],
Beispiel #6
import FeiRaysInline as fri
from PIL import Image

width = 640
height = 480

film = fri.Film(width, height)

kernel = vki.Computer(['film'], '''
void main()
    int x = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);
    int y = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y);
    if (x >= film.width || y>=film.height) return;

    float u = (float(x)+0.5)/float(film.width);
    float v = (float(y)+0.5)/float(film.height);

    Spectrum color;
    from_rgb(color, vec3(u, v, 0.0));
    incr_pixel(film, x, y, color);

blockSize = (8, 8)
gridSize = (int((width + 7) / 8), int((height + 7) / 8))
kernel.launch(gridSize, blockSize, [film])

img_out = film.download_srgb()
Image.fromarray(img_out, 'RGBA').save('output.png')