def alerts(self, sender):
        # Retrieve alerts
        alerts = wa.get_alerts(json_w, json_f)
    Kill sceneview to cut memory overhead, textview
    then loads much faster.  Note too that when
    textview is loaded via .present() without
    killing the sceneview, the sceneview will lock
    up after closing the textview window.
        tv = ui.TextView()
        #w, h = ui.get_screen_size()
        #tv.frame = (0, 20, w, h / 1.2)
        tv.frame = self.bounds
        tv.border_color = 'grey'
        tv.border_width = 3
        tv.background_color = ('white')
        tv.text = alerts
        tv.editable = False
        tv.selectable = False
        tv.font = ('<system>', 9)

 def __init__(self, in_scene):
   # Set up title bar with web view button
   b1 = ui.ButtonItem('Web View', action = self.web_weather, tint_color = 'black')
   self.right_button_items = [b1]
   # If any severe weather then set up a button to view the alerts
   if len(wa.get_alerts(json_w, json_f)) != 0:
     b2 = ui.ButtonItem('Severe Weather Alert', action = self.alerts, tint_color = 'red')
     self.left_button_items = [b2]
   self.scene_view = scene.SceneView(frame = self.bounds)
   self.scene_view.scene = in_scene