from Wordlist import *
wl = Wordlist()
wl = Wordlist()
wl.addWordsFromFile( "scrambledwordslist.txt", 4 )
wl.addWordsFromFile( "scrambledwordslist.txt", 5 )
#import needed modules
from Wordlist import *
from Permutations import *
import time

#create wordlist, import words of len 5 or 6
wl = Wordlist()

#set a filename
filename = "scrambledwordslist.txt"

#start timer
start = time.time()

#import words from filename
wl.addWordsFromFile( filename , 5 )
wl.addWordsFromFile( filename , 6 )

#stop timer
end = time.time()

print ("Using words from %s" %filename)
print ("The Wordlist contains ", str(len(wl)))
print ("Building the Wordlist took %2.3f seconds" % (end - start))

    #Keep program running until exit
while True:

    #user inputs word (or type 'exit')           
    word = input("\nEnter a scrambled word (or EXIT): ")
Beispiel #3
def main():

    # The next if fakes command line arguments by setting sys.argv explicitly.

    line = input("")
    sys.argv = line.split()

    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        # The user didn't supply any command line args, so we have to set
        # them manually.
        # Change this if you need to
        sys.argv = ["", "flat"]

    while len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Please supply a command line argument: flat or sort.")
        print("Re-enter command.")
        line = input("")
        sys.argv = line.split()

    if sys.argv[1] == "flat":
        word_lst = Wordlist()
        print("Using flat unsorted wordlist.")

    elif sys.argv[1] == "sort":
        word_lst = SortedWordlist()
        print("Using sorted wordlist.")

    start = time.time()

    # stop timer
    end = time.time()

    # Print the name of the list, the number of words in the list, and
    # the time it took to generate that word list
    # print ("Using sorted wordlist")
    print("The Wordlist contains " + str(len(word_lst)) + " words.")
    print("Building the Wordlist took %2.3f seconds." % (end - start))

    while True:

        # Ask user to input a word
        word = input("Enter a scrambled word (or EXIT): ")

        # If the user types "exit", break the program
        if word.lower() == "exit":
            print("Thanks for playing! Goodbye.")
        # If the word if less than 5 letters or more than 6 letters,
        # ask the user to input a 5 or 6 letter word
        if len(word) < 5 or len(word) > 6:
            print("You did not enter a 5 or 6 letter word, try again")

        # find the number of total and unique permutations of the users word
        x, y = howManyPerms(word)
        print("Found %d permutations; %d unique permutations" % (x, y))

        # start timer for comparing the permutations generated, with the
        # list of words from Wordlist(ADT)
        start2 = time.time()

        # Initialize a count for the number of permutations checked, before
        # a match is found in the Wordlist(ADT)
        count = 0
        comparisonsMade = 0
        found = False

        for perm in allPerms(word):
            count += 1
            # If the permutation generated matches a word from the Wordlist(ADT)
            # print the word found
            if perm in word_lst._wordlist:
                index, comparisons = word_lst.findWord(perm)
                comparisonsMade += comparisons
                # stop timer for comparing the permutations with words
                # from Wordlist(ADT)
                end2 = time.time()
                print("Found word: " + perm)
                found = True
        if not found:
            end2 = time.time()
            print("Word not found. Try again.")

            # index, comparisons = word_lst.findWord(perm)
        # stop timer if no permutations are found
        # end2 = time.time()

        # Print the time it took to find a permutation of the word, the number
        # of permutations chaecked, and number of comparisons made
        print("Solving this jumble took %2.5f seconds." % (end2 - start2))
        print("Checked %d permutations" % (count))
        print("Made %d comparisons" % (comparisonsMade))