Beispiel #1
def local_datetime_to_utc_as_str(target: datetime) -> str:
    """Make datetime string representation in UTC timezone. Use it just for local time!

         String representation of without and taking into the account time zone formatted in UTC timezone.
            Do not make changes if already in UTC timezone or does not have any.
    if target.tzinfo is None or not target.utcoffset() or target.tzinfo == pytz.utc:
        target = target.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
        return target.isoformat()

    utc_offset_timedelta = datetime.datetime.utcnow() -
    target = target.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
    result_utc_datetime = target + utc_offset_timedelta
    return result_utc_datetime.isoformat()
Beispiel #2
def datetime_to_utc_as_str(target: datetime) -> str:
    """Make datetime string representation in UTC timezone.

        String representation of without and taking into the account time zone formatted in UTC timezone.
            If no timezone - UTC timezone will be added.
            - 2020-04-03 05:00:07.086149+00:00 -> 2020-04-03 05:00:07.086149+00:00
            - 2020-04-03 05:00:07.086149+02:00 -> 2020-04-03 03:00:07.086149+00:00
    if target.tzinfo is None or not target.utcoffset() or target.tzinfo == pytz.utc:
        target = target.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
        return target.isoformat()

    # to this part we should get only datetime with particular timezone offset
    res = target.astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
    return res.isoformat()