def talker():
	pub = rospy.Publisher('/some/topic', target, queue_size=1000)

	rospy.init_node('target_dude', anonymous=True)
	rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz

	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		target_vels = target()
		target_vels.linvel = 0.2
		target_vels.angvel = 0.0
Beispiel #2
def calc_angle(cx, cy, ctheta, gx, gy, gtheta):

    pub = rospy.Publisher("/some/topic", target, queue_size=1000)
    delta_x = gx - cx
    delta_y = gy - cy

    kp = 0.8

    msg = target()
    print("my goal is : ", gx, gy)

    if not delta_x == 0:

        #	print("Detla X WAS NOT 0")
        if 0 > delta_x and 0 < delta_y:
            vtheta = pi + atan(delta_y / delta_x)
        elif 0 < delta_x and 0 > delta_y:
            vtheta = atan(delta_y / delta_x)
        elif 0 > delta_x and 0 > delta_y:
            vtheta = atan(delta_y / delta_x) - pi
            vtheta = atan(delta_y / delta_x)

        if 0 < ctheta and ctheta > vtheta + pi:
            angle = vtheta - ctheta + 2 * pi
            angle = vtheta - ctheta

        msg.linvel = 0.2
        msg.angvel = angle * kp

        vr = (2 * msg.linvel + msg.angvel * 0.125) / (2 * 0.02)
        vl = (2 * msg.linvel - msg.angvel * 0.125) / (2 * 0.02)
        #print("rVel = %f" % vr)
        #print("lVel = %f" % vl)

Beispiel #3
def calc_angle(cx, cy, ctheta, gx, gy, mode):
    global goal_reached

    pub = rospy.Publisher("/some/topic", target, queue_size=1000)
    #pub_log = rospy.Publisher("/wheel/vels", Pose2D, queue_size=1000)

    anglim = 7.0
    linlim = 0.5
    direct = True

    kp = 3
    kp_lin = 0.7

    delta_x = gx - cx
    delta_y = gy - cy

    msg = target()

    #-----------------------------Calc Angle Error--------------------------------

    if not delta_x == 0:

        if 0 > delta_x and 0 < delta_y:
            vtheta = pi + atan(delta_y / delta_x)
        elif 0 < delta_x and 0 > delta_y:
            vtheta = atan(delta_y / delta_x)
        elif 0 > delta_x and 0 > delta_y:
            vtheta = atan(delta_y / delta_x) - pi
            vtheta = atan(delta_y / delta_x)

        if ctheta < vtheta - pi:
            angle = vtheta - ctheta - 2 * pi
        elif ctheta > vtheta + pi:
            angle = vtheta - ctheta + 2 * pi
            angle = vtheta - ctheta

        print("BEFORE :", degrees(angle))

        if angle > pi / 2:
            angle = (angle - pi)
            direct = False
        if angle < -pi / 2:
            angle = (angle + pi)
            direct = False

        print("AFTER :", degrees(angle))
        #print(vtheta, ctheta, degrees(angle))

        #---------------------------Velocity assigment---------------------------------

        angvel = angle * kp

        if angvel > anglim:
            angvel = anglim
        elif angvel < -anglim:
            angvel = -anglim

        linvel = linlim - (linlim / anglim) * abs(angvel)

        if direct == False:
            linvel = -linvel

        dist = sqrt(delta_x**2 + delta_y**2)

        #print("I was called", gx, gy, mode)
        #print("DISTANCE TO Goal :", dist)

        if dist < break_length and linvel > linlim * kp_lin and mode == 0:
            if direct == True:
                linvel = linlim * kp_lin
                linvel = -linlim * kp_lin


        if dist < 0.050:
            if mode != 0:
                linvel = 0
                angvel = 0

                msg.linvel = linvel
                msg.angvel = angvel

            goal_reached = True

        msg.linvel = linvel
        msg.angvel = angvel

Beispiel #4
#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from AGV5.msg import target

pub = rospy.Publisher('target/velocities', target, queue_size=1000)

r = rospy.Rate(2)

while not rospy.is_shutdown():

    t = target()

    t.linvel = 0.8
    t.angvel = 0.4
