def _predict_sample( region_ds_path, region_dim, modalities, fillna_by_zero, sample, output_path, mask_cutoff=0.3, chunk_size=100000, ): # set dask scheduler to allow multiprocessing with dask.config.set(scheduler="sync"): if region_dim == "query-region": model = joblib.load(f"{region_ds_path}/model/train-region_model.lib") elif region_dim == "query-dmr": model = joblib.load(f"{region_ds_path}/model/train-dmr_model.lib") else: raise ValueError( f'Only accept ["query-region", "query-dmr"], got {region_dim}' ) # for query, we don't filter nan, but drop the nan value in final data table region_ds =, region_dim=region_dim) region_ids = region_ds.get_index(region_dim) total_proba = [] for chunk_start in range(0, region_ids.size, chunk_size): use_regions = region_ids[chunk_start: chunk_start + chunk_size] _region_ds = region_ds.sel({region_dim: use_regions}) data, _ = _get_data_and_label( region_ds=_region_ds, modalities=modalities, sample=sample, fillna_by_zero_list=fillna_by_zero, ) # before dropna, save the index total_index = data.index.copy() # sample specific NaN drop data.dropna(inplace=True) # predict proba = model.predict_proba(data.astype(np.float64)) enhancer_proba = pd.Series(proba[:, 1], index=data.index).reindex( total_index ) # NA value has 0 proba enhancer_proba.fillna(0, inplace=True) total_proba.append(enhancer_proba) total_proba = pd.DataFrame({sample: pd.concat(total_proba).astype(np.float16)}) # mask small values total_proba[total_proba < mask_cutoff] = 0 = region_ds.region_dim = "sample" total_proba = xr.Dataset({f"{region_dim}_prediction": total_proba}) RegionDS(total_proba).to_zarr(output_path, mode="w") return output_path
def _create_query_dmr_ds(reptile, dmr_regions_bed_df): query_dmr_ds = RegionDS.from_bed( dmr_regions_bed_df, chrom_size_path=reptile.chrom_size_path, location=reptile.output_path, region_dim="query-dmr", ) return
def _create_query_region_ds(reptile): pybedtools.BedTool().makewindows( g=reptile.chrom_size_path, s=reptile.step_size, w=reptile.window_size ).saveas(f"{reptile.output_path}/query_region.bed") query_region_ds = RegionDS.from_bed( f"{reptile.output_path}/query_region.bed", chrom_size_path=reptile.chrom_size_path, location=reptile.output_path, region_dim="query-region", )"rm -f {reptile.output_path}/query_region.bed", shell=True) return
def _create_train_dmr_ds(reptile, train_regions_bed, train_label): # total DMRs dmr_regions_bed = pybedtools.BedTool(reptile.dmr_regions).sort( g=reptile.chrom_size_path ) dmr_regions_bed_df = dmr_regions_bed.to_dataframe() # train DMRs and train DMR labels train_dmr =, c=4, o="collapse").to_dataframe() dmr_label = defaultdict(list) for _, row in train_dmr.iterrows(): *_, train_region, dmrs = row if dmrs == ".": continue dmrs = dmrs.split(",") for dmr in dmrs: dmr_label[dmr].append(train_label[train_region]) # some DMR might have multiple labels consistent_dmr_label = {} for dmr, dmr_labels in dmr_label.items(): if (len(dmr_labels) == 1) or (len(set(dmr_labels)) == 1): consistent_dmr_label[dmr] = dmr_labels[0] else: # dmr has in consistent label continue dmr_label = pd.Series(consistent_dmr_label) = "train-dmr" train_dmr_regions_bed_df = ( dmr_regions_bed_df.set_index("name") .loc[dmr_label.index] .reset_index() .iloc[:, [1, 2, 3, 0]] ) # train DMR RegionDS train_dmr_ds = RegionDS.from_bed( train_dmr_regions_bed_df, chrom_size_path=reptile.chrom_size_path, location=reptile.output_path, region_dim="train-dmr", ) train_dmr_ds.coords["train-dmr_label"] = dmr_label return dmr_regions_bed_df
def _create_train_region_ds(reptile): # train regions train_regions_bed = pybedtools.BedTool(reptile.train_regions).sort( g=reptile.chrom_size_path ) # train region labels train_label = pd.read_csv( reptile.train_region_labels, sep="\t", index_col=0, squeeze=True ) = "train-region" train_regions_bed_df = train_regions_bed.to_dataframe() # train RegionDS train_region_ds = RegionDS.from_bed( train_regions_bed_df, chrom_size_path=reptile.chrom_size_path, location=reptile.output_path, region_dim="train-region", ) train_region_ds.coords["train-region_label"] = train_label return train_regions_bed, train_label
def _dump_sample(self, sample, mask_cutoff, bw_bin_size): # set dask scheduler to allow multiprocessing with dask.config.set(scheduler="sync"): dmr_pred =, region_dim="query-dmr") region_pred =, region_dim="query-region") # save DMR prediction proba dmr_bed_df = dmr_pred.get_bed(with_id=False) dmr_value = dmr_pred.get_feature( sample, dim="sample", da_name="query-dmr_prediction" ) dmr_bed_df["score"] = dmr_value dmr_bed_df = dmr_bed_df[dmr_bed_df["score"] > mask_cutoff].copy() dmr_bed_df.sort_values(["chrom", "start"], inplace=True) dmr_bed_df.to_csv( f"{self.bigwig_dir}/{sample}", sep="\t", index=None, header=None, ) # save region prediction proba region_bed_df = region_pred.get_bed(with_id=False) region_value = region_pred.get_feature( sample, dim="sample", da_name="query-region_prediction" ) region_bed_df["score"] = region_value region_bed_df = region_bed_df[region_bed_df["score"] > mask_cutoff].copy() region_bed_df.sort_values(["chrom", "start"], inplace=True) region_bed_df.to_csv( f"{self.bigwig_dir}/{sample}", sep="\t", index=None, header=None, ) bw_path = f"{self.bigwig_dir}/{sample}" with, "w") as bw: chrom_sizes = pd.read_csv( self.chrom_size_path, sep="\t", index_col=0, header=None, squeeze=True, ).to_dict() bw.addHeader( [(k, v) for k, v in pd.Series(chrom_sizes).sort_index().items()] ) p = f"bedtools unionbedg -i " f"{self.bigwig_dir}/{sample} " f"{self.bigwig_dir}/{sample}", shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf8", ) cur_bin = 0 cur_scores = [0] for line in p.stdout.split("\n"): if line == "": continue if line[-1] == ".": # no score continue chrom, start, end, *scores = line.split("\t") score = max(map(float, scores)) start_bin = int(start) // bw_bin_size end_bin = int(end) // bw_bin_size + 1 for bin_id in range(start_bin, end_bin): if bin_id > cur_bin: # save previous bin cur_pos = cur_bin * bw_bin_size mean_score = sum(cur_scores) / len(cur_scores) try: bw.addEntries( chrom, [cur_pos], values=[mean_score], span=bw_bin_size, ) except RuntimeError as e: print(chrom, cur_pos, mean_score, bw_bin_size) raise e # init new bin cur_bin = bin_id cur_scores = [score] elif bin_id == cur_bin: # the same bin, take average cur_scores.append(score) else: # no score, initial state pass # final cur_pos = cur_bin * bw_bin_size mean_score = sum(cur_scores) / len(cur_scores) try: bw.addEntries( chrom, [cur_pos], values=[mean_score], span=bw_bin_size ) except RuntimeError as e: print(chrom, cur_pos, mean_score, bw_bin_size) raise e f"rm -f {self.bigwig_dir}/{sample} " f"{self.bigwig_dir}/{sample}", shell=True, ) return bw_path
def query_dmr_ds(self): if self._query_dmr_ds is None: self._query_dmr_ds =, region_dim="query-dmr") return self._query_dmr_ds
def query_region_ds(self): if self._query_region_ds is None: self._query_region_ds = self.output_path, region_dim="query-region", engine="zarr" ) return self._query_region_ds
def train_dmr_ds(self): if self._train_dmr_ds is None: self._train_dmr_ds = self.output_path, region_dim="train-dmr", engine="zarr" ) return self._train_dmr_ds