Beispiel #1
    #                             representation of the bins
    myAnn = ANN(
        (2, 20, 10, 10, NUM_BINS),
        activation_ids=(Activation_Type.IDENTITY, Activation_Type.SIGMOID,
                        Activation_Type.SIGMOID, Activation_Type.SIGMOID,

    ALPHA = 0.05
    rms_levels = []
    percent_correct_levels = []
    for j in range(24 * RUNS_PER_IMAGE):
        num_correct = 0
        for i in range(len(train_inp)):
            myAnn.backpropagate(train_outp[i], ALPHA)
        for i in range(len(validate_inp)):
            result = myAnn.predict(validate_inp[i])
            if np.argmax(validate_outp[i]) == np.argmax(result):
                num_correct += 1
        percent_correct = num_correct / len(validate_inp) * 100
        if j % RUNS_PER_IMAGE == 0:
            output = []
            for i in range(len(train_inp)):
                           x_offset=int(100 * j / RUNS_PER_IMAGE) % 600,
                           y_offset=100 + 100 * int(
                               (100 * j / RUNS_PER_IMAGE) / 600))
Beispiel #2
class TrigTester:

    def __init__(self):
        creating an ANN for identifying the sin of an angle. Since we'll be taking in values in the range of -2π, +2π, and
        outputting values from -1, 1, we're using the identity activation function for our input and output layers, saving
        the sigmoid for the hidden layers.
        self.myANN = ANN(layer_sizes=(1,10,10,1), activation_ids=(Activation_Type.IDENTITY,

    def generate_sin_data(self, N:int, noise:float=0 )-> np.ndarray:
        Generates a set of N number pairs: (ø,sinø), with a random bit of noise in the sin result.
        :param N: the number of pairs requested
        :param noise: a bit of random noise added to the output sine. Default is zero noise.
        :return: a N x 2 numpy array of theta and sin(theta) + random noise, if any.
        result = []
        for i in range (N):
            x = random.random()*4*math.pi -2*math.pi
            y = math.sin(x)+noise*(random.random()-0.5)
        return np.array(result)

    def run_training(self,train_data:np.ndarray):
        Trains the ANN with one cycle of the given data set.
        :param train_data: an N x 2 set of input, output values
        :return: None
        for i in range(train_data.shape[0]):
            expected = np.array((train_data[i][1],))

    def perform_N_training_iterations(self,N:int,train_data:np.ndarray):
        Convenience function to perform N cycles of run_training()
        :param N: Number of passes through the training data
        :param train_data: an N x 2 set of input, output values
        :return: None
        for i in range(N):
            # print(f"Training cycle: {i}")

    def rate_performance(self, data_set_to_test:np.ndarray):
        does a prediction for the input of the given data and compares it to the given output data, calculating the
        RMSE (root mean squared error)
        :param data_set_to_test: an M x 2 set of input, output values
        :return: the RMSE for this data set, a float. Ideally, this will be zero.
        sum_squared_error = 0
        for i in range(data_set_to_test.shape[0]):
            xx = data_set_to_test[i][0]
            yy = self.myANN.predict(np.array((xx)))
            sum_squared_error += math.pow(yy[0] - data_set_to_test[i][1], 2)
        rms = math.sqrt(sum_squared_error)/(len(data_set_to_test) - 1)
        return rms

    def get_predictions(self,input_data:np.ndarray)->List[float]:
        gets the list of predicted values from the ANN on the input portion of the given data
        :param input_data: a set of M x 2 input, output values (output is ignored).
        :return: a list of corresponding output values.
        output = np.zeros((input_data.shape[0]))
        for i in range(len(input_data)):
        return output