def init_api(self): """ Retrieve user and package settings and start CodeCook api. """ settings = self.view.settings() user = settings.get('cc_user') key = settings.get('cc_key') api_server = settings.get('cc_api_server', None) if user == None or key == None: sublime.error_message("Username and key need to be defined (keys: 'cc_user' and 'cc_key'). Go to for an account and key") return self.api = CodecookApi() if api_server: self.api.configure(user, key, api_server) else: self.api.configure(user, key)
# # Load settings # # print "opening config file..." config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config_file = get_config_file() with open(config_file, 'r') as configfile: cc_user = config.get('DEFAULT', 'cc_user') cc_key = config.get('DEFAULT', 'cc_key') if cc_user == None or cc_key == None: print "user data configuration not set. Please run config program." api = CodecookApi() api.configure(cc_user, cc_key) # print "configuration loaded." # # Start command line UI # def exit_on_q(key): if key in ( 'q', 'Q', 'esc', ): raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import pyperclip import re import urwid from API import CodecookApi from menu import * api = CodecookApi() class Menu(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, title, title_obj_list): widget = self.load(title, title_obj_list) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, widget) def load(self, title, dict): """ Build ListBox with title and buttons from dictionary. return Widget """ body = [urwid.Text(title), urwid.Divider()] for key, value in dict.iteritems(): button = urwid.Button(key) urwid.connect_signal(button, 'click', self.item_chosen, value) body.append(urwid.AttrMap(button, None, focus_map='reversed')) list_box = urwid.ListBox(body) adapter = urwid.BoxAdapter(list_box, 100) return adapter
# # Load settings # # print "opening config file..." config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config_file = get_config_file() with open(config_file, 'r') as configfile: cc_user = config.get('DEFAULT', 'cc_user') cc_key = config.get('DEFAULT', 'cc_key') if cc_user == None or cc_key == None: print "user data configuration not set. Please run config program." api = CodecookApi() api.configure(cc_user, cc_key) # print "configuration loaded." # # Start command line UI # def exit_on_q(key): if key in ('q', 'Q', 'esc',): raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() search_question = SearchQuestion(u"Search query?\n") top_widget = MenuNavigator(search_question)
class CodecookCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): # Codecook is not camel cased so action name is 'codecook' not 'code_cook' """ Search and inserts snippets from website. """ def run(self, edit): """ Initialise api and show search window """ self.edit = edit self.init_api() if self.api: self.show_search_window() def init_api(self): """ Retrieve user and package settings and start CodeCook api. """ settings = self.view.settings() user = settings.get('cc_user') key = settings.get('cc_key') api_server = settings.get('cc_api_server', None) if user == None or key == None: sublime.error_message("Username and key need to be defined (keys: 'cc_user' and 'cc_key'). Go to for an account and key") return self.api = CodecookApi() if api_server: self.api.configure(user, key, api_server) else: self.api.configure(user, key) def show_search_window(self): self.view.window().show_input_panel('Search', '', self.on_search_done, None, None) def on_search_done(self, query): """ User has entered search query perform search, if len results == 0, try searching again else show list of concepts to choose from """ search_results = self.api.search_concept(query) objects = search_results.get('objects') if len(objects) == 0: sublime.message_dialog("No search results, please try again.") self.show_search_window() else: self.object_list = objects self.list = [x.get('name') for x in self.object_list] self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.list, self.on_concept_chosen) def on_concept_chosen(self, index): """ User has chosen a concept, get a list of methods to choose from and prompt user again. """ if index == -1: return # No selection, exit concept_object = self.object_list[index] concept_id = concept_object.get('id') concept_detail = self.api.get_concept_detail(concept_id) method_list = concept_detail.get('methods') # list of method_uri's to list of method_id's matcher = re.compile('/(\d+)/') method_ids = [] for uri in method_list: result = if result: method_ids.append( method_details = self.api.get_methods_detail(method_ids) self.object_list = method_details.get('objects') self.list = [] for obj in self.object_list: item = obj.get('main_language') title = obj.get('title') if title: item += "- " + title self.list.append(item) self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.list, self.on_method_chosen) def on_method_chosen(self, index): """ User has selected a method to insert, get all snippets for that method and prompt choice. """ if index == -1: return # No selection, exit method_id = self.object_list[index].get('id') method_detail = self.api.get_method_detail(method_id) self.object_list = method_detail.get('snippets') self.list = [x.get('content')[:50] for x in self.object_list] self.view.window().show_quick_panel(self.list, self.on_snippet_chosen) def on_snippet_chosen(self, index): """ User has selected a snippet, insert it at cursor. """ if index == -1: return # No selection, exit snippet_object = self.object_list[index] snippet_content = snippet_object.get('content') self.insert_code(snippet_content) def insert_code(self, content): view_selection = self.view.sel() selection = view_selection[0] #store selection #actually insert snippet content: # print "inserting: " + str(content) self.view.insert(self.edit, self.view.sel()[0].begin(), content) # Find first {{}} pattern and select multiple if available start = selection.a pattern = "\{\{\w+\}\}" first_match = self.view.find(pattern, start) if first_match != None: match_string = self.view.substr(first_match) match_regex = re.escape(match_string) matches = self.view.find_all(match_regex, ) # Select {{}} view_selection.clear() for match in matches: view_selection.add(match)