Beispiel #1
def query(request_body, bypass_cache=None):  # noqa: E501
    """Query reasoner via one of several inputs

     # noqa: E501

    :param request_body: Query information to be submitted
    :type request_body: dict | bytes
    :param bypass_cache: Set to true in order to bypass any possible cached response and try to answer the query over again 
    :type bypass_cache: bool

    :rtype: Response

    # Note that we never even get here if the request_body is not schema-valid JSON

    query = connexion.request.get_json()
    araxq = ARAXQuery()

    if "asynchronous" in query and query['asynchronous'].lower() == 'stream':
        # Return a stream of data to let the client know what's going on
        return Response(araxq.query_return_stream(query),

    # Else perform the query and return the result
        envelope = araxq.query_return_message(query)
        return envelope
Beispiel #2
def asyncquery(request_body):  # noqa: E501
    """Query reasoner via one of several inputs

     # noqa: E501

    :param request_body: Query information to be submitted
    :type request_body: Dict[str, ]

    :rtype: Response

    # Note that we never even get here if the request_body is not schema-valid JSON

    query = connexion.request.get_json()

    #### Record the remote IP address in the query for now so it is available downstream
        query['remote_address'] = connexion.request.headers['x-forwarded-for']
        query['remote_address'] = '???'

    araxq = ARAXQuery()

    envelope = araxq.query_return_message(query, mode='asynchronous')
    http_status = 200
    if hasattr(envelope, 'http_status'):
        http_status = envelope.http_status
    return (envelope, http_status)
Beispiel #3
def query(body):  # noqa: E501
    """Query ARAX via one of several inputs

     # noqa: E501

    :param body: Query information to be submitted
    :type body: dict | bytes

    :rtype: Message
    if connexion.request.is_json:
        query = connexion.request.get_json()
        araxq = ARAXQuery()

        if "asynchronous" in query and query['asynchronous'].lower() == 'stream':
            # Return a stream of data to let the client know what's going on
            return Response(araxq.query_return_stream(query),mimetype='text/plain')
            message = araxq.query_return_message(query)
            return message
def main():

    #### Create an RTXQuery object
    araxq = ARAXQuery()

    #### Fill out a one hop query acetaminophen to proteins
    query = {
        "previous_message_processing_plan": {
            "processing_actions": [

    #### Run the query and print the result
    message = araxq.query_return_message(query)
    print(json.dumps(message.to_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=2))