Beispiel #1
 def prepareforATC(self, graph, Q, Wq):
     flag = defaultdict(int)
     color = 1
     for v in graph.keys():
         if not flag[v]:
             GraphFunc.dfsWithLable(v, graph, flag, color)
             color += 1
     countforQlabel = {
         color: sum(flag[q] == color for q in Q)
         for color in range(color)
     qlabellist = sorted(countforQlabel, key=lambda x: -countforQlabel[x])
     countforGlabel = {
         color: sum(flag[i] == color for i in graph)
         for color in range(color)
     maxcount = 1
     for color in qlabellist:
         if countforQlabel[color] != countforQlabel[qlabellist[0]]:
         maxcount = max(maxcount, countforGlabel[color])
     maxcolor = -1
     for color in qlabellist:
         if countforQlabel[color] != countforQlabel[qlabellist[0]]:
         if maxcount == countforGlabel[color]:
             maxcolor = color
     ans = [v for v in Q if flag[v] == maxcolor]
     return ans
Beispiel #2
 def MaintainKDTruss(self, k, d, graph, Q, Wq):
     Gt = copy.deepcopy(graph)
     while GraphFunc.connected(Gt, Q):
         TE, supE = ATindex.StructuralTrussness(Gt)
         distG = GraphFunc.getDistG(Gt, Q)
         edgestodelete = {}
         for v in distG:
             if distG[v] > d:
                 for u in Gt[v][0]:
                     edgestodelete[self.cedge(u, v)] = 1
         for e in supE:
             if supE[e] < k - 2:
                 edgestodelete[e] = 1
         if len(edgestodelete) == 0: return Gt
         Gt = GraphFunc.deleteEdges(Gt, edgestodelete)
         if len(Gt) == 0: break
     return Gt
Beispiel #3
def AttributedTrussness(graph,Wq,attrTE,attrSupE):
    attrTE = {}
    attrSupE = {}
    if '' not in attrTE.keys() or '' not in attrSupE.keys():
        attrTE[''],attrSupE[''] = StructuralTrussness(graph)
    for w in Wq:
        if w not in attrTE.keys() or w not in attrSupE.keys():
            flag = [v for v in graph.keys() if w in graph[v][1]]
            subgraph = GraphFunc.buildNewGraph(graph, flag)
            attrTE[w], attrSupE[w] = StructuralTrussness(subgraph)
    return attrTE, attrSupE
Beispiel #4
def computeGainFunc(k, graph, Wq):
    gain = {}
    fHWq = attributeScore(graph, Wq)
    for v in graph.keys():
        flagv = {}
        for u in graph[v][0]:
            if len(graph[u][0]) == k - 1:
                flagv[u] = 0
                flagv[u] = 1
        flagv[v] = 0
        flagset = []
        for u in graph.keys():
            if flagv.get(u) is None: flagset.append(u)
            elif flagv[u] == 1: flagset.append(u)
        newG = GraphFunc.buildNewGraph(graph, flagset)
        if len(newG) == 0:
            gain[v] = INF
            gain[v] = fHWq - attributeScore(
                GraphFunc.buildNewGraph(graph, flagset), Wq)
    return gain
Beispiel #5
 def ExtendtoGt(self, steinerT, origraph, Wq, TE):
     que = queue.Queue()
     flag = defaultdict(int)
     newG = {}
     for v in steinerT.keys():
         flag[v] = 1
         newG[v] = [
     Wqset = set(Wq)
     while not que.empty():
         u = que.get()
         for v in origraph[u][0]:
             if len(newG.keys()) >= self.szlimits:
                 return newG
                 # AttributeScore条件约束
                 newgwithu = GraphFunc.addNodewithG(newG, origraph, v)
                 # a1 = AttributeScoreFunc.attributeScore(newgwithu, Wqset)
                 # a2 = AttributeScoreFunc.attributeScore(newG, Wqset)
                 boolflag = AttributeScoreFunc.attributeScore(newgwithu, Wqset) >= AttributeScoreFunc. \
                         attributeScore(newG, Wqset)
                 if not boolflag:
                     boolflag = (
                             newG, Wqset & set(origraph[v][1])) >=
                         AttributeScoreFunc.attributeScore(newG, Wqset) /
                         2 * len(newG))
                 if not boolflag:
                     boolflag = (AttributeScoreFunc.attributeScore(
                         newgwithu, Wqset | set(origraph[v][1])) >=
                                     newgwithu, Wqset))
                 if not boolflag:
                 if AttributeScoreFunc.thetaFuncforG(newG, list(Wq_extend & set(oriorigraph[v][1]))) < AttributeScoreFunc.\
                         attributeScore(newG, Wq_extend) / (2 * len(newG)): continue
                 if newG.get(v) is None:
                     newG[v] = [[], copy.deepcopy(origraph[v][1])]
                 if newG[v][0].count(u) == 0:
                 if flag[v] == 0:
                     #Wq_extend = Wq_extend & set(graph[v][1])
                     flag[v] = 1
     return newG
Beispiel #6
    def BULK(self, graph, Q, Wq, k, d):
        l = 0
        Gl1 = copy.deepcopy(graph)
        distG = GraphFunc.getDistG(graph, Q)
        d = max(max(distG.values()), d)
        S = [v for v in Gl1.keys() if distG[v] <= d]
        Gl2 = GraphFunc.buildNewGraph(Gl1, S)
        ktemp = self.INF
        TE, supE = ATindex.StructuralTrussness(Gl2)
        for q in Q:
            ktmp = max(TE[self.cedge(q, v)] for v in Gl2[q][0])
            k = min(ktemp, ktmp)
        k = min(ktemp, k)
        while True:
            if k == 2: break
            if GraphFunc.connected(self.MaintainKDTruss(k, d, Gl2, Q, Wq), Q):
            k -= 1
        Gl = self.MaintainKDTruss(k, d, Gl2, Q, Wq)
        maxfunc, ansg = -self.INF, None
        while GraphFunc.connected(Gl, Q):
            attriscore = AttributeScoreFunc.attributeScore(Gl, Wq)
            if maxfunc < attriscore:
                maxfunc, ansg = attriscore, copy.deepcopy(Gl)

            gain = AttributeScoreFunc.computeGainFunc(k, Gl, Wq)
            mingain = self.INF
            for v in gain:
                if gain[v] < mingain and not v in Q: mingain = gain[v]
            if mingain == self.INF:
            S = [v for v in gain.keys() if gain[v] == mingain and not v in Q]
            if len(S) == 0:
            S = random.sample(
                S, max(1, int(len(S) * self.erlta / (self.erlta + 1))))
            edgesToDelete = GraphFunc.getNeighborEdges(Gl, S)
            Gl = GraphFunc.deleteEdges(Gl, edgesToDelete)
            Gl = self.MaintainKDTruss(k, d, Gl, Q, Wq)
        return list(ansg.keys())