Beispiel #1
	def __init__(self, moneyPath, allocationPath, savingsPath):
		self._moneyPath = moneyPath
		self._savingsPath = savingsPath
		# Allocation manager
		self.allocationManager = AllocationManager(allocationPath)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, config_filename):

        if config_filename is None: # For reconstructing from data feed

        config_file = open(config_filename);
        config_data = json.load(config_file);

        self._sequence_number = 1; # Counter of transactions and snapshots
        self._slivers_by_urn = dict(); # Map of slivers by their URN

        # Determine if (and where) we're dumping transaction snapshots
        # Create directory if doesn't already exist
        self._archive_directory = None;
        if config_data.has_key(self.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY_TAG):
            self._archive_directory = config_data[self.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY_TAG]
            if not os.path.exists(self._archive_directory):

        # Parse all public VLAN tags
        self._public_vlan_tags = \
            list(int(i) for i in config_data[self.VLAN_TAGS_TAG])

        # Set up a manager for all VLAN tags
        # MAX_SLICES is maxint since a VLAN may be part of many links
        self._vlan_tag_manager = AllocationManager(sys.maxint);
        for tag in range(self.MAX_VLAN_TAG):
            attribs = {self.PUBLIC_TAG : tag in self._public_vlan_tags}
            self._vlan_tag_manager.register(tag, attribs)

        # Parse all public IP addresses
        self._public_ip_addresses = \
            list(i.encode('utf-8') \
                     for i in config_data[self.PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES_TAG]);

        # Set up a manager for public IP addresses
        # MAX_SLICES is 1, since an IP address can only be on one NIC
        self._ip_address_manager = AllocationManager(1);
        for ip in self._public_ip_addresses:

        # Parse all flavor capacities
        self._flavor_capacities = dict();
        for fc in config_data[self.FLAVOR_CAPACITIES_TAG]:
            flavor_type = fc.keys()[0].encode('utf-8')
            flavor_capacity = int(fc[flavor_type])
            self._flavor_capacities[flavor_type] = flavor_capacity;

        # Set up a manager for flavor resources
        self._flavor_manager = AllocationManager(1);
        for key in self._flavor_capacities.keys():
            flavor_capacity = self._flavor_capacities[key];
            attrs = {self.FLAVOR_TAG : int(key)};
            for i in range(flavor_capacity):
                resource_name = str(key) + "-" + str(i);
                self._flavor_manager.register(resource_name, attrs);
        self._flavor_allocations = dict(); # sliver_urn => flavor instance

        # Set up parameters as read from config file
        self._parameters = dict();
        params = config_data[self.PARAMETERS_TAG]
        for key in params:
            value = params[key]
            self._parameters[key.encode('utf-8')] = value.encode('utf-8');
Beispiel #3
class  AggregateState(object):

    MAX_VLAN_TAG = 10; # Maximum value for vlan tag
    PUBLIC_TAG = "public"
    FLAVOR_TAG = "flavor"
    VLAN_TAGS_TAG = "vlan_tags"
    PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES_TAG = "public_IP_addresses"
    FLAVOR_CAPACITIES_TAG = "flavor_capacities"
    PARAMETERS_TAG = "parameters"
    ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY_TAG = "archive_directory"

    # There are two initialization cases:
    # From scratch, using AggregateState constructor: 
    #    initialize from a JSON config file 
    # From a snapshot, using pickle.load
    #   initialize from a pickled version

    # Read config file from JSON config
    def __init__(self, config_filename):

        if config_filename is None: # For reconstructing from data feed

        config_file = open(config_filename);
        config_data = json.load(config_file);

        self._sequence_number = 1; # Counter of transactions and snapshots
        self._slivers_by_urn = dict(); # Map of slivers by their URN

        # Determine if (and where) we're dumping transaction snapshots
        # Create directory if doesn't already exist
        self._archive_directory = None;
        if config_data.has_key(self.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY_TAG):
            self._archive_directory = config_data[self.ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY_TAG]
            if not os.path.exists(self._archive_directory):

        # Parse all public VLAN tags
        self._public_vlan_tags = \
            list(int(i) for i in config_data[self.VLAN_TAGS_TAG])

        # Set up a manager for all VLAN tags
        # MAX_SLICES is maxint since a VLAN may be part of many links
        self._vlan_tag_manager = AllocationManager(sys.maxint);
        for tag in range(self.MAX_VLAN_TAG):
            attribs = {self.PUBLIC_TAG : tag in self._public_vlan_tags}
            self._vlan_tag_manager.register(tag, attribs)

        # Parse all public IP addresses
        self._public_ip_addresses = \
            list(i.encode('utf-8') \
                     for i in config_data[self.PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESSES_TAG]);

        # Set up a manager for public IP addresses
        # MAX_SLICES is 1, since an IP address can only be on one NIC
        self._ip_address_manager = AllocationManager(1);
        for ip in self._public_ip_addresses:

        # Parse all flavor capacities
        self._flavor_capacities = dict();
        for fc in config_data[self.FLAVOR_CAPACITIES_TAG]:
            flavor_type = fc.keys()[0].encode('utf-8')
            flavor_capacity = int(fc[flavor_type])
            self._flavor_capacities[flavor_type] = flavor_capacity;

        # Set up a manager for flavor resources
        self._flavor_manager = AllocationManager(1);
        for key in self._flavor_capacities.keys():
            flavor_capacity = self._flavor_capacities[key];
            attrs = {self.FLAVOR_TAG : int(key)};
            for i in range(flavor_capacity):
                resource_name = str(key) + "-" + str(i);
                self._flavor_manager.register(resource_name, attrs);
        self._flavor_allocations = dict(); # sliver_urn => flavor instance

        # Set up parameters as read from config file
        self._parameters = dict();
        params = config_data[self.PARAMETERS_TAG]
        for key in params:
            value = params[key]
            self._parameters[key.encode('utf-8')] = value.encode('utf-8');
#        print self._public_vlan_tags
#        print self._public_ip_addresses
#        print self._flavor_capacities
#        print self._parameters

     # List of all currently defined slivers                 
    def getSlivers(self): 
        return self._slivers_by_urn.values()

    # Map of all currently defind slivers by URN
    def getSliversByURN(self):
        return self._slivers_by_urn

    # List of all currently unallocated flavors
    def getUnallocatedFlavors(self): 
        return self._flavor_manager.getResources(False);
     # List of all currently available VLAN tags (internal and public)       
    def getUnallocatedVLANTags(public_tag=True): 
        return self._vlan_tag_manager.getResources(False)
    # List of all currently unallocated public IP addresses    
    def getUnallocatedPublicIPAddresses(self): 
        attribs = {self.PUBLIC_TAG : public_tag};
        return self._ip_address_manager.getResources(false, attribs);

    # Map of flavor allocations to sliver_URN        
    def getAllocatedFlavors(self): 
        return self._flavor_manager.getResources(True);

    # Map of VLAN tag allocations to sliver_URN                     
    def getAllocatedVLANTags(public_tag=True): 
        attribs = {self.PUBLIC_TAG : public_tag};
        return self._vlan_tag_manager.getResources(True, attribs)
    # Map of allocated public IP addresses to sliver URN              
    def getAllocatedPublicIPAddresses(self): 
        return self._ip_address_manager.getResources(True);

    # Lookup value of aggregate configuration parameter (e.g. expiration) 
    def getParameter(self, param_name): 
        return self._parameters[param_name];

    # Update internal store of set of slivers (insert or replace) 
    # and update database                                               
    def writeSlivers(self, slivers, slice_urn): 

        # Loop over all slivers, and update for each
        for sliver in slivers:
            sliver_urn = sliver.getComponentID()

            # Remove the sliver if already exists
            if self._slivers_by_urn.has_key(sliver_urn):

            # Insert new sliver into slivers list
            self._slivers_by_urn[sliver_urn] = sliver;

            # Update the vlan tag allocation record
            if isinstance(sliver, NetworkLink):
                vlan_tag = sliver.getVLANTag()
                self._vlan_tag_manager.allocate(vlan_tag, \
                                                    slice_urn, sliver_urn)

            # Update the public IP address allocation record
            if isinstance(sliver, NetworkInterface):
                ip_address = sliver.getIPAddress();
                if ip_address in self._public_ip_addresses:
                    self._ip_address_manager.allocate(ip_address, \
                                                          slice_urn, \

            # Update the flavor allocation record
            # If there aren't any more left raise an Assertion Error
            if isinstance(sliver, VirtualMachine):
                flavor = sliver.getFlavor();
                attrs = {self.FLAVOR_TAG : flavor}
                unallocated_of_flavor = \
                    self._flavor_manager.getResources(False, attrs)
                assert len(unallocated_of_flavor) > 0, \
                    "No Allocations left for flavor " + str(flavor)
                allocated_resource = unallocated_of_flavor[0]
                self._flavor_manager.allocate(allocated_resource, \
                                                  slice_urn, sliver_urn)
                self._flavor_allocations[sliver_urn] = allocated_resource

        # Update the database

    # Remove slivers of given URNs and free all associated resources
    def deleteSlivers(self, slivers, slice_urn):   

        # Loop over all slivers, and update for each
        for sliver in slivers:
            sliver_urn = sliver.getComponentID();

            # Remove the given slivers from the slivers list
            assert self._slivers_by_urn.has_key(sliver_urn), \
                "sliver URN not defined: " + sliver_urn
            del self._slivers_by_urn[sliver_urn];

            # Update the vlan tag allocation counts
            if isinstance(sliver, NetworkLink):
                vlan_tag = sliver.getVLANTag()
                self._vlan_tag_manager.release(vlan_tag, \
                                                   slice_urn, sliver_urn)

            # Update the public IP address lists
            if isinstance(sliver, NetworkInterface):
                ip_address = sliver.getIPAddress();
                if ip_address in self._public_ip_addresses:
                    self._ip_address_manager.release(ip_address, \
                                                         slice_urn, sliver_urn)

        # Update the flavor allocation record
        if isinstance(sliver, VirtualMachine):
            flavor = sliver.getFlavor();
            assert self._flavor_allocations.has_key(sliver_urn), \
                "sliver has undefined flavor: " + str(flavor)
            allocated_resource = self._flavor_allocations[sliver_urn]
            self._flavor_manager.release(allocated_resource, \
                                             slice_urn, sliver_urn)
            del self._flavor_allocations[sliver_urn]

        # Update the database

    # Save current state of AggregateState object to new pickle file
    # in archive directory
    def archive(self):
        if self._archive_directory is not None:
            filename = self._archive_directory + "/" + \
                "AggregateState-" + str(self._sequence_number) + ".dat"
            file = open(filename, 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self, file)

            filename2 = self._archive_directory + "/" + \
                "AggregateState-" + str(self._sequence_number) + ".json"
            Archiving.write_aggregate_state(filename2, self);
#            file = open(filename2, 'wb')
#            json.dump(self, file)
#            file.close()

            self._sequence_number = self._sequence_number + 1

    def __str__(self):
        flavors_image = str(self._flavor_manager.getResources(True))
        vlans_image = str(self._vlan_tag_manager.getResources(True))
        ips_image = str(self._ip_address_manager.getResources(True))
        return "#<GRAM Aggregate State: Flavors " + flavors_image + \
            " VLANs " + vlans_image + \
            " IPs " + ips_image + \
Beispiel #4
class MoneyManager:
	def __init__(self, moneyPath, allocationPath, savingsPath):
		self._moneyPath = moneyPath
		self._savingsPath = savingsPath
		# Allocation manager
		self.allocationManager = AllocationManager(allocationPath)

	def deposit(self, amount=None):
		Deposits money according to the percentages of all the allocations
		if amount == None:
			amount = Decimal(raw_input("How much money to deposit? "))

	def withdraw(self, amount=None):
		Withdraws money out of an allocation and checks if withdrawal is over budget

	def status(self):

	def update(self):

	def calculateSavings(self):
		Adds the amount in each allocation and compares it with bank holdings and credit debt.
		The functions takes the difference and puts it into the extra money category if positive, 
		otherwise adds the amount to your existing debt.
		bankAccountMoney = Decimal("0.00")
		creditAccountMoney = Decimal("0.00")
		savings = Decimal("0.00")
		bankAccounts = int(raw_input("How many bank accounts do you have? "))
		creditCards = int(raw_input("How many credit cards do you have? "))

		for ba in xrange(bankAccounts):
			baName = raw_input("What is the name of one of your bank accounts? ")
			bankAccountMoney += Decimal(raw_input("How much money is in your {0} account? ".format(baName)))

		for cc in xrange(creditCards):
			ccName = raw_input("What is the name of one of your credit card accounts? ")
			creditAccountMoney += (-1 * Decimal(raw_input("How much money do you owe for your {0} account? ".format(ccName))))

		if bankAccounts > 0 or creditCards > 0:
			# Calculate your debt before continuing
			actualSavings = bankAccountMoney + creditAccountMoney
			budgetSavings = self.allocationManager.calculateSavings()
			# This works for all values of actualSavings and budgetSavings.
			# For more description why look in the wiki
			diff = actualSavings - budgetSavings

			InfoMsg("Your actual savings are ${0}.".format(actualSavings.quantize(TWOPLACES)))
			InfoMsg("Your budget savings are ${0}.".format(budgetSavings.quantize(TWOPLACES)))
			if diff >= Decimal("0.00"):
				InfoMsg("Adding ${0} to your extra money.".format(diff.quantize(TWOPLACES)))
				self.allocationManager.allocationMap[EXTRA_KEY].extraMoney += diff
				InfoMsg("Adding ${0} to your debt.".format(diff.quantize(TWOPLACES)))
				self.allocationManager.allocationMap[DEBT_KEY].debtReg += diff
				WarningMsg("You have accumulated a debt of ${0}!".format(self.allocationManager.allocationMap[DEBT_KEY].debt.quantize(TWOPLACES)))

	def finalize(self):

	def _readMoney(self):
		Get current money out of CSV file
		with open(self._moneyPath, 'r') as mFile:
			mlines = mFile.readlines()
			for i in xrange(len(mlines)):
				if i == 0:
				category, money = mlines[i].strip().split(',')
				if category != DEBT_KEY:
					self.allocationManager.allocationMap[category].extraMoney = Decimal(money)
					self.allocationManager.allocationMap[category].debt = Decimal(money)
					self.allocationManager.allocationMap[category].debtReg = Decimal(money)

	def _readSavings(self):
		Get current savings out of CSV file
		with open(self._savingsPath, 'r') as sFile:
			slines = sFile.readlines()
			for i in xrange(len(slines)):
				if i == 0:
				category, product, percent, priority, savings, totalCost = slines[i].strip().split(',')
				self.allocationManager.addSubAllocation(cat=category, product=product, percent=percent, priority=priority, savings=savings, totalCost=totalCost)

	def _writeMoney(self):
		with open(self._moneyPath, 'w') as mFile:
			for cat in self.allocationManager.allocationMap:
				if cat != DEBT_KEY:
					mFile.write("{0},{1}\n".format(cat, self.allocationManager.allocationMap[cat].extraMoney.quantize(TWOPLACES)))
					mFile.write("{0},{1}\n".format(cat, self.allocationManager.allocationMap[cat].debt.quantize(TWOPLACES)))

	def _writeSavings(self):
		with open(self._savingsPath, 'w') as sFile:
			sFile.write("Category,Product,Percent,Priority,Savings,Total Cost\n")
			for cat in self.allocationManager.allocationMap:
				for subAlloc in self.allocationManager.allocationMap[cat].subAllocs: