def GetNetInfo(self, net_asset_code): from datetime import datetime AssetsFound = AssetList() net_asset_macro_name = "Retrieve_" + net_asset_code[0] + "_balances" print "Running " + net_asset_macro_name iret = self.iim.iimPlay(net_asset_macro_name) if (iret != 1): print "Bad status", iret, "returned from", net_asset_macro_name, "Error text:", self.iim.iimGetErrorText() else: if net_asset_code[1] != -1: InpDate = self.iim.iimGetExtract(1).split(" ") month = self.Month_int(InpDate[0]) if len(InpDate) < 4: InpDate = self.iim.iimGetExtract(1).split("/") month = int(InpDate[0]) day = int(InpDate[1][:2]) year = int(InpDate[2]) try: InpTime = InpDate[3].split(":") ampm = InpDate[4] hour = int(InpTime[0]) min = int(InpTime[1]) sec = int(InpTime[2]) if (ampm == "pm"): hour += 12 elif (ampm == "am") and (hour == 12): hour -= 12 NewDate = datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) except: NewDate = extract_index = 2 else: NewDate = extract_index = 1 account_index = 0 account_negative_flag = net_asset_code[2] while "NODATA" not in self.iim.iimGetExtract(extract_index): assetName = self.iim.iimGetExtract(extract_index) extract_index += 1 asset = AssetsFound.append(assetName) asset.set_type(self.get_asset_type(assetName)) # if account_negative_flag is set for current index, store the negative of the returned balance. In other words, if balance is negative and flag is set, store positive. If balance is positive and flag is set, store negative. # if account_negatve flag is not set, store balance retrieved account_total = round(float(self.iim.iimGetExtract(extract_index).replace("$", "").replace(",", "").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("- ","-")),2) if account_negative_flag[account_index] == True: if account_total < 0: asset.set_total(str(-account_total)) elif account_total > 0: asset.set_total("-" + str(account_total)) else: asset.set_total("0.0") else: asset.set_total(str(account_total)) account_index += 1 extract_index += 1 asset.set_last_pull_date(NewDate) return AssetsFound
def __init__(self, parent, title="PyAsset", cfgFile="", assetFile=""): self.parent = parent self.frame = self self.assets = AssetList(self) self.bills = BillList() self.cur_asset = Asset(name=assetFile) self.edited = False self.payType = "" self.ref_date = None self.netpay = "" self.payDepositAcct = "" self.cfgFile = copy.deepcopy(cfgFile) super(AssetFrame, self).__init__(parent, title=title) if self.readConfigFile(cfgFile): valid_date_seps = ['/', '-'] for j in range(len(valid_date_seps)): date_sep = valid_date_seps[j] date_fields = self.dateFormat.split(valid_date_seps[j]) if len(date_fields) == 3: break if len(date_fields) == 3: Date.set_global_date_format(self, self.dateFormat) Date.set_global_date_sep(self, date_sep) self.curr_date = Date.set_curr_date(self) self.proj_date = Date.set_proj_date(self, "") Date.set_global_curr_date(self, self.curr_date) Date.set_global_proj_date(self, self.proj_date) Date.set_curr_paydate(self) Date.set_next_paydate(self) self.make_widgets() self.filename = assetFile if self.filename == "": d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open", "", "", "*.qif", wx.FD_OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.filename = os.path.join(dir, fname) if self.filename: latest_assets = qif.load_file(self, self.filename) self.process_asset_list(latest_assets) else: error = 'Badly formatted date format sting: %s - Aborting!\n' self.DisplayMsg(error) else: error = cfgFile + ' does not exist / cannot be opened!! - Aborting\n' self.DisplayMsg(error)
def __init__(self, parent, assetFile="", readmode="normal"): self.parent = parent self.assets = AssetList(self) self.filename = assetFile self.edited = False if assetFile: self.read_qif(assetFile, readmode) else: error = assetFile + ' does not exist / cannot be opened!! - Aborting\n' self.DisplayMsg(error)
def close(self, *args): if self.edited: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Save file before closing?', 'Question', wx.YES_NO) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.save_file() self.assets = AssetList() self.cur_asset = None nrows = self.assetGrid.GetNumberRows() if nrows > 0: self.assetGrid.DeleteRows(0, nrows) self.redraw_all(-1) self.edited = 0 self.SetTitle("PyAsset: Asset") return
def __init__(self, style, parent, my_id, title="PyAsset:Asset", myfile=None, **kwds): self.assets = AssetList() self.bills = BillList() self.cur_asset = None self.edited = 0 self.rowSize = 27 self.colSize = 20 if style == None: style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE kwds["style"] = style wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, my_id, title, **kwds) self.make_widgets() if myfile: self.cur_asset.read_qif(myfile) self.redraw_all(-1) if self.cur_asset.get_name() != None: self.SetTitle("PyAsset: Asset %s" % self.cur_asset.get_name()) return
def read_qif(self, filename, readmode="normal"): if readmode == 'normal': # things not to do on 'import': name = filename.replace('.qif', '') self.filename = os.path.split(name)[1] Found_assets = AssetList(self) mffile = open(filename, 'r') lines = mffile.readlines() mffile.close() section = UNKNOWN for line in lines: input_type, rest = line[0], line[1:].strip().replace(",", "") if input_type == "!": if rest == "Account": section = ACCOUNT elif rest.__contains__("Type"): section = DETAIL cur_transaction = Transaction(self) else: if section == ACCOUNT: section = "account" elif section == DETAIL: section = "detail" else: section = "unknown" print("in", section, "section got unknown ! line: ", line[:-1]) elif input_type == "^": if section == DETAIL: cur_asset.transactions.append(cur_transaction) cur_transaction = Transaction(self) elif input_type == "C": if section == DETAIL: if rest == "*" or rest == "C": cur_transaction.set_state("cleared") elif rest == "X" or rest == "R": cur_transaction.set_state("reconciled") else: cur_transaction.set_state("unknown") elif input_type == "D": if section == DETAIL: formatted_date = Date.parse_date(self, rest, "%m/%d/%y") formatted_date['month'] = formatted_date['month'] - 1 cur_transaction.set_due_date(formatted_date) elif input_type == "L": if section == ACCOUNT: cur_asset.set_limit(rest) elif input_type == "N": if section == ACCOUNT: cur_asset = Found_assets.get_asset_by_name(rest) elif section == DETAIL: cur_transaction.set_check_num(rest) elif input_type == "P" or input_type == "M": # JJG 1/22/2022 Seems some use M lines incorrectly! if section == DETAIL: cur_transaction.set_payee(rest) elif input_type == "T": kind = line[1:].strip() if section == ACCOUNT: if kind == "Bank": if cur_asset.get_name().upper().find("SAVINGS") != -1: cur_asset.set_type("Savings") elif cur_asset.get_name().upper().find( "CHECKING") != -1: cur_asset.set_type("Checking") elif kind == "CCard": cur_asset.set_type("Credit card") elif section == DETAIL: cur_transaction.set_amount(rest) elif input_type == "U": if section == DETAIL: cur_transaction.set_amount(rest) else: if section == ACCOUNT: section = "account" elif section == DETAIL: section = "detail" else: section = "unknown" print("in", section, "section got unparsable line: ", line[:-1]) pass return Found_assets
def write_qif(self, filename): Found_assets = AssetList(self) # Write and process Assets and Transactions here! JJG 1/17/2022 print("In writing ", filename, " as .qif file. Found_assets = ", Found_assets) return True
def ProcessAssetsSheet(self): AccountWithTransactions = self.wb.get_sheet_names() AccountWithTransactions.remove("Bills") AssetsFound = AssetList() AssetPlaces = dict() ColumnHeaders = dict() ws = self.wb.get_sheet_by_name("Assets") # First, determine all assets being tracked by parsing first column for col in ws.columns: row_num = 1 asset_num = 0 for cell in col: cv = cell.value if cv != None: new_asset = None if cv in AccountWithTransactions: new_asset = AssetsFound.append(cv) AssetPlaces[asset_num] = (cv, row_num) asset_num += 1 elif not ("Bills" in cv or "Accounts" in cv or "Cash" in cv or "Assets" in cv or "Total" in cv): new_asset = AssetsFound.append(cv) AssetPlaces[asset_num] = (cv, row_num) asset_num += 1 if new_asset != None: asset_name = if "Checking" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Checking") elif "Savings" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Savings") elif "Money Market" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Money Market") elif "Overdraft" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Overdraft") elif "TSP" in asset_name or "Annuity" in asset_name or "Life" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Retirement") elif "Visa" in asset_name or "MC" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Credit Card") elif "Sears" in asset_name or "Macy's" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Store Card") else: new_asset.set_type("Other") row_num += 1 break # Next, get column header locations by locating longest row with labels max_len = 0 max_row = 0 row_num = 1 row_len = 0 for row in ws.rows: col_num = 1 for cell in row: cv = cell.value if cv != None: row_len += 1 col_num += 1 if row_len > max_len: max_len = row_len max_row = row_num row_num += 1 row_len = 0 row_num = 1 for row in ws.rows: if row_num == max_row: col_num = 1 for cell in row: cv = cell.value if cv != None and col_num != 1: ColumnHeaders[col_num] = cv col_num += 1 break row_num += 1 # Finally, get data on assets for asset_num in range(0, len(AssetsFound)): asset_row_num = AssetPlaces.get(asset_num, "None")[1] row_num = 1 for row in ws.rows: if row_num == asset_row_num: col_num = 1 asset = AssetsFound[asset_num] for cell in row: heading = ColumnHeaders.get(col_num, "None") if heading != "None": cv = cell.value if "Value (Curr)" in heading: asset.set_total(cv) elif "Value (Proj)" in heading: asset.set_value_proj(cv) elif heading == "last pulled": asset.set_last_pull_date(cv) elif heading == "Limit": asset.set_limit(cv) elif heading == "Avail (Online)": asset.set_avail(cv) elif heading == "Avail (Proj)": asset.set_avail_proj(cv) elif heading == "Rate": asset.set_rate(cv) elif heading == "Payment": asset.set_payment(cv) elif heading == "Due Date": asset.set_due_date(cv) elif heading == "Sched": asset.set_sched(cv) elif heading == "Min Pmt": asset.set_min_pay(cv) elif "Cash Limit" in heading: asset.set_cash_limit(cv) elif "Cash used" in heading: asset.set_cash_used(cv) elif "Cash avail" in heading: asset.set_cash_avail(cv) else: pass col_num += 1 break row_num += 1 #print AssetsFound return AssetsFound
def GetNetInfo(self, net_asset_code): from datetime import datetime AssetsFound = AssetList(self) net_asset_macro_name = "Retrieve_" + net_asset_code[0] + "_balances" print("Running " + net_asset_macro_name) iret = self.iim.iimPlay(net_asset_macro_name) if (iret != 1): print("Bad status", iret, "returned from", net_asset_macro_name, "Error text:", self.iim.iimGetErrorText()) else: if net_asset_code[1] != -1: InpDate = self.iim.iimGetExtract(1).split(" ") month = self.Month_int(InpDate[0]) if len(InpDate) < 4: InpDate = self.iim.iimGetExtract(1).split("/") month = int(InpDate[0]) day = int(InpDate[1][:2]) year = int(InpDate[2]) try: InpTime = InpDate[3].split(":") ampm = InpDate[4] hour = int(InpTime[0]) min = int(InpTime[1]) sec = int(InpTime[2]) if (ampm == "pm"): hour += 12 elif (ampm == "am") and (hour == 12): hour -= 12 NewDate = datetime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) except: NewDate = extract_index = 2 else: NewDate = extract_index = 1 account_index = 0 account_negative_flag = net_asset_code[2] while "NODATA" not in self.iim.iimGetExtract(extract_index): assetName = self.iim.iimGetExtract(extract_index) extract_index += 1 asset = AssetsFound.append(assetName) asset.set_type(self.get_asset_type(assetName)) # if account_negative_flag is set for current index, store the negative of the returned balance. In other words, if balance is negative and flag is set, store positive. If balance is positive and flag is set, store negative. # if account_negatve flag is not set, store balance retrieved account_value = round( float( self.iim.iimGetExtract(extract_index).replace( "$", "").replace(",", "").replace("(", "").replace( ")", "").replace("- ", "-")), 2) if account_negative_flag[account_index] == True: if account_value < 0: asset.set_value(str(-account_value)) elif account_value > 0: asset.set_value("-" + str(account_value)) else: asset.set_value("0.0") else: asset.set_value(str(account_value)) account_index += 1 extract_index += 1 asset.set_last_pull_date(NewDate) return AssetsFound
def ProcessAssetsSheet(self, parent) -> object: self.parent = parent AssetsFound = AssetList(parent) ws = self.wb.get_sheet_by_name("Assets") for row in ws.rows: cv = row[0].value if cv == None or "Bills" in cv or "Total" in cv or "Cash Flow" in cv: continue elif "Accounts" in cv or "Other" in cv: # print(row) ColumnHeaders = dict() col_num = 1 for cell in row: cv = cell.value if cv != None: if col_num == 1: headerValue = "Name" else: headerValue = cv ColumnHeaders[col_num] = headerValue col_num += 1 else: break if len(ColumnHeaders) == 1: continue # print(ColumnHeaders) else: col_num = 1 for cell in row: cv = cell.value if col_num == 1: # First column means this is a new asset... save name and pointer to the new asset location for later # Also set type of asset using clues from the account name new_asset = AssetsFound.get_asset_by_name(cv) asset_name = new_asset.get_name() if "Checking" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Checking") elif "Savings" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Savings") elif "Money Market" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Money Market") elif "Overdraft" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Overdraft") elif "TSP" in asset_name or "Annuity" in asset_name or "Life" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Retirement") elif "Visa" in asset_name or "MC" in asset_name or "Master Card" in asset_name or "Blue" in asset_name or "Credit Card" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Credit Card") elif "Sears" in asset_name or "Macy's" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Store Card") elif "Loan" in asset_name: new_asset.set_type("Loan") else: new_asset.set_type("Other") else: # 2nd and remaining columns are more data for the current asset... # determine what field and update the object appropriately heading = ColumnHeaders.get(col_num, "None") if heading != "None": if "Value (Curr)" in heading: new_asset.set_value(cv) elif "Value (Proj)" in heading: new_asset.set_value_proj(cv) elif heading == "last pulled": new_asset.set_last_pull_date(cv) elif heading == "Limit": new_asset.set_limit(cv) elif heading == "Avail (Online)": new_asset.set_avail(cv) elif heading == "Avail (Proj)": new_asset.set_avail_proj(cv) elif heading == "Estimate Method": new_asset.set_est_method(cv) elif heading == "Rate": new_asset.set_rate(cv) elif heading == "Payment": new_asset.set_payment(cv) elif heading == "Due Date": new_asset.set_due_date(cv) elif heading == "Sched": new_asset.set_sched_date(cv) elif heading == "Min Pmt": new_asset.set_min_pay(cv) elif "Stmt Bal" in heading: new_asset.set_stmt_bal(cv) elif "Amt Over" in heading: new_asset.set_amt_over(cv) elif "Cash Limit" in heading: new_asset.set_cash_limit(cv) elif "Cash used" in heading: new_asset.set_cash_used(cv) elif "Cash avail" in heading: new_asset.set_cash_avail(cv) else: print("Unknown field " + heading + " ignored!") pass col_num += 1 if col_num > len(ColumnHeaders): break return AssetsFound
class AssetFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, style, parent, my_id, title="PyAsset:Asset", myfile=None, **kwds): self.assets = AssetList() self.bills = BillList() self.cur_asset = None self.edited = 0 self.rowSize = 27 self.colSize = 20 if style == None: style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE kwds["style"] = style wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, my_id, title, **kwds) self.make_widgets() if myfile: self.cur_asset.read_qif(myfile) self.redraw_all(-1) if self.cur_asset.get_name() != None: self.SetTitle("PyAsset: Asset %s" % self.cur_asset.get_name()) return def DisplayMsg(self, str): d = wx.MessageDialog(self, str, "Error", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() return wx.CANCEL def make_widgets(self): self.menubar = wx.MenuBar() self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(1, 0) self.make_filemenu() self.make_editmenu() self.make_helpmenu() self.make_grid() self.set_properties() self.do_layout() def make_filemenu(self): self.filemenu = wx.Menu() # ID_EXPORT_TEXT = wx.NewId() # ID_ARCHIVE = wx.NewId() # ID_IMPORT_CSV = wx.NewId() ID_IMPORT_XLSM = wx.NewId() ID_UPDATE_FROM_NET = wx.NewId() ID_PROPERTIES = wx.NewId() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, "Open\tCtrl-o", "Open a new transction file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, "Save\tCtrl-s", "Save the current transactions in the same file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVEAS, "Save As", "Save the current transactions under a different name", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_CLOSE, "Close\tCtrl-w", "Close the current file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) # self.filemenu.Append(ID_EXPORT_TEXT, "Export Text", # "Export the current transaction register as a text file", # wx.ITEM_NORMAL) # self.filemenu.Append(ID_ARCHIVE, "Archive", # "Archive transactions older than a specified date", # wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # self.filemenu.Append(ID_IMPORT_CSV, "Import CSV\tCtrl-c", # "Import transactions from a CSV file", # wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(ID_IMPORT_XLSM, "Import XLSM file\tCtrl-i", "Import transactions from an EXCEL file with Macros", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(ID_UPDATE_FROM_NET, "Update Accounts from Net\tCtrl-u", "Update accounts using pre-defined iMacros", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() self.filemenu.Append(ID_PROPERTIES, "Properties\tCtrl-p", "Display and/or edit Number and Data/Time display properties, pay frequencies", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "Quit\tCtrl-q", "Exit PyAsset", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.menubar.Append(self.filemenu, "&File") wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_OPEN, self.load_file) wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_SAVE, self.save_file) wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_SAVEAS, self.save_as_file) wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_CLOSE, self.close) # wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXPORT_TEXT, self.export_text) # wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_ARCHIVE, self.archive) # wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_IMPORT_CSV, self.import_CSV_file) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_IMPORT_XLSM, self.import_XLSM_file) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_UPDATE_FROM_NET, self.update_from_net) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_PROPERTIES, wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_EXIT, self.quit) return def make_editmenu(self): ID_SORT = wx.NewId() ID_DELETE_ENTRY = wx.NewId() self.editmenu = wx.Menu() self.editmenu.Append(wx.ID_NEW, "New Entry\tCtrl-n", "Create a new asset in the list", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.editmenu.Append(ID_DELETE_ENTRY, "Delete Entry", "Delete the current asset", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.editmenu.Append(ID_SORT, "Sort Entries", "Sort entries", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.menubar.Append(self.editmenu, "&Edit") wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_NEW, self.newentry) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_DELETE_ENTRY, self.deleteentry) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_SORT, self.sort) return def make_helpmenu(self): ID_HELP = wx.NewId() self.helpmenu = wx.Menu() self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About", "About PyAsset", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.helpmenu.Append(ID_HELP, "Help\tCtrl-h", "PyAsset Help", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.menubar.Append(self.helpmenu, "&Help") wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_ABOUT, self.about) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_HELP, self.gethelp) return def make_grid(self): self.assetGrid = AssetGrid(self) def set_properties(self): self.total_width = self.assetGrid.set_properties(self) def do_layout(self): self.sizer_1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizer_1.Add(self.assetGrid, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) self.SetSizer(self.sizer_1) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.sizer_1.Fit(self) self.sizer_1.SetSizeHints(self) self.Layout() self.Show() def redraw_all(self, index=None): nassets = len(self.assets) if index == -1: nrows = self.assetGrid.GetNumberRows() if nrows > 0 and (index == None or index == -1): self.assetGrid.DeleteRows(0, nrows) nrows = 0 start_range = 0 end_range = nassets if nrows < nassets: rows_needed = nassets - nrows self.assetGrid.AppendRows(rows_needed) else: nrows = 1 start_range = index end_range = start_range + 1 for row in range(start_range, end_range): for col in range(self.assetGrid.getNumLayoutCols()): ret_val = wx.OK if row < 0 or row >= len(self.assets): str = "Warning: skipping redraw on bad cell %d %d!" % (row, col) ret_val = self.DisplayMsg(str) if ret_val != wx.OK: continue # Logic to always display Value (Curr), Value (Proj), Avail(Proj), Amt Over, Cash Limit, Cash Used and Cash Avail for credit cards and store cards asset_type = self.assets[row].get_type() col_name = self.assetGrid.getColName(col) self.assetGrid.setColZeroSuppress(row, col, True) if (asset_type == "store card" or asset_type == "credit card") and ("Curr" in col_name or "Proj" in col_name or "Amt" in col_name or "Cash" in col_name): self.assetGrid.setColZeroSuppress(row, col, False) # cellValue = self.assetGrid.GridCellDefaultRenderer(row, col) cellType = self.assetGrid.getColType(col) if cellType == self.assetGrid.DOLLAR_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellDollarRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.RATE_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellPercentRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.DATE_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellDateRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.DATE_TIME_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellDateTimeRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.STRING_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellStringRenderer(row, col) else: self.assetGrid.GridCellErrorRenderer(row, col) if index == -1: self.assetGrid.SetGridCursor(nassets-1, 0) self.assetGrid.MakeCellVisible(nassets-1, True) elif index > 0: self.assetGrid.SetGridCursor(index, 0) self.assetGrid.MakeCellVisible(index, True) nassets = len(self.assets) self.SetSize(size=(self.total_width, nassets*self.rowSize)) self.Show() def assetchange(self, evt): row = evt.GetRow() col = evt.GetCol() val = evt.String colName = self.assetGrid.getColName(col) if colName == "Acct name": self.assets[row].set_name(val) elif colName == "Curr val": self.assets[row].set_total(val) elif colName == "Last pulled": self.assets[row].set_last_pull_date(val) elif colName == "Limit": self.assets[row].set_limit(val) elif colName == "Avail online": self.assets[row].set_avail(val) elif colName == "Rate": self.assets[row].set_rate(val) elif colName == "Payment amt": self.assets[row].set_payment(val) elif colName == "Due date": self.assets[row].set_due_date(val) elif colName == "Sched date": self.assets[row].set_sched(val) elif colName == "Min Pmt": self.assets[row].set_min_pay(val) elif colName == "Stmt Bal": self.assets[row].set_stme_bal(val) elif colName == "Amt Over": self.assets[row].set_amt_over(val) elif colName == "Cash Limit": self.assets[row].set_cash_limit(val) elif colName == "Cash Used": self.assets[row].set_cash_used(val) elif colName == "Cash Avail": self.assets[row].set_cash_avail(val) else: print "assetchange: Warning: modifying incorrect cell! row, ", row, " col ", col return def load_file(self, *args): self.close() self.cur_asset = Asset() self.edited = 0 d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open", "", "", "*.qif", wx.OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.cur_asset.read_qif(os.path.join(dir, fname)) self.redraw_all(-1) if self.SetTitle("PyAsset: %s" % return def save_file(self, *args): for cur_asset in self.assets: if not cur_asset.filename: self.save_as_file() else: self.edited = 0 self.cur_asset.write_qif() return def save_as_file(self, *args): d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save", "", "", "*.qif", wx.SAVE) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.cur_asset.write_qif(os.path.join(dir, fname)) if self.SetTitle("PyAsset: %s" % return def close(self, *args): if self.edited: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Save file before closing?', 'Question', wx.YES_NO) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.save_file() self.assets = AssetList() self.cur_asset = None nrows = self.assetGrid.GetNumberRows() if nrows > 0: self.assetGrid.DeleteRows(0, nrows) self.redraw_all(-1) self.edited = 0 self.SetTitle("PyAsset: Asset") return def quit(self, *args): self.close() self.Close() # # @brief Receives data to be written to and its location # # @params[in] date_ # Data of transaction # @params[in] amount_ # Amount of money for transaction # @params[in] memo_ # Description of transaction # @params[in] payee_ # Who transaction was paid to # @params[in] filelocation_ # Location of the Output file # # # # def write_file(self, date_, amount_, memo_, payee_, filelocation_): outFile = open(filelocation_, "a") # Open file to be appended outFile.write("!Type:Cash\n") # Header of transaction, Currently all set to cash outFile.write("D") # Date line starts with the capital D outFile.write(date_) outFile.write("\n") outFile.write("T") # Transaction amount starts here outFile.write(amount_) outFile.write("\n") outFile.write("M") # Memo Line outFile.write(memo_) outFile.write("\n") if (payee_ != -1): outFile.write("P") # Payee line outFile.write(payee_) outFile.write("\n") outFile.write("^\n") # The last line of each transaction starts with a Caret to mark the end outFile.close() # # @brief Takes given CSV and parses it to be exported to a QIF # # @params[in] inf_ # File to be read and converted to QIF # @params[in] outf_ # File that the converted data will go # @params[in] deff_ # File with the settings for converting CSV # # def read_csv(self, inf_, outf_, deff_): # will need to receive input csv and def file csvdeff = csv.reader(deff_, delimiter=',') next(csvdeff, None) for settings in csvdeff: date_ = (settings[0]) # convert to amount_ = (settings[2]) # How much was the transaction memo_ = (settings[3]) # discription of the transaction payee_ = (settings[4]) # Where the money is going deli_ = settings[5] # How the csv is separated header_ = (settings[6]) # Set if there is a header to skip csvIn = csv.reader(inf_, delimiter=deli_) # create csv object using the given separator if header_ >= 1: # If there is a header skip the fist line next(csvIn, None) # skip header for row in csvIn: self.write_file(row[date_], row[amount_], row[memo_], row[payee_], outf_) # export each row as a qif entry inf_.close() deff_.close() def import_CSV_file(self, *args): # Appends the records from a .csv file to the current Asset d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Import", "", "", "*.csv", wx.OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.edited = 1 fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() total_name_in = os.path.join(dir, fname) total_name_extension_place = total_name_in.find(".csv") total_name_def = "" total_name_qif = "" if total_name_extension_place != -1: total_name_def = total_name_in[:total_name_extension_place] + ".def" total_name_qif = total_name_in[:total_name_extension_place] + ".qif" # pr total_name_in, total_name_def, total_name_qif error = "" try: fromfile = open(total_name_in, 'r') except: error = total_name_in + ' does not exist / cannot be opened !!\n' if total_name_qif != "": try: tofile = open(total_name_qif, 'a') except: error = total_name_qif + ' cannot be created !!\n' if total_name_def != "": if os.path.isfile(total_name_def): deffile = open(total_name_def, 'r') else: error = total_name_def + ' does not exist / cannot be opened !!\n' if error == "": tofile = total_name_qif self.read_csv(fromfile, tofile, deffile) self.cur_asset.read_qif(total_name_qif) fromfile.close() deffile.close() self.redraw_all(-1) else: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, error, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() return if self.SetTitle("PyAsset: %s" % return def import_XLSM_file(self, *args): # Appends or Merges as appropriate the records from a .xlsm file to the current Asset d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Import", "", "", "*.xlsm", wx.OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.edited = 1 fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() total_name_in = os.path.join(dir, fname) error = "" try: fromfile = open(total_name_in, 'r') except: error = total_name_in + ' does not exist / cannot be opened !!\n' fromfile.close() if error == "": self.cur_assets = None xlsm = ExcelToAsset() xlsm.OpenXLSMFile(total_name_in) latest_assets = xlsm.ProcessAssetsSheet() # print latest_assets for i in range(len(latest_assets)): xlsm_asset = latest_assets.__getitem__(i) self.cur_asset = copy.deepcopy(xlsm_asset) cur_name = self.cur_asset.get_name() found = False for j in range(len(self.assets)): if self.assets[j].get_name() == cur_name: self.assets[j] = copy.deepcopy(xlsm_asset) found = True break if not found: self.assets.append(self.cur_asset.get_name()) self.assets[-1] = copy.deepcopy(xlsm_asset) # latest_bills = xlsm.ProcessBillsSheet(self.bills) # print latest_bills #TODO: Process latest_bills if self.SetTitle("PyAsset: Asset %s" % total_name_in) self.redraw_all(-1) else: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, error, wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() def update_from_net(self, *args): w = iMacrosToAsset() w.Init() net_asset_codes = [("HFCU",1,[False,False,False,True]), ("BOA",-1,[False,True]), ("CITI",-1,[True]), ("MACYS",-1,[True]), ("SEARS",-1,[True]), ("TSP",-1,[False,False,False,True]), ("MET",1,[False])] for net_asset_code in net_asset_codes: latest_assets = w.GetNetInfo(net_asset_code) # print latest_assets for i in range(len(latest_assets)): net_asset = latest_assets.__getitem__(i) if net_asset != None: latest_name = net_asset.get_name() found = False for j in range(len(self.assets)): cur_name = self.assets[j].get_name() if "(" in cur_name: cur_name = cur_name.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] if cur_name in latest_name: net_index = j found = True break if not found: self.assets.append(latest_name) net_index = -1 # Always update Value (Curr) column... others check if non-zero value before update is done! self.assets[net_index].set_total(net_asset.get_total()) if net_asset.get_value_proj() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_value_proj(net_asset.get_value_proj()) if net_asset.get_last_pull_date() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_last_pull_date(net_asset.get_last_pull_date()) if net_asset.get_limit() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_limit(net_asset.get_limit()) if net_asset.get_avail() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_avail(net_asset.get_avail()) if net_asset.get_avail_proj() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_avail_proj(net_asset.get_avail_proj()) if net_asset.get_rate() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_rate(net_asset.get_rate()) if net_asset.get_payment() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_payment(net_asset.get_payment()) if net_asset.get_due_date() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_due_date(net_asset.get_due_date()) if net_asset.get_sched() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_sched(net_asset.get_sched()) if net_asset.get_min_pay() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_min_pay(net_asset.get_min_pay()) if net_asset.get_stmt_bal() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_stmt_bal(net_asset.get_stmt_bal()) if net_asset.get_amt_over() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_amt_over(net_asset.get_amt_over()) if net_asset.get_cash_limit() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_cash_limit(net_asset.get_cash_limit()) if net_asset.get_cash_used() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_cash_used(net_asset.get_cash_used()) if net_asset.get_cash_avail() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_cash_avail(net_asset.get_cash_avail()) w.Finish() self.redraw_all(-1) def properties(self, *args): # TODO properties self.DisplayMsg("properties called") def export_text(self, *args): d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save", "", "", "*.txt", wx.SAVE) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.cur_asset.write_txt(os.path.join(dir, fname)) return def archive(self, *args): d = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, "Archive transactions before what date (mm/dd/yy)?", "Archive Date") if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: date = Date(d.GetValue()) else: date = None d.Destroy() if not date: return archive = Asset() newcb_starttransaction = Transaction() newcb_starttransaction.amount = 0 newcb_starttransaction.payee = "Starting Balance" newcb_starttransaction.memo = "Archived by PyAsset" newcb_starttransaction.cleared = 1 = date newcb = Asset() newcb.filename = self.cur_asset.filename = newcb.append(newcb_starttransaction) archtot = 0 for transaction in self.cur_asset: if < date and transaction.cleared: archive.append(transaction) archtot += transaction.amount else: newcb.append(transaction) newcb_starttransaction.amount = archtot self.cur_asset = newcb while 1: d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save Archive As", "", "", "*.qif", wx.SAVE) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() d.Destroy() if fname: break archive.write_qif(os.path.join(dir, fname)) self.redraw_all(-1) self.edited = 1 return def newentry(self, *args): self.edited = 1 self.cur_asset.append(Asset()) self.assetGrid.AppendRows() nassets = self.assetGrid.GetNumberRows() self.assetGrid.SetGridCursor(nassets - 1, 0) self.assetGrid.MakeCellVisible(nassets - 1, 1) def sort(self, *args): self.edited = 1 self.cur_asset.sort() self.redraw_all(-1) def deleteentry(self, *args): index = self.assetGrid.GetGridCursorRow() if index < 0: return d = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Really delete this asset?", "Really delete?", wx.YES_NO) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: del self.cur_asset[index] self.redraw_all(index - 1) # only redraw cells [index-1:] return def about(self, *args): d = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Python Asset Manager\n" "Copyright (c) 2016,2017 Joseph J. Gorak\n" "Based on idea from Python Checkbook (pyCheckbook)\n" "written by Richard P. Muller\n" "Released under the Gnu GPL\n", "About PyAsset", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() return def gethelp(self, *args): d = HelpDialog(self, -1, "Help", __doc__) val = d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() return
class AssetFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, title="PyAsset", cfgFile="", assetFile=""): self.parent = parent self.frame = self self.assets = AssetList(self) self.bills = BillList() self.cur_asset = Asset(name=assetFile) self.edited = False self.payType = "" self.ref_date = None self.netpay = "" self.payDepositAcct = "" self.cfgFile = copy.deepcopy(cfgFile) super(AssetFrame, self).__init__(parent, title=title) if self.readConfigFile(cfgFile): valid_date_seps = ['/', '-'] for j in range(len(valid_date_seps)): date_sep = valid_date_seps[j] date_fields = self.dateFormat.split(valid_date_seps[j]) if len(date_fields) == 3: break if len(date_fields) == 3: Date.set_global_date_format(self, self.dateFormat) Date.set_global_date_sep(self, date_sep) self.curr_date = Date.set_curr_date(self) self.proj_date = Date.set_proj_date(self, "") Date.set_global_curr_date(self, self.curr_date) Date.set_global_proj_date(self, self.proj_date) Date.set_curr_paydate(self) Date.set_next_paydate(self) self.make_widgets() self.filename = assetFile if self.filename == "": d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Open", "", "", "*.qif", wx.FD_OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.filename = os.path.join(dir, fname) if self.filename: latest_assets = qif.load_file(self, self.filename) self.process_asset_list(latest_assets) else: error = 'Badly formatted date format sting: %s - Aborting!\n' self.DisplayMsg(error) else: error = cfgFile + ' does not exist / cannot be opened!! - Aborting\n' self.DisplayMsg(error) def clear_all_assets(self): self.assets = AssetList(self) self.redraw_all(-1) def readConfigFile(self, cfgFile): if cfgFile == "": d = wx.FileDialog(self, "", "", "", "*.cfg", wx.FD_OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() total_name_in = os.path.join(dir, fname) self.cfgFile = total_name_in else: self.cfgFile = cfgFile try: file = open(self.cfgFile, 'r') lines = file.readlines() self.dateFormat = lines.pop(0).replace('\n', '') Date.set_global_date_format(self, self.dateFormat) self.payType = lines.pop(0).replace('\n', '') in_ref_date = lines.pop(0).replace('\n', '') ref_date = Date.parse_date(self, in_ref_date, self.dateFormat) self.ref_date = ref_date["dt"] self.netpay = lines.pop(0).replace('\n', '') self.payDepositAcct = lines.pop(0).replace('\n', '') file.close() return True except: return False def writeConfigFile(self): if self.cfgFile == "": d = wx.FileDialog(self, "", "", "", "*.cfg", wx.FD_OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() total_name_in = os.path.join(dir, fname) self.cfgFile = total_name_in file = open(self.cfgFile, 'w') file.write("%s\n" % self.dateFormat) file.write("%s\n" % self.payType) file.write("%s\n" % self.ref_date) file.write("%s\n" % self.netpay) file.write("%s\n" % self.payDepositAcct) file.close() def DisplayMsg(self, str): d = wx.MessageDialog(self, str, "Error", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() def make_widgets(self): self.menubar = wx.MenuBar() self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) self.make_filemenu() self.make_editmenu() self.make_helpmenu() self.setup_layout() def make_filemenu(self): self.filemenu = wx.Menu() ID_EXPORT_TEXT = wx.NewId() ID_ARCHIVE = wx.NewId() ID_IMPORT_CSV = wx.NewId() ID_IMPORT_XLSM = wx.NewId() ID_UPDATE_FROM_NET = wx.NewId() ID_PROPERTIES = wx.NewId() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, "Open\tCtrl-o", "Open a new transction file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, "Save\tCtrl-s", "Save the current transactions in the same file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append( wx.ID_SAVEAS, "Save As", "Save the current transactions under a different name", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_CLOSE, "Close\tCtrl-w", "Close the current file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append( ID_EXPORT_TEXT, "Export Text", "Export the current transaction register as a text file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append( ID_ARCHIVE, "Archive", "Archive transactions older than a specified date", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() self.filemenu.Append(ID_IMPORT_CSV, "Import CSV\tCtrl-c", "Import transactions from a CSV file", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append( ID_IMPORT_XLSM, "Import XLSM file\tCtrl-i", "Import transactions from an EXCEL file with Macros", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.Append(ID_UPDATE_FROM_NET, "Update Accounts from Net\tCtrl-u", "Update accounts using pre-defined iMacros", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() self.filemenu.Append( ID_PROPERTIES, "Properties\tCtrl-p", "Display and/or edit Number and Data/Time display properties, pay frequencies", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "Quit\tCtrl-q", "Exit PyAsset", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.menubar.Append(self.filemenu, "&File") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.load_file, None, wx.ID_OPEN) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.save_file, None, wx.ID_SAVE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.save_as_file, None, wx.ID_SAVEAS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.close, None, wx.ID_CLOSE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.export_text, None, ID_EXPORT_TEXT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.archive, None, ID_ARCHIVE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.import_CSV_file, None, ID_IMPORT_CSV) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.import_XLSM_file, None, ID_IMPORT_XLSM) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.update_from_net, None, ID_UPDATE_FROM_NET) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU,, None, ID_PROPERTIES) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.quit, None, wx.ID_EXIT) def make_editmenu(self): ID_SORT = wx.NewId() ID_DELETE_ENTRY = wx.NewId() self.editmenu = wx.Menu() self.editmenu.Append(wx.ID_NEW, "New Entry\tCtrl-n", "Create a new asset in the list", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.editmenu.Append(ID_DELETE_ENTRY, "Delete Entry", "Delete the current asset", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.editmenu.Append(ID_SORT, "Sort Entries", "Sort entries", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.menubar.Append(self.editmenu, "&Edit") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.newentry, None, wx.ID_NEW) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.deleteentry, None, ID_DELETE_ENTRY) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.sort, None, ID_SORT) def make_helpmenu(self): ID_HELP = wx.NewId() self.helpmenu = wx.Menu() self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About", "About PyAsset", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.helpmenu.Append(ID_HELP, "Help\tCtrl-h", "PyAsset Help", wx.ITEM_NORMAL) self.menubar.Append(self.helpmenu, "&Help") self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.about, None, wx.ID_ABOUT) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.gethelp, None, ID_HELP) def make_bill_button(self, panel): self.billButton = Button(panel, label="Bills") self.billButton.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onBillButtonClick) def onBillButtonClick(self, evt): self.DisplayMsg("Bill button clicked!") def make_date_grid(self, panel): self.currDateLabel = wx.StaticText(panel, label="Curr Date") dates = Date(self, self.dateFormat, self.payType, self.ref_date) self.curr_date = dates.get_curr_date() self.currDate = wx.StaticText(panel, label=self.curr_date["str"]) self.projDateLabel = wx.StaticText(panel, label="Proj Date") displayDateFormat = self.dateFormat.replace("%m", "mm").replace( "%d", "dd").replace("%y", "yy").replace("%Y", "yyyy") self.projDateInput = wx.TextCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, value=displayDateFormat) self.currPayDateLabel = wx.StaticText(panel, label="Current Pay Date") self.currPayDate = dates.get_curr_paydate() self.currPayDateOutput = wx.StaticText(panel, label=str(self.currPayDate)) self.nextPayDateLabel = wx.StaticText(panel, label="Next Pay Date") self.nextPayDate = dates.get_next_paydate() self.nextPayDateOutput = wx.StaticText(panel, label=str(self.nextPayDate)) self.projDateInput.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.onProjDateEntered) def update_date_grid_dates(self, oldDateFormat, newDateFormat): if oldDateFormat != newDateFormat: self.curr_date = Date.convertDateFormat(self, self.curr_date, oldDateFormat, newDateFormat) self.currDate.LabelText = self.curr_date["str"] self.currDate.Refresh() try: if oldDateFormat != newDateFormat: self.proj_date = Date.convertDateFormat( self, self.proj_date, oldDateFormat, newDateFormat) if self.proj_date == None: self.projDateInput.LabelText = newDateFormat.replace( "%m", "mm").replace("%d", "dd").replace("%y", "yy").replace("%Y", "yyyy") else: self.projDateInput.LabelText = self.proj_date except: self.projDateInput.LabelText = newDateFormat.replace( "%m", "mm").replace("%d", "dd").replace("%y", "yy").replace("%Y", "yyyy") self.projDateInput.Refresh() if oldDateFormat != newDateFormat: self.currPayDate = Date.convertDateFormat(self, self.currPayDate, oldDateFormat, newDateFormat) self.currPayDateOutput.LabelText = Date.get_curr_paydate(self) self.currPayDateOutput.Refresh() if oldDateFormat != newDateFormat: self.nextPayDate = Date.convertDateFormat(self, self.nextPayDate, oldDateFormat, newDateFormat) self.nextPayDateOutput.LabelText = Date.get_next_paydate(self) self.nextPayDateOutput.Refresh() def onProjDateEntered(self, evt): in_date = evt.String date_format = Date.get_global_date_format(self) returned_date = Date.parse_date(self, in_date, date_format) if returned_date != None: self.proj_date = wx.DateTime.FromDMY(returned_date["day"], returned_date["month"] - 1, returned_date["year"]) self.proj_year = returned_date["year"] self.proj_month = returned_date["month"] self.proj_day = returned_date["day"] print( "Projected date %s, parse: Month: %02d, Day: %02d, Year: %04d" % (self.proj_date.Format(self.dateFormat), self.proj_month, self.proj_day, self.proj_year)) Date.set_proj_date(self, in_date) else: self.proj_date = None self.DisplayMsg("Bad projected date ignored: %s" % (in_date)) def make_asset_grid(self, panel): self.assetGrid = AssetGrid(panel) self.needed_width = self.assetGrid.set_properties(self) def add_transaction_frame(self, row, col): name = self.assets[row].name transactions = self.assets[row].transactions self.trans_frame = TransactionFrame(None, self, -1, row, transactions, name) def get_transaction_frame(self): return self.trans_frame def setup_layout(self): self.panel = wx.Panel(self) self.make_bill_button(self.panel) self.make_date_grid(self.panel) self.make_asset_grid(self.panel) self.date_fgs = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 9, 5, 5) self.date_fgs.AddMany([(self.billButton), (self.currDateLabel, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (self.currDate, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (self.projDateLabel, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (self.projDateInput, 1, wx.EXPAND), (self.currPayDateLabel, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (self.currPayDateOutput, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (self.nextPayDateLabel, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER), (self.nextPayDateOutput, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)]) self.asset_fgs = wx.FlexGridSizer(2, 1, 0, 0) self.asset_fgs.Add(self.assetGrid, proportion=1, flag=wx.RESERVE_SPACE_EVEN_IF_HIDDEN | wx.EXPAND) self.mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.mainSizer.Add(self.date_fgs) self.mainSizer.Add(self.asset_fgs) self.panel.Fit() self.panel.SetSizer(self.mainSizer) self.date_fgs.SetSizeHints(self.panel) self.asset_fgs.SetSizeHints(self.panel) self.Fit() self.Layout() self.Show() def redraw_all(self, index=-1): self.edited = True nassets = len(self.assets) if index == -1: nrows = nassets + 1 if nrows > 0 and (index == None or index == -1): self.assetGrid.DeleteRows(0, nrows) nrows = 0 start_range = 0 end_range = nassets if nrows < nassets: rows_needed = nassets - nrows self.assetGrid.AppendRows(rows_needed) else: start_range = index end_range = start_range + 1 for row in range(start_range, end_range): for col in range(self.assetGrid.getNumLayoutCols()): ret_val = wx.OK if row < 0 or row >= len(self.assets): str = "Warning: skipping redraw on bad cell %d %d!" % (row, col) ret_val = self.DisplayMsg(str) if ret_val != wx.OK: continue # Logic to always display Value (Curr), Value (Proj), Avail(Proj), Amt Over, Cash Limit, Cash Used and Cash Avail for credit cards,store cards, and overdraft asset_type = self.assets[row].get_type() col_name = self.assetGrid.getColName(col) self.assetGrid.setColZeroSuppress(row, col, True) if (asset_type == "store card" or asset_type == "credit card" or asset_type == "overdraft") and ( "Curr" in col_name or "Proj" in col_name or "Amt" in col_name or "Cash" in col_name): self.assetGrid.setColZeroSuppress(row, col, False) cellValue = self.assetGrid.GridCellDefaultRenderer(row, col) cellType = self.assetGrid.getColType(col) if cellType == self.assetGrid.DOLLAR_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellDollarRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.RATE_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellPercentRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.DATE_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellDateRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.DATE_TIME_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellDateTimeRenderer(row, col) elif cellType == self.assetGrid.STRING_TYPE: self.assetGrid.GridCellStringRenderer(row, col) else: self.assetGrid.GridCellErrorRenderer(row, col) if index == -1: self.assetGrid.SetGridCursor(0, 0) # was (nassets-1, 0) self.assetGrid.MakeCellVisible(0, True) # was (nassets-1, 0) elif index > 0: self.assetGrid.SetGridCursor(index, 0) self.assetGrid.MakeCellVisible(index, True) def assetchange(self, evt): row = evt.GetRow() col = evt.GetCol() val = evt.String modified = True colName = self.assetGrid.getColName(col) if colName == "Acct name": self.assets[row].set_name(val) elif colName == "Curr val": self.assets[row].set_value(val) elif colName == "Last pulled": self.assets[row].set_last_pull_date(val) elif colName == "Limit": self.assets[row].set_limit(val) elif colName == "Avail online": self.assets[row].set_avail(val) elif colName == "Rate": self.assets[row].set_rate(val) elif colName == "Payment amt": self.assets[row].set_payment(val) elif colName == "Due date": self.assets[row].set_due_date(val) elif colName == "Sched date": self.assets[row].set_sched_date(val) elif colName == "Min Pmt": self.assets[row].set_min_pay(val) elif colName == "Stmt Bal": self.assets[row].set_stme_bal(val) elif colName == "Amt Over": self.assets[row].set_amt_over(val) elif colName == "Cash Limit": self.assets[row].set_cash_limit(val) elif colName == "Cash Used": self.assets[row].set_cash_used(val) elif colName == "Cash Avail": self.assets[row].set_cash_avail(val) else: print("assetchange: Warning: modifying incorrect cell! row, ", row, " col ", col) modified = False if modified == True: self.edited = True def update_all_Date_Formats(self, oldDateFormat, newDateFormat): self.edited = True self.update_date_grid_dates(oldDateFormat, newDateFormat) #TODO: Add code to update asset_grids and transaction grids JJG 06/10/2020 def load_file(self, assetFile): latest_assets = qif.load_file(self, "") if latest_assets != None: self.process_asset_list(latest_assets) def save_file(self, *args): for cur_asset in self.assets: if cur_asset.filename == "": self.save_as_file() else: self.edited = False self.cur_asset.write_qif() def save_as_file(self, *args): d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save", "", "", "*.qif", wx.FD_SAVE) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.cur_asset.write_qif(os.path.join(dir, fname)) if self.SetTitle("PyAsset: %s" % def close(self, *args): pass # Not sure what to do here yet! JJG 1/17/2022 #self.cur_asset = None #del self.assets #del self.bills #self.assets = AssetList(self) #self.bills = BillList() #self.redraw_all() #self.edited = False #self.SetTitle("PyAsset: Asset") def quit(self, *args): self.close() self.Close() # # @brief Receives data to be written to and its location # # @params[in] date_ # Data of transaction # @params[in] amount_ # Amount of money for transaction # @params[in] memo_ # Description of transaction # @params[in] payee_ # Who transaction was paid to # @params[in] filelocation_ # Location of the Output file # # # # def write_file(self, date_, amount_, memo_, payee_, filelocation_): outFile = open(filelocation_, "a") # Open file to be appended outFile.write( "!Type:Cash\n") # Header of transaction, Currently all set to cash outFile.write("D") # Date line starts with the capital D outFile.write(date_) outFile.write("\n") outFile.write("T") # Transaction amount starts here outFile.write(amount_) outFile.write("\n") outFile.write("M") # Memo Line outFile.write(memo_) outFile.write("\n") if (payee_ != -1): outFile.write("P") # Payee line outFile.write(payee_) outFile.write("\n") outFile.write( "^\n" ) # The last line of each transaction starts with a Caret to mark the end outFile.close() # # @brief Takes given CSV and parses it to be exported to a QIF # # @params[in] inf_ # File to be read and converted to QIF # @params[in] outf_ # File that the converted data will go # @params[in] deff_ # File with the settings for converting CSV # # def read_csv(self, inf_, outf_, deff_): # will need to receive input csv and def file csvdeff = csv.reader(deff_, delimiter=',') next(csvdeff, None) for settings in csvdeff: date_ = (settings[0]) # convert to amount_ = (settings[2]) # How much was the transaction memo_ = (settings[3]) # discription of the transaction payee_ = (settings[4]) # Where the money is going deli_ = settings[5] # How the csv is separated header_ = (settings[6]) # Set if there is a header to skip csvIn = csv.reader( inf_, delimiter=deli_) # create csv object using the given separator if header_ >= 1: # If there is a header skip the fist line next(csvIn, None) # skip header for row in csvIn: self.write_file(row[date_], row[amount_], row[memo_], row[payee_], outf_) # export each row as a qif entry inf_.close() deff_.close() def import_CSV_file(self, *args): # Appends the records from a .csv file to the current Asset d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Import", "", "", "*.csv", wx.FD_OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.edited = True fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() total_name_in = os.path.join(dir, fname) total_name_extension_place = total_name_in.find(".csv") total_name_def = "" total_name_qif = "" if total_name_extension_place != -1: total_name_def = total_name_in[:total_name_extension_place] + ".def" total_name_qif = total_name_in[:total_name_extension_place] + ".qif" # pr total_name_in, total_name_def, total_name_qif error = "" try: fromfile = open(total_name_in, 'r') except: error = total_name_in + ' does not exist / cannot be opened !!\n' if total_name_qif != "": try: tofile = open(totoal_name_qif, 'a') except: error = total_name_qif + ' cannot be created !!\n' if total_name_def != "": if os.path.isfile(total_name_def): deffile = open(total_name_def, 'r') else: error = total_name_def + ' does not exist / cannot be opened !!\n' if error == "": tofile = total_name_qif self.read_csv(fromfile, tofile, deffile) self.cur_asset.read_qif(total_name_qif) fromfile.close() deffile.close() self.redraw_all(-1) if self.SetTitle("PyAsset: %s" % else: self.Display(error) return def process_asset_list(self, assetList): for i in range(len(assetList.assets)): cur_asset = assetList.assets[i] cur_name = cur_asset.get_name() j = self.assets.index(cur_name) if j != -1: self.assets.assets[ j] = cur_asset # For now, just replace, when dates are working, save later date JJG 1/22/2022 else: self.assets.append_by_object(cur_asset) self.redraw_all() def import_XLSM_file(self, *args): # Appends or Merges as appropriate the records from a .xlsm file to the current Asset d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Import", "", "", "*.xlsm", wx.FD_OPEN) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.edited = True fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() total_name_in = os.path.join(dir, fname) error = "" try: fromfile = open(total_name_in, 'r') fromfile.close() except: error = total_name_in + ' does not exist / cannot be opened !!\n' if error == "": self.cur_assets = None xlsm = ExcelToAsset(ignore_sheets=[ 'Assets', 'Bills', 'Shop Your Way transactions', 'Slate transactions', 'Slate old transactions' ]) xlsm.OpenXLSMFile(total_name_in) latest_assets = xlsm.ProcessAssetsSheet(self) self.process_asset_list(latest_assets) transaction_sheet_names = xlsm.GetTransactionSheetNames() for sheet in transaction_sheet_names: sheet_index = self.assets.index(sheet) if sheet_index != -1: self.assets[ sheet_index].transactions = xlsm.ProcessTransactionSheet( self.assets[sheet_index], sheet) if self.assets[sheet_index].transactions: proj_value = self.assets[ sheet_index].transactions.update_current_and_projected_values( ) self.assets[sheet_index].set_value_proj(proj_value) else: print(sheet + " not found in asset list") #TODO: Process latest_bills here (False since not written yet!) if False: self.latest_bills = xlsm.ProcessBillsSheet(self.bills) print(self.latest_bills) else: self.DisplayMsg(error) def update_from_net(self, *args): w = iMacrosToAsset() w.Init() net_asset_codes = [ ("HFCU", 1, [False, False, False, True]), #("BOA",-1,[False,True]), #("AMEX",-1,[True,True]), #("CITI",-1,[True]), #("MACYS",-1,[True]), #("SYW",-1,[True]), #("TSP",-1,[False,False,False,True]), #("MET",1,[False]) ] for net_asset_code in net_asset_codes: latest_assets = w.GetNetInfo(net_asset_code) #print latest_assets for i in range(len(latest_assets)): net_asset = latest_assets.__getitem__(i) if net_asset != None: latest_name = net_asset.get_name() found = False for j in range(len(self.assets)): cur_name = self.assets[j].get_name() if "(" in cur_name: cur_name = cur_name.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] if cur_name in latest_name: net_index = j found = True break if not found: self.assets.append(latest_name) net_index = -1 # Always update Value (Curr) column and type ... others check if non-zero value before update is done! self.assets[net_index].set_value(net_asset.get_value()) self.assets[net_index].set_type(net_asset.get_type()) if net_asset.get_value_proj() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_value_proj( net_asset.get_value_proj()) if net_asset.get_last_pull_date() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_last_pull_date( net_asset.get_last_pull_date()) if net_asset.get_limit() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_limit(net_asset.get_limit()) if net_asset.get_avail() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_avail(net_asset.get_avail()) if net_asset.get_avail_proj() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_avail_proj( net_asset.get_avail_proj()) if net_asset.get_rate() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_rate(net_asset.get_rate()) if net_asset.get_payment() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_payment( net_asset.get_payment()) if net_asset.get_due_date() != None: self.assets[net_index].set_due_date( net_asset.get_due_date()) if net_asset.get_sched_date() != None: self.assets[net_index].set_sched_date( net_asset.get_sched_date()) if net_asset.get_min_pay() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_min_pay( net_asset.get_min_pay()) if net_asset.get_stmt_bal() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_stmt_bal( net_asset.get_stmt_bal()) if net_asset.get_amt_over() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_amt_over( net_asset.get_amt_over()) if net_asset.get_cash_limit() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_cash_limit( net_asset.get_cash_limit()) if net_asset.get_cash_used() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_cash_used( net_asset.get_cash_used()) if net_asset.get_cash_avail() != 0.0: self.assets[net_index].set_cash_avail( net_asset.get_cash_avail()) w.Finish() self.redraw_all() def properties(self, *args): dateFormat = Date.get_global_date_format(self) ref_date_parsed = Date.parse_date(self, self.ref_date, dateFormat) if ref_date_parsed != None: ref_date_dt = ref_date_parsed["dt"] ref_date = wx.DateTime.FromDMY(, ref_date_dt.month, ref_date_dt.year).Format(dateFormat) else: ref_date = "" # For now to test! JJG 08/06/2021 frame = PropertyFrameWithForm(self, self.dateFormat, self.payType, ref_date, self.netpay, self.payDepositAcct) frame.Show() def setDateFormat(self, new_DateFormat): self.dateFormat = new_DateFormat def setPayType(self, new_type): self.payType = new_type def setRefDate(self, new_ref_date): self.ref_date = new_ref_date def setNetPay(self, new_netpay): self.netpay = new_netpay def setPayDepositAcct(self, new_PayDepositAcct): self.payDepositAcct = new_PayDepositAcct def getDateFormat(self): return self.dateFormat def getPayType(self): return self.payType def getRefDate(self): return self.ref_date def getNetPay(self): return self.netpay def getPayDepositAcct(self): return self.payDepositAcct def export_text(self, *args): d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save", "", "", "*.txt", wx.SAVE) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() self.cur_asset.write_txt(os.path.join(dir, fname)) def archive(self, *args): d = wx.TextEntryDialog( self, "Archive transactions before what date (mm/dd/yy)?", "Archive Date") if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: date = Date(d.GetValue()) else: date = None d.Destroy() if not date: return archive = Asset() newcb_starttransaction = Transaction() newcb_starttransaction.amount = 0 newcb_starttransaction.payee = "Starting Balance" newcb_starttransaction.memo = "Archived by PyAsset" newcb_starttransaction.state = "cleared" = date newcb = Asset() newcb.filename = self.cur_asset.filename = newcb.append(newcb_starttransaction) archtot = 0 for transaction in self.cur_asset: if < date and transaction.state == "cleared": archive.append(transaction) archtot += transaction.amount else: newcb.append(transaction) newcb_starttransaction.amount = archtot self.cur_asset = newcb while 1: d = wx.FileDialog(self, "Save Archive As", "", "", "*.qif", wx.SAVE) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fname = d.GetFilename() dir = d.GetDirectory() d.Destroy() if fname: break archive.write_qif(os.path.join(dir, fname)) self.redraw_all(-1) self.edited = True def newentry(self, *args): self.edited = True self.assets.append("New Asset") self.assetGrid.AppendRows() nassets = self.assetGrid.GetNumberRows() self.assetGrid.SetGridCursor(nassets - 1, 0) self.assetGrid.MakeCellVisible(nassets - 1, 1) self.redraw_all() def sort(self, *args): self.edited = True self.assets.sort() self.redraw_all() def deleteentry(self, *args): index = self.assetGrid.GetGridCursorRow() indices = self.assetGrid.SelectedCells if index >= 0: d = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Really delete this asset?", "Really delete?", wx.YES_NO) if d.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: del self.assets[index] self.redraw_all( ) # TODO: Can we make a self.redraw(index-1) so that only the assets[index-1:] get updated? JJG 07/09/2021 def about(self, *args): d = wx.MessageDialog( self, "Python Asset Manager\n" "Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Joseph J. Gorak\n" "Released under the Gnu GPL\n", "About PyAsset", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() def gethelp(self, *args): d = HelpDialog(self, -1, "Help", __doc__) val = d.ShowModal() d.Destroy() def MsgBox(self, message): d = wx.MessageDialog(self, message, "error", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) d.ShowModal() d.Destroy()
def clear_all_assets(self): self.assets = AssetList(self) self.redraw_all(-1)