Beispiel #1
def eulerian_path(edge_dict):
    '''Returns an Eulerian path from the given edges.'''
    # Determine the unbalanced edges.
    out_values = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, edge_dict.values())
    for node in set(out_values + edge_dict.keys()):
        out_value = out_values.count(node)
        if node in edge_dict:
            in_value = len(edge_dict[node])
            in_value = 0

        if in_value < out_value:
            unbalanced_from = node
        elif out_value < in_value:
            unbalanced_to = node

    # Add an edge connecting the unbalanced edges.
    if unbalanced_from in edge_dict:
        edge_dict[unbalanced_from] = [unbalanced_to]

    # Get the Eulerian Cycle from the edges, including the unbalanced edge.
    cycle = eulerian_cycle(edge_dict)

    # Find the location of the unbalanced edge in the eulerian cycle.
    divide_point = filter(
        lambda i: cycle[i:i + 2] == [unbalanced_from, unbalanced_to],
        xrange(len(cycle) - 1))[0]

    # Remove the unbalanced edge, and shift appropriately, overlapping the head and tail.
    return cycle[divide_point + 1:] + cycle[1:divide_point + 1]
def eulerian_path(edge_dict):
    '''Returns an Eulerian path from the given edges.'''
    # Determine the unbalanced edges.
    out_values = reduce(lambda a,b: a+b, edge_dict.values())
    for node in set(out_values+edge_dict.keys()):
        out_value = out_values.count(node)
        if node in edge_dict:
            in_value = len(edge_dict[node])
            in_value = 0

        if in_value < out_value:
            unbalanced_from = node
        elif out_value < in_value:
            unbalanced_to = node

    # Add an edge connecting the unbalanced edges.
    if unbalanced_from in edge_dict:
        edge_dict[unbalanced_from] = [unbalanced_to]

    # Get the Eulerian Cycle from the edges, including the unbalanced edge.
    cycle = eulerian_cycle(edge_dict)

    # Find the location of the unbalanced edge in the eulerian cycle.
    divide_point = filter(lambda i: cycle[i:i+2] == [unbalanced_from, unbalanced_to], xrange(len(cycle)-1))[0]

    # Remove the unbalanced edge, and shift appropriately, overlapping the head and tail.
    return cycle[divide_point+1:]+cycle[1:divide_point+1]
Beispiel #3
The course is run on Coursera and the assignments and textbook are hosted on Stepic

Problem Title: Universal String Problem
Assignment #: 05
Problem ID: C

from Assignment_04E import eulerian_cycle
from itertools import product

# Read the input data.
with open('data/stepic_5c.txt') as input_data:
    k = int(

# Create the edges.
universal_dict = {}
for kmer in [''.join(item) for item in product('01', repeat=k)]:
    if kmer[:-1] in universal_dict:
        universal_dict[kmer[:-1]] = [kmer[1:]]

# Get the cycle, remove the repeated last entry for the associated path.
path = eulerian_cycle(universal_dict)

# Print and save the answer.
print ''.join([item[0] for item in path[:-1]])
with open('output/Assignment_05C.txt', 'w') as output_data:
    output_data.write(''.join([item[0] for item in path[:-1]]))