Beispiel #1
def createDQConfigFlags():
    acf = AthConfigFlags()
    acf.addFlag('DQ.doMonitoring', True)
    acf.addFlag('DQ.doStreamAwareMon', True)
    acf.addFlag('DQ.disableAtlasReadyFilter', False)
    acf.addFlag('DQ.enableLumiAccess', True)
    acf.addFlag('DQ.FileKey', 'CombinedMonitoring')
    from PyUtils.moduleExists import moduleExists
    hlt_exists = moduleExists('TrigHLTMonitoring')
    acf.addFlag('DQ.useTrigger', hlt_exists)

    # temp thing for steering from inside old-style ...
    acf.addFlag('DQ.isReallyOldStyle', False)

    # computed
    acf.addFlag('DQ.Environment', getEnvironment)
    acf.addFlag('DQ.DataType', getDataType)

    # steering ...
    for flag in _steeringFlags + _lowLevelSteeringFlags:
        arg = True
        if flag == 'doJetTagMon':
            arg = lambda x: x.DQ.DataType != 'cosmics'  # noqa: E731
        acf.addFlag('DQ.Steering.' + flag, arg)

    # HLT steering ...
    from PyUtils.moduleExists import moduleExists
    if moduleExists('TrigHLTMonitoring'):
        from TrigHLTMonitoring.TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm import createHLTDQConfigFlags
    return acf
Beispiel #2
def createTriggerFlags():
    flags = AthConfigFlags()

    # enables L1 simulation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doLVL1', lambda prevFlags: prevFlags.Input.isMC)

    # enables L1 topological trigger simulation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doL1Topo', True)

    # writes additional info from Topo simulation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.writeL1TopoValData', True)

    # need proper documentation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.useL1CaloCalibration', False)

    # need proper documentation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.useRun1CaloEnergyScale', False)

    # enable HLT part of the trigger
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doHLT', True)

    # changes decoding of L1 so that allways all configured chains are enabled, testing mode
    flags.addFlag("Trigger.L1Decoder.forceEnableAllChains", False)

    # Enable Run-3 LVL1 simulation and/or decoding
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.enableL1Phase1', False)

    # Enable usage of new L1 menu
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.readLVL1FromJSON', True)

    # Enable Run-2 L1Calo simulation and/or decoding (possible even if enablePhase1 is True)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.enableL1CaloLegacy', True)

    # Enable Inner Detector
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doID', True)

    # Enable muon system
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doMuon', True)

    # Enable calorimeters
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doCalo', True)

    # if 1, Run1 decoding version is set; if 2, Run2; if 3, Run 3
    def EDMDecodingVersion(flags):
        log.debug("Attempting to determine EDMDecodingVersion.")
        version = 3
        if flags.Input.Format == "BS":
            log.debug("EDMDecodingVersion: Input format is ByteStream")
            inputFileName = flags.Input.Files[0]
            if not inputFileName and flags.Common.isOnline():
                    "EDMDecodingVersion: Online reconstruction, no input file. Return default version, i.e. AthenaMT."
                return version

            log.debug("EDMDecodingVersion: Checking ROD version.")
            import eformat
            from libpyeformat_helper import SubDetector
            bs = eformat.istream(inputFileName)

            rodVersionM = -1
            rodVersionL = -1
            # Find the first HLT ROBFragment in the first event
            for robf in bs[0]:
                if robf.rob_source_id().subdetector_id(
                ) == SubDetector.TDAQ_HLT:
                    rodVersionM = robf.rod_minor_version() >> 8
                    rodVersionL = robf.rod_minor_version() & 0xFF
                        "EDMDecodingVersion: HLT ROD minor version from input file is {:d}.{:d}"
                        .format(rodVersionM, rodVersionL))

            if rodVersionM >= 1:
                version = 3
                return version
                "EDMDecodingVersion: Could not determine ROD version -- falling back to run-number-based determination"

            # Use run number to determine decoding version
            runNumber = flags.Input.RunNumber[0]
                "EDMDecodingVersion: Read run number {}.".format(runNumber))

            boundary_run12 = 230000
            boundary_run23 = 368000

            if runNumber <= 0:
                    "EDMDecodingVersion: Cannot determine decoding version because run number {} is invalid. Leaving the default version."
            elif runNumber < boundary_run12:
                # Run-1 data
                version = 1
            elif runNumber < boundary_run23:
                # Run-2 data
                version = 2
                # Run-3 data
                version = 3
                "EDMDecodingVersion: Input format is POOL -- determine from input file collections."
            # POOL files: decide based on HLT output type present in file
            if "HLTResult_EF" in flags.Input.Collections:
                version = 1
            elif "TrigNavigation" in flags.Input.Collections:
                version = 2
            elif "HLTNav_Summary" in flags.Input.Collections:
                version = 3
            elif flags.Input.Format == "POOL":
                # If running Trigger on RDO input (without previous trigger result), choose Run-3
                version = 3"Determined EDMDecodingVersion to be {}.".format({
            1: "Run 1",
            2: "Run 2",
            3: "AthenaMT"
        return version

                  lambda prevFlags: EDMDecodingVersion(prevFlags))

    # enables additional algorithms colecting MC truth infrmation  (this is only used by IDso maybe we need Trigger.ID.doTruth only?)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doTruth', False)

    # only enable services for analysis and BS -> ESD processing (we need better name)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doTriggerConfigOnly', False)

    # Enables collection and export of detailed monitoring data of the HLT execution
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.CostMonitoring.doCostMonitoring', False)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.CostMonitoring.monitorAllEvents', False)

    # enable Bcm inputs simulation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.L1.doBcm', True)

    # enable muon inputs simulation
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.L1.doMuons', True)

    # version of CTP data, int value up to 4
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.L1.CTPVersion', 4)

    # list of thresholds (not sure if we want to use new flags to generate L1, leaving out for now?)

    # partition name used to determine online vs offline BS result writing
    import os
                  os.getenv('TDAQ_PARTITION') or '')

    # shortcut to check if job is running in a partition (i.e. partition name is not empty)
        lambda prevFlags: len(prevFlags.Trigger.Online.partitionName) > 0)

    # write BS output file
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.writeBS', False)

    # Write transient BS before executing HLT algorithms (for running on MC RDO with clients which require BS inputs)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.doTransientByteStream', False)

    # list of EDM objects to be written to AOD
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.AODEDMSet', 'AODSLIM')

    # list of objects to be written to ESD
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.ESDEDMSet', 'ESD')

    # tag to be used for condutions used by HLT code
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.OnlineCondTag', 'CONDBR2-HLTP-2018-01')

    # geometry version used by HLT online
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.OnlineGeoTag', 'ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01')

    # configuration tune for various years of Run2 (why string?)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.run2Config', '2018')

    # comissionig options
    # one of:  'HltOnly',
    #    'Lvl1Only',
    #    'FullTrigger',
    #    'NoTrigger'
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.dataTakingConditions', 'FullTrigger')

    # use or not frontier proxies
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.triggerUseFrontier', False)

    # the configuration source
    # see
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.triggerConfig', 'FILE')

    # name of the trigger menu
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.triggerMenuSetup', 'LS2_v1')

    # name of the trigger menu
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.generateMenuDiagnostics', False)

    # version of the menu
    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import release_metadata
                  lambda prevFlags: release_metadata()['release'])

    # generate or not the HLT configuration
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.generateHLTMenu', False)

    # HLT XML file name
        'Trigger.HLTMenuFile', lambda prevFlags: 'HLTMenu_' + prevFlags.Trigger
        .triggerMenuSetup + '_' + prevFlags.Trigger.menuVersion + '.xml')

    # generate or not the L1 configuration
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.generateL1Menu', False)

    def _deriveL1ConfigName(prevFlags):
        import re
        log = logging.getLogger('TrigConfigSvcCfg')
        pattern = re.compile(r'_v\d+|DC14')
        menuName = prevFlags.Trigger.triggerMenuSetup
        patternPos =
        if patternPos:
            menuName = menuName[:patternPos.end()]
                'Can\'t find pattern to shorten menu name, either non-existent in name or not implemented.'

        return "LVL1config_" + menuName + "_" + prevFlags.Trigger.menuVersion + ".xml"

    # L1 XML file name
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.LVL1ConfigFile', _deriveL1ConfigName)

    # L1 Json file name
        'Trigger.L1MenuFile', lambda prevFlags: 'L1Menu_' + prevFlags.Trigger.
        triggerMenuSetup + '_' + prevFlags.Trigger.menuVersion + '.json')

    # L1 topo XML file name
    def _deriveTopoConfigName(prevFlags):
        import re
        menuSetup = prevFlags.Trigger.triggerMenuSetup
        m = re.match(r'(.*v\d).*', menuSetup)
        if m:
            menuSetup = m.groups()[0]
        return "L1Topoconfig_" + menuSetup + "_" + prevFlags.Trigger.menuVersion + ".xml"

    flags.addFlag('Trigger.LVL1TopoConfigFile', _deriveTopoConfigName)

    # trigger reconstruction

    # enables the correction for pileup in cell energy calibration (should it be moved to some place where other calo flags are defined?)
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.calo.doOffsetCorrection', True)

    # helper to switch between versions
    def __tunes(default, ver2016, ver2017):
        from collections import defaultdict
        return lambda year: defaultdict(lambda: default, (
            ('2016', ver2016), ('2017', ver2017)))[year]

    # Particle ID tune
        'Trigger.egamma.pidVersion', lambda prevFlags: __tunes(

    # cluster correction version, allowed value is: None or v12phiflip_noecorrnogap
        'Trigger.egamma.clusterCorrectionVersion', lambda prevFlags: __tunes(
            default=None, ver2016=None, ver2017='v12phiflip_noecorrnogap')
    # tune of MVA
        lambda prevFlags: __tunes(default='egammaMVACalib/online/v3',

    # muons
    flags.addFlag('Trigger.muon.doEFRoIDrivenAccess', False)

    # muon offline reco flags varaint for trigger
    def __muon():
        from MuonConfig.MuonConfigFlags import createMuonConfigFlags
        return createMuonConfigFlags()

    flags.addFlagsCategory('Trigger.Offline', __muon, prefix=True)

    from TriggerJobOpts.MenuConfigFlags import createMenuFlags

    return flags