Beispiel #1
 def test_add_and_del_order02(self):
     exchange = Exchange()
     exchange.asks = Orderbook_half('asks', 1)
     exchange.bids = Orderbook_half('bids', 100)
     order01 = Order('T01', 'Bid', 3, 1, 1, 0, 'LIM')
     exchange.add_order(order01, False)
     self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.n_orders, 1)
     exchange.del_order(2, order01, False)
     self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.n_orders, 0)
Beispiel #2
def market_session(sess_id, starttime, endtime, trader_spec, order_schedule,
                   dumpfile, dump_each_trade, verbose, save_path):

    # initialise the exchange
    exchange = Exchange()

    # create a bunch of traders
    traders = {}
    trader_stats = populate_market(trader_spec, traders, True, verbose)
    mcg_names = [
        'MARKET_M', "LIQ", "NOISE", "MOMENTUM", "MEAN_R", "SMB", "SMS"

    # timestep set so that can process all traders in one second
    # NB minimum interarrival time of customer orders may be much less than this!!
    # timestep = 1.0 / float(trader_stats['n_buyers'] + trader_stats['n_sellers'])
    timestep = 1.0
    print_time = 0
    print_time_step = 1.0 / float(trader_stats['n_buyers'] +

    duration = float(endtime - starttime)

    last_update = -1.0

    time = starttime

    orders_verbose = False
    lob_verbose = False
    process_verbose = False
    respond_verbose = False
    bookkeep_verbose = False
    inside_trade_verbose = False
    bad_mid_price = 0

    # id_by_trader = traders_by_type(traders, mcg_names)

    # record statistics of the market
    personal_print = []
    pending_cust_orders = []
    plot_order_from_agents = []
    price_from_noise = []
    bids_and_ask = []
    ask_order = []
    bid_order = []
    list_ema = []
    qty_and_time = []
    price_swing_info = []

    # price spikes
    last_30_orders = []
    last_30_mid_prices = []
    price_spike_min = 100.0 - 0.05
    price_spike_max = 100.0 + 0.05
    spike_num = 0
    spikes_orders = len(list(traders.keys())) * 25

    # statistics variables
    order_counter = 0
    time_counter = 0
    trades_num = 0
    ask_ord = 0
    buy_ord = 0
    mcg_order_counter = {}
    mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['NOISE'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['LIQ'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['ZIP'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['ZIC'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['SNPR'] = 0

    mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M_BID'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M_ASK'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_ASK'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_BID'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MMT_ASK'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MMT_BID'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['LIQ_BID'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['LIQ_ASK'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['NOISE_BID'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['NOISE_ASK'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['NOISE_DEL'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['SMB'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['SMS'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MMT_QTY'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_QTY'] = 0
    mcg_order_counter['NOISE_QTY'] = 0

    # best bid and ask price of the market for checking for price spike and for traders
    last_best_ask = 100.0 - 0.05
    last_best_bid = 100.0 + 0.05
    record_ask_price = 100.0 - 0.05
    record_bid_price = 100.0 + 0.05

    if verbose: print('\n%s;  ' % (sess_id))

    # begin loop
    while time < endtime:
        time_counter += 1
        # how much time left, as a percentage?
        time_left = (endtime - time) / duration
        trade = None
         kills] = customer_orders_new(time, last_update, traders, trader_stats,
                                      order_schedule, pending_cust_orders,
        # customer order is assignment
        # if any newly-issued customer orders mean quotes on the LOB need to be cancelled, kill them
        if len(kills) > 0:
            # if verbose : print('Kills: %s' % (kills))
            for kill in kills:
                # if verbose : print('lastquote=%s' % traders[kill].lastquote)
                if traders[kill].lastquote != None:
                    # if verbose : print('Killing order %s' % (str(traders[kill].lastquote)))
                    exchange.del_order(time, traders[kill].lastquote, verbose)

        # tid = list(traders.keys())[random.randint(0, len(traders) - 1)]
        for tid in list(traders.keys()):
            orders_from_agent, need_to_delete_orders = traders[tid].getorder(
                time, time_left, exchange.publish_lob(time, lob_verbose))

            # need to delete orders before going further
            if len(need_to_delete_orders) > 0:
                for to_be_del_orders in need_to_delete_orders:
                    # print("BSE MAIN : DEL " + str(to_be_del_orders))
                    exchange.del_order(time, to_be_del_orders, process_verbose)

            # if verbose: print('Trader Quote: %s' % (order))
            if len(orders_from_agent) > 0:
                del_array = []
                del_in_exchange = []
                for temp_ord in range(len(traders[tid].orders)):
                    if (traders[tid].orders[temp_ord].qid >= 0):

                for i in del_array:
                    del traders[tid].orders[i]
                for d_ord in del_in_exchange:
                    exchange.del_order(time, d_ord, True)

            # records order from different traders
            # ________________________________________________________
            if traders[tid].ttype == 'NOISE':
                if len(need_to_delete_orders) > 0:
                    mcg_order_counter['NOISE_DEL'] += 1
            for order in orders_from_agent:
                if len(last_30_orders) > spikes_orders:
                exchange_before = exchange
                if exchange.asks.best_price is not None:
                    record_ask_price = exchange.asks.best_price
                if exchange.bids.best_price is not None:
                    record_bid_price = exchange.bids.best_price
                if order != None:

                    if len(bids_and_ask) > 50:
                    if order.otype == "Ask":

                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'SMB' and order.otype == "Bid":
                        mcg_order_counter['SMB'] += 1
                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'SMS' and order.otype == "Ask":
                        mcg_order_counter['SMS'] += 1
                    plot_order_from_agents.append([time, order.price])

                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'MEAN_R':
                        mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_QTY'] += order.qty
                        if order.otype == "Bid":
                            mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_BID'] += 1
                            bid_order.append([time, order.price])

                            mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_ASK'] += 1
                            ask_order.append([time, order.price])
                        print_time += print_time_step

                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'MARKET_M':
                        if order.otype == "Ask":
                            mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M_ASK'] += 1
                            mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M_BID'] += 1

                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'MOMENTUM':
                        mcg_order_counter['MMT_QTY'] += order.qty
                        qty_and_time.append([time, order.qty])
                        if order.otype == "Ask":
                            mcg_order_counter['MMT_ASK'] += 1
                            mcg_order_counter['MMT_BID'] += 1

                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'LIQ':
                        if order.otype == "Ask":
                            mcg_order_counter['LIQ_ASK'] += 1
                            mcg_order_counter['LIQ_BID'] += 1

                    if traders[tid].ttype == 'NOISE':
                        price_from_noise.append([time, order.price])
                        mcg_order_counter['NOISE_QTY'] += order.qty
                        if order.otype == "Ask":
                            mcg_order_counter['NOISE_ASK'] += 1
                            mcg_order_counter['NOISE_BID'] += 1

                    if order.otype == "Ask":
                        ask_ord += 1
                        buy_ord += 1
                    # ________________________________________________________

                    traders[tid].n_quotes = 1

                    for temp_id in list(traders.keys()):
                        most_recent_order = 0

                        if traders[temp_id].ttype not in mcg_names:

                            for iter_ord in traders[temp_id].orders:
                                if iter_ord.qid < 0 and iter_ord.time > most_recent_order:
                                    most_recent_order = iter_ord.time

                            del_array = []
                            for iter_ord in range(len(
                                if traders[temp_id].orders[
                                        iter_ord].time < most_recent_order:

                            for i in del_array:
                                del traders[temp_id].orders[i]

                            for iter_ord in traders[temp_id].orders:
                                if iter_ord.qid < 0 and iter_ord.time > most_recent_order:
                                    most_recent_order = iter_ord.time

                            del_array = []
                            for iter_ord in range(len(
                                if traders[temp_id].orders[iter_ord].time < most_recent_order \
                                        and traders[temp_id].orders[iter_ord].qid < 0:
                            for i in del_array:
                                del traders[temp_id].orders[i]

                    # check for orders inside the agent object
                    # __________________________________________________________________________
                    # check_no_exceeding_orders(traders)
                    # check_for_double_qid(traders)
                    # __________________________________________________________________________

                    # now we kill the orders that is less than the current one
                    # send order to exchange
                    if order.qty < 1:
                        sys.exit("Order Quantity cannot be 0")

                    transac_record, actual_quantity_traded = exchange.process_order2(
                        time, order, process_verbose)

                    if len(transac_record) != 0:
                        traders[tid].add_order(order, False)

                        for trade in transac_record:
                            trades_num += 1

                            # if verbose:
                            #         print_ba_bookkeep(traders, trade,"___ BEFORE BOOK KEEP : TRADE FROM AGENTS ____ ")
                            if traders[trade['party1']].ttype not in mcg_names:
                                    trade, order, bookkeep_verbose, time)
                                    trade, order, bookkeep_verbose, time,

                            if traders[trade['party2']].ttype not in mcg_names:
                                    trade, order, bookkeep_verbose, time)
                                    trade, order, bookkeep_verbose, time,

                            if dump_each_trade:
                                    sess_id, traders, tdump, time,
                                    exchange.publish_lob(time, lob_verbose))

                            # check if the MKT order is still in the agent personal order, if yes, must be removed
                            if order.ostyle == 'MKT':
                                for temp_ord in traders[tid].orders:
                                    if temp_ord.qid == order.qid:
                    # if there is no trade
                        if order.ostyle == 'LIM' and traders[
                                tid].ttype in mcg_names:
                            traders[tid].add_order(order, False)

                    # traders respond to whatever happened
                    lob = exchange.publish_lob(time, lob_verbose)
                    for t in traders:
                        traders[t].respond(time, lob, trade, respond_verbose,
                    price_swing_info = record_price_swing(
                        exchange, exchange_before, record_ask_price,
                        record_bid_price, order, price_swing_info,
                        order.ostyle, time, save_path, sess_id, traders)

        # check_market_and_agent_integrity(exchange, traders, mcg_names)
        spike_time = time
        print("TIME : " + str(time))

        # update mid price and record
        time = time + timestep
        if exchange.asks.best_price is not None:
            last_best_ask = exchange.asks.best_price
        if exchange.bids.best_price is not None:
            last_best_bid = exchange.bids.best_price
        # if time % 5 == 0:
        if True:
            mid_price = (last_best_ask + last_best_bid) / 2
            personal_print.append([time, mid_price])

        # price spikes
        if exchange.asks.best_price is not None:
            price_spike_max = exchange.asks.best_price
        if exchange.bids.best_price is not None:
            price_spike_min = exchange.bids.best_price
            # if time % 5 == 0:
        if True:
            mid_price = (price_spike_max + price_spike_min) / 2
            last_30_mid_prices.append([time, mid_price])
            if len(last_30_mid_prices) > 30:
        # detect_spike(last_30_orders, last_30_mid_prices, save_path, sess_id, traders, spike_time)

    print("Time Counter : " + str(time_counter))
    print("Trades Num : " + str(trades_num))
    # mm_total_bid = 0
    # mm_total_ask = 0
    # for momentum_id in id_by_trader['MARKET_M']:
    #         n_bids_mm ,n_asks_mm = traders[momentum_id].return_submitted()
    #         mm_total_ask = mm_total_ask + n_asks_mm
    #         mm_total_bid = mm_total_bid + n_bids_mm
    # print("INNER LARGE ORDER MARKET M ASK ORDERS : " + str(mm_total_ask))
    # print("INNER LARGE ORDER MARKET M BID ORDERS : " + str(mm_total_bid))
    print("MARKET M ASK ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M_ASK']))
    print("MARKET M BID ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['MARKET_M_BID']))
    print("LIQ ASK ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['LIQ_ASK']))
    print("LIQ BID ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['LIQ_BID']))
    print("MEAN_R BID ORDERS : " + str(len(bid_order)))
    print("MEAN_R ASK ORDERS : " + str(len(ask_order)))
    print("MOMENTUM BID ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['MMT_BID']))
    print("MOMENTUM ASK ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['MMT_ASK']))
    print("NOISE ORDERS BID : " + str(mcg_order_counter['NOISE_BID']))
    print("NOISE ORDERS ASK : " + str(mcg_order_counter['NOISE_ASK']))
    print("NOISE ORDERS DEL : " + str(mcg_order_counter['NOISE_DEL']))
    print("Mean R qty :  " + str(mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_QTY']))
    print("Momentum qty :  " + str(mcg_order_counter['MMT_QTY']))
    print("TOTAL ASK ORD : " + str(ask_ord))
    print("TOTAL BUY ORD : " + str(buy_ord))

    file1 = open(save_path + "mr_mt_stats.txt", "a")
    file1.write("Session ID : " + str(sess_id))
    file1.write("\nNoise trader ")
    file1.write("\nNOISE ORDERS BID : " + str(mcg_order_counter['NOISE_BID']))
    file1.write("\nNOISE ORDERS ASK : " + str(mcg_order_counter['NOISE_ASK']))
    file1.write("\nNOISE ORDERS ASK : " + str(mcg_order_counter['NOISE_QTY']))
    file1.write("\n Mean R")
    file1.write("\nMEAN_R BID ORDERS : " + str(len(bid_order)))
    file1.write("\nMEAN_R ASK ORDERS : " + str(len(ask_order)))
    file1.write("\nMean R qty :  " + str(mcg_order_counter['MEAN_R_QTY']))
    file1.write("\nMomentum Trader")
    file1.write("\nMOMENTUM BID ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['MMT_BID']))
    file1.write("\nMOMENTUM ASK ORDERS : " + str(mcg_order_counter['MMT_ASK']))
    file1.write("\nMomentum qty :  " + str(mcg_order_counter['MMT_QTY']) +

    file_name = os.path.join(save_path, 'transaction_' + str(sess_id) + '.csv')
    exchange.tape_dump(file_name, 'w', 'keep')

    acc = calculate_acc_mid_price(personal_print, sess_id, save_path)
    # print("Mid price acc returns: " + str(acc))
    # print("________________________________________________")
    # print("PRICE SWINGS " + str(len(price_swing_info)))
    # for swings in price_swing_info:
    #         print("TIME : " + str(swings['time']) + "  SWING : " + str(swings['swing']) + "  TRADER_TYPE : "+ traders[swings['order'].tid].ttype
    #               + " QTY:  " + str(swings['order'].qty) + "\n")

    # end of an experiment -- dump the tape

    file_name = os.path.join(save_path, 'mid_price_' + str(sess_id) + '.csv')
    print_trader_type_transac(personal_print, file_name)

    # write trade_stats for this experiment NB end-of-session summary only
    trade_stats(sess_id, traders, tdump, time,
                exchange.publish_lob(time, lob_verbose))
    ts_acc = calculate_acc_transaction(sess_id, save_path)
    return acc, ts_acc