Beispiel #1
class VerificationCodeUtility(Persistent):

    def __init__(self):
        self._verification_codes = IIBTree()

    def generate(self, order):
        verification_code = random.randint(LOWER, UPPER)
        count = 0
        while not self.is_unique(verification_code) and count < RETRIES:
            count += 1
            verification_code = random.randint(LOWER, UPPER)

        if count > RETRIES - 1:
            raise Exception('Could not find unique verification code.')
        self.add(verification_code, order)
        return str(verification_code)
    def is_unique(self, code):
        if code in self._verification_codes.keys():
            return False
            return True

    def add(self, verification_code, order):
        order_id = order.getId()
        if not isinstance(order_id, IntType):
            order_id = int(order_id)

        self._verification_codes[verification_code] = order_id
class BooleanIndex(UnIndex):
    """Index for booleans

       self._index = set([documentId1, documentId2])
       self._unindex = {documentId:[True/False]}

       self._length is the length of the unindex
       self._index_length is the length of the index

       False doesn't have actual entries in _index.

    meta_type = "BooleanIndex"

    manage_options = (
            'label': 'Settings',
            'action': 'manage_main'
            'label': 'Browse',
            'action': 'manage_browse'

    query_options = ["query"]

    manage = manage_main = DTMLFile('dtml/manageBooleanIndex', globals())
    manage_browse = DTMLFile('../dtml/browseIndex', globals())

    _index_value = 1
    _index_length = None

    def clear(self):
        self._index = IITreeSet()
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length()
        self._index_value = 1
        self._unindex = IIBTree()
        self._length = BTrees.Length.Length()

    def histogram(self):
        """Return a mapping which provides a histogram of the number of
        elements found at each point in the index.
        histogram = {}
        indexed = bool(self._index_value)
        histogram[indexed] = self._index_length.value
        histogram[not indexed] = self._length.value - self._index_length.value
        return histogram

    def _invert_index(self, documentId=None):
        self._index_value = indexed = int(not self._index_value)
        length = 0
        for rid, value in self._unindex.iteritems():
            if value == indexed:
                length += 1
        # documentId is the rid of the currently processed object that
        # triggered the invert. in the case of unindexing, the rid hasn't
        # been removed from the unindex yet. While indexing, the rid will
        # be added to the index and unindex after this method is done
        if documentId is not None:
            length -= 1
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length(length)

    def _inline_migration(self):
        self._length = BTrees.Length.Length(len(self._unindex.keys()))
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length(len(self._index))
        if self._index_length.value > (self._length.value / 2):
            self._index_value = 1
            # set an instance variable
            self._index_value = 1

    def insertForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId):
        """If the value matches the indexed one, insert into treeset
        # when we get the first entry, decide to index the opposite of what
        # we got, as indexing zero items is fewer than one
        # BBB inline migration
        if self._index_length is None:

        if self._length.value == 0:
            self._index_value = int(not bool(entry))

        # if the added entry value is index value, insert it into index
        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):

        # insert value into global unindex (before computing index invert)
        self._unindex[documentId] = entry

        # is the index (after adding the current entry) larger than 60%
        # of the total length? than switch the indexed value
        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):
            if (self._index_length.value) >= ((self._length.value) * 0.6):

    def removeForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId, check=True):
        """Take the entry provided and remove any reference to documentId
        in its entry in the index.
        index_length = self._index_length
        if index_length is None:

        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):
                # BBB inline migration
                length = self._index_length
            except ConflictError:
            except Exception:
                    '%s: unindex_object could not remove '
                    'documentId %s from index %s. This '
                    'should not happen.' %
                    (self.__class__.__name__, str(documentId), str(
        elif check:
            length = self._length.value
            index_length = self._index_length.value
            # is the index (after removing the current entry) larger than
            # 60% of the total length? than switch the indexed value
            if (index_length) <= ((length - 1) * 0.6):

    def _index_object(self, documentId, obj, threshold=None, attr=''):
        """ index and object 'obj' with integer id 'documentId'"""
        returnStatus = 0

        # First we need to see if there's anything interesting to look at
        datum = self._get_object_datum(obj, attr)

        # Make it boolean, int as an optimization
        if datum is not _marker:
            datum = int(bool(datum))

        # We don't want to do anything that we don't have to here, so we'll
        # check to see if the new and existing information is the same.
        oldDatum = self._unindex.get(documentId, _marker)
        if datum != oldDatum:
            if oldDatum is not _marker:
                self.removeForwardIndexEntry(oldDatum, documentId, check=False)
                if datum is _marker:
                        del self._unindex[documentId]
                    except ConflictError:
                    except Exception:
                        LOG.error('Should not happen: oldDatum was there, now '
                                  'its not, for document with id %s' %

            if datum is not _marker:
                self.insertForwardIndexEntry(datum, documentId)

            returnStatus = 1

        return returnStatus

    def unindex_object(self, documentId):
        """ Unindex the object with integer id 'documentId' and don't
        raise an exception if we fail
        unindexRecord = self._unindex.get(documentId, _marker)
        if unindexRecord is _marker:
            return None

        self.removeForwardIndexEntry(unindexRecord, documentId)

            del self._unindex[documentId]
        except ConflictError:
        except Exception:
            LOG.debug('Attempt to unindex nonexistent document'
                      ' with id %s' % documentId,

    def _apply_index(self, request, resultset=None):
        record = parseIndexRequest(request,, self.query_options)
        if record.keys is None:
            return None

        index = self._index
        indexed = self._index_value

        for key in record.keys:
            if bool(key) is bool(indexed):
                # If we match the indexed value, check index
                return (intersection(index, resultset), (, ))
                # Otherwise, remove from resultset or _unindex
                if resultset is None:
                    return (union(difference(self._unindex, index),
                                  IISet([])), (, ))
                    return (difference(resultset, index), (, ))
        return (IISet(), (, ))

    def indexSize(self):
        """Return distinct values, as an optimization we always claim 2."""
        return 2

    def items(self):
        # return a list of value to int set of rid tuples
        indexed = self._index_value
        items = [(bool(indexed), self._index)]
        false = IISet()
        for rid, value in self._unindex.iteritems():
            if value != indexed:
        items.append((not bool(indexed), false))
        return items
class BooleanIndex(UnIndex):
    """Index for booleans

       self._index = set([documentId1, documentId2])
       self._unindex = {documentId:[True/False]}

       self._length is the length of the unindex
       self._index_length is the length of the index

       False doesn't have actual entries in _index.

    meta_type = "BooleanIndex"

    manage_options = (
        {'label': 'Settings',
         'action': 'manage_main'},
        {'label': 'Browse',
         'action': 'manage_browse'},

    query_options = ["query"]

    manage = manage_main = DTMLFile('dtml/manageBooleanIndex', globals())
    manage_browse = DTMLFile('../dtml/browseIndex', globals())

    _index_value = 1
    _index_length = None

    def clear(self):
        self._index = IITreeSet()
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length()
        self._index_value = 1
        self._unindex = IIBTree()
        self._length = BTrees.Length.Length()

    def histogram(self):
        """Return a mapping which provides a histogram of the number of
        elements found at each point in the index.
        histogram = {}
        indexed = bool(self._index_value)
        histogram[indexed] = self._index_length.value
        histogram[not indexed] = self._length.value - self._index_length.value
        return histogram

    def _invert_index(self, documentId=None):
        self._index_value = indexed = int(not self._index_value)
        length = 0
        for rid, value in self._unindex.iteritems():
            if value == indexed:
                length += 1
        # documentId is the rid of the currently processed object that
        # triggered the invert. in the case of unindexing, the rid hasn't
        # been removed from the unindex yet. While indexing, the rid will
        # be added to the index and unindex after this method is done
        if documentId is not None:
            length -= 1
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length(length)

    def _inline_migration(self):
        self._length = BTrees.Length.Length(len(self._unindex.keys()))
        self._index_length = BTrees.Length.Length(len(self._index))
        if self._index_length.value > (self._length.value / 2):
            self._index_value = 1
            # set an instance variable
            self._index_value = 1

    def insertForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId):
        """If the value matches the indexed one, insert into treeset
        # when we get the first entry, decide to index the opposite of what
        # we got, as indexing zero items is fewer than one
        length = self._length
        index_length = self._index_length
        # BBB inline migration
        if index_length is None:
            length = self._length
            index_length = self._index_length
        if length.value == 0:
            self._index_value = int(not bool(entry))

        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):
            # is the index (after adding the current entry) larger than 60%
            # of the total length? than switch the indexed value
            if (index_length.value + 1) >= ((length.value + 1) * 0.6):


    def removeForwardIndexEntry(self, entry, documentId, check=True):
        """Take the entry provided and remove any reference to documentId
        in its entry in the index.
        index_length = self._index_length
        if index_length is None:

        if bool(entry) is bool(self._index_value):
                # BBB inline migration
                length = self._index_length
            except ConflictError:
            except Exception:
                LOG.exception('%s: unindex_object could not remove '
                              'documentId %s from index %s. This '
                              'should not happen.' % (self.__class__.__name__,
                              str(documentId), str(
        elif check:
            length = self._length.value
            index_length = self._index_length.value
            # is the index (after removing the current entry) larger than
            # 60% of the total length? than switch the indexed value
            if (index_length) <= ((length - 1) * 0.6):

    def _index_object(self, documentId, obj, threshold=None, attr=''):
        """ index and object 'obj' with integer id 'documentId'"""
        returnStatus = 0

        # First we need to see if there's anything interesting to look at
        datum = self._get_object_datum(obj, attr)

        # Make it boolean, int as an optimization
        if datum is not _marker:
            datum = int(bool(datum))

        # We don't want to do anything that we don't have to here, so we'll
        # check to see if the new and existing information is the same.
        oldDatum = self._unindex.get(documentId, _marker)
        if datum != oldDatum:
            if oldDatum is not _marker:
                self.removeForwardIndexEntry(oldDatum, documentId, check=False)
                if datum is _marker:
                        del self._unindex[documentId]
                    except ConflictError:
                    except Exception:
                        LOG.error('Should not happen: oldDatum was there, now '
                                  'its not, for document with id %s' %

            if datum is not _marker:
                self.insertForwardIndexEntry(datum, documentId)
                self._unindex[documentId] = datum

            returnStatus = 1

        return returnStatus

    def unindex_object(self, documentId):
        """ Unindex the object with integer id 'documentId' and don't
        raise an exception if we fail
        unindexRecord = self._unindex.get(documentId, _marker)
        if unindexRecord is _marker:
            return None

        self.removeForwardIndexEntry(unindexRecord, documentId)

            del self._unindex[documentId]
        except ConflictError:
        except Exception:
            LOG.debug('Attempt to unindex nonexistent document'
                      ' with id %s' % documentId, exc_info=True)

    def _apply_index(self, request, resultset=None):
        record = parseIndexRequest(request,, self.query_options)
        if record.keys is None:
            return None

        index = self._index
        indexed = self._index_value

        for key in record.keys:
            if bool(key) is bool(indexed):
                # If we match the indexed value, check index
                return (intersection(index, resultset), (, ))
                # Otherwise, remove from resultset or _unindex
                if resultset is None:
                    return (union(difference(self._unindex, index), IISet([])),
                            (, ))
                    return (difference(resultset, index), (, ))
        return (IISet(), (, ))

    def indexSize(self):
        """Return distinct values, as an optimization we always claim 2."""
        return 2

    def items(self):
        # return a list of value to int set of rid tuples
        indexed = self._index_value
        items = [(bool(indexed), self._index)]
        false = IISet()
        for rid, value in self._unindex.iteritems():
            if value != indexed:
        items.append((not bool(indexed), false))
        return items