def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri = 'oob'): ''' Constructor. ''' self.__client_id = client_id self.__client_secret = client_secret self.__redirect_uri = redirect_uri self.__oauth_client = None self.__api_client = None self.__logout_domain = '' self.__http_object = HttpObject() self.__utils = BaiduUtils()
class Baidu(): def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri = 'oob'): ''' Constructor. ''' self.__client_id = client_id self.__client_secret = client_secret self.__redirect_uri = redirect_uri self.__oauth_client = None self.__api_client = None self.__logout_domain = '' self.__http_object = HttpObject() self.__utils = BaiduUtils() def get_baidu_oauth2_server(self): ''' Get an instance of Baidu OauthClient class. ''' if not self.__oauth_client: self.__oauth_client = OauthClient(self.__client_id, self.__client_secret, self.__redirect_uri) return self.__oauth_client def get_baidu_api_client_server(self): ''' Get an instance of BaiduApiClient class ''' if not self.__api_client: self.__api_client = BaiduApiClient() return self.__api_client def get_logged_in_user(self, access_token, bd_user = None, bd_sign = None): ''' Get currently logged in user's info. ''' api_client = self.get_baidu_api_client_server() user = api_client.api('', access_token = access_token) if bd_sign and bd_user: params = {} params['bd_user'] = bd_user sign = self.__utils.generate_sign(params, self.__client_secret) if sign != bd_sign or bd_user != user['uid']: return None return user def get_login_url(self, state = '', scope ='', display = 'page'): ''' Get a Login URL for user with redirects. By default, full page redirect is assumed. If you are using the generated URL with a call in JavaScript, you can pass in display=popup as part of the $params. ''' oauth_client = self.get_baidu_oauth2_server() return oauth_client.get_authorize_url(scope, state, display) def get_logout_url(self, access_token, next): ''' Get a Logout URL suitable for user with redirects. ''' return '%s?%s' % (self.__logout_domain, self.__http_object.params_encode(access_token = access_token, next = next))