def handleRMetadata(self, sender_permid, channelCastMessage, fromQuery = False):
     Handles the reception of rich metadata.
     Called when an "erniched" channelCastMessage (v14) is received.
     @param sender_permid: the PermId of the peer who sent the message
     @param channelCastMessage: the received message
     @return: None
     metadataDTOs, sizeList = \
     if DEBUG:
         print >> sys.stderr, "Handling rich metadata from %s..." % show_permid_short(sender_permid)
     for md_and_have in metadataDTOs:
         md = md_and_have[0]
         havemask = md_and_have[1]
         vote = self.votecastDB.getVote(bin2str(, 
         # the next if may seem useless, but since sizeList is defined only when
         # logging is enabled for debug, I get an error without this conditional statement
         # because the argument for the debug() call getsEvaluated before the logging
         # system understands that debug is disabled
         #if announceStatsLog.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
         if DEBUG:
             id = "RQ" if fromQuery else "R"
             print >> sys.stderr, "%c, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d" % \
                                    (id,, md.infohash, \
                                     show_permid_short(sender_permid), md.timestamp,
             #format "R|S (R: received - S: sent), channel, infohash, sender|destination,metadataCreationTimestamp"
             # 30-06-2010: "RQ" as received from query
             i += 1
         # check if the record belongs to a channel 
         # who we have "reported spam" (negative vote)
         if  vote == -1:
             # if so, ignore the incoming record
         isUpdate =self.rmdDb.insertMetadata(md)
         if isUpdate is not None:
             #retrieve the metadataDTO from the database in the case it is an update
             md = self.rmdDb.getMetadata(,md.infohash)
             self._notifyRichMetadata(md, isUpdate)
         # if I am a subscriber send immediately a GET_SUBS to the 
         # sender
         if vote == 2:
             if DEBUG:
                 print >> sys.stderr, "Subscribed to channel %s, trying to retrieve" \
                      "all subtitle contents" % (show_permid_short(,)
 def updateHaveMask(self,channel,infohash,peer_id, newMask, timestamp=None):
     Store a received have mask in the db
     (See insertHaveMask for description)
     @type channel: str
     @param channel: channel_id (binary)
     @type infohash: str
     @param infohash: the infohash of a torrent (binary)
     @type peer_id: str
     @param peer_id: peer from whom the infomask was received.(ie its binary permid)
     @type havemask: int
     "param havemask: a non-negative integer. It must be smaller
                     then 2**32.
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     peer_id = bin2str(peer_id)
     updateQuery = QUERIES["UPDATE HAVE MASK"]
     if timestamp is None:
         timestamp = int(time.time())
                            (newMask,timestamp,peer_id, channel, infohash))
 def deleteHaveEntry(self, channel, infohash, peer_id):
     Delete a row from the SubtitlesHave db.
     If the row is not in the db nothing happens.
     @type channel: str
     @param channel: channel_id (binary)
     @type infohash: str
     @param infohash: the infohash of a torrent (binary)
     @type peer_id: str
     @param peer_id: peer from whom the infomask was received.(ie its binary permid)
     @postcondition: if a row identified by channel, infohash, peer_id
                     was in the database, it will no longer be there
                     at the end of this method call
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     peer_id = bin2str(peer_id)
     deleteQuery = QUERIES["DELETE HAVE"]
 def getSubtitle(self, channel, infohash, lang):
     Get a subtitle for a language for a given item in a given channel.
     Returns the details reguarding a subtitles in a given language for a
     given item in a given channel, if it exists. Otherwise it returns
     @param channel: a perm_id identifying the owner of the channel.
     @param infohash: the infohash of an item, as announced in channelcast
     @param lang: a 3 characters ISO 639-2 language code, identifying
                  the desired subtitle langugage
     @return: a SubtitleInfo instance
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel, lang))
     if len(res) == 0 :
         return None
     elif len(res) == 1 :
         checksum = str2bin(res[0][3])
         return SubtitleInfo(res[0][1], res[0][2], checksum)
     else : 
         # This should be not possible to database constraints
         raise MetadataDBException("Metadata DB Constraint violeted!")
 def getHaveMask(self, channel, infohash, peer_id):
     Returns the have mask for a single peer if available.
     @type channel: str
     @param channel: channel_id (binary)
     @type infohash: str
     @param infohash: the infohash of a torrent (binary)
     @type peer_id: str
     @param peer_id: peer from whom the infomask was received.(ie its binary permid)
     @rtype: int
     @return: the have mask relative to channel, infohash, and peer.
              If not available returns None
     @postcondition: the return value is either None or a non-negative
                     integer smaller then 2**32
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     peer_id = bin2str(peer_id)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query,(channel,infohash,peer_id))
     if len(res) <= 0:
         return None
     elif len(res) > 1:
         raise AssertionError("channel,infohash,peer_id should be unique")
         return res[0][0]
 def getLocalSubtitles(self, channel, infohash):
     Returns a dictionary containing all the subtitles pointing
     to a local pathm for the given channel, infohash
     @param channel: binary channel_id(permid)
     @param infohash: binary infohash
     @rtype: dict
     @return: a dictionary like this:
              langCode : SubtitleInfo,
             The dictionary will be empty if no local subtitle
             is available.
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query,(channel,infohash))
     result  = {}
     for entry in res:
         location = entry[0]
         language = entry[1]
         checksum = str2bin(entry[2])
         subInfo = SubtitleInfo(language, location, checksum)
         result[language] = subInfo
     return result
    def receivedSubsRequest(self, permid, request, selversion):
        Reads a received GET_SUBS message and possibly sends a response.
        @param permid: the permid of the sender of the GET_SUBS message
        @param request: a tuple made of channel_id, infohash, language code
        @param selversion: the protocol version of the requesting peer
        @return: False if the message had something wrong. (a return value
                 of False makes the caller close the connection).
                 Otherwise True
        assert self.registered, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "Handler not yet registered"

        channel_id, infohash, languages = request #happily unpacking
        #diction {lang : Subtitle}
        allSubtitles = self.subtitlesDb.getAllSubtitles(channel_id,
        contentsList = {} #{langCode : path}
        #for each requested language check if the corresponding subtitle
        #is available
        for lang in sorted(languages):
            if lang in allSubtitles.keys():
                if allSubtitles[lang].subtitleExists():
                    content = self._readSubContent(allSubtitles[lang].path)
                    if content is not None:
                        contentsList[lang] = content 
                    if DEBUG:
                        print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "File not available for " + \
                              "channel %s, infohash %s, lang %s" % \
                              (show_permid_short(channel_id), bin2str(infohash),
                if DEBUG:
                    print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "Subtitle not available for " + \
                          "channel %s, infohash %s, lang %s" % \
                          (show_permid_short(channel_id), bin2str(infohash),
        if len(contentsList) == 0: #pathlist is empty
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "None of the requested subtitles " + \
                      " was available. No answer will be sent to %s" % \
            return True
        return self._subsMsgHndlr.sendSubtitleResponse(permid, 
   def publishSubtitle(self, infohash, lang, pathToSrtSubtitle):
       Allows an user to publish an srt subtitle file in his channel.
       Called by a channel owner this method inserts a new subtitle for
       a torrent published in his channel. 
       The method assumes that the torrent identified by the infohash
       parameter is already in the channel, and that the parameter 
       pathToSrtSubtitle points to an existing srt file on the local
       If a subtitle for the same language was already associated to the 
       specified infohash and channel, it will be overwritten.
       After calling this method the newly inserted subtitle will be 
       disseminated via Channelcast.
       @param infohash: the infohash of the torrent to associate the subtitle
                        with, binary
       @param lang: a 3 characters code for the language of the subtitle as
                    specified in ISO 639-2. Currently just 32 language codes
                    will be supported.
       @param pathToSrtSubtitle: a path in the local filesystem to a subtitle
                                 in srt format.
       @raise RichMetadataException: if something "general" goes wrong while
                                     adding new metadata
       @raise IOError: if disk related problems occur
       assert utilities.isValidInfohash(infohash), "Invalid Infohash"
       assert lang is not None and self.langUtility.isLangCodeSupported(lang)
       assert self._registered, "Instance is not registered"
       channelid = bin2str(self.my_permid)
       base64infohash = bin2str(infohash)
       # consisnstency check: I want to assure that this method is called
       # for an item that is actually in my channel
       consinstent = self.channelcast_db.isItemInChannel(channelid,base64infohash)
       if not consinstent:
           msg = "Infohash %s not found in my channel. Rejecting subtitle" \
                   % base64infohash
           if DEBUG:
               print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', msg
           raise RichMetadataException(msg)
           filepath = \
       except Exception,e:
           if DEBUG:
               print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', "Failed to read and copy subtitle to appropriate folder: %s" % str(e)
 def insertHaveMask(self, channel, infohash, peer_id, havemask, timestamp=None):
     Store a received have mask in the db
     Each inserted rows represent a delcaration of subtitle 
     availability from peer_id, for some subtitles for
     a torrent identified by infohash in a channel identified
     by channel.
     @type channel: str
     @param channel: channel_id (binary)
     @type infohash: str
     @param infohash: the infohash of a torrent (binary)
     @type peer_id: str
     @param peer_id: peer from whom the infomask was received.(ie its binary permid)
     @type havemask: int
     @param havemask: a non-negative integer. It must be smaller
                     then 2**32.
     @precondition: an entry for (channel, infohash) must already
                    exist in the database
     if timestamp is None:
         timestamp = int(time.time())
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     peer_id = bin2str(peer_id)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel))
     if len(res) != 1:
         raise MetadataDBException("No entry in the MetadataDB for %s, %s" %\
     metadata_fk = res[0][0]
     insertQuery = QUERIES["INSERT HAVE MASK"]
         self._db.execute_write(insertQuery, (metadata_fk, peer_id, havemask, timestamp))
     except sqlite3.IntegrityError,e:
         raise MetadataDBException(str(e))
Beispiel #10
 def _handleGETSUBS(self,permid, message, selversion):
     if selversion < OLPROTO_VER_FOURTEENTH:
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, "The peer that sent the GET_SUBS request has an old" \
                  "protcol version: this is strange. Dropping the msg"
         return False
     decoded = self._decodeGETSUBSMessage(message)
     if decoded is None:
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, "Error decoding a GET_SUBS message from %s" %\
         return False
     if DEBUG:
         channel_id, infohash, languages = decoded
         bitmask = self._languagesUtility.langCodesToMask(languages)
         print >> sys.stderr, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d" % ("RG", show_permid_short(permid), 
                                                  bin2str(infohash), bitmask, len(message))
     # no synch on _listenersList since both this method
     # and the registerListener method are called by
     # the OLThread
     for listener in self._listenersList:
         listener.receivedSubsRequest(permid, decoded, selversion)
     return True
 def _updateSubtitle(self, metadata_fk, subtitle, commitNow=True):
     Update an entry in the Subtitles database.
     If the entry identified by metadata_fk, subtitle.lang does not exist
     in the subtitle database this method does nothing.
     @param metadata_fk: foreign key of the metadata table
     @param subtitle: instance of Subitle containing the data to insert
     @param commitNow: if False, this method does not commit the changes to
                       the database
     assert metadata_fk is not None
     assert subtitle is not None
     assert isinstance(subtitle, SubtitleInfo)
     toUpdate = self._getSubtitleByKey(metadata_fk, subtitle.lang)
     if toUpdate is None:
     checksum = bin2str(subtitle.checksum)
     self._db.execute_write(query, (subtitle.path,
                     checksum, metadata_fk, subtitle.lang),
 def hasMetadata(self, channel, infohash):
     Checks whether there exists some metadata for an item in a channel.
     @param channel: a perm_id identifying the owner of the channel.
     @param infohash: the infohash of an item, as announced in channelcast
     @return boolean
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel))
     return len(res) != 0
 def getHaveEntries(self, channel, infohash):
     Return a list of have entries for subtitles for a torrent
     in a channel.
     This method returns a list of tuple, like:
       (peer_id, haveMask, timestamp),
     (peer_id) is the perm_id of a Tribler
     Peer, haveMask is an integer value representing a 
     bitmask of subtitles owned by that peer. 
     Timestamp is the timestamp at the time the havemask
     was received. 
     The results are ordered by descending timestamp.
     If there are no
     entris for the givenn channel,infohash pair, the returned
     list will be empty
     @type channel: str
     @param channel: channel_id (binary)
     @type infohash: str
     @param infohash: the infohash of a torrent (binary)
     @rtype: list
     @return: see description
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query,(channel,infohash))
     returnlist = list()
     for entry in res:
         peer_id = str2bin(entry[0])
         haveMask = entry[1]
         timestamp = entry[2]
         returnlist.append((peer_id, haveMask, timestamp))
     return returnlist
 def _deleteSubtitleByChannel(self, channel, infohash, lang):
     Remove a subtitle for a channel infohash
     @param channel: the channel where the subtitle is (binary)
     @param infohash: the infohash of the torrent referred by the subtitle
     @param lang: ISO-639-2 language code of the subtitle to remove
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     self._db.execute_write(query,(channel, infohash, lang))
Beispiel #15
    def _handleSUBS(self, permid, message, selversion):
        if selversion < OLPROTO_VER_FOURTEENTH:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "The peer that sent the SUBS request has an old" \
                     "protcol version: this is strange. Dropping the msg"
            return False
        decoded = self._decodeSUBSMessage(message)
        if decoded is None:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Error decoding a SUBS message from %s" %\
            return False
        channel_id, infohash, bitmask,contents = decoded
        #if no subtitle was requested drop the whole message
        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d" % ("RS", show_permid_short(permid), 
                                                     bin2str(infohash), bitmask, len(message))

        requestedSubs = self._checkRequestedSubtitles(channel_id,infohash,bitmask) 
        if requestedSubs == 0:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "Received a SUBS message that was not"\
                      " requested. Dropping"
            return False
        requestedSubsCodes = self._languagesUtility.maskToLangCodes(requestedSubs)
        #drop from the contents subtitles that where not requested
        for lang in contents.keys():
            if lang not in requestedSubsCodes:
                del contents[lang]
        #remove the received subtitles from the requested 
        callbacks = \
            self._removeFromRequestedSubtitles(channel_id, infohash, bitmask)

        #the receiver does not need the bitmask
        tuple = channel_id, infohash, contents
        # no synch on _listenersList since both this method
        # and the registerListener method are called by
        # the OLThread
        for listener in self._listenersList:
            listener.receivedSubsResponse(permid, tuple, callbacks, selversion)
        return True
 def getMetadata(self, channel, infohash):
     Returns a MetadataDTO instance for channel/infohash if available in DB
     Given a channel/infhash couple returns a MetadataDTO instance, built
     with the values retrieved from the Metadata and Subtitles DB. If
     no result returns None
     @param channel: the permid of the channel's owner (binary)
     @param infohash: the infohash of the item the metadata refers to
     @return: a MetadataDTO instance comprehensive of subtitles if any
              metadata is found in the DB. None otherwise.
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel))
     if len(res) == 0:
         return None
     if len(res) > 1:
         raise MetadataDBException("Metadata DB Constraint violated")
     metaTuple = res[0]
     subsDictionary = self._getAllSubtitlesByKey(metaTuple[0])
     publisher = str2bin(metaTuple[1])
     infohash =  str2bin(metaTuple[2])
     timestamp = int(metaTuple[4])
     description = unicode(metaTuple[3])
     signature = str2bin(metaTuple[5])
     toReturn = MetadataDTO(publisher, infohash,
                            timestamp, description, None,
     for sub in subsDictionary.itervalues():
     return toReturn
 def updateSubtitlePath(self, channel, infohash, lang, newPath, commitNow=True):
     Updates a subtitle entry in the database if it exists.
     Given the channel, the infohash, and a SubtitleInfo instance,
     the entry relative to that subtitle is updated accordingly 
     to the details in the SubtitleInfo instance.
     If an instance for the provided channel, infohash, and language
     does not already exist in the db, nothing is done.
     @param channel: the channel id (permid) of the channel for the
                     subtitle (binary)
     @param infohash: the infohash of the item the subtitle refrs to
     @param lang: the language of the subtitle to update
     @param path: the new path of the subtitle. None to indicate that the
                 subtitle is not available
     @return True if an entry was updated in the db. False if nothing
             got written on the db
     @precondition: subtitle.lang is not None
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     res = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel, lang))
     if len(res) > 1 :
         raise MetadataDBException("Metadata DB constraint violated")
     elif len(res) == 0 :
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', "Nothing to update for channel %s, infohash %s, lang"\
                     " %s. Doing nothing." % (channel[-10:],\
                                              infohash, lang)
         return False
         query = QUERIES["UPDATE SUBTITLES"]
         self._db.execute_write(query, (newPath,
                     res[0][3], res[0][0], lang),
         return True
Beispiel #18
 def _get_subs_connect_callback(self, exception, dns, permid, selversion,
                           channel_id, infohash, bitmask, msgSentCallback, usrCallback):
     Called by the Overlay Thread when a connection with permid is established.
     Performs the actual action of sending a GET_SUBS request to the peer
     identified by permid. It is called by the OLThread when a connection
     with that peer is established.
     if exception is not None:
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + \
                   "GET_SUBS not sent. Unable to connect to " + \
         if (selversion > 0 and selversion < OLPROTO_VER_FOURTEENTH):
             msg = "GET_SUBS not send, the other peers had an old protocol version: %d" %\
             if DEBUG:
                 print >> sys.stderr, msg
             raise SubtitleMsgHandlerException(msg)
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "sending GET_SUBS to " + \
         try :
             message = self._createGETSUBSMessage(channel_id, infohash,
             if DEBUG:
                 # Format:
                 # SS|SG, destination, channel, infohash, bitmask, size
                 print >> sys.stderr, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d" % ("SG",show_permid_short(permid), 
             self._overlay_bridge.send(permid, message,
                                       lambda exc, permid: \
         except Exception,e:
             msg = "GET_SUBS not sent: %s" % str(e)
             raise SubtitleMsgHandlerException(e)
 def deleteMetadata(self, channel, infohash):
     Removes all the metadata associated to a channel/infohash.
     Everything is dropped from both the Metadata and Subtitles db.
     @param channel: the permid of the channel's owner
     @param infohash: the infhoash of the entry
     assert channel is not None
     assert infohash is not None
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     if DEBUG:
         print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', "Performing query on db: " + query
     res = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel))
     if len(res) == 0 :
     if len(res) > 1 :
         raise IOError("Metadata DB constraint violated")
     metadata_fk = res[0][0]
     self._deleteAllSubtitles(metadata_fk, False)
     self._db.execute_write(query, (metadata_fk,), False)
 def getAllSubtitles(self, channel, infohash):
     Get all the available subtitles for a channel and infohash.
     Returns a list representing subtitles that are available for
     a givenchannel and infohash. 
     @param channel: the perm_id of the channel owner (binary)
     @param infohash: the infhash of a channel elements as it
                      is announced in ChannelCast (binary)
     @return: a dictionary of { lang : SubtitleInfo instance}
     infohash = bin2str(infohash)
     channel = bin2str(channel)
     results = self._db.fetchall(query, (infohash, channel))
     subsDict = {}
     for entry in results:
         subsDict[entry[1]] = SubtitleInfo(entry[1], entry[2], entry[3])
     return subsDict
Beispiel #21
def getSubtitleFileRelativeName(channel_id, infohash, langCode):
    # subtitles filenames are build from the sha1 hash
    # of the triple (channel_id, infohash, langCode)

    # channel_id and infohash are binary versions

    assert utilities.validPermid(channel_id), "Invalid channel_id %s" % utilities.show_permid_short(channel_id)
    assert utilities.validInfohash(infohash), "Invalid infohash %s" % bin2str(infohash)
    assert LanguagesProvider.getLanguagesInstance().isLangCodeSupported(langCode), (
        "Unsupported language code %s" % langCode

    hasher = sha()
    for data in (channel_id, infohash, langCode):
    subtitleName = hasher.hexdigest() + SUBS_EXTENSION

    return subtitleName
    def send_metadata(self, permid, message, selversion):
            infohash = bdecode(message[1:])
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "metadata: GET_METADATA: error becoding"
            return False
        if not isValidInfohash(infohash):
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "metadata: GET_METADATA: invalid hash"
            return False

        # TODO:
        res = self.torrent_db.getOne(('torrent_file_name', 'status_id'),
        if not res:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "metadata: GET_METADATA: not in database", infohash
            return True  # don't close connection because I don't have the torrent
        torrent_file_name, status_id = res
        if status_id == self.torrent_db._getStatusID('dead'):
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "metadata: GET_METADATA: Torrent was dead"
            return True
        if not torrent_file_name:
            return True
        torrent_path = os.path.join(self.torrent_dir, torrent_file_name)
        if not os.path.isfile(torrent_path):
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "metadata: GET_METADATA: not existing", res, torrent_path
            return True

        task = {
            'permid': permid,
            'infohash': infohash,
            'torrent_path': torrent_path,
            'selversion': selversion
        if int(time()) >= self.next_upload_time:

        return True
 def _insertNewSubtitle(self, metadata_fk, subtitle, commitNow=True) :
     Insert a new subtitle entry in the Subtitles table.
     Given a foreign key from the Metadata table, and a SubtitleInfo instance
     describing the subtitle to insert, adds it to the metadata table.
     This method assumes that that entry does not already exist in the
     NOTICE that sqlite  does not enforce the foreign key constraint,
     so be careful about integrity
     assert metadata_fk is not None
     assert subtitle is not None
     assert isinstance(subtitle, SubtitleInfo)
     checksum = bin2str(subtitle.checksum)
     self._db.execute_write(query, (metadata_fk, subtitle.lang,
                                    subtitle.path, checksum),
Beispiel #24
    def send_metadata(self, permid, message, selversion):
            infohash = bdecode(message[1:])
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "metadata: GET_METADATA: error becoding"
            return False
        if not isValidInfohash(infohash):
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "metadata: GET_METADATA: invalid hash"
            return False

        # TODO:
        res = self.torrent_db.getOne(('torrent_file_name', 'status_id'), infohash=bin2str(infohash))
        if not res:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "metadata: GET_METADATA: not in database", infohash
            return True    # don't close connection because I don't have the torrent
        torrent_file_name, status_id = res
        if status_id == self.torrent_db._getStatusID('dead'):
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "metadata: GET_METADATA: Torrent was dead"
            return True
        if not torrent_file_name:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "metadata: GET_METADATA: no torrent file name"
            return True
        torrent_path = os.path.join(self.torrent_dir, torrent_file_name)
        if not os.path.isfile(torrent_path):
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', "metadata: GET_METADATA: not existing", res, torrent_path
            return True
        task = {'permid':permid, 'infohash':infohash, 'torrent_path':torrent_path, 'selversion':selversion}
        if int(time()) >= self.next_upload_time:
        return True
 def getAllMetadataForInfohash(self, infohash):
     Returns a list of MetadataDTO instances for a given infohash
     Given a torrent infohash returns a list of MetadataDTO instances for
     that infohash. Each one of the MetadataDTO refers to a different
     @param infohash: the infohash for the torrent (binary)
     @return: a list of MetadataDTO isntances (or empty list if nothing
              is found)
     assert infohash is not None
     strinfohash = bin2str(infohash)
     channels = self._db.fetchall(query, (strinfohash,))
     return [self.getMetadata(str2bin(entry[0]), infohash) for entry in channels]
 def addRichMetadataContent(self,channelCastMessage, destPermid = None, fromQuery = False):
     Takes plain channelcast message (from OLProto v.13) and adds to it
     a 'rich_metadata' field.
     @param channelCastMessage: the old channelcast message in the format of
                                protocol v13
     @param destPermid: the destination of the message. If not None it is used
                         for logging purposes only. If None, nothing bad happens.
     @return: the "enriched" channelcast message
     if not len(channelCastMessage) > 0:
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, "no entries to enrich with rmd"
         return channelCastMessage
     if DEBUG:
         if fromQuery: 
             print >> sys.stderr, "Intercepted a channelcast message as answer to a query"
             print >> sys.stderr, "Intercepted a channelcast message as normal channelcast"
     #otherwise I'm modifying the old one (even if there's nothing bad
     #it's not good for the caller to see its parameters changed :)
     newMessage = dict()
     # a channelcast message is made up of a dictionary of entries
     # keyed the signature. Every value in the dictionary is itself
     # a dictionary with the item informatino
     for key in iter(channelCastMessage):
         entryContent = copy(channelCastMessage[key])
         newMessage[key] = entryContent
         channel_id = entryContent['publisher_id']
         infohash = entryContent['infohash']
         #not clean but the fastest way :(
         # TODO: make something more elegant
         metadataDTO = self.rmdDb.getMetadata(channel_id, infohash)
         if metadataDTO is not None:
                 if DEBUG:
                     print >> sys.stderr, "Enriching a channelcast message with subtitle contents"
                 metadataPack = metadataDTO.serialize()
                 # I can remove from the metadata pack the infohash, and channelId
                 # since they are already in channelcast and they would be redundant
                 #adding the haveMask at the end of the metadata pack
                 havemask = self.peerHaveManager.retrieveMyHaveMask(channel_id, infohash)
                 binary_havemask = uintToBinaryString(havemask)
                 entryContent['rich_metadata'] = metadataPack
                 if DEBUG:
                     size = self._computeSize(metadataPack)
                     # if available records also the destination of the message
                     dest = "NA" if destPermid is None else show_permid_short(destPermid)
                     id = "SQ" if fromQuery else "S"
                     # format (S (for sent) | SQ (for sent as response to a query), channel, infohash, destination, timestampe, size)
                     print >> sys.stderr, "%c, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d" % \
                         (id, bin2str(, \
                         bin2str(metadataDTO.infohash), \
                          dest, metadataDTO.timestamp, size)
             except Exception,e:
                 print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: Error serializing metadata: %s", str(e)
                 return channelCastMessage
             # better to put the field to None, or to avoid adding the
             # metadata field at all?
             ##entryContent['rich_metadata'] = None
Beispiel #27
 def _checkingUploadQueue(self):
     Uses a token bucket to control the subtitles upload rate.
     Every time this method is called, it will check if there are enough
     tokens in the bucket to send out a SUBS message.
     Currently fragmentation is not implemented: all the reuquested subtitles
     are sent in a single SUBS messages if there are enough tokens:
     too big responses are simply discarded.
     The method tries to consume all the available tokens of the token
     bucket until there are no more messages to send. If there are no
     sufficiente tokens to send a message, another call to this method
     is scheduled in a point in time sufficiently distant.
     if DEBUG:
         print >> sys.stderr, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "Checking the upload queue..."
     if not self._tokenBucket.upload_rate > 0:
     if not len(self._uploadQueue) > 0:
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "Upload queue is empty."
     while len(self._uploadQueue) > 0 :
         responseData = self._uploadQueue[0]
         encodedMsg = self._createSingleResponseMessage(responseData)
         if encodedMsg is None:
             if DEBUG:
                 print >> sys.stderr, SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "Nothing to send"
             del self._uploadQueue[0]
             continue #check other messages in the queue
         msgSize = len(encodedMsg) / 1024.0 #in kilobytes
         if msgSize > self._tokenBucket.capacity: 
             #message is too big, discarding
             print >> sys.stderr, "Warning:" + SUBS_LOG_PREFIX + "SUBS message too big. Discarded!"
             del self._uploadQueue[0]
             continue #check other messages in the queue
         #check if there are sufficiente tokens
         if self._tokenBucket.consume(msgSize):
             if DEBUG:
                 # Format:
                 # S|G, destination, channel, infohash, bitmask, size
                 keys = responseData['subtitles'].keys()
                 bitmask = self._languagesUtility.langCodesToMask(keys)
                 print >> sys.stderr, "%s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d" % ("SS",show_permid_short(responseData['permid']),
             self._doSendSubtitles(responseData['permid'], encodedMsg, responseData['selversion'])
             del self._uploadQueue[0]
             #tokens are insufficient wait the necessary time and check again
             neededCapacity = max(0, msgSize - self._tokenBucket.tokens)
             delay = (neededCapacity / self._tokenBucket.upload_rate)
             self._nextUploadTime = time() + delay
             self.overlay_bridge.add_task(self._checkingUploadQueue, delay)
 def insertMetadata(self, metadata_dto):
     Insert the metadata contained in a Metadata DTO in the database.
     If an entry relative to the same channel and infohash of the provided 
     dto already exists in the db, the db is updated only if the timestamp
     of the new dto is newer then the entry in the database. 
     If there is no such an entry, a new wan in the Metadata DB is created
     along with the required entries in the SubtitleInfo DB
     @type metadata_dto: MetadataDTO 
     @param metada_dto: an instance of MetadataDTO describing metadata
     @return True if an existing entry was updated,  false if a new entry
             was interested. Otherwise None.
     assert metadata_dto is not None
     assert isinstance(metadata_dto, MetadataDTO)
     #try to retrieve a correspindng record for channel,infhoash
     #won't do nothing if the metadata_dto is not correctly signed
     if not metadata_dto.verifySignature():
         raise SignatureException("Metadata to insert is not properly" \
     select_query = QUERIES["SELECT METADATA"]
     signature = bin2str(metadata_dto.signature)
     infohash = bin2str(metadata_dto.infohash)
     channel = bin2str(
     res = self._db.fetchall(select_query,
                             (infohash, channel))
     isUpdate = False
     if len(res) != 0 :
         #updated if the new message is newer
         if metadata_dto.timestamp > res[0][4] :
             query = QUERIES["UPDATE METADATA"]
                                False) #I don't want the transaction to commit now
             fk_key = res[0][0]
             isUpdate = True
     else: #if is this a whole new metadata item
         query = QUERIES["INSERT METADATA"]
         if DEBUG:
             print >> sys.stderr, time.asctime(),'-', "Performing query on db: " + query
         newRows = self._db.fetchall(select_query,
                             (infohash, channel))
         if len(newRows) == 0 : 
             raise IOError("No results, while there should be one")
         fk_key = newRows[0][0]
     self._insertOrUpdateSubtitles(fk_key, metadata_dto.getAllSubtitles(), \
     self._db.commit() #time to commit everything
     return isUpdate