Beispiel #1
    def getStrongsEntryHTML( self, key:str ) -> Optional[str]:
        The key is a Hebrew Strong's number (string) like 'H1979'.

        Returns an HTML li entry for the given key.
        Returns None if the key is not found.

        e.g., for H1, returns:
            <li value="1" id="ot:1"><i title="{awb}" xml:lang="hbo">אָב</i> a primitive word;
                father, in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application):
                <span class="kjv_def">chief, (fore-)father(-less), X patrimony, principal</span>.
                Compare names in "Abi-".</li>
            <li value="165" id="ot:165"><i title="{e-hee'}" xml:lang="hbo">אֱהִי</i> apparently an
                orthographical variation for <a href="#ot:346"><i title="{ah-yay'}" xml:lang="hbo">אַיֵּה</i></a>;
                where: <span class="kjv_def">I will be (Hos</span>. 13:10, 14) (which is often the rendering of
                the same Hebrew form from <a href="#ot:1961"><i title="{haw-yaw}" xml:lang="hbo">הָיָה</i></a>).</li>

        vPrint( 'Never', debuggingThisModule, _("BibleLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML( {} )").format( repr(key) ) )
        if key.startswith( 'H' ):
            return self.hLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML( key )
        if key.startswith( 'G' ):
            return self.gLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML( key )
Beispiel #2
 def getDivisionAbbreviation(self, divisionNameOrAbbreviation):
     Get the division standardAbbreviation from the given division name or abbreviation.
             (Automatically converts to upper case before comparing strings.)
     if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert divisionNameOrAbbreviation
     upperCaseDivisionNameOrAbbreviation = divisionNameOrAbbreviation.upper(
     if upperCaseDivisionNameOrAbbreviation in self.__sortedDivisionNamesDict:
         #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, self.__sortedDivisionNamesDict[upperCaseDivisionNameOrAbbreviation], self.__divisionsNamesDict[self.__sortedDivisionNamesDict[upperCaseDivisionNameOrAbbreviation]]['defaultAbbreviation'] )
         return self.__sortedDivisionNamesDict[
     if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
         # It failed so print what the closest alternatives were
         vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "getDivisionAbbrev",
         myList, thisLen = [], len(upperCaseDivisionNameOrAbbreviation)
         for key in self.__sortedDivisionNamesDict.keys():
             if key.startswith(upperCaseDivisionNameOrAbbreviation[0]
                               ) and len(key) == thisLen:
         vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Possibility list is", myList)
Beispiel #3
    def load(self) -> None:
        Load the pickle file if it's there,
            Otherwise use the converter to load the XML (slower).
        fnPrint(debuggingThisModule, "GreekLexicon.load()")
        assert self.StrongsEntries is None

        standardPickleFilepath = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BOS_DISTRIBUTED_FILES_FOLDERPATH.joinpath(
        if standardPickleFilepath.is_file():
            import pickle
            vPrint('Info', debuggingThisModule,
                   f"Loading pickle file {standardPickleFilepath}…")
            with open(standardPickleFilepath, 'rb') as pickleFile:
                self.StrongsEntries = pickle.load(
                )  # The protocol version used is detected automatically, so we do not have to specify it
        else:  # Load the original XML
            from BibleOrgSys.OriginalLanguages.Converters.GreekLexiconConverter import GreekStrongsFileConverter
            gStr = GreekStrongsFileConverter()  # Create the empty object
            gStr.loadAndValidate(self.XMLFolder)  # Load the XML
            self.StrongsEntries = gStr.importDataToPython()
Beispiel #4
def fullDemo() -> None:
    Full demo to check class is working
    BibleOrgSysGlobals.introduceProgram( __name__, programNameVersion, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE )

    AutoProcessesFolder = "../../"
    osisSchemaHTTP = ''
    osisSchemaFile = os.path.join( AutoProcessesFolder, 'sword-tools/thml2osis/xslt/tests/osisCore.2.1.1.xsd' )
    usxSchemaFile = os.path.join( AutoProcessesFolder, 'VariousScripts/usx 1.rng' )

    def doTest( folder, filenameList, schema=None ):
        for testFilename in filenameList:
            #testFilepath = os.path.join( folder, testFilename )
            #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "\n  Test filepath is {!r}".format( testFilepath ) )

            # Demonstrate the XML file class
            #xf = XMLFile( testFilepath, schema=schema )
            xf = XMLFile( testFilename, folder, schema=schema )
            #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, xf.validateAll() )
            vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, xf )
    # end of doTest

    if 1: # Test some OpenSong Bibles
        testFolder = Path( '/mnt/SSDs/Bibles//OpenSong Bibles/' )
        single = ( "KJV.xmm", )
        good = ( "KJV.xmm", "AMP.xmm", "Chinese_SU.xmm", "Contemporary English Version.xmm", "ESV", "Italiano", "MKJV", \
            "MSG.xmm", "NASB.xmm", "NIV", "NKJV.xmm", "NLT", "telugu.xmm", )
        nonEnglish = ( "BIBLIA warszawska", "Chinese Union Version Simplified.txt", "hun_karoli", "KNV_HU", "LBLA.xmm", \
            "Nowe Przymierze", "NVI.xmm", "NVI_PT", "PRT-IBS.xmm", "RV1960", "SVL.xmm", "UJPROT_HU", "vdc", \
            "Vietnamese Bible.xmm", )
        bad = ( "EPS99", )
        allOfThem = good + nonEnglish + bad
        vPrint( 'Normal', debuggingThisModule, "\n\nDemonstrating the XMLFile class with OpenSong Bibles…" )
        doTest( testFolder, allOfThem )

    if 1: # Test some OSIS Bibles
        testFolder = Path( '/mnt/SSDs/Bibles/Formats/OSIS/kjvxml from DMSmith/' )
        testNames = ( "kjv.xml", "kjvfull.xml", "kjvlite.xml", )
        vPrint( 'Normal', debuggingThisModule, "\n\nDemonstrating the XMLFile class with OSIS Bibles (no schema)…" )
        doTest( testFolder, testNames )
        vPrint( 'Normal', debuggingThisModule, "\n\nDemonstrating the XMLFile class with OSIS Bibles (file schema)…" )
        doTest( testFolder, testNames, schema=osisSchemaFile )
        vPrint( 'Normal', debuggingThisModule, "\n\nDemonstrating the XMLFile class with OSIS Bibles (web schema)…" )
        doTest( testFolder, (testNames[0],), schema=osisSchemaHTTP )
    def loadSystems( self, XMLFolder=None ):
        Load and pre-process the specified book order systems.
        if not self._XMLSystems: # Only ever do this once
            if XMLFolder is None: XMLFolder = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BOS_DATAFILES_FOLDERPATH.joinpath( 'BookOrders/' ) # Relative to module, not cwd
            self.__XMLFolder = XMLFolder
            vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, _("Loading book order systems from {}…").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
            filenamePrefix = "BIBLEBOOKORDER_"
            for filename in os.listdir( self.__XMLFolder ):
                filepart, extension = os.path.splitext( filename )
                if extension.upper() == '.XML' and filepart.upper().startswith(filenamePrefix):
                    bookOrderSystemCode = filepart[len(filenamePrefix):]
                    vPrint( 'Verbose', debuggingThisModule, _("  Loading{} book order system from {}…").format( bookOrderSystemCode, filename ) )
                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode] = {}
                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'] = ElementTree().parse( os.path.join( self.__XMLFolder, filename ) )
                    assert self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'] # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

                    # Check and remove the header element
                    if self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].tag  == self.XMLTreeTag:
                        header = self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'][0]
                        if header.tag == self.headerTag:
                            self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['header'] = header
                            self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].remove( header )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( header, 'header' )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( header, 'header' )
                            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( header, 'header' )
                            if len(header)>1:
                       _("Unexpected elements in header") )
                            elif len(header)==0:
                       _("Missing work element in header") )
                                work = header[0]
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( work, "work in header" )
                                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( work, "work in header" )
                                if work.tag == "work":
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['version'] = work.find('version').text
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['date'] = work.find('date').text
                                    self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['title'] = work.find('title').text
                                    logging.warning( _("Missing work element in header") )
                            logging.warning( _("Missing header element (looking for {!r} tag)").format( self.headerTag ) )
                        logging.error( _("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}").format( self.XMLTreeTag, self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'].tag ) )
                    bookCount = 0 # There must be an easier way to do this
                    for subelement in self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree']:
                        bookCount += 1
                    vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, _("    Loaded {} books for {}").format( bookCount, bookOrderSystemCode ) )
           _("    Loaded {} books for {}").format( bookCount, bookOrderSystemCode ) )

                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
                    self.__validateSystem( self._XMLSystems[bookOrderSystemCode]['tree'], bookOrderSystemCode )
        else: # The data must have been already loaded
            if XMLFolder is not None and XMLFolder!=self.__XMLFolder: logging.error( _("Bible book order systems are already loaded -- your different folder of {!r} was ignored").format( self.__XMLFolder ) )
        return self
    def getNumVersesList(self, BBB: str, allowAlternatives=False):
        Returns a list containing an integer for each chapter indicating the number of verses.

        The length of the list is the number of chapters in the book.
        fnPrint(debuggingThisModule, "getNumVersesList( {} )".format(BBB))
        if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            assert len(BBB) == 3

        if not allowAlternatives:
            return BibleVersificationSystem.getNumVersesList(self, BBB)

        # Well, we are allowed alternatives, but try the given BBB first anyway
        bookVersesList = None
            bookVersesList = BibleVersificationSystem.getNumVersesList(
                self, BBB)
        except KeyError:  # BBB doesn't exist in this BOS -- try an alternative
            # Next line will raise an error if no alternatives (coz returns None)
            for altBBB in BibleOrgSysGlobals.loadedBibleBooksCodes.getPossibleAlternativeBooksCodes(
                    bookVersesList = BibleVersificationSystem.getNumVersesList(
                        self, altBBB)
                except KeyError:
                    continue  # BBB doesn't exist in this BOS -- try an alternative
            if bookVersesList is not None:
                    'Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                    "Changed {} to {} in {!r} versification scheme".format(
                        BBB, altBBB,
        return bookVersesList
Beispiel #7
def briefDemo() -> None:
    Demonstrate reading and processing some UTF-8 ESFM files.
    BibleOrgSysGlobals.introduceProgram( __name__, programNameVersion, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE )

    import os.path
    filepath = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BOS_TEST_DATA_FOLDERPATH.joinpath( 'MatigsalugDictionaryA.sfm' )
    vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, "Using {} as test file…".format( filepath ) )

    linesDB = ESFMFile() filepath, ignoreSFMs=('mn','aMU','aMW','cu','cp') )
    vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, len(linesDB.lines), 'lines read from file', filepath )
    for i, r in enumerate(linesDB.lines):
        vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, i, r)
        if i>9: break
    vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, '…\n',len(linesDB.lines)-1, linesDB.lines[-1], '\n') # Display the last record
Beispiel #8
    def getSSFFilenames( self, searchAbove=False, auto=True ):
        Return a list of full pathnames of .ssf files in the folder.
            NOTE: USFM projects don't usually have the .ssf files in the project folder,
                but 'backed-up' projects often do.
            If searchAbove is set to True and no ssf files are found in the given folder,
                this routine will attempt to search the next folder up the file hierarchy.
                Furthermore, unless auto is set to False,
                    it will try to find the correct one from multiple SSFs.
        def getSSFFilenamesHelper( folder ):
            resultPathlist = []
            files = os.listdir( folder )
            for foundFilename in files:
                if not foundFilename.endswith('~'): # Ignore backup files
                    foundFileBit, foundExtBit = os.path.splitext( foundFilename )
                    if foundExtBit.lower()=='.ssf':
                        resultPathlist.append( os.path.join( folder, foundFilename ) )
            return resultPathlist
        # end of getSSFFilenamesHelper

        filelist = getSSFFilenamesHelper( self.givenFolderName )
        if not filelist and searchAbove: # try the next level up
            filelist = getSSFFilenamesHelper( os.path.join( self.givenFolderName, '../' ) )
            if auto and len(filelist)>1: # See if we can help them by automatically choosing the right one
                count, index = 0, -1
                for j, filepath in enumerate(filelist): # Check if we can find a single matching ssf file
                    foundPathBit, foundExtBit = os.path.splitext( filepath )
                    foundPathBit, foundFileBit = os.path.split( foundPathBit )
                    #dPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, foundPathBit, foundFileBit, foundExtBit, self.givenFolderName )
                    if foundFileBit in str(self.givenFolderName):
                        index = j; count += 1 # Take a guess that this might be the right one
                #dPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, count, index )
                if count==1 and index!=-1: filelist = [ filelist[index] ] # Found exactly one so reduce the list down to this one filepath
        vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, f"getSSFFilenames: returning filelist ({len(filelist)})={filelist}" )
        return filelist
    def __init__( self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8' ) -> None:
        Constructor: just sets up the VerseView Bible object.
         # Setup and initialise the base class first
        Bible.__init__( self )
        self.objectNameString = 'VerseView XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'VerseView'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath =  os.path.join( self.sourceFolder, self.givenName )

        self.XMLTree = self.header = None # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganisationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access( self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK ):
            vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "VerseViewXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format( self.sourceFilepath ) ) = self.givenName
Beispiel #10
def run():
    # Configure basic Bible Organisational System (BOS) set-up
    parser = BibleOrgSysGlobals.setup(PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION)

    # Search for a Bible and attempt to load it
    unknownBible = UnknownBible(
    loadedBible =
        autoLoadBooks=True)  # Load all the books if we find any

    # See if we were successful at loading one (and only one), and if so, do the export
    if isinstance(loadedBible, Bible):  # i.e., not an error message
        loadedBible.toUSXXML()  # Export as USX files (USFM inside XML)
            'Quiet', False,
            f"\nOutput should be in {BibleOrgSysGlobals.DEFAULT_WRITEABLE_OUTPUT_FOLDERPATH.joinpath( 'BOS_USX2_Export/' )}/ folder."

    # Do the BOS close-down stuff
    BibleOrgSysGlobals.closedown(PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION)
Beispiel #11
    def _removeMetegOrSiluq(self, text: str, asVowel: bool) -> str:
        It's actually often impossible to tell automatically which purpose this Unicode mark has.
        #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "_removeMetegOrSiluq( {!r}, {} )".format( text, asVowel ) )

        while text:
            textLength = len(text)
            madeChanges = False
            for j, mark in enumerate(text):
                if mark != metegOrSiluq: continue
                previousMark = text[j - 1] if j > 0 else ''
                nextMark = text[j + 1] if j < textLength - 1 else ''
                if previousMark in (patah, segol) or nextMark in (
                ):  # Assume it's a vowel point meteg
                    if asVowel:
                            'Info', debuggingThisModule,
                            f"Deleting (vowel point) meteg after {previousMark!r} ({ if previousMark else ''}) and before {nextMark!r} ({ if nextMark else ''})"
                        text = text[:j] + text[j + 1:]
                        madeChanges = True
                            'Info', debuggingThisModule,
                            f"Ignoring (vowel point) meteg/siluq after {previousMark!r} ({ if previousMark else ''}) and before {nextMark!r} ({ if nextMark else ''})"
                else:  # it doesn't appear to be a vowel point meteg
                    if not asVowel:
                            'Info', debuggingThisModule,
                            f"Deleting (cantillation mark) siluq after {previousMark!r} ({ if previousMark else ''}) and before {nextMark!r} ({ if nextMark else ''})"
                        text = text[:j] + text[j + 1:]
                        madeChanges = True
                            'Info', debuggingThisModule,
                            f"Ignoring (cantillation mark) meteg/siluq after {previousMark!r} ({ if previousMark else ''}) and before {nextMark!r} ({ if nextMark else ''})"
            if not madeChanges:
                break  # Check for another meteg if we made any changes
        return text
Beispiel #12
def briefDemo() -> None:
    Main program to handle command line parameters and then run what they want.
    BibleOrgSysGlobals.introduceProgram(__name__, programNameVersion,

    if 1:  # demonstrate the Greek Lexicon converter classes
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
               "\nDemonstrating the converter classes…")

        vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, '')
        gsc = GreekStrongsFileConverter()
        gsc.loadAndValidate()  # Load the XML
        vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, gsc)  # Just print a summary

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Exports aren't written yet!")
    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book, bookNumber ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        vPrint( 'Verbose', debuggingThisModule, _("Validating XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                bookName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )

        if bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName )
        if BBB is None:
            adjustedBookName = BibleOrgSysGlobals.removeAccents( bookName )
            if adjustedBookName != bookName:
                BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( adjustedBookName )
        BBB2 = BibleOrgSysGlobals.loadedBibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookNumber )
        if BBB2 != BBB: # Just double check using the book number
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Assuming that book {} {!r} is {} (not {})".format( bookNumber, bookName, BBB2, BBB ) )
            BBB = BBB2
            #dPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, BBB ); halt

        if BBB:
            vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'VerseView XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'VerseView'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                else: logging.error( "vb26 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
            vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
            self.stashBook( thisBook )
Beispiel #14
 def processSearchResult(searchResult: dict,
                         downloadAllBooks: bool = False) -> None:
     if searchResult and isinstance(searchResult, dict):
         dcsBible1 = DCSBible(searchResult,
         except FileNotFoundError:
             assert downloadAllBooks == False
         vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, dcsBible1, end='\n\n')
         for testRef in testRefs:
             verseKey = SimpleVerseKey(*testRef)
             if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                 vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, verseKey)
                 vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, " ",
     elif BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
         vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                f"Unexpected search result: {searchResult}")
Beispiel #15
def testUB(TUBfilename):
    # Crudely demonstrate the Unbound Bible class
    from BibleOrgSys.Reference import VerseReferences
    testFolder = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BOS_LIBRARY_BASE_FOLDERPATH.joinpath(
        '../../../../../../mnt/SSDs/Bibles/Biola Unbound modules/'
    )  # Must be the same as below

    TUBfolder = os.path.join(testFolder, TUBfilename + '/')
    vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
           _("Demonstrating the Unbound Bible class…"))
    vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
           "  Test folder is {!r} {!r}".format(TUBfolder, TUBfilename))
    ub = UnboundBible(TUBfolder, TUBfilename)
    ub.load()  # Load and process the file
    vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, ub)  # Just print a summary
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
        #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
        uBErrors = ub.getCheckResults()
        # vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, uBErrors )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
        ub.doAllExports(wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False)
    for reference in ( ('OT','GEN','1','1'), ('OT','GEN','1','3'), ('OT','PSA','3','0'), ('OT','PSA','3','1'), \
                        ('NT','MAT','3','5'), ('NT','JDE','1','4'), ('NT','REV','22','21'), \
                        ('DC','BAR','1','1'), ('DC','MA1','1','1'), ('DC','MA2','1','1',), ):
        (t, b, c, v) = reference
        if t == 'OT' and len(ub) == 27:
            continue  # Don't bother with OT references if it's only a NT
        if t == 'NT' and len(ub) == 39:
            continue  # Don't bother with NT references if it's only a OT
        if t == 'DC' and len(ub) <= 66:
            continue  # Don't bother with DC references if it's too small
        svk = VerseReferences.SimpleVerseKey(b, c, v)
        #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, svk, ob.getVerseDataList( reference ) )
        shortText = svk.getShortText()
            verseText = ub.getVerseText(svk)
        except KeyError:
            verseText = "Verse not available!"
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, reference, shortText, verseText)
Beispiel #16
def fullDemo() -> None:
    Full demo to check class is working
    BibleOrgSysGlobals.introduceProgram(__name__, programNameVersion,

    if 1:  # demonstrate the Greek Lexicon converter classes
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
               "\nDemonstrating the converter classes…")

        vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, '')
        gsc = GreekStrongsFileConverter()
        gsc.loadAndValidate()  # Load the XML
        vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, gsc)  # Just print a summary

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
            gsc.pickle()  # Produce a pickle output file
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                   "Other exports aren't written yet!")
Beispiel #17
    def loadBooks(self):
        Load all the books.
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
               _("Loading {} from {}…").format(, self.sourceFolder))

        if not self.preloadDone: self.preload()

        if self.bookList:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1 \
            and not BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing: # Get our subprocesses ready and waiting for work
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        'Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                        _("Loading {} GoBible books using {} processes…").
                        'Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                        _("  NOTE: Outputs (including error and warning messages) from loading various books may be interspersed."
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = True
                with multiprocessing.Pool(
                ) as pool:  # start worker processes
                    results =
                        self.bookList)  # have the pool do our loads
                    assert len(results) == len(self.bookList)
                    for bBook in results:
                        bBook.containerBibleObject = self  # Because the pickling and unpickling messes this up
                            bBook)  # Saves them in the correct order
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = False
            else:  # Just single threaded
                # Load the books one by one -- assuming that they have regular Paratext style filenames
                for BBB in self.bookList:
                    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel>1 or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    #dPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, _("  GoBible: Loading {} from {} from {}…").format( BBB,, self.sourceFolder ) )
                    loadedBook = self.loadBook(BBB)  # also saves it
            logging.critical("GoBible: " + _(
                "No books to load in folder '{}'!").format(self.sourceFolder))
        #dPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, self.getBookList() )

        # Delete the temporary folder (where .jar was unzipped)
        self.unzippedFolderpath = None

def fullDemo() -> None:
    Full demo to check class is working
    global debuggingThisModule

    BibleOrgSysGlobals.introduceProgram( __name__, programNameVersion, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE )

    vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Since these are only helper classes, they can't actually do much at all." )
    vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "  Try running USFMBibleBook or USXXMLBibleBook which use these classes." )

    #IBB = InternalBibleInternals( 'GEN' )
    ## The following fields would normally be filled in a by "load" routine in the derived class
    #IBB.objectNameString = 'Dummy test Internal Bible Book object'
    #IBB.objectTypeString = 'DUMMY'
    #IBB.sourceFilepath = 'Nowhere'
    #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, IBB )

    if 0: # Test reading and writing a USFM Bible (with MOST exports -- unless debugging)
        import os
        from BibleOrgSys.Formats.USFMBible import USFMBible

        testData = ( # name, abbreviation, folderpath for USFM files
                ("Matigsalug", 'MBTV', Path( '/mnt/SSDs/Matigsalug/Bible/MBTV/') ),
                ) # You can put your USFM test folder here

        for j, (name, abbrev, testFolder) in enumerate( testData ):
            vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, f"\nInternalBibleInternals B{j+1}/ {abbrev} from {testFolder}…" )
            if os.access( testFolder, os.R_OK ):
                UB = USFMBible( testFolder, name, abbrev )
       # Why does this only help if -1 flag is enabled???
                vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, ' ', UB )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag: UB.check()
                #debuggingThisModule = False
                for BBB,bookObject in UB.books.items():
                    bookObject._SectionIndex = InternalBibleSectionIndex( bookObject )
                    if BBB=='GEN': halt
            else: logger.error( f"Sorry, test folder '{testFolder}' is not readable on this computer." )
def testForge4SS(F4SSFolder):
    # Crudely demonstrate the Forge for SwordSearcher Bible class
    from BibleOrgSys.Reference import VerseReferences

    vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
           _("Demonstrating the Forge for SwordSearcher Bible class…"))
    vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
           "  Test folder is {!r}".format(F4SSFolder))
    vb = ForgeForSwordSearcherBible(F4SSFolder, "demo")
    vb.load()  # Load and process the file
    vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, vb)  # Just print a summary
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
        #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, UsfmB.books['GEN']._processedLines[0:40] )
        vBErrors = vb.getCheckResults()
        # vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, vBErrors )
    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.commandLineArguments.export:
        vb.doAllExports(wantPhotoBible=False, wantODFs=False, wantPDFs=False)
    for reference in ( ('OT','GEN','1','1'), ('OT','GEN','1','3'), ('OT','PSA','3','0'), ('OT','PSA','3','1'), \
                        ('NT','MAT','3','5'), ('NT','JDE','1','4'), ('NT','REV','22','21'), \
                        ('DC','BAR','1','1'), ('DC','MA1','1','1'), ('DC','MA2','1','1',), ):
        (t, b, c, v) = reference
        if t == 'OT' and len(vb) == 27:
            continue  # Don't bother with OT references if it's only a NT
        if t == 'NT' and len(vb) == 39:
            continue  # Don't bother with NT references if it's only a OT
        if t == 'DC' and len(vb) <= 66:
            continue  # Don't bother with DC references if it's too small
        svk = VerseReferences.SimpleVerseKey(b, c, v)
        #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, svk, ob.getVerseDataList( reference ) )
        shortText = svk.getShortText()
            verseText = vb.getVerseText(svk)
        except KeyError:
            verseText = "Verse not available!"
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, reference, shortText, verseText)
Beispiel #20
    def BCVReferenceToInt(self, BCVReferenceTuple) -> int:
        Convert a BCV or BCVS reference to an integer
            especially so that references can be sorted.
            BBB, C, V = BCVReferenceTuple
            S = ''
            BBB, C, V, S = BCVReferenceTuple
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, BCVReferenceTuple)
            halt  # Need to finish handling BCVReferenceTuple
        result = self.getReferenceNumber(BBB)

            intC = int(C)
        except ValueError:
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, repr(C))
            halt  # Need to finish handling C
        result = result * 100 + intC

            intV = int(V)
        except ValueError:
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, repr(V))
            halt  # Need to finish handling V
        result = result * 150 + intV

            intS = {'a': 0, 'b': 1}[S.lower()] if S else 0
        except ValueError:
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, repr(S))
            halt  # Need to finish handling S
        result = result * 10 + intS

        return result
    def exportDataToJSON(self, filepath=None):
        Writes the information tables to a .json file that can be easily loaded into a Java program.

        import json

        assert self._XMLTree
        assert self.__DataList
        assert self.__DataDict

        if not filepath:
            if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
            filepath = os.path.join(folder,
                                    self._filenameBase + '_Tables.json')
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
               _("Exporting to {}…").format(filepath))
        with open(filepath, 'wt', encoding='utf-8') as myFile:
            for something in self.__DataList:  # temp for debugging … xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Dumping something",
                json.dump(something, myFile, indent=2)
            json.dump(self.__DataList, myFile, indent=2)

            for someKey, someItem in self.__DataDict.items(
            ):  # temp for debugging … xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Dumping someKey",
                json.dump(someKey, myFile, indent=2)
                vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Dumping someItem",
                json.dump(someItem, myFile, indent=2)
            json.dump(self.__DataDict, myFile, indent=2)
Beispiel #22
    def getBrDrBrEntryHTML(self, key):
        The key is a BrDrBr number (string) like ''.

        Returns an HTML entry for the given key.
        Returns None if the key is not found.
        vPrint('Never', debuggingThisModule,
               _("HebrewLexiconSimple.getBrDrBrEntryHTML( {!r} )").format(key))
        if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            assert key and key.count('.') == 2
        if self.BrownDriverBriggsEntries is None: self.load()

        entry = self.getBrDrBrEntryData(key)
        vPrint('Verbose', debuggingThisModule,
               f"  HebrewLexiconSimple.getBrDrBrEntryHTML got entry: {entry}")
        if entry:
            mainEntry = entry[0] \
                .replace( '<sense>', '<span class="Sense">' ).replace( '</sense>', '</span>' ) \
                .replace( '<w>', '<span class="HebrewWord">' ).replace( '</w>', '</span>' ) \
                .replace( '<pos>', '<span class="POS">' ).replace( '</pos>', '</span>' ) \
                .replace( '<ref>', '<span class="Ref">' ).replace( '</ref>', '</span>' ) \
                .replace( '<def>', '<span class="Def">' ).replace( '</def>', '</span>' )
            match ='<type="(.+?)" id="(.+?)">', mainEntry)
            if match:
                #logging.warning( "Removed {} status field {} from {}" \
                #.format( entryID, repr(mainEntry[match.start():match.end()]), repr(mainEntry) ) )
                hType, hId =,
                mainEntry = mainEntry[:match.start(
                )] + '<b>Type:</b> {}<br>'.format(
                    hType) + mainEntry[match.end():]
            match ='<id="(.+?)" type="(.+?)">', mainEntry)
            if match:
                #logging.warning( "Removed {} status field {} from {}" \
                #.format( entryID, repr(mainEntry[match.start():match.end()]), repr(mainEntry) ) )
                hId, hType =,
                mainEntry = mainEntry[:match.start(
                )] + '<b>Type:</b> {}<br>'.format(
                    hType) + mainEntry[match.end():]
            html = f'{mainEntry} <span class="Status">{{{entry[1]}}}</span>'
                'Verbose', debuggingThisModule,
                f"  HebrewLexiconSimple.getBrDrBrEntryHTML about to return: {html}"
            return html
Beispiel #23
    def loadBooks(self):
        Load all the books.
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
               "Loading {} from {}…".format(, self.sourceFolder))

        if not self.preloadDone: self.preload()

        if self.givenBookList:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:  # Load all the books as quickly as possible
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        'Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                        "Loading {} BCV books using {} processes…".format(
                        'Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                        "  NOTE: Outputs (including error and warning messages) from loading various books may be interspersed."
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = True
                with multiprocessing.Pool(
                ) as pool:  # start worker processes
                    results =
                        self.givenBookList)  # have the pool do our loads
                    assert len(results) == len(self.givenBookList)
                    for bBook in results:
                            bBook)  # Saves them in the correct order
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = False
            else:  # Just single threaded
                # Load the books one by one -- assuming that they have regular Paratext style filenames
                for BBB in self.givenBookList:
                    #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel>1 or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                    #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, _("  BCVBible: Loading {} from {} from {}…").format( BBB,, self.sourceFolder ) )
                    loadedBook = self.loadBook(BBB)  # also saves it
            logging.critical("BCVBible: " + _(
                "No books to load in folder '{}'!").format(self.sourceFolder))
        #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, self.getBookList() )
Beispiel #24
    def fetchAllBibles(self):
        Download the Bible lists from DCS.

        This can be quite slow.

        fnPrint(debuggingThisModule, "DCSBibles.fetchAllBibles()")

        limit = 500  # Documentation says 50, but larger numbers seem to work ok
            'Normal', debuggingThisModule,
            f"Downloading list of available Bibles from DCS ({limit} at a time)…"

        if self.onlineVersion:  # Get a list of available data sets
            self.BibleList = []
            # Does a case-insensitive search
            for searchText in ('ULT', 'UST', 'Bible', 'ULB',
                               'UDB'):  # 7,227 if these are all included!!!
                pageNumber = 1
                while True:
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
                        vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                               f"  Getting '{searchText}' page {pageNumber}…")
                    resultDict = self.getOnlineData(
                    #dPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, f"  Result {type(resultDict)} {len(resultDict)} = {resultDict}" )
                    # resultDict should be a dict of length 2 with keys 'ok'(=True) and 'data'
                    assert resultDict and isinstance( resultDict, dict) and  len(resultDict) == 2 \
                                    and resultDict['ok']==True
                    if not resultDict['data']: break  # no more data
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 1:
                        vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                               f"    Got {len(resultDict['data'])} entries")
                    if pageNumber > 1 \
                    and len(resultDict['data']) < limit: # must be finished
                    pageNumber += 1
            dPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "  BibleList",
                   len(self.BibleList), self.BibleList)
        return self.BibleList
def noisyRegExDeleteAll( text:str, this:str ) -> str:
    regex = re.compile( this )

    count1 = len( re.findall( regex, text ) )
    if count1 == 0:
        vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, _("No occurrences of regex {!r} found to delete").format( this ) )
        return text
    vPrint( 'Normal', debuggingThisModule, _("Deleting {:,} occurrence{} of regex {!r}").format( count1, '' if count1==1 else 's', this ) )

    newText, count2 = re.subn( regex, '', text )
    if count2!=count1 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
        vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "  " + _("Deleted {:,} occurrence{} of regex {!r}").format( count2, '' if count2==2 else 's', this ) )

    count3 = len( re.findall( regex, newText ) )
    if count3: # and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        logging.critical( "  " + _("NOTE: {:,} occurrence{} of regex {!r} still remaining!").format( count3, '' if count3==1 else 's', this ) )
    return newText
Beispiel #26
    def loadMetadata(self, metadataFilepath) -> None:
        Process the metadata from the given filepath.

        Sets some class variables and puts a dictionary into self.settingsDict.
        vPrint('Never', debuggingThisModule,
               _("Loading metadata from {!r}").format(metadataFilepath))
        self.metadataFilepath = metadataFilepath
        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
        if 'uW' not in self.suppliedMetadata: self.suppliedMetadata['uW'] = {}
        self.suppliedMetadata['uW']['Manifest'] = loadYAML(metadataFilepath)
        vPrint('Never', debuggingThisModule,
               f"\ns.sM: {self.suppliedMetadata}")

        if self.suppliedMetadata['uW']['Manifest']:
            self.applySuppliedMetadata('uW')  # Copy some to self.settingsDict
            vPrint('Never', debuggingThisModule,
                   f"\ns.sD: {self.settingsDict}")
def noisyReplaceAll( text:str, this:str, that:str, loop:bool=False ) -> str:
    count = text.count( this )
    if count == 0:
        vPrint( 'Info', debuggingThisModule, _("No occurrences of {!r} found to replace").format( this ) )
        return text

    vPrint( 'Normal', debuggingThisModule, _("Replacing {:,} occurrence{} of {!r} with {!r}").format( count, '' if count==1 else 's', this, that ) )
    if loop:
        newText = text
        while this in newText:
            newText = newText.replace( this, that )
    else: newText = text.replace( this, that )

    count2 = newText.count( this )
    if count2 and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 0:
        vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "  " + _("NOTE: {:,} occurrence{} of {!r} still remaining!").format( count2, '' if count2==1 else 's', this ) )
    return newText
Beispiel #28
    def getBBBFromText(self, bookNameOrAbbreviation: str) -> Optional[str]:
        Get the referenceAbbreviation from the given book name or abbreviation.
                (Automatically converts to upper case before comparing strings.)

        If it fails, tries the same named function from BibleBooksCodes
            'Never', debuggingThisModule,
            "BibleBooksNamesSystem.getBBBFromText( {} )".format(
        if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.strictCheckingFlag:
            assert bookNameOrAbbreviation

        upperCaseBookNameOrAbbreviation = bookNameOrAbbreviation.upper()
            if upperCaseBookNameOrAbbreviation in self.__sortedBookNamesDict:
                return self.__sortedBookNamesDict[
        except AttributeError:
                "No bookname dictionary in {} BibleBooksNamesSystem".format(
            return None
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            # It failed so print what the closest alternatives were
                'Quiet', debuggingThisModule,
                "BibleBooksNamesSystem.getBBBFromText( {} ) {}".format(
            #vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, self.__sortedBookNamesDict )
            myList, thisLen = [], len(upperCaseBookNameOrAbbreviation)
            #for key in self.__sortedBookNamesDict.keys():
            #if key.startswith('L'): vPrint( 'Quiet', debuggingThisModule, key )
            for key in self.__sortedBookNamesDict.keys():
                if key.startswith(upperCaseBookNameOrAbbreviation[0]) and len(
                        key) == thisLen:
            vPrint('Quiet', debuggingThisModule, "Possibility list is", myList)

        return BibleOrgSysGlobals.loadedBibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromText(
Beispiel #29
    def getStrongsEntryHTML(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
        The key is a Greek Strong's number (string) like 'G1979'.

        Returns an HTML li entry for the given key.
        Returns None if the key is not found.

        e.g., for G1, returns:
            <li value="1" id="nt:1">
            <span class="originalWord" title="{A}" xml:lang="grk">Α</span>
                of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet; figuratively, only (from its use as a numeral) the first:
                --Alpha. Often used (usually <translit="án" unicode="ἄν" BETA="A)/N">,
                before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from <span class="StrongsRef">G427</span> )
                in the sense of privation; so, in many words, beginning with this letter;
                occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of <span class="StrongsRef">G260</span> ).
                f"GreekLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML( {key} )")
        if debuggingThisModule or BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            assert key and key[0] == 'G' and key[1:].isdigit()
        keyDigits = key[1:].lstrip('0')  # Remove leading zeroes
        if self.StrongsEntries is None: self.load()
        if keyDigits in self.StrongsEntries:
            entry = self.StrongsEntries[keyDigits]
            vPrint('Verbose', debuggingThisModule,
                   f"  GreekLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML got entry: {entry}")
            wordEntry = '{}'.format( entry['Entry'].replace('<StrongsRef>','<span class="StrongsRef">').replace('</StrongsRef>','</span>').replace('<def>','<span class="def">').replace('</def>','</span>') ) \
                        if 'Entry' in entry else ''
                'Verbose', debuggingThisModule,
                f"  GreekLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML created wordEntry: {wordEntry}"
            html = f'<span class="GreekWord" title="{keyDigits}" xml:lang="grk">{entry["word"][0]} ({entry["word"][1]})</span> {wordEntry}'
                'Verbose', debuggingThisModule,
                f"  GreekLexicon.getStrongsEntryHTML about to return: {html}")
            return html
Beispiel #30
def fullDemo() -> None:
    Full demo to check class is working
    BibleOrgSysGlobals.introduceProgram(__name__, programNameVersion,

    BiblesPath = Path('/mnt/SSDs/Bibles/')
    testFolder = os.path.join(BiblesPath, 'Biola Unbound modules/')

    if 1:  # demo the file checking code -- first with the whole folder and then with only one folder
        resultA1 = UnboundBibleFileCheck(testFolder)
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, "Unbound TestA1", resultA1)
        resultA2 = UnboundBibleFileCheck(testFolder, autoLoad=True)
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, "Unbound TestA2", resultA2)
        resultA3 = UnboundBibleFileCheck(testFolder, autoLoadBooks=True)
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, "Unbound TestA3", resultA3)

        testSubfolder = os.path.join(testFolder, 'asv/')
        resultB1 = UnboundBibleFileCheck(testSubfolder)
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, "Unbound TestB1", resultB1)
        resultB2 = UnboundBibleFileCheck(testSubfolder, autoLoad=True)
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, "Unbound TestB2", resultB2)
        resultB3 = UnboundBibleFileCheck(testSubfolder, autoLoadBooks=True)
        vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule, "Unbound TestB3", resultB3)

    if 1:  # specified modules
        single = ("kjv_apocrypha", )
        good = ( "afrikaans_1953", "albanian", "aleppo", "amharic", "arabic_svd", "armenian_eastern", \
                "armenian_western_1853", "asv", "basic_english", "danish", "darby", "douay_rheims", "dutch_svv", \
                "esperanto", "estonian", "kjv_apocrypha", "korean", "manx_gaelic", "maori", "myanmar_judson_1835", \
                "norwegian", "peshitta", "portuguese", "potawatomi", "romani", )
        nonEnglish = ()
        bad = ()
        for j, testFilename in enumerate(
        ):  # Choose one of the above: single, good, nonEnglish, bad
            vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
                   "\nUnbound C{}/ Trying {}".format(j + 1, testFilename))
            #myTestFolder = os.path.join( testFolder, testFilename+'/' )
            #testFilepath = os.path.join( testFolder, testFilename+'/', testFilename+'_utf8.txt' )

    if 1:  # all discovered modules in the test folder
        foundFolders, foundFiles = [], []
        for something in os.listdir(testFolder):
            somepath = os.path.join(testFolder, something)
            if os.path.isdir(somepath): foundFolders.append(something)
            elif os.path.isfile(somepath): foundFiles.append(something)

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses > 1:  # Get our subprocesses ready and waiting for work
                'Normal', debuggingThisModule,
                "\nTrying all {} discovered modules…".format(
            parameters = [folderName for folderName in sorted(foundFolders)]
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = True
            with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=BibleOrgSysGlobals.maxProcesses
                                      ) as pool:  # start worker processes
                results =,
                                   parameters)  # have the pool do our loads
                assert len(results) == len(
                )  # Results (all None) are actually irrelevant to us here
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.alreadyMultiprocessing = False
        else:  # Just single threaded
            for j, someFolder in enumerate(sorted(foundFolders)):
                vPrint('Normal', debuggingThisModule,
                       "\nUnbound D{}/ Trying {}".format(j + 1, someFolder))
                #myTestFolder = os.path.join( testFolder, someFolder+'/' )