Beispiel #1
    def check(self, database, search_term, expected_matches=(), limit=None):
        if expected_matches and limit:
            raise ValueError("Bad test - TogoWS makes no promises about order")
        search_count = TogoWS.search_count(database, search_term)
        if expected_matches and search_count < len(expected_matches):
            raise ValueError("Only %i matches, expected at least %i" % (search_count, len(expected_matches)))
        if search_count > 5000 and not limit:
            print("%i results, skipping" % search_count)
        if limit:
            count = min(search_count, limit)
            count = search_count

        # Iteration should find everything... unless a limit is used
        search_iter = list(TogoWS.search_iter(database, search_term, limit))
        self.assertEqual(count, len(search_iter))
        for match in expected_matches:
            self.assertTrue(match in search_iter, "Expected %s in results but not" % match)
Beispiel #2
    def check(self, database, search_term, expected_matches=[], limit=None):
        if expected_matches and limit:
            raise ValueError("Bad test - TogoWS makes no promises about order")
        search_count = TogoWS.search_count(database, search_term)
        if expected_matches and search_count < len(expected_matches):
            raise ValueError("Only %i matches, expected at least %i" \
                             % (search_count, len(expected_matches)))
        if search_count > 5000 and not limit:
            print "%i results, skipping" % search_count
        if limit:
            count = min(search_count, limit)
            count = search_count

        #Iteration should find everything... unless a limit is used
        search_iter = list(TogoWS.search_iter(database, search_term, limit))
        self.assertEqual(count, len(search_iter))
        for match in expected_matches:
            self.assert_(match in search_iter,
                         "Expected %s in results but not" % match)
Beispiel #3
    def check(self, database, search_term, expected_matches=(), limit=None):
        if expected_matches and limit:
            raise ValueError("Bad test - TogoWS makes no promises about order")
            search_count = TogoWS.search_count(database, search_term)
        except HTTPError as err:
            raise ValueError("%s from %s" % (err, err.url)) from None
        if expected_matches:
            self.assertGreaterEqual(search_count, len(expected_matches))
        if search_count > 5000 and not limit:
            print("%i results, skipping" % search_count)
        if limit:
            count = min(search_count, limit)
            count = search_count

        # Iteration should find everything... unless a limit is used
        search_iter = list(TogoWS.search_iter(database, search_term, limit))
        self.assertEqual(count, len(search_iter))
        for match in expected_matches:
            self.assertIn(match, search_iter, "Expected %s in results" % match)