Beispiel #1
    def parse_allowed(self):
        if self.parse_pending:
        self.parse_pending = True

        df = ThreadedDeferred(wrap_task(self.rawserver.external_add_task),
                              self._parse_allowed, daemon=True)
        def eb(etup):
            self.parse_pending = False
            self._print_exc("parse_dir: ", etup)
        df.addCallbacks(self._parse_allowed_finished, eb)
Beispiel #2
    def save_dfile(self):
        if self.save_pending:
        self.save_pending = True

        # if this is taking all the time, threading it won't help anyway because
        # of the GIL
        #state = bencode(self.state)
        state = cPickle.dumps(self.state) # pickle handles Unicode.

        df = ThreadedDeferred(wrap_task(self.rawserver.external_add_task),
                              self._save_dfile, state)
        def cb(r):
            self.save_pending = False
            if NOISY:
                self._print_event( "save_dfile: Completed" )
        def eb(etup):
            self.save_pending = False
            self._print_exc( "save_dfile: ", etup )
        df.addCallbacks(cb, eb)
class Rerequester(object):

    STATES = ['started', 'completed', 'stopped']

    def __init__(self, url, announce_list, config, sched, externalsched, rawserver,
                 howmany, connect,
                 amount_left, up, down, port, myid, infohash, errorfunc, doneflag,
                 upratefunc, downratefunc, ever_got_incoming, diefunc, sfunc):
         @param url:       tracker's announce URL.
         @param announce_list: ?
         @param config:    preferences obj storing BitTorrent-wide
         @param sched:     used to schedule events from inside rawserver's
                           thread.  (Oh boy.  externalsched and sched.
                           We expect Rerequester to
                           recognize the difference between rawserver's
                           thread and yet we go through the trouble of
                           abstracting away rawserver using a callback...
                           So what was the point?  --Dave)
         @param externalsched: see sched.  This one is called from outside
                           rawserver's thread.
         @param howmany:   callback to get the number of complete connections.
         @param connect:   callback to establish a connection to a peer
                           obtained from the tracker.
         @param amount_left: callback to obtain the number of bytes left to
                           download for this torrent.
         @param up:        callback to obtain the total number of bytes sent
                           for this torrent.
         @param down:      callback to obtain the total number of bytes
                           received for this torrent.
         @param port:      port to report to the tracker.  If the local peer
                           is behind a NAT then this is the local peer's port
                           on the NAT facing the outside world.
         @param myid:      local peer's unique (self-generated) id.
         @param infohash:  hash of the info section of the metainfo file.
         @param errorfunc: callback to report errors.
         @param doneflag:  when set all threads cleanup and then terminate.
         @param upratefunc: callback to obtain moving average rate on the
                           uplink for this torrent.
         @param downratefunc: callback to obtain moving average rate on the
                           downlink for this torrent.
         @param ever_got_incoming: callback to determine if this torrent
                           has ever received any mesages from other peers.
         @param diefunc:   callback that is called when announce fails to find
                           any peers.
         @param sfunc:     success function?  With regard to what?  --Dave

        assert isinstance(url, str)
        assert isinstance(config, Preferences)
        assert type(port) in (int,long) and port > 0 and port < 65536, "Port: %s" % repr(port)
        assert callable(connect)
        assert callable(externalsched)
        assert callable(amount_left)
        assert callable(errorfunc)
        assert isinstance(doneflag, threading._Event)
        assert callable(upratefunc)
        assert callable(downratefunc)
        assert callable(ever_got_incoming)
        assert callable(diefunc)
        assert callable(sfunc)

        self.rawserver = rawserver
        self.dead = False
        self.baseurl = url
        self.announce_list = None
        if announce_list:
            # shuffle a new copy of the whole set only once
            shuffled_announce_list = []
            for tier in announce_list:
                if not tier:
                    # strip blank lists
                shuffled_tier = list(tier)
            if shuffled_announce_list:
                self.announce_list = shuffled_announce_list
                self.tier = 0
                self.announce_i = 0
                self.baseurl = self.announce_list_next()
        self.announce_infohash = infohash
        self.peerid = None
        self.wanted_peerid = myid
        self.port = port
        self.url = None
        self.config = config
        self.last = None
        self.trackerid = None
        self.announce_interval = 30 * 60
        self.sched = sched
        self.howmany = howmany
        self.connect = connect
        self.externalsched = externalsched
        self.amount_left = amount_left
        self.up = up
        self.down = down
        self.errorfunc = errorfunc
        self.doneflag = doneflag
        self.upratefunc = upratefunc
        self.downratefunc = downratefunc
        self.ever_got_incoming = ever_got_incoming
        self.diefunc = diefunc
        self.successfunc = sfunc
        self.finish = False
        self.running_df = None
        self.current_started = None
        self.fail_wait = None
        self.last_time = bttime()
        self.previous_down = 0
        self.previous_up = 0
        self.tracker_num_peers = None
        self.tracker_num_seeds = None

    def _makeurl(self, peerid, port):
        return ('%s?info_hash=%s&peer_id=%s&port=%s&key=%s' %
                (self.baseurl, quote(self.announce_infohash), quote(peerid), str(port),
                 b2a_hex(''.join([chr(random.randrange(256)) for i in xrange(4)]))))

    def change_port(self, peerid, port):
        assert thread.get_ident() == self.rawserver.ident

        self.wanted_peerid = peerid
        self.port = port
        self.last = None
        self.trackerid = None

    def begin(self):
        if self.sched:
            self.sched(10, self.begin)

    def announce_list_success(self):
        tmp = self.announce_list[self.tier].pop(self.announce_i)
        self.announce_list[self.tier].insert(0, tmp)
        self.tier = 0
        self.announce_i = 0

    def announce_list_fail(self):
        """returns True if the announce-list was restarted"""
        self.announce_i += 1
        if self.announce_i == len(self.announce_list[self.tier]):
            self.announce_i = 0
            self.tier += 1
            if self.tier == len(self.announce_list):
                self.tier = 0
                return True
        return False

    def announce_list_next(self):
        return self.announce_list[self.tier][self.announce_i]

    def announce_finish(self):
        if self.dead:
        self.finish = True

    def announce_stop(self):
        if self.dead:

    def _check(self):
        assert thread.get_ident() == self.rawserver.ident
        assert not self.dead
        #self.errorfunc(logging.INFO, 'check: ' + str(self.current_started))
        if self.current_started is not None:
            if self.current_started <= bttime() - 58:
                               _("Tracker announce still not complete "
                                 "%d seconds after starting it") %
                               int(bttime() - self.current_started))
        if self.peerid is None:
            self.peerid = self.wanted_peerid
            self.url = self._makeurl(self.peerid, self.port)
        if self.peerid != self.wanted_peerid:
            # _announce will clean up these
            up = self.up
            down = self.down
            self.peerid = None
            self.previous_up = up()
            self.previous_down = down()
        if self.finish:
            self.finish = False
        if self.fail_wait is not None:
            if self.last_time + self.fail_wait <= bttime():
        if self.last_time > bttime() - self.config['rerequest_interval']:
        if self.ever_got_incoming():
            getmore = self.howmany() <= self.config['min_peers'] / 3
            getmore = self.howmany() < self.config['min_peers']
        if getmore or bttime() - self.last_time > self.announce_interval:

    def get_next_announce_time_est(self):
        # I'm sure this is wrong, but _check is confusing
        return bttime() - (self.last_time + self.announce_interval)

    def _announce(self, event=None):
        assert not self.dead
        assert thread.get_ident() == self.rawserver.ident
        self.current_started = bttime()
        self.errorfunc(logging.INFO, 'announce: ' + str(self.current_started))
        s = ('%s&uploaded=%s&downloaded=%s&left=%s' %
             (self.url, str(self.up()*self.config.get('lie',1) - self.previous_up),
              str(self.down() - self.previous_down), str(self.amount_left())))
        if self.last is not None:
            s += '&last=' + quote(str(self.last))
        if self.trackerid is not None:
            s += '&trackerid=' + quote(str(self.trackerid))
        if self.howmany() >= self.config['max_initiate']:
            s += '&numwant=0'
            s += '&compact=1'
        if event is not None:
            s += '&event=' + event

        def _start_announce(*a):
            self.running_df = ThreadedDeferred(_wrap_task(self.externalsched),
                                               self._rerequest, s, self.peerid,
            def _rerequest_finish(x):
                self.running_df = None
            def _rerequest_error(e):
                self.errorfunc(logging.ERROR, _("Rerequest failed!"),
                               exception=True, exc_info=e)
            self.running_df.addCallbacks(_rerequest_finish, _rerequest_error)
            if event == 'stopped':
                # if self._rerequest needs any state, pass it through args

        if not event:
            assert self.running_df == None, "Previous rerequest event is still running!"
        if self.running_df:

    # Must destroy all references that could cause reference circles
    def cleanup(self):
        assert thread.get_ident() == self.rawserver.ident
        self.dead = True
        self.sched = None
        self.howmany = None
        self.connect = None
        self.externalsched = lambda *args: None
        self.amount_left = None
        self.up = None
        self.down = None
        # don't zero this one, we need it on shutdown w/ error
        #self.errorfunc = None
        self.upratefunc = None
        self.downratefunc = None
        self.ever_got_incoming = None
        self.diefunc = None
        self.successfunc = None

    def _rerequest(self, url, peerid):
        if self.config['ip']:
                url += '&ip=' + socket.gethostbyname(self.config['ip'])
                               _("Problem resolving config ip (%s), gethostbyname failed") % self.config['ip'],
        request = Request(url)
        request.add_header('User-Agent', 'BitTorrent/' + version)
        if self.config['tracker_proxy']:
            request.set_proxy(self.config['tracker_proxy'], 'http')
            h = urlopen(request)
            data =
        # urllib2 can raise various crap that doesn't have a common base
        # exception class especially when proxies are used, at least
        # ValueError and stuff from httplib
        except Exception, e:
                s = unicode(e.args[0])
                s = unicode(e)
            r = _("Problem connecting to tracker - %s: %s") % (e.__class__, s)
            def f():
                self._postrequest(errormsg=r, exc=e, peerid=peerid)