def getParsedContent():
    bookName = ""

    bible = Bible()
    book = Book("Genesis")
    chapter = Chapter(1)

    file = open("bible.txt")
    bookname = ""
    for line in  file:
	    splitLine = line.split()

	    # Aquires Book Title Name of current line
	    if (splitLine[0].isdigit()):
		    bookName = splitLine[0] + " " + splitLine[1]
	    elif (splitLine[0] == "Song"):
		    bookName = splitLine[0] + " " + splitLine[1] + " " + splitLine[2]
		    bookName = splitLine[0]

	    # Aquires Book Chapter number and verse number of current line
	    if (splitLine[0].isdigit()):
		    chapNumAndVerseNum = splitLine[2].split(sep=":")
	    elif (splitLine[0] == "Song"):
		    chapNumAndVerseNum = splitLine[3].split(sep=":")
		    chapNumAndVerseNum = splitLine[1].split(sep=":")

	    # Uses chapNumandVerseNum to get the chapter number
	    # and the verse Number
	    currentChapNum = chapNumAndVerseNum[0]
	    currentVerseNum = chapNumAndVerseNum[1]

	    verseString = ""

	    # Aquires the Verse String from the current line.
	    if (splitLine[0].isdigit()):
		    for index in range(3, len(splitLine)):
		        verseString += splitLine[index] + " "
	    elif (splitLine[0] == "Song"):
		    for index in range(4, len(splitLine)):
		        verseString += splitLine[index] + " "
		    for index in range(2, len(splitLine)):
		        verseString += splitLine[index] + " "

	    # Uses generated verse String to create a new bible verse
	    currentBibleVerse = Verse(currentVerseNum, verseString)

	    # When Book Title Changes, add the current book to the bible.
	    # Then, create new book.
	    if (book.bookTitle != bookName):
		    chapter = Chapter(currentChapNum)
		    bible.addBook(book.bookTitle, book)
		    book = Book(bookName)  # Resets Book Object
		    book.bookTitle = bookName

	    # When Book Number Changes, add the current chapter to the current book
	    # Then, Create a new book.
	    elif(currentChapNum != chapter.chapterNum):
	        chapter = Chapter(currentChapNum)

	    # Adds each verse to the correct chapter

	# Adds Revelations [Edge Case]
    bible.addBook(bookName, book)
    return bible