Beispiel #1
class Agent(AbstractPlayer):
    def __init__(self):
        self.lastSsoType = LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.BOTH
        self.episodes = 0
        self.brain = None

    def init(self, sso, elapsedTimer):

     * Method used to determine the next move to be performed by the agent.
     * This method can be used to identify the current state of the game and all
     * relevant details, then to choose the desired course of action.
     * @param sso Observation of the current state of the game to be used in deciding
     *            the next action to be taken by the agent.
     * @param elapsedTimer Timer (40ms)
     * @return The action to be performed by the agent.

    def act(self, sso: 'SerializableStateObservation', elapsedTimer):
        # Start the model
        if self.brain is None:
            self.brain = Brain(self.get_state().shape, sso.availableActions)
        # Simple forward pass to get action
        action = self.brain.get_action(self.get_state(), sso.availableActions)

        return action

    * Method used to perform actions in case of a game end.
    * This is the last thing called when a level is played (the game is already in a terminal state).
    * Use this for actions such as teardown or process data.
    * @param sso The current state observation of the game.
    * @param elapsedTimer Timer (up to CompetitionParameters.TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME
    * or CompetitionParameters.EXTRA_LEARNING_TIME if current global time is beyond TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME)
    * @return The next level of the current game to be played.
    * The level is bound in the range of [0,2]. If the input is any different, then the level
    * chosen will be ignored, and the game will play a random one instead.

    def result(self, sso, elapsedTimer):
        self.episodes += 1
        win = "True " if "WIN" in sso.gameWinner else "False"
        print("{}. Win: {} | Game Ticks: {} | Epsilon: {:.3f}".format(self.episodes,
        return random.randint(0, 2)

    def get_state(self):
        image = cv2.imread(CompetitionParameters.SCREENSHOT_FILENAME, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

        resized_image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)

        return np.array(resized_image)
Beispiel #2
class Agent(AbstractPlayer):

    def __init__(self):
        self.lastSsoType = LEARNING_SSO_TYPE.IMAGE
        self.brain = None
        self.frames_per_stack = 4
        self.warmup_stacks = 1e4
        self.target_update_frequency = 1e3  # Update frequency in stacks
        self.training_frequency = 4

        self.prev_state = None
        self.prev_action = None
        self.prev_reward = 0
        self.prev_game_score = 0
        self.snapshot_frequency = 25
        self.validation = False
        self.state = State(self.frames_per_stack)
        self.statistics = Statistics()

    def init(self, sso, timer):
        * Public method to be called at the start of every level of a game.
        * Perform any level-entry initialization here.
        * @param sso Phase Observation of the current game.
        * @param elapsedTimer Timer (1s)
        self.prev_state = None
        self.prev_action = None
        self.prev_reward = 0
        self.prev_game_score = 0

        if self.brain is None:
            self.brain = Brain(sso.availableActions)
            # Load from a previous save?
            # self.brain.load_model(self.brain.weight_backup)
            # self.brain.exploration_rate = 0
            # self.validation = True
            # self.statistics.total_steps = int(198176 - self.warmup_steps)
            # self.statistics.episide_count = 1400
            # self.statistics.get_current_episode().episode_number = 1400

    def act(self, sso: 'SerializableStateObservation', timer):
        * Method used to determine the next move to be performed by the agent.
        * This method can be used to identify the current state of the game and all
        * relevant details, then to choose the desired course of action.
        * @param sso Observation of the current state of the game to be used in deciding
        *            the next action to be taken by the agent.
        * @param elapsedTimer Timer (40ms)
        * @return The action to be performed by the agent.
        # Ignore the first 2 frames (Redundant)
        if sso.gameTick <= 1:
            return ACTIONS.ACTION_NIL

        current_step = self.statistics.get_current_episode_step()

        # Check if a new stack is available to be processed, also skip initial step
        if current_step % self.frames_per_stack == 0 and current_step > 0:
            current_state = self.state.get_frame_stack()
            action = self.brain.get_action(current_state, sso.availableActions)
            if self.prev_state is not None:
                self.brain.remember(self.prev_state, self.prev_action, self.prev_reward, current_state, 0)
                self.statistics.total_stacks += 1

            self.prev_state = current_state
            self.prev_action = action
            self.prev_reward = self.calculate_reward(sso)
            self.statistics.stacks_since_last_update += 1
            # Repeat previous move during frame skip if possible
            if self.prev_action is None:
                action = ACTIONS.ACTION_NIL
                action = self.prev_action

        return action

    def result(self, sso: 'SerializableStateObservation', timer):
        * Method used to perform actions in case of a game end.
        * This is the last thing called when a level is played (the game is already in a terminal state).
        * Use this for actions such as teardown or process data.
        * @param sso The current state observation of the game.
        * @param elapsedTimer Timer (up to CompetitionParameters.TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME
        * or CompetitionParameters.EXTRA_LEARNING_TIME if current global time is beyond TOTAL_LEARNING_TIME)
        * @return The next level of the current game to be played.
        * The level is bound in the range of [0,2]. If the input is any different, then the level
        * chosen will be ignored, and the game will play a random one instead.
        # Add the new frame
        # self.save_model_weights()

        # calculate the terminal reward, the previous reward assumed the game was still in progress
        self.prev_reward = self.calculate_reward(sso)
        # We need one final remember when we get into the terminal state
        self.brain.remember(self.prev_state, self.prev_action, self.prev_reward, self.state.get_frame_stack(), 1)
        self.statistics.finish_episode(sso, self.brain.exploration_rate)
        return random.randint(0, 2)

    # Clip rewards, all positive rewards are set to 1, all negative rewards are set to -1, 0 is unchanged
    def calculate_reward(self, sso: 'SerializableStateObservation'):
        if sso.isGameOver:
            if "WIN" in sso.gameWinner:
                return 1
                return -1
            score_diff = (sso.gameScore - self.prev_game_score)
            self.prev_game_score = sso.gameScore
            if score_diff > 0:
                return 1
            elif score_diff < 0:
                return -1
                return 0

    # Save snapshots of a full game
    def save_game_state(self):
        if (self.statistics.get_episode_count() % self.snapshot_frequency == 0
            and self.statistics.total_steps >= self.warmup_stacks) \
                or self.validation:
            self.state.save_game_state(self.statistics.get_episode_count(), self.statistics.get_current_episode_step())

    # Backup the weights and output the filter visualisations
    def save_model_weights(self):

        if (self.statistics.get_episode_count() % self.snapshot_frequency == 0
            and self.statistics.total_steps >= self.warmup_stacks) \
                or self.validation:
            folder = "model-weights/Episode {}/".format(self.statistics.get_episode_count())
            filename = os.path.join(folder, self.brain.weight_backup)
            weights.plot_all_layers(self.brain.primary_network, self.statistics.get_episode_count())

    def train_network(self):
        # Train after we have filled our replay memory a little
        if len(self.brain.memory) >= self.warmup_stacks:  # Only train after warmup steps have past
            # Calculate how many training iterations to use
            stacks_in_episode = self.statistics.get_current_episode_step() / self.frames_per_stack
            # We multiply by 2 so that network hopefully makes uses of a sample more than once
            training_iterations = int(2 * stacks_in_episode / self.brain.sample_batch_size)

            for i in range(training_iterations):

            if self.statistics.stacks_since_last_update >= self.target_update_frequency: