def __init__(self, ip='', port=12345): = ip  # IP to run input server on
        self.port = port  # Port to run input server on
        self.Running = True  # For debuging: Run robot and devices

        self.plate_list = []  # List to collect all added plates
        self.lid_spots = [
        ] * 3  # Amount of lid spots, -1 means the spot is free
        self.hotel_spots = [0] * 14  # Amount of hotel spots

        self.current_global_position = "h_get"  # Current system position (default h_get)
        self.build_checkpoints = BuildProtocol()
        self.robot_connection = RoboConnect()
        self.robot_run = RoboRun()
        self.prioritizer = Prioritizer()

        self.connect_to_robot = True  # For debugging: Connecting to robot
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self): = -1
     self.pd = BuildProtocol()
class EventServer:
    def __init__(self, ip='', port=12345): = ip  # IP to run input server on
        self.port = port  # Port to run input server on
        self.Running = True  # For debuging: Run robot and devices

        self.plate_list = []  # List to collect all added plates
        self.lid_spots = [
        ] * 3  # Amount of lid spots, -1 means the spot is free
        self.hotel_spots = [0] * 14  # Amount of hotel spots

        self.current_global_position = "h_get"  # Current system position (default h_get)
        self.build_checkpoints = BuildProtocol()
        self.robot_connection = RoboConnect()
        self.robot_run = RoboRun()
        self.prioritizer = Prioritizer()

        self.connect_to_robot = True  # For debugging: Connecting to robot

    # Run the different threads
    # - Get key inputs
    # - Plate input server
    # - Robot and device running
    def run_server(self):

        # Start connection to robot server
        if self.connect_to_robot:

        # Thread: Get key inputs
        key_input_manager = threading.Thread(target=self.get_input,
                                             args=('Message', ))

        # Thread: Get new plate inputs, protocol files or single commmands
        input_server = threading.Thread(target=self.plate_inputs)

        # Thread: Run robot and device system
        input_server = threading.Thread(target=self.system_runner)

    # Saves a string and time stamp to a file
    def log(self, str_):
        with open('log', 'a') as file:
            do =
            file.write(do.hour, ':', do.minute, ':', do.second, ' ', str_)

    # Run the robot and devices by picking
    # what plate to move next with the priorotizer.
    def system_runner(self):

        while True:  # Loop forever
            # Don't run if the plate list is empty
            if len(self.plate_list) == 0:

            # Perform the next move. (Robot / Device)
            # Add threading here for overlapping movment

    # Performs the actions needed to advance the system
    # - Sets up where to move from and to (with the help of the priorotizer)
    # - Uses the checkpoint builder to get checkpoints between these points
    # - Uses the telnet connection to the robot computer to issue the commands
    # When reached target, change current to dest and move on etc.
    def move_next(self):  # Do the next moves
        move_from = self.current_global_position  # The position to move from
        plateToMove = self.prioritizer.get_prio_plate(
            self.plate_list, self.hotel_spots,
            self.lid_spots)  # Get what plate should be moved
        move_to = plateToMove.path[
            plateToMove.cur_step]  # Where to move this plate
        movment = [
            move_from, move_to
        ]  # Pack it into a list for convenience (and in case longer movements will be done in the futuure)
        self.log("Deciding to move plate " + str(

        data_list = [
            self.hotel_spots, self.lid_spots
        ]  # Get the current hotel and lid spot statuses and pack it to a list
        movement_with_cp = self.build_checkpoints.build_protocol(
            movment,, data_list)  # Build checkpoints

        # Run system between the 2 steps including checkpoints
        if self.connect_to_robot:
            updated_lists = self.robot_run.start(
      , movement_with_cp, data_list,
            )  # Holds this thread until the run is done, might want to split

            self.hotel_spots = updated_lists[0]
            self.lid_spots = updated_lists[1]

            self.current_global_position = move_to  # Set the systems current global position to where it just moved
                plateToMove)].step()  # Advance plate to next step in path

        else:  # For debugging

    # Establish TCP-connection to accept protocol on
    def plate_inputs(self):
        # Adress family - IPv4; Socket type - TCP;
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,
                         1)  # To force socket rebinding
                (, self.port)
            )  # Associate socket with specific network interface nad port
            )  # Enables server to accept connections / Makes it a listening socket
            print('Protocol server started successfully!')

            while self.Running:

                conn, addr = s.accept(
                )  # New connection creates new s. Touple (ip,port)
                with conn:  # With the new connection

                    # Add new plate
                    print('New entry by', addr)
                    data = pickle.loads(
                        conn.recv(4096))  # Reads what client sends
                    plate_number = len(
                    ) + 1  # Currently assigns the plate numbers (id) with +1, this should be changed

                    h_spot = re.findall(
                        data[0])  # Get the hotel spot to take the plate from
                        int(h_spot[0]) -
                        1] = plate_number  # Book that hotel spot in the list

                    newPlate = Plate(plate_number,
                                     data)  # Create a new plate object

                    self.log("New plate added with id: " + str(plate_number) +
                             " ,at spot:" + str(h_spot))
                    print('Current amount of plates: ' +

                    conn.send(bytes("Entry successfully added!", "ascii"))

    # Check for inputs
    # (This gets a bit messy to run at the server because of
    # all the outputs in the terminal.
    # There should probably be a input client or something
    # instead.)
    def get_input(self, s):
        while True:
            s = input()

            if "plate" in s:
                if self.is_num(s):
                    num = int(s[len(s) - 1])
                    if len(self.plate_list) >= num:
                        self.get_plate_info(num - 1)
                        print("Plate not found")
            elif "check plates" in s:

            elif "check hotel" in s:
            elif "check lid" in s:

    # Print and log hotel spot status
    def check_hotel(self):
        i = 0
        for cur_spot in self.hotel_spots:
            if cur_spot == 0:
                check = "empty"
                check = "{Plate id: " + str(cur_spot) + "}"

            str_ = "Hotel spot " + str(i + 1) + ": " + check
            i += 1

    # Print and log lid spot status
    def check_lid(self):
        i = 0
        for cur_spot in self.lid_spots:
            if cur_spot == -1:
                check = "empty"
                check = "{Plate id: " + str(cur_spot) + "}"

            str_ = "Lid spot " + str(i + 1) + ": " + check
            i += 1

    # Print and log plates in the system
    def check_plates(self):
        for cur_plate in self.plate_list:
            str_ = "Plate id: " + str(

    # Print info about certain plate
    def get_plate_info(self, plate_num):
        plate = self.plate_list[plate_num]
        print("Plate id: {0}, status:".format(
        print("Current position: {0}".format(plate.path[plate.cur_step]))
        # Check if not at last
        print("Destination: {0}".format(plate.path[plate.cur_step + 1]))

    # Helper to check for digit
    def is_num(self, string):
        return any(i.isdigit() for i in string)

    # Return a list index of a specific value
    # Including exception for non-existing
    def get_plate_list_index(self, id):
        i = 0
        for p in self.plate_list:
            if == id:
                return i
            i += 1

    # Get the index of a spot with the value -1 (a free spot)
    def get_list_spot(self, plate_id, lista):
            return lista.index(plate_id)
        except ValueError:
            return -1
 def __init__(self):
     self.build_checkpoints = BuildProtocol()
     self.robot_run = RoboRun()