def test_call_create(self):
        """The method should correctly call only the create method and pass the given arguments to it."""
        args_list = ['create', 'File*Set']


        _assert_only_this_mock_called(mock_create, [args_list])
    def test_call_move(self):
        """The method should correctly call only the move method and pass the given arguments to it."""
        args_list = ['1-3', '>', '4/5']


                                      [self.active_file_set_dummy, args_list])
    def test_call_add(self):
        """The method should correctly call only the add method and pass the given arguments to it."""
        args_list = ['+', 'new_file', '1/2']


                                      [self.active_file_set_dummy, args_list])
    def test_call_print_help(self):
        """The method should correctly call only the print_help method and pass the given arguments to it."""
        args_list = ['help', 'me']


                                      [self.active_file_set_dummy, args_list])
    def test_no_action_applies(self):
        """The method should print an according message if no correct action could be determined by the given arguments."""
        args_list = ['gib', 'ber', 'ish']


            ['The given command or operation could not be resolved.'])
    def test_no_arguments_given(self):
        """The method should do nothing if an empty list of arguments was given."""
        args_list = []


        ## Make a new mock that is unregistered in the global list. That way, it will never be
        ## checked whether it was actually ever called. It will only be checked whether
        ## all of the registered ones have NOT been called.
        _assert_only_this_mock_called(mock.MagicMock(), [])
    def test_terminate(self):
        """The methode should raise a TerminateProgram exception when the user enters the command 'terminate'"""
        args_list = ['terminate']

        with self.assertRaises(
                "The method fails to terminate the program by raising an exception if the user wishes to."

        ## Make a new mock that is unregistered in the global list. That way, it will never be
        ## checked whether it was actually ever called. It will only be checked whether
        ## all of the registered ones have NOT been called.
        _assert_only_this_mock_called(mock.MagicMock(), [])
    def test_exit_file_set(self):
        """The method should exit the currently active file set if the user enters 'exit'"""
        args_list = ['exit']

        CLI.active_file_set = FileSet(('test', ''),
                                      [])  # active file set is not None


            CLI.active_file_set, None,
            "The method failed to leave the currently active_file_set.")

        ## Make a new mock that is unregistered in the global list. That way, it will never be
        ## checked whether it was actually ever called. It will only be checked whether
        ## all of the registered ones have NOT been called.
        _assert_only_this_mock_called(mock.MagicMock(), [])
    def test_exit_program(self):
        """The method should terminate the program if the user enters 'exit' without having an active file set."""
        args_list = ['exit']

        CLI.active_file_set = None  # no active file set

        with self.assertRaises(
                "The method fails to terminate the program by raising an exception if the user exits when no file set is active."

        ## Make a new mock that is unregistered in the global list. That way, it will never be
        ## checked whether it was actually ever called. It will only be checked whether
        ## all of the registered ones have NOT been called.
        _assert_only_this_mock_called(mock.MagicMock(), [])