def post(self, workflow, subresource, publication, jobids, force, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, 
             numcores, priority):
        """Resubmit or continue an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        if not subresource or subresource == 'resubmit':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'resubmit2':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit2(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'proceed':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.proceed(workflow=workflow)
Beispiel #2
    def deletewarnings(self, **kwargs):
        """ Deleet warnings from the warning column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key /tmp/x509up_u8440 --cert /tmp/x509up_u8440 \
                    -d 'subresource=deletewarnings&workflow=140710_233424_crab3test-5:mmascher_crab_HCprivate12' -v
        #check if the parameter is there
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        #decoding and setting the parameters
        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

#        rows = self.api.query(None, None, "SELECT tm_task_warnings FROM tasks WHERE tm_taskname = :workflow", workflow=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = list(rows) #from generator to list
        if len(rows)==0:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task %s not found in the task database" % workflow)

        row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*rows[0])
        warnings = literal_eval( if row.task_warnings else '[]')
        if len(warnings)<1:
            raise ExecutionError("No warnings to remove.")

        self.api.modify(self.Task.DeleteWarnings_sql, workflow=[workflow])

        return []
    def post(self, workflow, subresource, publication, jobids, force, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory,
             numcores, priority):
        """Resubmit or continue an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        if not subresource or subresource == 'resubmit':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'resubmit2':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit2(workflow=workflow,
        elif subresource == 'proceed':
            return self.userworkflowmgr.proceed(workflow=workflow)
Beispiel #4
    def deletewarnings(self, **kwargs):
        """ Deleet warnings from the warning column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key /tmp/x509up_u8440 --cert /tmp/x509up_u8440 \
                    -d 'subresource=deletewarnings&workflow=140710_233424_crab3test-5:mmascher_crab_HCprivate12' -v
        #check if the parameter is there
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        #decoding and setting the parameters
        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

#        rows = self.api.query(None, None, "SELECT tm_task_warnings FROM tasks WHERE tm_taskname = :workflow", workflow=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = list(rows) #from generator to list
        if len(rows)==0:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task %s not found in the task database" % workflow)

        row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*rows[0])
        warnings = literal_eval( if row.task_warnings else '[]')
        if len(warnings)<1:
            raise ExecutionError("No warnings to remove.")

        self.api.modify(self.Task.DeleteWarnings_sql, workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #5
    def addwarning(self, **kwargs):
        """ Add a warning to the wraning column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key /tmp/x509up_u8440 --cert /tmp/x509up_u8440 \
                    -d 'subresource=addwarning&workflow=140710_233424_crab3test-5:mmascher_crab_HCprivate12&warning=blahblah' -v
        #check if the parameters are there
        if 'warning' not in kwargs or not kwargs['warning']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Warning message not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        #decoding and setting the parameters
        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow
            warning = b64decode(kwargs['warning'])
        except TypeError:
            raise InvalidParameter("Failure message is not in the accepted format")

#        rows = self.api.query(None, None, "SELECT tm_task_warnings FROM tasks WHERE tm_taskname = :workflow", workflow=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = list(rows) #from generator to list
        if len(rows)==0:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task %s not found in the task database" % workflow)

        row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*rows[0])
        warnings = literal_eval( if row.task_warnings else '[]')
        if len(warnings)>10:
            raise ExecutionError("You cannot add more than 10 warnings to a task")

        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetWarnings_sql, warnings=[str(warnings)], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #6
    def addwarning(self, **kwargs):
        """ Add a warning to the wraning column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key /tmp/x509up_u8440 --cert /tmp/x509up_u8440 \
                    -d 'subresource=addwarning&workflow=140710_233424_crab3test-5:mmascher_crab_HCprivate12&warning=blahblah' -v
        #check if the parameters are there
        if 'warning' not in kwargs or not kwargs['warning']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Warning message not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        #decoding and setting the parameters
        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow
            warning = b64decode(kwargs['warning'])
        except TypeError:
            raise InvalidParameter("Failure message is not in the accepted format")

#        rows = self.api.query(None, None, "SELECT tm_task_warnings FROM tasks WHERE tm_taskname = :workflow", workflow=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname=workflow)#self.Task.TASKSUMMARY_sql)
        rows = list(rows) #from generator to list
        if len(rows)==0:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task %s not found in the task database" % workflow)

        row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*rows[0])
        warnings = literal_eval( if row.task_warnings else '[]')
        if len(warnings)>10:
            raise ExecutionError("You cannot add more than 10 warnings to a task")

        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetWarnings_sql, warnings=[str(warnings)], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #7
    def addoutputdatasets(self, **kwargs):
        if 'outputdatasets' not in kwargs or not kwargs['outputdatasets']:
            raise InvalidParameter(
                "Output datasets not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter(
                "Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
            self.api, [workflow],
            self.Task)  #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*self.api.query(
            None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname=workflow).next())
        outputdatasets = literal_eval(
   if row.output_dataset else '[]')
        outputdatasets = str(
            list(set(outputdatasets + kwargs['outputdatasets'])))


        return []
    def delete(self, workflow, force, killwarning):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, killwarning, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
    def delete(self, workflow, force, jobids, killwarning):
        """Aborts a workflow. The user needs to be a CMS owner of the workflow.

           :arg str list workflow: list of unique name identifiers of workflows;
           :arg int force: force to delete the workflows in any case; 0 no, everything else yes;
           :return: nothing"""

        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.kill(workflow, force, jobids, killwarning, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
Beispiel #10
    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, jobids):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow])
        return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, jobids=jobids, \
Beispiel #11
    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow])
        self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, userdn=cherrypy.request.headers['Cms-Authn-Dn'])
        return [{"result":"ok"}]
Beispiel #12
    def post(self, workflow, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, jobids, maxjobruntime, numcores, maxmemory, priority):
        """Resubmit an existing workflow. The caller needs to be a CMS user owner of the workflow.

           :arg str workflow: unique name identifier of the workflow;
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name."""
        # strict check on authz: only the workflow owner can modify it
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task)
        return self.userworkflowmgr.resubmit(workflow=workflow, siteblacklist=siteblacklist, sitewhitelist=sitewhitelist, jobids=jobids, \
                                        maxjobruntime=maxjobruntime, numcores=numcores, maxmemory=maxmemory, priority=priority,
Beispiel #13
    def updatepublicationtime(self, **kwargs):
        """ Change last publication time for task.
            curl -X POST '' -ks --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY --cacert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                    -d 'subresource=updatepublicationtime&workflow=161128_202743:mmascher_crab_test_preprodaso_preprodorammascher-gwms_0' -v
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdatePublicationTime_sql, workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #14
    def updatepublicationtime(self, **kwargs):
        """ Change last publication time for task.
            curl -X POST '' -ks --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY --cacert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                    -d 'subresource=updatepublicationtime&workflow=161128_202743:mmascher_crab_test_preprodaso_preprodorammascher-gwms_0' -v
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdatePublicationTime_sql, workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #15
    def updateschedd(self, **kwargs):
        """ Change scheduler for task submission.
            curl -X POST -ks --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY --cacert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                 -d 'subresource=updateschedd&workflow=150316_221646:jbalcas_crab_test_submit-5-274334&' -v
        if 'scheddname' not in kwargs or not kwargs['scheddname']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Schedd name not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdateSchedd_sql, scheddname=[kwargs['scheddname']], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #16
    def addoutputdatasets(self, **kwargs):
        if 'outputdatasets' not in kwargs or not kwargs['outputdatasets']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Output datasets not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*next(self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname=workflow)))
        outputdatasets = literal_eval( if row.output_dataset else '[]')
        outputdatasets = str(list(set(outputdatasets + kwargs['outputdatasets'])))

        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetUpdateOutDataset_sql, tm_output_dataset=[outputdatasets], tm_taskname=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #17
    def updateschedd(self, **kwargs):
        """ Change scheduler for task submission.
            curl -X POST -ks --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY --cacert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                 -d 'subresource=updateschedd&workflow=150316_221646:jbalcas_crab_test_submit-5-274334&' -v
        if 'scheddname' not in kwargs or not kwargs['scheddname']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Schedd name not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdateSchedd_sql, scheddname=[str(kwargs['scheddname'])], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #18
    def addddmreqid(self, **kwargs):
        """ Add DDM request ID to DDM_reqid column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                    -d 'subresource=addddmreqid&workflow=?&taskstatus=TAPERECALL&ddmreqid=d2b715f526e14f91b0c299abb560d5d7' -v
        #check if the parameters are there
        if 'ddmreqid' not in kwargs or not kwargs['ddmreqid']:
            raise InvalidParameter("DDM request ID not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdateDDMReqId_sql, taskstatus=[kwargs['taskstatus']], ddmreqid=[kwargs['ddmreqid']], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #19
    def addddmreqid(self, **kwargs):
        """ Add DDM request ID to DDM_reqid column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                    -d 'subresource=addddmreqid&workflow=?&taskstatus=TAPERECALL&ddmreqid=12345' -v
        #check if the parameters are there
        if 'ddmreqid' not in kwargs or not kwargs['ddmreqid']:
            raise InvalidParameter("DDM request ID not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdateDDMReqId_sql, taskstatus=[kwargs['taskstatus']], ddmreqid=[kwargs['ddmreqid']], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #20
    def addwebdir(self, **kwargs):
        """ Add web directory to web_dir column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                    -d 'subresource=addwebdir&workflow=140710_233424_crab3test-5:mmascher_crab_HCprivate12&webdirurl=' -v
        #check if the parameters are there
        if 'webdirurl' not in kwargs or not kwargs['webdirurl']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Web directory url not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdateWebUrl_sql, webdirurl=[str(kwargs['webdirurl'])], workflow=[workflow])

        return []
Beispiel #21
    def addwebdir(self, **kwargs):
        """ Add web directory to web_dir column in the database. Can be tested with:
            curl -X POST -k --key $X509_USER_PROXY --cert $X509_USER_PROXY \
                    -d 'subresource=addwebdir&workflow=140710_233424_crab3test-5:mmascher_crab_HCprivate12&webdirurl=' -v
        #check if the parameters are there
        if 'webdirurl' not in kwargs or not kwargs['webdirurl']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Web directory url not found in the input parameters")
        if 'workflow' not in kwargs or not kwargs['workflow']:
            raise InvalidParameter("Task name not found in the input parameters")

        workflow = kwargs['workflow']
        authz_owner_match(self.api, [workflow], self.Task) #check that I am modifying my own workflow

        self.api.modify(self.Task.UpdateWebUrl_sql, webdirurl=[kwargs['webdirurl']], workflow=[workflow])

        return []