def __init__(self, canvas_size=600, cell_size=10):
        CellWorld.__init__(self, canvas_size, cell_size)
        self.title('GIS Modeling and Problem Solving Final Project- Shaky Sherpa')

        # the interpreter executes user-provided code
        self.inter = Interpreter(self, globals())
 def __init__(self, canvas_size=600, cell_size=5):
     CellWorld.__init__(self, canvas_size, cell_size)
     # the interpreter executes user-provided code
     self.inter = Interpreter(self, globals())
# these are functions that perfrom the vector operations

def vadd(p1, p2):
    """Adds vectors p1 and p2 (returns a new vector)."""
    return [x+y for x,y in zip(p1, p2)]

def vscale(p, s):
    """Multiplies p by a scalar (returns a new vector)."""
    return [x*s for x in p]

def vmid(p1, p2):
    """Returns a new vector that is the pointwise average of p1 and p2."""
    return vscale(vadd(p1, p2), 0.5)

def rotate(v, n=1):
    """Rotates the elements of a sequence by (n) places.
    Returns a new list.
    n %= len(v)
    return v[n:] + v[:n]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    world = CellWorld(interactive=True)
    world = AntWorld()