def test(self): self.inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, self.opts.patch_num_point, 3]) is_training = tf.placeholder_with_default(False, shape=[], name='is_training') Gen = Generator(self.opts, is_training, name='generator') self.pred_pc = Gen(self.inputs) for i in range(round(math.pow(self.opts.up_ratio, 1 / 4)) - 1): self.pred_pc = Gen(self.pred_pc) saver = tf.train.Saver() print("****** phrase test ******") ##restore_epoch, checkpoint_path = model_utils.pre_load_checkpoint(self.opts.log_dir) ##to use pretrained model comment the line above checkpoint_path = "/home/alitokur/Softwares/PU-GAN/model/model-100" print(checkpoint_path) saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint_path) samples = glob(self.opts.test_data) point = pc_util.load(samples[0]) self.opts.num_point = point.shape[0] out_point_num = int(self.opts.num_point * self.opts.up_ratio) for point_path in samples: start = time() pc = pc_util.load(point_path)[:, :3] pc, centroid, furthest_distance = pc_util.normalize_point_cloud(pc) if self.opts.jitter: pc = pc_util.jitter_perturbation_point_cloud( pc[np.newaxis, ...], sigma=self.opts.jitter_sigma, clip=self.opts.jitter_max) pc = pc[0, ...] input_list, pred_list = self.pc_prediction(pc) end = time() print("total time: ", end - start) pred_pc = np.concatenate(pred_list, axis=0) pred_pc = (pred_pc * furthest_distance) + centroid pred_pc = np.reshape(pred_pc, [-1, 3]) path = os.path.join(self.opts.out_folder, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.ply') idx = farthest_point_sample(out_point_num, pred_pc[np.newaxis, ...]).eval()[0] pred_pc = pred_pc[idx, 0:3] np.savetxt(path[:-4] + '.xyz', pred_pc, fmt='%.6f')
def test(self): self.opts.batch_size = 1 final_ratio = self.opts.final_ratio step_ratio = 4 self.opts.up_ratio = step_ratio self.build_model_test(final_ratio=self.opts.final_ratio, step_ratio=step_ratio) saver = tf.train.Saver() restore_epoch, checkpoint_path = model_utils.pre_load_checkpoint( self.opts.log_dir) print(checkpoint_path) self.saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint_path) #self.restore_model(self.opts.log_dir, epoch=self.opts.restore_epoch, verbose=True) samples = glob(self.opts.test_data) point = pc_util.load(samples[0]) self.opts.num_point = point.shape[0] out_point_num = int(self.opts.num_point * final_ratio) for point_path in samples: start = time() pc = pc_util.load(point_path)[:, :3] pc, centroid, furthest_distance = pc_util.normalize_point_cloud(pc) input_list, pred_list, coarse_list = self.pc_prediction(pc) end = time() print("total time: ", end - start) pred_pc = np.concatenate(pred_list, axis=0) pred_pc = (pred_pc * furthest_distance) + centroid pred_pc = np.reshape(pred_pc, [-1, 3]) idx = farthest_point_sample( out_point_num, pred_pc[np.newaxis, ...]).eval(session=self.sess)[0] pred_pc = pred_pc[idx, 0:3] # path = os.path.join(self.opts.out_folder, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '.ply') # np.savetxt(path[:-4] + '.xyz',pred_pc,fmt='%.6f') in_folder = os.path.dirname(self.opts.test_data) path = os.path.join( self.opts.out_folder, point_path.split('/')[-1][:-4] + '' % final_ratio) np.savetxt(path, pred_pc, fmt='%.6f')
def analyze_uniform(idx_file, radius_file, map_points_file): start_time = time() points = load(map_points_file)[:, 4:] radius = np.loadtxt(radius_file) print('radius:', radius) with open(idx_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() sample_number = 1000 rad_number = radius.shape[0] uniform_measure = np.zeros([rad_number, 1]) densitys = np.zeros([rad_number, sample_number]) expect_number = precentages * points.shape[0] expect_number = np.reshape(expect_number, [rad_number, 1]) for j in range(rad_number): uniform_dis = [] for i in range(sample_number): density, idx = lines[i * rad_number + j].split(':') densitys[j, i] = int(density) coverage = np.square(densitys[j, i] - expect_number[j]) / expect_number[j] num_points = re.findall("(\d+)", idx) idx = list(map(int, num_points)) if len(idx) < 5: continue idx = np.array(idx).astype(np.int32) map_point = points[idx] shortest_dis = cal_nearest_distance(map_point, map_point, 2) disk_area = math.pi * (radius[j]**2) / map_point.shape[0] expect_d = math.sqrt(2 * disk_area / 1.732) ##using hexagon dis = np.square(shortest_dis - expect_d) / expect_d dis_mean = np.mean(dis) uniform_dis.append(coverage * dis_mean) uniform_dis = np.array(uniform_dis).astype(np.float32) uniform_measure[j, 0] = np.mean(uniform_dis) print('time cost for uniform :', time() - start_time) return uniform_measure
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--pred", type=str, required=True, help=".xyz") parser.add_argument("--gt", type=str, required=True, help=".xyz") FLAGS = parser.parse_args() PRED_DIR = os.path.abspath(FLAGS.pred) GT_DIR = os.path.abspath( print(PRED_DIR) NAME = print(GT_DIR) gt_paths = glob(os.path.join(GT_DIR, '*.xyz')) gt_names = [os.path.basename(p)[:-4] for p in gt_paths] print(len(gt_paths)) gt = load(gt_paths[0])[:, :3] pred_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, gt.shape[0], 3]) gt_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1, gt.shape[0], 3]) pred_tensor, centroid, furthest_distance = normalize_point_cloud( pred_placeholder) gt_tensor, centroid, furthest_distance = normalize_point_cloud(gt_placeholder) cd_forward, _, cd_backward, _ = tf_nndistance.nn_distance( pred_tensor, gt_tensor) cd_forward = cd_forward[0, :] cd_backward = cd_backward[0, :] precentages = np.array([0.008, 0.012]) def cal_nearest_distance(queries, pc, k=2):