def __init__(self, devname): self._name = path.basename(devname) self._blockPath = path.join('/sys/block', self._name) self._classPath = path.realpath(path.join('/sys/class/block', self._name)) self._deviceNode = devname try: self._partition = int(Util.readFile(self.sysfsPath('partition'))) except: self._partition = 0 try: # Partitions don't have a 'removable' property. Ask their parent. self._isRemovable = bool(int(Util.readFile(self.sysfsPath('removable', physdev=True)))) except IOError: self._isRemovable = False
def parseMountFile(path): mount_points = [] lines = readFile(path).splitlines() for line in lines: _, mount_point, _, _, _, _ = Util.parseFstabLine(line) if mount_point not in ignore_mount_points: mount_points.append(mount_point) logger.debug("mount_points: %s", mount_points) return mount_points
def _onSharesApplied(self): logger.debug("...") for sharename, data in self._mounts.items(): mountpoint = AutoMount.MOUNT_BASE + sharename data["isMounted"] = Util.findInMtab(dst=mountpoint) desc = data["sharename"] if data["hdd_replacement"]: #hdd replacement hack self._linkAsHdd(mountpoint) harddiskmanager.addMountedPartition(mountpoint, desc)
def readCutsFile(path): #print("MVC: CutListUtils: readCutsFile: " + path) data = "" # cut_list = [] if os.path.isfile(path): data = Util.readFile(path) # cut_list = unpackCutList(data) #print("MVC: CutListUtils: readCutsFile: cut_list: " + str(cut_list)) return data
def __readFile(self, path): meta = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""] if os.path.isfile(path): lines = Util.readFile(path).splitlines() # Parse the lines if lines: # Strip lines and extract information lines = [l.strip() for l in lines] meta = lines[:] return meta
def deactivateMount(self, mountpoint, callback=None): logger.debug("mountpoint: %s", mountpoint) res = False entry = Util.findInFstab(src=None, dst=mountpoint) if entry: self._unmount(mountpoint) harddiskmanager.modifyFstabEntry(entry["src"], entry["dst"], mode="remove") harddiskmanager.removeMountedPartition(mountpoint) res = True if callback is not None: callback(res)
def removeMount(self, mountpoint, callback=None): res = False entry = Util.findInFstab(src=None, dst=mountpoint) if entry: sharename=os_path.basename(mountpoint) if sharename in self._mounts: del self._mounts[sharename] self._unmount(mountpoint) harddiskmanager.modifyFstabEntry(entry['src'], entry['dst'], mode="remove") harddiskmanager.removeMountedPartition(mountpoint) res = True if callback is not None: callback(res)
def getMountPointDevice(self, path): try: from Components.Harddisk import getProcMounts procMounts = getProcMounts() except: #;a=blob;f=usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ from Components.Harddisk import Util procMounts = Util.mtab(virt=False) device = "" for x in procMounts: for entry in x: if path == entry: device = x[0] return device
def updateHotplugDevices(self): self.hotplugServices = [] print "[update hutplug]" try: import commands movieConfig = MovieConfig() lines = commands.getoutput('mount | grep /dev/sd').split('\n') print lines for mount in lines: if len(mount) < 2: continue dev = mount.split(' on ')[0].strip() m = mount.split(' type')[0].split(' on ') m_dev, m_path = m[0], m[1] label = os.path.split(m_path)[-1] blkid = commands.getoutput('blkid ' + m_dev).split("\"") #if len(blkid) > 2 and blkid[1]: # label = blkid[1] if "LABEL" in blkid: label = blkid.split("LABEL=")[1].split(" ")[0].strip() if os.path.normpath(m_path) == "/media/hdd" or label in ("DUMBO", "TIMOTHY"): continue if not movieConfig.isHiddenHotplug(label): blkdev = BlockDevice(dev) if m_path[-1] != "/": m_path += "/" #print blkdev.isRemovable() #print #print blkdev.capacityString() if not blkdev.isRemovable(): continue service = eServiceReferenceHotplug(m_path) devname = m_dev.replace("/dev/", "")[:-1] filename = str.format("/sys/block/{0}/device/block/{0}/device/model", devname) #model = commands.getoutput("cat " + filename) model = Util.readFile(filename) if label: label += " - " service.setName(label + model + " - " + blkdev.capacityString()) self.hotplugServices.append(service) for callback in self.notifier: try: callback() except: printStackTrace() except: printStackTrace()
class ConfigScreen(ConfigListScreen, Screen, Trashcan, object): skin = Util.readFile(getSkinPath("ConfigScreen.xml")) def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = "ConfigScreenMenu" self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["SetupActions", "OkCancelActions", "MVCConfigActions"], { "ok": self.keyOK, "cancel": self.keyCancel, "red": self.keyCancel, "up": self.keyUp, "down": self.keyDown, "green": self.keySaveNew, # "bluelong": self.loadPredefinedSettings, "blueshort": self.loadDefaultSettings, "nextBouquet": self.keyPreviousSection, "prevBouquet": self.keyNextSection, }, -2 # higher priority ) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Save")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Defaults")) self["help"] = StaticText() self.list = [] self.MVCConfig = [] ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list, on_change=self.changedEntry) self.needsRestartFlag = False self.defineConfig() self.createConfig() self.reloadTimer = eTimer() self.reloadTimer_conn = self.reloadTimer.timeout.connect( self.createConfig) # Override selectionChanged because our config tuples have a size bigger than 2 def selectionChanged(): current = self["config"].getCurrent() if self["config"].current != current: if self["config"].current: try: self["config"].current[1].onDeselect() except Exception: pass if current: try: current[1].onSelect() except Exception: pass self["config"].current = current for x in self["config"].onSelectionChanged: try: x() except Exception: pass self["config"].selectionChanged = selectionChanged self["config"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.updateHelp) def defineConfig(self): self.section = 400 * "¯" # _config list entry # _ , config element # _ , , function called on save # _ , , , function called if user has pressed OK # _ , , , , usage setup level from E2 # _ , , , , 0: simple+ # _ , , , , 1: intermediate+ # _ , , , , 2: expert+ # _ , , , , , depends on relative parent entries # _ , , , , , parent config value < 0 = true # _ , , , , , parent config value > 0 = false # _ , , , , , , _context sensitive help text # _ , , , , , , , # _ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , self.MVCConfig = [ (self.section, _("GENERAL"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("About"), config.MVC.fake_entry, None, self.showInfo, 0, [], _("HELP About")), (_("Disable plugin"), config.MVC.ml_disable, self.needsRestart, None, 1, [], _("Help Disable Plugin")), (_("Start plugin with"), config.MVC.movie_launch, self.launchListSet, None, 0, [], _("Help Start plugin with")), (_("Show plugin config in extensions menu"), config.MVC.extmenu_plugin, self.needsRestart, None, 0, [], _("Help Show plugin config in extensions menu")), (_("Show plugin in extensions menu"), config.MVC.extmenu_list, self.needsRestart, None, 0, [], _("Help Show plugin in extensions menu")), (_("Movie home at start"), config.MVC.MVCStartHome, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Movie home at start")), (_("Default sort mode"), config.MVC.moviecenter_sort, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Sort mode at startup")), (_("Movie home home path"), config.MVC.movie_homepath, self.validatePath, self.openLocationBox, 0, [], _("Help Movie home home path")), (_("Path access limit"), config.MVC.movie_pathlimit, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Path access limit")), (_("Display directory reading text"), config.MVC.moviecenter_loadtext, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Display directory reading text")), (self.section, _("KEYMAPPING"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("Bouquet buttons behaviour"), config.MVC.bqt_keys, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Bouquet buttons behaviour")), (_("List entries to skip"), config.MVC.list_skip_size, None, None, 0, [], _("Help List entries to skip")), (_("Red button function"), config.MVC.movie_redfunc, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Red button function")), (_("Long Red button function"), config.MVC.movie_longredfunc, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Long Red button function")), (_("Yellow button function"), config.MVC.movie_yellowfunc, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Yellow button function")), (_("Long Yellow button function"), config.MVC.movie_longyellowfunc, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Long Yellow button function")), (_("Blue button function"), config.MVC.movie_bluefunc, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Blue button function")), (_("Long Blue button function"), config.MVC.movie_longbluefunc, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Long Blue button function")), (_("LongInfo Button"), config.MVC.InfoLong, None, None, 0, [], _("Help LongInfo Button")), (self.section, _("PLAYBACK"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("No resume below 10 seconds"), config.MVC.movie_ignore_firstcuts, None, None, 1, [], _("Help No resume below 10 seconds")), (_("Jump to first mark when playing movie"), config.MVC.movie_jump_first_mark, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Jump to first mark when playing movie")), (_("Rewind finished movies before playing"), config.MVC.movie_rewind_finished, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Rewind finished movies before playing")), (_("Zap to channel after record EOF"), config.MVC.record_eof_zap, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Zap to channel after record EOF")), (_("Re-open list after stop"), config.MVC.movie_reopen, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Re-open list after STOP-press")), (_("Re-open list after movie end"), config.MVC.movie_reopenEOF, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Re-open list after Movie end")), (_("Leave movie with Exit"), config.MVC.movie_exit, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Leave Movie with Exit")), (_("Automatic timers list cleaning"), config.MVC.timer_autoclean, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Automatic timers list cleaning")), (self.section, _("DISPLAY-SETTINGS"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("Show directories"), config.MVC.directories_show, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Show directories")), (_("Show directories within movielist"), config.MVC.directories_ontop, None, None, 0, [-1], _("Help Show directories within movielist")), (_("Show directories information"), config.MVC.directories_info, None, None, 0, [-2], _("Help Show directories information")), (_("Hide movies being moved"), config.MVC.movie_hide_mov, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Hide movies being moved")), (_("Hide movies being deleted"), config.MVC.movie_hide_del, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Hide movies being deleted")), (_("Cursor predictive move after selection"), config.MVC.moviecenter_selmove, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Cursor predictive move after selection")), (_("Show bookmarks in movielist"), config.MVC.bookmarks, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Show Bookmarks in movielist")), (_("Description field update delay"), config.MVC.movie_descdelay, None, None, 2, [], _("Help Description field update delay")), (self.section, _("SKIN-SETTINGS"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("Skin style (needs reopen)"), config.MVC.skinstyle, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Skin style (needs reopen)")), (_("Date format"), config.MVC.movie_date_format, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Date format")), (_("Horizontal alignment for count/size"), config.MVC.count_size_position, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Horizontal alignment for count / size")), (_("Show movie icons"), config.MVC.movie_icons, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Show movie icons")), (_("Show link arrow"), config.MVC.link_icons, None, None, 0, [-1], _("Help Show link arrow")), (_("Show movie picons"), config.MVC.movie_picons, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Show movie picons")), (_("Path to movie picons"), config.MVC.movie_picons_path, self.validatePath, self.openLocationBox, 0, [-1], _("Help Path to movie picons")), (_("Show movie progress"), config.MVC.movie_progress, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Show movie progress")), (_("Short watching percent"), config.MVC.movie_watching_percent, None, None, 0, [-1], _("Help Short watching percent")), (_("Finished watching percent"), config.MVC.movie_finished_percent, None, None, 0, [-2], _("Help Finished watching percent")), (_("Default color for recording movie"), config.MVC.color_recording, None, None, 0, [-3], _("Help Default color recording")), (_("Default color for highlighted movie"), config.MVC.color_highlight, None, None, 0, [-4], _("Help Default color highlighted")), (_("Hide MiniTV"), config.MVC.hide_miniTV, None, None, 0, [], _("Help hide_MiniTV")), (self.section, _("COVER DISPLAY"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("Show Cover"), config.MVC.cover, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Show Cover")), (_("Cover delay in ms"), config.MVC.cover_delay, None, None, 0, [-1], _("Help Cover delay in ms")), (_("Cover background"), config.MVC.cover_background, None, None, 0, [-2], _("HELP_Cover background")), (_("Show fallback cover"), config.MVC.cover_fallback, None, None, 0, [-3], _("Help Cover fallback")), (_("Hide MiniTV if Cover is shown"), config.MVC.cover_hide_miniTV, None, None, 0, [-4], _("Help Cover hide_MiniTV")), (self.section, _("COVER SEARCH"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("Cover language"), config.MVC.cover_language, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Cover language")), (_("Cover size"), config.MVC.cover_size, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Cover size")), (_("Cover automatic selection"), config.MVC.cover_auto_selection, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Cover auto selection")), (_("Cover in flash"), config.MVC.cover_flash, None, None, 0, [], _("Help Cover in flash")), (_("Cover bookmark"), config.MVC.cover_bookmark, self.validatePath, self.openLocationBox, 0, [-1], _("Help Cover bookmark")), (self.section, _("TRASHCAN"), None, None, 0, [], ""), (_("Trashcan enable"), config.MVC.movie_trashcan_enable, self.activateTrashcan, None, 0, [], _("Help Trashcan enable")), (_("Trashcan path"), config.MVC.movie_trashcan_path, self.validatePath, self.openLocationBox, 0, [-1], _("Help Trashcan path")), (_("Show trashcan directory"), config.MVC.movie_trashcan_show, None, None, 0, [-2], _("Help Show trashcan directory")), (_("Show trashcan information"), config.MVC.movie_trashcan_info, None, None, 0, [-3, -1], _("Help Dynamic trashcan")), (_("Delete validation"), config.MVC.movie_delete_validation, None, None, 0, [-4], _("Help Delete validation")), (_("Enable auto trashcan cleanup"), config.MVC.movie_trashcan_clean, None, None, 0, [-5], _("Help Enable auto trashcan cleanup")), (_("How many days files may remain in trashcan"), config.MVC.movie_trashcan_limit, None, None, 0, [-6, -1], _("Help How many days files may remain in trashcan")), (self.section, _("LANGUAGE"), None, None, 1, [], ""), (_("Preferred EPG language"), config.MVC.epglang, setEPGLanguage, None, 1, [], _("Help Preferred EPG language")), (_("Enable playback auto-subtitling"), config.MVC.autosubs, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Enable playback auto-subtitling")), (_("Primary playback subtitle language"), config.MVC.sublang1, None, None, 1, [-1], _("Help Primary playback subtitle language")), (_("Secondary playback subtitle language"), config.MVC.sublang2, None, None, 1, [-2], _("Help Secondary playback subtitle language")), (_("Tertiary playback subtitle language"), config.MVC.sublang3, None, None, 1, [-3], _("Help Tertiary playback subtitle language")), (_("Enable playback auto-language selection"), config.MVC.autoaudio, None, None, 1, [], _("Help Enable playback auto-language selection")), (_("Enable playback AC3-track first"), config.MVC.autoaudio_ac3, None, None, 1, [-1], _("Help Enable playback AC3-track first")), (_("Primary playback audio language"), config.MVC.audlang1, None, None, 1, [-2], _("Help Primary playback audio language")), (_("Secondary playback audio language"), config.MVC.audlang2, None, None, 1, [-3], _("Help Secondary playback audio language")), (_("Tertiary playback audio language"), config.MVC.audlang3, None, None, 1, [-4], _("Help Tertiary playback audio language")), ] def createConfig(self): self.list = [] for i, conf in enumerate(self.MVCConfig): # 0 entry text # 1 variable # 2 validation # 3 pressed ok # 4 setup level # 5 parent entries # 6 help text # Config item must be valid for current usage setup level if config.usage.setup_level.index >= conf[4]: # Parent entries must be true for parent in conf[5]: if parent < 0: if not self.MVCConfig[i + parent][1].value: break elif parent > 0: if self.MVCConfig[i - parent][1].value: break else: # Loop fell through without a break if conf[0] == self.section: if len(self.list) > 1: self.list.append( getConfigListEntry("", config.MVC.fake_entry, None, None, 0, [], "")) if conf[1] == "": self.list.append( getConfigListEntry("<DUMMY CONFIGSECTION>", )) else: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(conf[1], )) else: self.list.append( getConfigListEntry(conf[0], conf[1], conf[2], conf[3], conf[4], conf[5], conf[6])) self["config"].setList(self.list) self.setTitle(_("Setup")) def loadDefaultSettings(self): self.session.openWithCallback( self.loadDefaultSettingsCB, MessageBox, _("Loading default settings will overwrite all settings, really load them?" ), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO) def loadDefaultSettingsCB(self, result): if result: # Refresh is done implicitly on change for conf in self.MVCConfig: if len(conf) > 1 and conf[0] != self.section: conf[1].value = conf[1].default self.createConfig() def changedEntry(self, _addNotifier=None): if self.reloadTimer.isActive(): self.reloadTimer.stop() self.reloadTimer.start(50, True) def updateHelp(self): cur = self["config"].getCurrent() self["help"].text = cur and cur[6] or "" def dirSelected(self, res): if res: res = os.path.normpath(res) self["config"].getCurrent()[1].value = res def keyOK(self): try: current = self["config"].getCurrent() if current: current[3](current[1]) except Exception: pass def keySaveNew(self): config.MVC.needsreload.value = True for i, entry in enumerate(self.list): if len(entry) > 1: if entry[1].isChanged(): if entry[2]: # execute value changed -function if entry[2](entry[1]): # Stop exiting, user has to correct the config return # Check parent entries for parent in entry[5]: try: if self.list[i + parent][2]: # execute parent value changed -function if self.list[i + parent][2]( self.MVCConfig[i + parent][1]): # Stop exiting, user has to correct the config return except Exception: continue entry[1].save() if self.needsRestartFlag:, _("Some changes require a GUI restart"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, 10) self.close() def activateTrashcan(self, element): if element: self.enableTrashcan() def launchListSet(self, element): if element: self.needsRestart() def needsRestart(self, dummy=None): self.needsRestartFlag = True def openLocationBox(self, element): if element: path = os.path.normpath(element.value) self.session.openWithCallback(self.dirSelected, LocationBox, windowTitle=_("Select Location"), text=_("Select directory"), currDir=str(path) + "/", bookmarks=config.movielist.videodirs, autoAdd=False, editDir=True, inhibitDirs=[ "/bin", "/boot", "/dev", "/etc", "/lib", "/proc", "/sbin", "/sys", "/var" ], minFree=100) def showInfo(self, dummy=None):, "MovieCockpit" + ": Version " + VERSION, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def validatePath(self, element): element.value = os.path.normpath(element.value) if not os.path.exists(element.value): MessageBox, _("Path does not exist") + ": " + str(element.value), MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) return False
def __init__(self, session, returnService=None, playerInstance=None): print("MVC: MovieSelection: __init__") global instance instance = self Screen.__init__(self, session) EventInfo.__init__(self) MountPoints.__init__(self) self.skinName = ["MVCSelection"] = Util.readFile(self.getSkin()) self.playerInstance = playerInstance self.multi_select_index = None self.lastservice = None self.cursorDir = 0 self.savedIndex = 0 self["wait"] = Label(_("Reading directory...")) self["wait"].hide() self["space_info"] = Label("") self["sort_mode"] = Label("") self["list"] = MovieCenter() if returnService: self.returnService = returnService set_current_path = True for entry in self["list"].list: if entry[MOVIE_IDX_SERVICE] == self.returnService: set_current_path = False break if set_current_path: self.current_path = os.path.dirname(returnService.getPath()) self["key_red"] = Button() self["key_green"] = Button() self["key_yellow"] = Button() self["key_blue"] = Button() self.cover = config.MVC.cover.value helptext = self.initButtons() self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "PluginMovieSelectionActions", { "MVCOK": (self.entrySelected, _("Play selected movie(s)")), "MVCEXIT": (self.abort, _("Close plugin")), # "MVCEXITpowerdown": (self.abortAndPowerDown, _("Close plugin and do power button action")), "MVCMENU": (self.openMenu, _("Open menu")), "MVCINFO": (self.showEventInformation, _("Show event info")), "MVCINFOL": (self.openInfoLong, _("IMDBSearch / MVC-TMDBInfo / TMDBInfo / TMBDInfo / CSFDInfo" )), "MVCRed": (self.redFunc, helptext[0]), # redhelptext), "MVCGREEN": (self.greenFuncShort, helptext[2]), # greenhelptext), "MVCYELLOW": (self.yellowFunc, helptext[4]), # yellowhelptext), "MVCBLUE": (self.blueFunc, helptext[6]), # bluehelptext), "MVCREDL": (self.redFuncLong, helptext[1]), # redlonghelptext), "MVCGREENL": (self.greenFuncLong, helptext[3]), # greenlonghelptext), "MVCYELLOWL": (self.yellowFuncLong, helptext[5]), # yellowlonghelptext), "MVCBlueL": (self.blueFuncLong, helptext[7]), # bluelonghelptext), "MVCLeft": (self.pageUp, _("Move cursor page up")), "MVCRight": (self.pageDown, _("Move cursor page down")), "MVCUp": (self.moveUp, _("Move cursor up")), "MVCDown": (self.moveDown, _("Move cursor down")), "MVCBqtPlus": (self.bqtPlus, _("Move cursor to the top / Move cursor x entries up / Switch Folders in Movie Home (up)" )), "MVCBqtMnus": (self.bqtMnus, _("Move cursor to the end / Move cursor x entries down / Switch Folders in Movie Home (down)" )), "MVCVIDEOB": (self.toggleSelectionList, _("Toggle service selection")), "MVCVIDEOL": (self.resetSelectionList, _("Remove service selection")), "MVCAUDIO": (self.openMenuPlugins, _("Available plugins menu")), "MVCTV": (self.openTimerList, _("Open Timer List")), "MVCRADIO": (self.resetProgress, _("Reset movie progress")), "MVCTEXT": (self.multiSelect, _("Start / end multiselection")), "0": (self.MVCKey0, _("Movie home")), }, prio= -3 # give them a little more priority to win over base class buttons ) self["actions"].csel = self HelpableScreen.__init__(self) if self.current_path is None: self.current_path = config.MVC.movie_homepath.value self.last_current_path = None self.selection_list = [] # Used for file operations self.hide_miniTV = False # Key press short long handling #TODO We have to rework this key press handling in order to allow different user defined color key functions self.toggle = True # Used for long / short key press detection: Toggle sort mode / order, Toggle selection / reset selection self.move = True self.delayTimer = eTimer() self.delayTimer_conn = self.delayTimer.timeout.connect( self.updateInfoDelayed) self.coverTimer = eTimer() self.coverTimer_conn = self.coverTimer.timeout.connect( self.showCoverDelayed) self.onShow.append(self.onDialogShow) self.onHide.append(self.onDialogHide) self["list"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged)
class TMDBInfo(Screen, TMDB, Cover, object): skin = Util.readFile(getSkinPath("TMDBInfo.xml")) def __init__(self, session, moviename, spath=None): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: __init__: moviename: %s, spath: %s" % (moviename, spath)) Screen.__init__(self, session) self.cover_size = config.MVC.cover_size.value self.show_format = config.MVC.movie_show_format.value self.moviename = self.getMovieNameWithoutExt(moviename) self.search_moviename = self.getMovieNameWithoutPhrases(self.moviename) self.movielist = None self.spath = spath = PAGE_DETAILS = None self.selection = None self.coverTimer = eTimer() self.coverTimer_conn = self.coverTimer.timeout.connect(self.showCover) self["previewcover"] = Pixmap() self["nocover"] = Pixmap() self["previewlist"] = MenuList([]) self["movie_name"] = Label("") self["contenttxt"] = ScrollLabel() self["runtime"] = Label(_("Runtime") + ":") self["runtimetxt"] = Label("") self["genre"] = Label(_("Genre") + ":") self["genretxt"] = Label("") self["country"] = Label(_("Production Countries") + ":") self["countrytxt"] = Label("") self["release"] = Label(_("Release Date") + ":") self["releasetxt"] = Label("") self["rating"] = Label(_("Vote") + ":") self["ratingtxt"] = Label("") self["stars"] = ProgressBar() self["starsbg"] = Pixmap() self["stars"].hide() self["starsbg"].hide() self.ratingstars = -1 self.deleteCover(TEMP_COVER) self.movielist = self.getMovieList(self.search_moviename, config.MVC.cover_auto_selection.value) if self.movielist: self["previewlist"] = MenuList(self.movielist[0]) if self.movielist[1] > 1: = PAGE_SELECTION else: = PAGE_DETAILS self.selection = self["previewlist"].l.getCurrentSelection() print("MVC: TMDBInfo: __init__: selection: " + str(self.selection)) if self.selection: = self.getTMDBInfo(self.selection[SELECTION_ID], self.selection[SELECTION_TYPE], config.MVC.cover_language.value) self.downloadCover([IDX_COVER_URL], TEMP_COVER) else: = PAGE_DETAILS self.selection = None = None self.mpath = None self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.layoutFinished) self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "TMDBInfo", { "MVCEXIT": self.exit, "MVCUp": self.pageUp, "MVCDown": self.pageDown, "MVCOK": self.ok, "MVCGreen": self.ok, "MVCYellow":, "MVCRed": self.exit, }, -1 ) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("OK")) self["key_blue"] = Button("") self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Save")) self["previewlist"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged) def layoutFinished(self): self.setTitle(_("Movie Information TMDb")) self.switchPage() def selectionChanged(self): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: selectionChanged") if == PAGE_SELECTION: self.deleteCover(TEMP_COVER) self.selection = self["previewlist"].l.getCurrentSelection() print("MVC: TMDBInfo: selectionChanged: selection: " + str(self.selection)) if self.selection: = self.getTMDBInfo(self.selection[SELECTION_ID], self.selection[SELECTION_TYPE], config.MVC.cover_language.value) self.downloadCover([IDX_COVER_URL], TEMP_COVER) self.switchPage() def switchPage(self): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: switchPage: " + str( if == PAGE_SELECTION: self["movie_name"].setText(_("Search results for") + ": " + self.search_moviename) self["previewlist"].show() self["contenttxt"].hide() self["key_yellow"].hide() self["key_green"].show() else: self["previewlist"].hide() self["contenttxt"].show() self["key_yellow"].show() self["key_green"].hide() if self["movie_name"].setText(self.moviename) content, runtime, genres, countries, release, vote, _cover_url = self["contenttxt"].setText(content) if runtime != "": self["runtimetxt"].setText(runtime + " " + _("Minutes")) else: self["runtimetxt"].setText(runtime) self["genretxt"].setText(genres) self["countrytxt"].setText(countries) self["releasetxt"].setText(release) if vote: self["ratingtxt"].setText(vote.replace('\n', '') + " / 10") self.ratingstars = int(10 * round(float(vote.replace(',', '.')), 1)) if self.ratingstars > 0: self["starsbg"].show() self["stars"].show() self["stars"].setValue(self.ratingstars) else: self["starsbg"].show() self["stars"].hide() else: self["ratingtxt"].setText("0 / 10") self["starsbg"].show() self["stars"].hide() else: self["movie_name"].setText(_("Search results for") + ": " + self.search_moviename) self["contenttxt"].setText(_("Nothing was found")) self["contenttxt"].show() self.coverTimer.start(int(config.MVC.cover_delay.value), True) def save(self): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: save: self.spath: " + self.spath) if == PAGE_DETAILS and self.spath: self.mpath = self.getCoverPath(self.spath) if fileExists(self.mpath): self.session.openWithCallback( self.saveCallback, MessageBox, _("Cover exists") + "\n" + _("Do you want to replace the existing cover?"), MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO ) else: self.saveTempCover(self.mpath) def saveCallback(self, result): if result: self.saveTempCover(self.mpath) def saveTempCover(self, cover_path): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: saveTempCover: cover_path: " + cover_path) if fileExists(TEMP_COVER): try: shutil.copy2(TEMP_COVER, cover_path) self.showMsg(failed=False) except Exception as e: print('MVC: TMDBInfo: saveTempCover: exception failure:\n', str(e)) self.showMsg(failed=True) else: self.showMsg(failed=True) def showMsg(self, askno=False, failed=False): if not askno: if not failed: msg = _("Cover saved successfully") else: msg = _("Saving cover failed") MessageBox, msg, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, 5 ) def ok(self): if == PAGE_SELECTION: = PAGE_DETAILS self.switchPage() def pageUp(self): if == PAGE_DETAILS: self["contenttxt"].pageUp() if == PAGE_SELECTION: self["previewlist"].up() def pageDown(self): if == PAGE_DETAILS: self["contenttxt"].pageDown() if == PAGE_SELECTION: self["previewlist"].down() def showCover(self): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: ShowCover") self.displayCover(TEMP_COVER, self["previewcover"], getSkinPath("img/tmdb.svg")) def exit(self): print("MVC: TMDBInfo: exit") if self.movielist: if == PAGE_DETAILS and self.movielist[1] > 1: self["movie_name"].setText(_("Search results for") + ": " + self.moviename) = PAGE_SELECTION self.switchPage() return self["previewlist"].onSelectionChanged = [] self.close()
def capacityString(cap): return (Util.__capacityStringDiv(cap, 1000000000000, 'PB') or Util.__capacityStringDiv(cap, 1000000000, 'TB') or Util.__capacityStringDiv(cap, 1000000, 'GB') or Util.__capacityStringDiv(cap, 1000, 'MB') or Util.__capacityStringDiv(cap, 1, 'KB'))
def __readFile(self, path): data = None if os.path.isfile(path): data = Util.readFile(path) return data
def sectors(self): try: return int(Util.readFile(self.sysfsPath('size'))) except: return 0
def capacityString(self): return Util.capacityString(self.size())