Beispiel #1
class AnswerList:
	AnswerList provides an interface between AnswerListScreen and the database

	AnswerList queries the database to get answers for AnswerListScreen
    client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
    db = client[Terminal.getDBName()]

    def getAnswers(question):
		Grabs answers if their parent ID matches the selected questions ID

				A Dictionary object representing a question from the database
			A Dictionary of dictionaries representing various answers to the question
        answers = {}
        collection = AnswerList.db['Posts']
        query = {'$and': [{'ParentId': question['Id']}, {'PostTypeId': '2'}]}
        results = collection.find(query)
        for result in results:
            answers[result['Id']] = result
        return answers
Beispiel #2
	def __check_tag__(self, user_tags):
		Looks up the tag in the document of tags. If it's there, increase the count by 1. If not, add the tag and set the count to 1.
			user_tags: list of strings. All of the tags to alter/enter in the tags collection
		Returns: N/A
		#opens the tags collection
		client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
		db = client['291db']
		tags = db.Tags
		#for each tag the user gives
		for tag in user_tags:
			#See if the tag exists
			result = tags.find_one({"TagName": tag})
			#If it exists, increment the count by 1
			if result:
				count = result["Count"]
				tags.update_one({"TagName": tag}, {'$set':{"Count": count + 1}})
			#If it doesn't exist, add it to the db
				tid = self.get_tagID()
				tags.insert_one({"Id": str(tid), "TagName": tag, "Count": 1})
    def printScreen(self):
		Provides the main functionality of SearchQuestionMenu
		Prints various posts and prompts the user for input
		checks said input before returning the post selected

			A Dictionary object representing a post from the database
        continueRunning = True
        index = 0
        while continueRunning:
            userInput = input("Enter Selection: ")
            if userInput.upper() == "EXIT" or userInput.upper() == "QUIT":
                return None
            elif userInput.upper() == "NEXT":
                if index + SearchQuestionMenu.POSTS_PER_PAGE < len(
                    index += SearchQuestionMenu.POSTS_PER_PAGE
                    print("You are currently on the last page!")
                    input("Type Enter to Continue: ")
            elif userInput.upper() == "PREV":
                if index >= SearchQuestionMenu.POSTS_PER_PAGE:
                    index += SearchQuestionMenu.POSTS_PER_PAGE
                    print("You are currently on the first page!")
                    input("Press Enter to Continue: ")
                    userInput = int(userInput)
                    if (userInput < 1
                            or userInput > SearchQuestionMenu.POSTS_PER_PAGE
                            or userInput > len(self.__menuItems__[index:])):
                        print("Input is out of range")
                        continueRunning = False
                except Exception:
                    print("Entered input is invalid!")
                    input("Press Enter to Continue: ")

        userInput += -1 + index

        selectedPost = self.__menuItems__[userInput]

        client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
        db = client[Terminal.getDBName()]
        collection = SearchForQuestions.db["Posts"]

        updatedViewCount = selectedPost.Post['ViewCount'] + 1
        updateQuery = {'$set': {'ViewCount': updatedViewCount}}

        collection.update_one(selectedPost.Post, updateQuery)

        return selectedPost.Post
Beispiel #4
    def report(self, uid):
        #TODO: print the user report out
		(1) the number of questions owned and the average score for those questions
		(2) the number of answers owned and the average score for those answers
		(3) the number of votes registered for the user.
        client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
        db = client[Terminal.getDBName()]

        posts = db.Posts
        votes = db.Votes

        #PART 1

        #all of the questions
        num_questions = 0
        total_score = 0

        questions = posts.find({"OwnerUserId": uid, "PostTypeId": "1"})

        for dictionary in questions:
            num_questions += 1
            total_score += dictionary["Score"]

            qavg_score = total_score / num_questions
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            qavg_score = 0
        #print("Number of questions: {}. Average score: {}.".format(num_questions, qavg_score))

        #PART 2
        num_answers = 0
        total_score = 0

        answers = posts.find({"OwnerUserId": uid, "PostTypeId": "2"})

        for dictionary in answers:
            num_answers += 1
            total_score += dictionary["Score"]

            aavg_score = total_score / num_answers
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            aavg_score = 0
        #PART 3

        num_votes = votes.count_documents({"UserId": uid})

        return {
            "num_questions": num_questions,
            "num_answers": num_answers,
            "qavg_score": qavg_score,
            "aavg_score": aavg_score,
            "num_votes": num_votes
Beispiel #5
	def get_info(self, pid):
		Given a pid, returns the title and body of a question.
			Pid: 4 char string. The post ID of the post to get info from
			Tuple of title and body of post, both of which are strings.
		#log into db
		client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))

		db = client['291db']

		posts = db.Posts
		#grab the post by post ID, this should be really really fast
		post = posts.find_one({"Id": pid})
		return [post["Title"], post["Body"]]
Beispiel #6
	def get_tagID(self):
		Generates a unique TagID.
		Parameters: N/A
			tagID: Integer. Unique ID for the tag
		client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))

		db = client['291db']

		tags = db.Tags
		def findMaxAndMin(collection):
			Generates a min and max starting point for binary search. 
				Collection: a pymongo collection. The place to find the min and max within the ID's
				list of ints. It will always return [2^n, 2^n+1] for some n, found by seeing if the current max number is a used ID.
			maxNum = 1
			minNum = 1
			while  collection.find_one({'Id': str(maxNum)}) is not None:
				minNum = maxNum
				maxNum *= 2
			return [minNum, maxNum]

		nums = findMaxAndMin(tags)
		minNum = nums[0]
		maxNum = nums[1]
		print(minNum, maxNum)
		print(type(minNum), type(maxNum))

		while True:
			num = (minNum + maxNum) // 2
			search = tags.find_one({'Id': str(num)})
				if int(search["Id"]) >= minNum:
					minNum = num
					maxNum = num
				maxNum = num
			print("Min", minNum)
			if minNum == maxNum or minNum+1 == maxNum:
				num = maxNum
		#print("Final tagID:", num)
		return num
Beispiel #7
	def add_post(self, title, body, tags, qpid=None):
		Adds a question to the database, using a private function __get_pid__ to generate a unique PID.
			Title: String. The title of the question.
			Body: String. The content of the question.
			Tags: List. List of all tags to add
			Qpid: optional argument. If included, the post is an answer.
				 Otherwise, qpid is None and the post is a question.
		#log into db
		client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))

		db = client['291db']

		posts = db.Posts
		#Generates unique pid
		pid = self.get_pid()
		#Formats the tags for entry into db
		if tags:
			all_tags = ""
			for tag in tags:
				all_tags += "<{}>".format(tag)
		A unique id should be assigned to the post by your system, the post type id should be set to 1 (to indicate that the post is a question).
		The post creation date should be set to the current date and the owner user id should be set to the user posting it (if a user id is provided). 
		The quantities Score, ViewCount, AnswerCount, CommentCount, and FavoriteCount are all set to zero and the content license is set to "CC BY-SA 2.5".
		#if the post is a question, insert the question
		if qpid is None:
			#If the uid is given
			if self.__uid__ is not None:
				#If the user gives tags
				if tags is not None:
					post = {"Id": str(pid), "PostTypeId": "1", "CreationDate": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()), 
					"Score": 0, "ViewCount": 0, "Body": body, "OwnerUserId": self.__uid__, "Title": title,
					"Tags": all_tags, "AnswerCount": 0, "CommentCount": 0, "FavoriteCount": 0, "ContentLicense": "CC BY-SA 4.0"}
					#add the tags or add 1 to the counter for each tag
				#User gives no tags
					post = {"Id": str(pid), "PostTypeId": "1", "CreationDate": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()), 
					"Score": 0, "ViewCount": 0, "Body": body, "OwnerUserId": self.__uid__, "Title": title,
					 "AnswerCount": 0, "CommentCount": 0, "FavoriteCount": 0, "ContentLicense": "CC BY-SA 4.0"}
			#No uid is given	
				#Tags are given
				if tags is not None:
					post = {"Id": str(pid), "PostTypeId": "1", "CreationDate": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()),
					 "Score": 0, "ViewCount": 0, "Body": body, "Title": title,
					"Tags": all_tags, "AnswerCount": 0, "CommentCount": 0, "FavoriteCount": 0, "ContentLicense": "CC BY-SA 4.0"}
					#add the tags or add 1 to the counter for each tag
				#Tags are not given
					post = {"Id": str(pid), "PostTypeId": "1", "CreationDate": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()),
					 "Score": 0, "ViewCount": 0, "Body": body, "Title": title,
					 "AnswerCount": 0, "CommentCount": 0, "FavoriteCount": 0, "ContentLicense": "CC BY-SA 4.0"}
		#Post is an answer
			Question action-Answer. The user should be able to answer the question by providing a text. An answer record should be inserted into the database, with body field set to the provided text. A unique id should be assigned to the post by your system, the post type id should be set to 2 (to indicate that the post is an answer), the post creation date should be set to the current date and the owner user id should be set to the user posting it (if a user id is provided). The parent id should be set to the id of the question. The quantities Score and CommentCount are all set to zero and the content license is set to "CC BY-SA 2.5".
			if self.__uid__ is not None:
				post = {"Id": str(pid), "PostTypeId": "2", "ParentId": qpid, "CreationDate": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()), 
				"Score": 0, "ViewCount": 0, "Body": body, "OwnerUserId": self.__uid__, 
				"CommentCount": 0, "ContentLicense": "CC BY-SA 4.0"}
				post = {"Id": str(pid), "PostTypeId": "2", "ParentId": qpid, "CreationDate": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()), 
				"Score": 0, "ViewCount": 0, "Body": body, "CommentCount": 0, "ContentLicense": "CC BY-SA 4.0"}
class CollectionGenerator:
	Collection Generator is a module which creates mongo db collections

	Collection Generator creates three mongo db collections from files located in 
	the main directory.

    client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
    db = client['291db']

    def generateCollections():
		Generates the three collections by calling various methods

    def generateTagCollection():
		Generates the Tags collection by reading Tags.json to get a Dictionary
		object and calls a method which turns the dictionary into a mongo db collection
        tagDict = FileManager.readJsonFile("Tags.json")
        CollectionGenerator.dictToCollection(tagDict, "Tags")

    def generatePostCollection():
		Generates the Posts collection by reading Posts.json to get a Dictionary
		object and calls a method which turns the dictionary into a mongo db collection
        postDict = FileManager.readJsonFile("Posts.json")
        CollectionGenerator.dictToCollection(postDict, "Posts")

    def generateVoteCollection():
		Generates the Votes collection by reading Votes.json to get a Dictionary
		object and calls a method which turns the dictionary into a mongo db collection
        voteDict = FileManager.readJsonFile("Votes.json")
        CollectionGenerator.dictToCollection(voteDict, "Votes")

    def dictToCollection(dictionary, name):
		Creates a collection from name, empties it then appends all
		of the dictionaries entries (which are dictionaries themselves)
		to a list before inserting all of them into the created collection

				A Dictionary object retrieved from one of the three json files
				A String object representing the name of the collection 
        collection = CollectionGenerator.db[name]
        batchInsert = []
        for row in dictionary[name.lower()]["row"]:

class Vote:
	Vote is an Interface which allows the user to interact with posts
	Vote allows the user to upvote posts and handles database updating
	to represent that
	client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
	db = client[Terminal.getDBName()]
	def makeVote(post, userID=None):
		Provides the main functionality of Vote
		Creates a dictionary object representing a vote before inserting it
		into the vote collection. It then updates the post collections by increasing
		the number of votes on the given post

				A Dictionary object representing the selected post from the database
				A String object whose default value is none which represents the current
				users ID
			A Boolean object representing whether the vote was successfully added to the database
		postCollection = Vote.db['Posts']
		votesCollection = Vote.db['Votes']

		postID = post['Id']
		voteTypeID = '2'
		creationDate = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
		if userID:
			if (not Vote.userVoted(votesCollection, post, userID)):
				voteID = Vote.getUniqueID(votesCollection)
				voteDict = {'Id' : voteID, 'PostId' : postID, 'VoteTypeId' : voteTypeID, 'UserId' : userID, 'CreationDate' : creationDate}
				print("You have already voted on this post!")
				input("Press Enter to Continue: ")
				return False
			voteID = Vote.getUniqueID(votesCollection)
			voteDict = {'Id' : voteID, 'PostId' : postID, 'VoteTypeId' : voteTypeID, 'CreationDate' : creationDate}
		Vote.updatePostVotes(post, postCollection)
		print("Vote Successfully added!")
		input("Press Enter to Continue: ")
		return True

	def getUniqueID(collection):
		Gets a unique ID for the vote being created by querying the database for all votes
		iterating to the last Dictionary object (representing a vote) grabbing it's id and incrementing
		by one

				A pymongo Collection Reference representing the current collection with which
				we are finding the unique ID for

			A String object representing a unique ID
		maxId = 0
		results = collection.find();
		for result in results:
			if int(result['Id']) > maxId:
				maxId = int(result['Id'])
		return str(maxId + 1)
		def findMaxAndMin(collection):
			maxNum = 1
			minNum = 1
			while  collection.find_one({'Id': str(maxNum)}) is not None:
				minNum = maxNum
				maxNum *= 2
			return [minNum, maxNum]
		votes = collection
		nums = findMaxAndMin(votes)
		minNum = nums[0]
		maxNum = nums[1]
		print(minNum, maxNum)
		print(type(minNum), type(maxNum))

		while True:
			num = (minNum + maxNum) // 2
			search = votes.find_one({'Id': str(num)})
				if int(search["Id"]) >= minNum:
					minNum = num
					maxNum = num
				maxNum = num
			print("Min:", minNum)
			print("Max:", maxNum)
			print("Middle:", num)
			if minNum == maxNum or minNum+1 == maxNum:
				num = maxNum
		#print("Final:", num)
		return str(num)

	def userVoted(collection, post, userID):
		Checks if the current user has voted on this post

				A pymongo Collection Reference representing the current collection with which
				we are finding the unique ID for
				A Dictionary object representing a post currently being voted on
				A String object representing the current user's ID

			A Boolean representing whether the current user has voted
		query = {'$and' : 
						[{ 'UserId' : userID},
						{ 'PostId' : post['Id']}] 
		return collection.find_one(query) is not None

	def updatePostVotes(post, collection): 		
		updatedScore = post['Score'] + 1
		updateQuery = { '$inc' : { 'Score' : 1 } }
		collection.update_one({'Id' : post['Id']}, updateQuery)
class SearchForQuestions:
	SearchForQuestions serves as an interface between SearchForQuestionsScreen
	and the database

	SearchForQuestions allows SearchForQuestionsScreen to query the database through
	it's methods
    client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
    db = client[Terminal.getDBName()]

    def getQuestions(searchKeys):
		getQuestions fetches any posts matching the searchKeys
		by calling various methods

				A List of String objects representing search terms entered by
				the user
			A Dictionary object of dictionaries representing posts that match the search
        posts = {}
        posts = SearchForQuestions.getMatchingTitle(searchKeys, posts)
        posts = SearchForQuestions.getMatchingBody(searchKeys, posts)
        posts = SearchForQuestions.getMatchingTag(searchKeys, posts)
        return posts

    def getMatchingTitle(searchKeys, posts):
		Fetches any posts whose title matches one of the

				A List of String objects representing search terms entered by
				the user
				A Dictionary object of Dictionaries to append any posts
				retrieved through the query
			A Dictionary object of dictionaries representing posts that match the search
        collection = SearchForQuestions.db["Posts"]

        for keyWord in searchKeys:
            searchQuery = {
                '$and': [{
                    'Title': {
                        '$regex': keyWord,
                        '$options': 'i'
                }, {
                    'PostTypeId': '1'

            queryResults = collection.find(searchQuery)
            for result in queryResults:
                posts[result['Id']] = result

        return posts

    def getMatchingBody(searchKeys, posts):
		Fetches any posts whose body matches one of the searchTerms

				A List of String objects representing search terms entered by
				the user
			posts: A Dictionary object of dictionaries representing posts that match the search

			A Dictionary object of dictionaries representing posts that match the search
        collection = SearchForQuestions.db["Posts"]

        for keyWord in searchKeys:
            searchQuery = {
                '$and': [{
                    'Body': {
                        '$regex': keyWord,
                        '$options': 'i'
                }, {
                    'PostTypeId': '1'

            queryResults = collection.find(searchQuery)
            for result in queryResults:
                posts[result['Id']] = result

        return posts

    def getMatchingTag(searchKeys, posts):
		Fetches any posts whose tags match one of the searchTerms

				A List of String objects representing search terms entered by
				the user
			posts: A Dictionary object of dictionaries representing posts that match the search

			A Dictionary object of dictionaries representing posts that match the search
        searchKeys = SearchForQuestions.processSearchKeysForTags(searchKeys)
        collection = SearchForQuestions.db["Posts"]

        for keyWord in searchKeys:
            searchQuery = {
                '$and': [{
                    'Tags': {
                        '$regex': keyWord,
                        '$options': 'i'
                }, {
                    'PostTypeId': '1'

            queryResults = collection.find(searchQuery)
            for result in queryResults:
                posts[result['Id']] = result

        return posts

    def processSearchKeysForTags(searchKeys):
        for i, searchKey in enumerate(searchKeys):
            searchKeys[i] = searchKey.replace(' ', '-')
        return searchKeys
Beispiel #11
        #if the user doesn't enter an id
        if isUser == -1:
            uid = None
        #if the user enters an id
        elif isUser:
            uid = isUser
            #Quitting the program, leads to a goodbye message outside of loop.

        #Input loop for command choice.
        while True:
            #indexing. This can take a couple seconds to do, but man is it worth it for the time it saves.
            client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', int(Terminal.getPort()))
            db = client["291db"]
            posts = db["Posts"]
            tags = db['Tags']
            votes = db["Votes"]

            #This index is used for generating new post ID's
            posts.create_index([("Id", 1)])

            #This index is used for checking how many votes a user has
            votes.create_index([("UserId", 1)])

            #This index is used for generating new vote ID's
            votes.create_index([("Id", -1)])

            #This index is used for searching for tags