Beispiel #1
def configure(year, mc):
    """General configuration of DaVinci options.

    Keyword arguments:
    year -- One of lc2pxx.config.years
    mc -- True if booking MC ntuples, else false
    dv = DaVinci()
    # Output ntuple name
    dv.TupleFile = "DVntuple.root"
    # Process all events
    dv.EvtMax = -1
    # Print status every 1000 events
    dv.PrintFreq = 1000
    # Number of events to skip at the beginning of each file
    dv.SkipEvents = 0
    dv.DataType = str(year)
    dv.Simulation = mc
    # Collision streams for Charm are on microDST, and  in MC
    if not mc:
        dv.InputType = "MDST"
        # See "Question about microDST and RootInTES" in lhcb-davinci
        dv.RootInTES = "/Event/Charm"
    # Add a GetIntegratedLuminosity/LumiTuple TTree to output, but not in MC
    dv.Lumi = not mc
Beispiel #2
def configure(year, mc, input_type, n_events, root=None, tfn=None):
    """General configuration of DaVinci object.

    Keyword arguments:
    year -- One of (2011, 2012)
    mc -- True if creating Monte Carlo ntuples, else False
    dv = DaVinci()
    dv.InputType = input_type
    # Output ntuple name
    dv.TupleFile = 'DVntuple.root'
    # Print status every 1000 events
    dv.PrintFreq = 1000
    dv.EvtMax = n_events
    # Year of data taking
    dv.DataType = str(year)
    # Is the data from simulation
    dv.Simulation = mc
    # Add a GetIntegratedLuminosity/LumiTuple TTree to output if appropriate
    dv.Lumi = not mc
    if root is not None:
        dv.RootInTES = root
    if tfn is not None:
        dv.TupleFile = tfn
Beispiel #3

input = s20

## Input data
from GaudiConf import IOHelper
PFN = 'PFN:root://'
ioh = IOHelper()
ioh.inputFiles([PFN + i for i in input])

from Configurables import DaVinci
davinci = DaVinci()

##davinci.EvtMax     = 100000

davinci.PrintFreq = 100
davinci.EvtMax = 10000

## davinci.EvtMax     =  1000

# davinci.PrintFreq   = 1
# davinci.SkipEvents  = 37890
# davinci.EvtMax      = 20

# davinci.PrintFreq   = 100
# davinci.SkipEvents  = 1
# davinci.EvtMax      = 1000
_jpsiFilter.OutputPlots.Histos = {
    "P/1000": ('momentum', 0, 150),
    "PT/1000": ('pt_%1%', 0, 5, 750),
    "M": ('mass in MeV_%1%_%2%_%3%', 2.8 * Units.GeV, 3.2 * Units.GeV)

JpsiFilterSel = Selection(name='JpsiFilterSel',

JpsiSeq = SelectionSequence('SeqJpsi', TopSelection=JpsiFilterSel)
seq = JpsiSeq.sequence()

dv = DaVinci()
dv.PrintFreq = 10
dv.HistogramFile = "DVHistos_Strip.root"
dv.EvtMax = -1
dv.DataType = "MC09"
dv.Simulation = True
dv.RedoMCLinks = False
dv.UserAlgorithms = [seq]
dv.InputType = 'DST'
# MC09
#dv.Input = ["   DATAFILE='castor://' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'"]
dv.Input = [

ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc += ["NTupleSvc"]
ApplicationMgr().HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"
Beispiel #5
evttuple.TupleName = "EventInfo"

dv = DaVinci()

dv.DataType = "2010"

dv.Simulation = False

dv.EvtMax     = -1

dv.TupleFile  = 'b2hh_stripped.root'

dv.PrintFreq  = 100

condDB = CondDB()

condDB.UseOracle = True

dv.DDDBtag = "head-20100518"

dv.CondDBtag = "head-20100715"

dv.Lumi = True

dv.WriteFSR = True
Beispiel #6
import sys
import GaudiPython as GP
from GaudiConf import IOHelper
from Configurables import (LHCbApp, ApplicationMgr, DataOnDemandSvc,
                           DecodeRawEvent, CondDB, DaVinci)

## Copypasted from LHCb Starterkit:
## (

appConf = ApplicationMgr()
dv = DaVinci()
dv.DataType = '2015'
dre = DecodeRawEvent()
dre.DataOnDemand = True
lhcbApp = LHCbApp()
dv.PrintFreq = 1000000  # Only results from FT checking loop.
lhcbApp.Simulation = False
CondDB().Upgrade = True
dv.IgnoreDQFlags = True

inputFiles = [sys.argv[-1]]
stream = str(sys.argv[-2])

appMgr = GP.AppMgr()
evt = appMgr.evtsvc()

def advance(decision):
    """Advance until stripping decision is true, returns
Beispiel #7

input = s20

## Input data
from GaudiConf import IOHelper
PFN  = 'PFN:root://'
ioh = IOHelper()
ioh.inputFiles ( [ PFN + i for i in input   ] ) 

from Configurables import DaVinci
davinci = DaVinci()

##davinci.EvtMax     = 100000

davinci.PrintFreq  =    100
davinci.EvtMax     =  10000

## davinci.EvtMax     =  1000

# davinci.PrintFreq   = 1
# davinci.SkipEvents  = 37890
# davinci.EvtMax      = 20

# davinci.PrintFreq   = 100
# davinci.SkipEvents  = 1
# davinci.EvtMax      = 1000