Beispiel #1
def addTT():
    import Gaudi
    from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr, AuditorSvc
        from Configurables import LHCbTimingAuditor as TA
        from Configurables import LHCbSequencerTimerTool as STT
    except ImportError:
        from Configurables import TimingAuditor as TA
        from Configurables import SequencerTimerTool as STT
    if hasattr(timer.TIMER, "SummaryFile") or "SummaryFile" in timer.TIMER.__slots__:
    if  'AuditorSvc' not in ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc :
        ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc.append( 'AuditorSvc' )
    #swap your timer for mine ;)
    for auditor in AuditorSvc().Auditors:
        if type(sauditor) is not str:
        if "TIMER" or "TimingAuditor" in auditor:
    AuditorSvc().Auditors=[a for a in AuditorSvc().Auditors if a not in remove]
Beispiel #2
def configure(**kwargs):
    # Add some expected stuff to OnlineEnv
    import OnlineEnv
    from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO, WARNING
    output_level = kwargs.pop('OutputLevel', WARNING)
    OnlineEnv.OutputLevel = output_level

    moore_tests = __import__("MooreTests", globals(), locals(),
    user_package = getattr(moore_tests, kwargs.pop('UserPackage'))
    input_type = kwargs.pop('InputType', 'MEP')

    # Only a single setting directly for Moore
    from Moore.Configuration import Moore, MooreExpert
    moore = Moore()
    moore.OutputLevel = output_level
    moore.RunOnline = True

    # We need MooreOnline to setup the buffer manager infrastructure etc, but we
    # don't want to use things like the RunChangeHandler and database snapshots.
    from MooreOnlineConf.Configuration import MooreOnline
    mooreOnline = MooreOnline()
    mooreOnline.RunOnline = False
    mooreOnline.EnableTimer = False
    mooreOnline.EnableRunChangeHandler = None
    mooreOnline.UseDBSnapshot = False
    mooreOnline.CheckOdin = False
    mooreOnline.EnableUpdateAndReset = False

    # Add the timing auditor by hand with output level INFO, as Moore is never
    # going to do it for us if the rest is at WARNING
    from Gaudi.Configuration import ApplicationMgr, AuditorSvc
    from Configurables import LHCbTimingAuditor, LHCbSequencerTimerTool
    ApplicationMgr().AuditAlgorithms = 1
    ta = LHCbTimingAuditor('TIMER')
    ta.OutputLevel = INFO
    ta.addTool(LHCbSequencerTimerTool, name='TIMER')
    ta.TIMER.NameSize = 90
    ta.TIMER.OutputLevel = INFO
    if 'AuditorSvc' not in ApplicationMgr().ExtSvc:
    ta.Enable = True

    # Hack the shit out of the CondDB services to stop them from spawning a
    # thread that will segfault on finalize with forking
    def no_timeout():
        from Gaudi.Configuration import allConfigurables
        from Configurables import CondDBAccessSvc
        for conf in allConfigurables.itervalues():
            if type(conf) == CondDBAccessSvc:
                conf.ConnectionTimeOut = 0

    from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction

    ## from Gaudi.Configuration import appendPostConfigAction
    ## def info_dammit():
    ##     from Configurables import LHCbTimingAuditor, LHCbSequencerTimerTool
    ##     ta = LHCbTimingAuditor('TIMER')
    ##     ta.OutputLevel = OnlineEnv.OutputLevel
    ##     ta.addTool(LHCbSequencerTimerTool, name = 'TIMER')
    ##     ta.TIMER.OutputLevel = OnlineEnv.OutputLevel
    ## appendPostConfigAction(info_dammit)

    userOptions = user_package.MooreOptions
    # This is the stuff that should come from the PRConfig user module
    # This is the stuff that should come from the PRConfig user module
    for conf, d in {
            moore: {
                'DDDBtag': str,
                'CondDBtag': str
            mooreOnline: {
                'UseTCK': bool,
                'Simulation': bool,
                'DataType': tuple(str(y) for y in range(2011, 2017)),
                'HltLevel': ('Hlt1', 'Hlt2', 'Hlt1Hlt2')
        for a, t in d.iteritems():
            ua = userOptions.pop(a)
            if hasattr(t, '__iter__'):
                if ua not in t:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Property %s should be one of %s, not %s.' %
                        (a, t, ua))
                if type(ua) != t:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Property %s should be of type %s, not %s.' %
                        (a, t, ua))
            conf.setProp(a, ua)

    if 'InitialTCK' in userOptions:
        moore.setProp('InitialTCK', userOptions['InitialTCK'])

    if userOptions.pop('Split', None):
        print 'WARNING: Split property is ignored, value from HltLevel will be used instead.'

    if mooreOnline.getProp('HltLevel') == 'Hlt1Hlt2':
        moore.setProp('Split', '')
        moore.setProp('Split', mooreOnline.getProp('HltLevel'))

    if input_type == 'MEP' and 'Hlt1' in mooreOnline.HltLevel:
        mooreOnline.REQ1 = "EvType=1;TriggerMask=0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff;VetoMask=0,0,0,0;MaskType=ANY;UserType=ONE;Frequency=PERC;Perc=100.0"
    elif input_type == 'MDF' and 'Hlt1' in mooreOnline.HltLevel:
        mooreOnline.ForceMDFInput = True
        mooreOnline.REQ1 = "EvType=2;TriggerMask=0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff;VetoMask=0,0,0,0;MaskType=ANY;UserType=ONE;Frequency=PERC;Perc=100.0"
    elif mooreOnline.HltLevel == 'Hlt2':
        mooreOnline.REQ1 = "EvType=2;TriggerMask=0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff;VetoMask=0,0,0,0;MaskType=ANY;UserType=ONE;Frequency=PERC;Perc=100.0"

    # Apparently we need to set this, otherwise something goes wrong with
    # default properties being retrieved that have the wrong type.
    from Gaudi.Configuration import EventSelector
    moore.inputFiles = []
    EventSelector().Input = []

    # Extra options
    from Configurables import MooreExpert
    for k, v in userOptions.iteritems():
        #iterate through the available configurables to set required properties
        found = False
        for conf in [mooreOnline, moore, MooreExpert()]:
            if k in conf.__slots__ or hasattr(conf, k):
                conf.setProp(k, v)
                found = True
        if not found:
            print "# WARNING: skipping setting '" + str(k) + ":" + str(
                v) + "' because no configurable has that option"
