from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
import pylab, numpy as np

from ACHP.Correlations import ShahEvaporation_Average

x = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
h = np.zeros_like(x)
TsatL, TsatV = 300., 300.
p = PropsSI('P', 'T', TsatL, 'Q', 0, 'R134a')
for i in range(len(x)):
    h[i] = ShahEvaporation_Average(x[i], x[i], 'R134a', 300, 0.01, p, 200,
                                   TsatL, TsatV)

havg = np.trapz(h, x=x)
pylab.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
pylab.axhline(havg, ls='--')
pylab.text(0.2, havg, r'$\alpha_{avg}$', ha='center', va='bottom')
    0.7, 1300,
    'R134a\nG=300 kg/m$^2$\nD=0.01 m\nq\"=200 W/m$^2$\np=%0.1f kPa' %
    (p / 1000))
pylab.gca().set_xlabel('x [-]')
pylab.gca().set_ylabel(r'$\alpha$ [W/m$^2$/K]')
pylab.plot(x, h)
pylab.title('Shah Evaporation HTC as a function of quality')
Beispiel #2
def updateHeatFlux():    # double tube system (outer is downward/innner is upward)

     # Local Reynolds number and Prandtl numbers
     for k in range(0,NZ): 
        Redtube[k] = UDmean * dD / mutube[k]   
     for k in range(NZ,2*NZ): 
        Redtube[k] = UUmean * dU / mutube[k]
     #print(UDmean, UUmean, dD, dU, mutube[1], np.ndarray.max(Redtube))

     # update boundary heat transfer coeffcients  
     for k in range(0,NZ): 
        htctube[k,0] = htc_DB(Redtube[2*NZ-1-k], Prtube[2*NZ-1-k], tktube[2*NZ-1-k], dU)
        htctube[k,1] = htc_DB(Redtube[k]       , Prtube[k]       , tktube[k]       , dD)
        htctube[k,2] = htc_DB(Redtube[k]       , Prtube[k]       , tktube[k]       , dD)
        htctube[k,3] = htc_OUT(Z[k])

     # insulation factors
     tkPipe_inner_insFactor = np.ones(NZ,dtype=float)
     for k in range(NZ,2*NZ):
        if Ztube[k] <= 500.0:        
           kk = 2*NZ-1-k
           tkPipe_inner_insFactor[kk] = 0.1
     tkPipe_outer_insFactor = np.ones(NZ,dtype=float)
     for k in range(0,NZ):
        if Ztube[k] <= 150.0:        
           tkPipe_outer_insFactor[k] = 0.1   
     # update input heat flux, W
     ## outer tube heat budget downward, W
     for k in range(0,NZ):
        # CV in-flux
        if k == 0:
          hf_in  = UDmean * (Dtube[k]*cptube[k]*Tin) * AD 
          hf_in  = UDmean * (Dtube[k-1]*cptube[k-1]*Ttube[k-1]) * AD 
        # CV radial in-flux 
        Regist = 1./(htctube[k,0]*Ri1)+math.log(Ro1/Ri1)/(tkPipe_inner*tkPipe_inner_insFactor[k]) + 1./(htctube[k,1]*Ro1)
        hf_ri  = 2 * math.pi * DZtube[k] / Regist * (Ttube[2*NZ-1-k] - Ttube[k])
        # CV radial out-flux
        hf_ro   = 0.0 
        Registo = 1./(htctube[k,2]*Ri2)+math.log(Ro2/Ri2)/(tkPipe*tkPipe_outer_insFactor[k])+ 1./(htctube[k,3]*Ro2)
        sumArea = 0.0
        for j in range(NT):
          iadj = kj2iadj[k,j,0]
          jadj = kj2iadj[k,j,1]
          sumArea = sumArea + faceArea[iadj,jadj]
        for j in range(NT):
          iadj = kj2iadj[k,j,0]
          jadj = kj2iadj[k,j,1]
          areaWeight = faceArea[iadj,jadj]/sumArea
          fluxExt[iadj,jadj] = 2 * math.pi * DZtube[k] / Registo * (Ttube[k] - t[iadj]) * areaWeight # W
          hf_ro = hf_ro + fluxExt[iadj,jadj]
        # CV out-flux       
        hf_out =  UDmean * (Dtube[k]*cptube[k]*Ttube[k]) * AD   
        # net flux
        netHeattube[k] =  hf_in - hf_out + hf_ri - hf_ro 
     ##  inner tube heat budget upward, W  
     for k in range(NZ,2*NZ):
        kk = 2*NZ-1-k

        # CV in-flux
        if kk == NZ-1:
          hf_in  =  UUmean * (Dtube[kk]*cptube[kk]*Ttube[kk]) * AU 
          hf_in  =  UUmean * (Dtube[k-1]*cptube[k-1]*Ttube[k-1]) * AU
        # CV radial out-flux  
        Registi = 1./(htctube[kk,0]*Ri1)+math.log(Ro1/Ri1)/(tkPipe_inner*tkPipe_inner_insFactor[kk]) + 1./(htctube[kk,1]*Ro1)
        hf_ro   = 2 * math.pi * DZtube[k] / Registi * (Ttube[k] - Ttube[2*NZ-1-k])
        # CV out-flux
        hf_out =  UUmean * (Dtube[k]*cptube[k]*Ttube[k]) * AU  
        # net flux
        netHeattube[k] = hf_in - hf_ro - hf_out 
     # update WF state (temperature (Euler) and pressure, etc.)
     for k in range(2*NZ):
        Ttuben[k] = Ttube[k] + netHeattube[k]/(Dtube[k]*cptube[k]*Vtube[k]) * dtime 
        Ptube[k] = Pin + Dtube[k]*cg*Ztube[k]
        #Ptube[k]  = PropsSI('P','T',Ttube[k],'Q',Qtube[k],'Water')
        Dtube[k]  = PropsSI('D','T',Ttube[k],'P',Ptube[k],'Water')
        htube[k]  = PropsSI('H','T',Ttube[k],'P',Ptube[k],'Water')
        mutube[k] = PropsSI('V','T',Ttube[k],'P',Ptube[k],'Water')/Dtube[k] # m2/s
        Prtube[k] = PropsSI('PRANDTL','T',Ttube[k],'P',Ptube[k],'Water')
        tktube[k] = PropsSI('CONDUCTIVITY','T',Ttube[k],'P',Ptube[k],'Water')
        cptube[k] = PropsSI('C','T',Ttube[k],'P',Ptube[k],'Water')

     Ttube[:] = Ttuben[:]

     # calc. thermal budget
     TotalWatt = 0.0 
     for k in range(NZ):
        for j in range(NT):
          iadj = kj2iadj[k,j,0]
          jadj = kj2iadj[k,j,1]  
          # minus means outward flux (e.g.,inward ground) "fluxExt" is positive.
          # note that fluxExt is in [W] 
          TotalWatt = TotalWatt - fluxExt[iadj,jadj] 

     return TotalWatt
Beispiel #3
def TwoStage(Ref,
    This function plots a two-stage cycle, on the current axis, or that given by the optional parameter *axis*

    Required parameters:

    * Ref : Refrigerant [string]
    * Q : Cooling capacity [W]
    * Te : Evap Temperature [K]
    * Tc : Condensing Temperature [K]
    * DTsh : Evaporator outlet superheat [K]
    * DTsc : Condenser outlet subcooling [K]
    * eta_oi : Adiabatic efficiency of compressor (no units) in range [0,1]
    * f_p : fraction of compressor power lost as ambient heat transfer in range [0,1]
    * Tsat_ic : Saturation temperature corresponding to intermediate pressure [K]
    * DTsh_ic : Superheating at outlet of intermediate stage [K]

    Optional parameters:

    * Ts_Ph : 'Ts' for a Temperature-Entropy plot, 'Ph' for a Pressure-Enthalpy
    * prints : True to print out some values
    * axis : An axis to use instead of the active axis
    * skipPlot : If True, won't actually plot anything, just print COP


        "This function has been deprecated. PLease consider converting it to an object inheriting from \"BaseCycle\".",

    T = np.zeros((8))
    h = np.zeros_like(T)
    p = np.zeros_like(T)
    s = np.zeros_like(T)
    rho = np.zeros_like(T)
    T[0] = np.NAN
    s[0] = np.NAN
    T[1] = Te + DTsh
    pe = PropsSI('P', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1.0, Ref)
    pc = PropsSI('P', 'T', Tc, 'Q', 1.0, Ref)
    pic = PropsSI('P', 'T', Tsat_ic, 'Q', 1.0, Ref)
    Tbubble_c = PropsSI('T', 'P', pc, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    Tbubble_e = PropsSI('T', 'P', pe, 'Q', 0, Ref)

    h[1] = PropsSI('H', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    s[1] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    rho[1] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    T[5] = Tbubble_c - DTsc
    h[5] = PropsSI('H', 'T', T[5], 'P', pc, Ref)
    s[5] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[5], 'P', pc, Ref)
    rho[5] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[5], 'P', pc, Ref)
    mdot = Q / (h[1] - h[5])

    rho1 = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    h2s = PropsSI('H', 'S', s[1], 'P', pic, Ref)
    Wdot1 = mdot * (h2s - h[1]) / eta_oi
    h[2] = h[1] + (1 - f_p) * Wdot1 / mdot
    T[2] = PropsSI('T', 'H', h[2], 'P', pic, Ref)
    s[2] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[2], 'P', pic, Ref)
    rho[2] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[2], 'P', pic, Ref)
    T[3] = 288
    p[3] = pic
    h[3] = PropsSI('H', 'T', T[3], 'P', pic, Ref)
    s[3] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[3], 'P', pic, Ref)
    rho[3] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[3], 'P', pic, Ref)
    rho3 = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[3], 'P', pic, Ref)
    h4s = PropsSI('H', 'T', s[3], 'P', pc, Ref)
    Wdot2 = mdot * (h4s - h[3]) / eta_oi
    h[4] = h[3] + (1 - f_p) * Wdot2 / mdot
    T[4] = PropsSI('T', 'H', h[4], 'P', pc, Ref)
    s[4] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[4], 'P', pc, Ref)
    rho[4] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[4], 'P', pc, Ref)

    sbubble_e = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tbubble_e, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    sbubble_c = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tbubble_c, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    sdew_e = PropsSI('S', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    sdew_c = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tc, 'Q', 1, Ref)

    hsatL = PropsSI('H', 'T', Tbubble_e, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    hsatV = PropsSI('H', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    ssatL = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tbubble_e, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    ssatV = PropsSI('S', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    vsatL = 1 / PropsSI('D', 'T', Tbubble_e, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    vsatV = 1 / PropsSI('D', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    x = (h[5] - hsatL) / (hsatV - hsatL)
    s[6] = x * ssatV + (1 - x) * ssatL
    T[6] = x * Te + (1 - x) * Tbubble_e
    rho[6] = 1.0 / (x * vsatV + (1 - x) * vsatL)

    h[6] = h[5]
    h[7] = h[1]
    s[7] = s[1]
    T[7] = T[1]
    p = [np.nan, pe, pic, pic, pc, pc, pe, pe]
    COP = Q / (Wdot1 + Wdot2)
    RE = h[1] - h[6]

    if prints == True:
        print('x5:', x)
        print('COP:', COP)
        print('COPH', (Q + Wdot1 + Wdot2) / (Wdot1 + Wdot2))
        print(T[2] - 273.15, T[4] - 273.15, p[2] / p[1], p[4] / p[3])
        print(mdot, mdot * (h[4] - h[5]), pic)
        print('Vdot1', mdot / rho1, 'Vdisp',
              mdot / rho1 / (3500 / 60.) * 1e6 / 0.7)
        print('Vdot2', mdot / rho3, 'Vdisp',
              mdot / rho3 / (3500 / 60.) * 1e6 / 0.7)
        print(mdot * (h[4] - h[5]), Tc - 273.15)
        for i in range(1, len(T) - 1):
            print('%d & %g & %g & %g & %g & %g \\\\' %
                  (i, T[i] - 273.15, p[i], h[i], s[i], rho[i]))
        print(Tsat_ic, COP)

    if skipPlot == False:
        if axis == None:
            ax = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
            ax = axis
        if Ts_Ph in ['ph', 'Ph']:
            ax.plot(h, p)
        elif Ts_Ph in ['Ts', 'ts']:
            s_copy = s.copy()
            T_copy = T.copy()
            for i in range(1, len(s) - 1):
                ax.plot(s[i], T[i], 'bo', mfc='b', mec='b')
                dT = [0, -5, 5, -20, 5, 5, 5]
                ds = [0, 0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
                ax.text(s[i] + ds[i], T[i] + dT[i], str(i))

            s = list(s)
            T = list(T)
            s.insert(7, sdew_e)
            T.insert(7, Te)
            s.insert(5, sbubble_c)
            T.insert(5, Tbubble_c)
            s.insert(5, sdew_c)
            T.insert(5, Tc)

            ax.plot(s, T)
            s = s_copy
            T = T_copy
            raise TypeError('Type of Ts_Ph invalid')
    return COP
Beispiel #4
 def sg(self, T: Iterable):
     return [
         PropsSI('S', 'T', t, 'Q', 1, self.eos + "::" + if
         (self.Tmin < t < self.Tmax) else None for t in T
Beispiel #5
def create_Hs_diagram(H, S, H1, H01, S1, H2, H02, S2, H2s, S2s, H3, H03, S3,
                      H3s, S3s, H4, H04, S4, P1, P2, P3, P4, dome1h, dome2h,
                      dome1, dome2, criticalisobar):
    #creating isobars
    stator_inlet = PropsSI("H", "P", P1, "S", S, 'Toluene') * 1e-3
    stator_outlet = PropsSI("H", "P", P2, "S", S, 'Toluene') * 1e-3
    rotor_outlet = PropsSI("H", "P", P3, "S", S, 'Toluene') * 1e-3
    condenser_inlet = PropsSI("H", "P", P4, "S", S, 'Toluene') * 1e-3

    #creating contour
    dftemp = pd.DataFrame(H, columns=['H'])
    dfentr = pd.DataFrame(S, columns=['S'])
    dftemp['key'] = 1
    dfentr['key'] = 1
    df = dftemp.merge(dfentr, how='outer')[['S', 'H']]
    df['Z'] = df.apply(
        lambda x: PropsSI('Z', 'H', x['H'], 'S', x['S'], 'Toluene'), axis=1)
    df['phase'] = df.apply(
        lambda x: PropsSI('Phase', 'H', x['H'], 'S', x['S'], 'Toluene'),
    gas = df['phase'] == CP.get_phase_index('phase_gas')
    supercritical_gas = df['phase'] == CP.get_phase_index(
    df_filter = df[gas | supercritical_gas][['H', "S", "Z"]]
    df_filter['H'] = df_filter['H'] * 1e-3
    df_filter['S'] = df_filter['S'] * 1e-3
    hdfpivot = df_filter.pivot('H', 'S')
    X = hdfpivot.columns.levels[1].values
    Y = hdfpivot.index.values
    Z = hdfpivot.values
    Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7))

    # isobars
    ax.plot(S * 1e-3,
            H01 * np.ones(np.size(S)) * 1e-3,
    fig.text(0.15, 0.77, "$\displaystyle h_{01}$", fontsize=20)
    ax.plot(S * 1e-3,
            H03 * np.ones(np.size(S)) * 1e-3,
    fig.text(0.15, 0.5, "$\displaystyle h_{03}$", fontsize=20)

    ax.plot(S * 1e-3, stator_inlet, color='black', linestyle='--')
    fig.text(0.3, 0.65, "{:4.2f}".format(P1 / 1e5) + ' [Bar]')
    ax.plot(S * 1e-3, stator_outlet, color='black', linestyle='--')
    fig.text(0.3, 0.42, "{:4.2f}".format(P2 / 1e5) + ' [Bar]')
    ax.plot(S * 1e-3, rotor_outlet, color='black', linestyle='--')
    fig.text(0.3, 0.29, "{:4.2f}".format(P3 / 1e5) + ' [Bar]')
    ax.plot(S * 1e-3, condenser_inlet, color='black', linestyle='--')
    fig.text(0.3, 0.33, "{:4.2f}".format(P4 / 1e5) + ' [Bar]')
    # ax.plot(S, condenser_inlet, color='black', linestyle='--')

    # dome
    ax.plot(dome1 * 1e-3, dome1h * 1e-3, color='black')
    ax.plot(dome2 * 1e-3, dome2h * 1e-3, color='black')

    # process
    ax.plot([S1 * 1e-3, S2 * 1e-3, S3 * 1e-3, S4 * 1e-3],
            [H1 * 1e-3, H2 * 1e-3, H3 * 1e-3, H4 * 1e-3],
    #isentropic process
    ax.plot([S1 * 1e-3, S2s * 1e-3], [H1 * 1e-3, H2s * 1e-3],
    ax.plot([S2 * 1e-3, S3s * 1e-3], [H2 * 1e-3, H3s * 1e-3],

    # compressibility
    fig = ax.contourf(Xi, Yi, Z, 25, alpha=0.7,
    ax.set_xlim([.850, 1.5])
    ax.set_ylim([200, 700])
    ax.set_xlabel(r'Entropy [KJ/kgK]', fontsize=15)
    ax.set_ylabel(r'Enthalpy [KJ/kg]', fontsize=15)
    cb = plt.colorbar(fig)
    cb.set_label(r"Compressibility factor [-]", fontsize=15)
    return fig, ax
Beispiel #6
 def dvg_dP_saturation(self):
     dP = 0.002
     rho1 = PropsSI('D', 'P', self.state.p() + dP / 2, 'Q', 1,
     rho0 = PropsSI('D', 'P', self.state.p() - dP / 2, 'Q', 1,
     dvg = 1 / rho1 - 1 / rho0
     return dvg / dP
Beispiel #7
 def psat(self, T: Iterable):
     return [
         PropsSI('P', 'Q', 0.5, 'T', t, self.eos + "::" + if
         (self.Tmin < t < self.Tmax) else None for t in T
Beispiel #8
# --------------
# analysis conditions - fixed
# --------------
p_in = 100.0  # [bar]
p_out = 1.01325  # [bar]
t_in = 298.15  # [K]
t_out = 298.15  # [K]
RPM = 3600  # [rpm]

# --------------
# specific work
# --------------
# air properties
fluid = 'Air.mix'
CP = PropsSI('CPMASS', "T", t_in, "P", p_in, fluid)  # J/Kg-K
CV = PropsSI('CVMASS', "T", t_in, "P", p_in, fluid)  # J/Kg-K
k = CP / CV
MW = PropsSI('M', fluid) * 1000.0  # kg/kmol
R_bar = PropsSI('GAS_CONSTANT', fluid)  # kJ/kmol/K
R = R_bar / MW  # kJ/kg-K
# polytropic work
n = k  # polytropic exponent
t2 = t_in * (p_out / p_in) ** ((n - 1.0) / n)  # [K]
w = 1.0 * R * (t2 - t_in) / (1.0 - n)  # [kJ/kg]

# --------------
# run sweep
# --------------
pwrs = [0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0]  # [MW]
pistons = [False]
Beispiel #9
 def calc_temperature(self):
     # Calculate temperature based on saturation curve
     T = PropsSI("T", "Q", 0, "P", self.storage_pressure,
     self.storage_temperature = T
     return T
Beispiel #10
    def Calculate(self):
        #Update the parameters

        #Average mass flux of refrigerant [kg/m^2-s]
        self.G_r = self.mdot_r / (pi * self.ID_i**2 / 4.0)
        #Average mass flux of glycol [kg/m^2-s]
        self.G_g = self.mdot_g / (pi * (self.ID_o**2 - self.OD_i**2) / 4.0)
        #Hydraulic diameter
        self.Dh_g = self.ID_o - self.OD_i
        #Evaporation hydraulic diameter [m]
        self.Dh_r = self.ID_i
        #Thermal conductivity of the intermediate wall pipe
        self.k = self.Conductivity

        #Thermal Conduction Resistance of the intermediate wall
        self.Rw = log(self.OD_i / self.ID_i) / (2 * pi * self.k * self.L)

        self.Tbubble_r = PropsSI('T', 'P', self.pin_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref_r)
        self.Tdew_r = PropsSI('T', 'P', self.pin_r, 'Q', 1, self.Ref_r)
        self.Tsat_r = (self.Tbubble_r + self.Tdew_r) / 2.0

        #Inlet enthalpy
        hsatL = PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tbubble_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref_r)  #*1000
        hsatV = PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tdew_r, 'Q', 1, self.Ref_r)  #*1000
        self.xin_r = (self.hin_r - hsatL) / (hsatV - hsatL)

        #Change in enthalpy through two-phase region [J/kg]
        self.h_fg = hsatV - hsatL
        self.Tin_r = self.xin_r * self.Tdew_r + (1 -
                                                 self.xin_r) * self.Tbubble_r
        #Inlet entropy
        ssatL = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tbubble_r, 'Q', 0, self.Ref_r)  #*1000
        ssatV = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tdew_r, 'Q', 1, self.Ref_r)  #*1000
        self.sin_r = self.xin_r * ssatV + (1 - self.xin_r) * ssatL

        #Mean values for the glycol side based on average of inlet temperatures
        Tavg_g = (self.Tsat_r + self.Tin_g) / 2.0
        self.f_g, self.h_g, self.Re_g = f_h_1phase_Annulus(
            self.mdot_g, self.ID_o, self.OD_i, Tavg_g, self.pin_g, self.Ref_g)
        self.cp_g = PropsSI('C', 'T', Tavg_g, 'P', self.pin_g,
                            self.Ref_g)  #*1000

        #Glycol pressure drop
        v_g = 1 / PropsSI('D', 'T', Tavg_g, 'P', self.pin_g, self.Ref_g)
        dpdz_g = -self.f_g * v_g * self.G_g**2 / (2. * self.Dh_g
                                                  )  #Pressure gradient
        self.DP_g = dpdz_g * self.L

        def OBJECTIVE(w_superheat):
            """Nested function for driving the Brent's method solver"""
            #Run the superheated portion
            #Run the two-phase portion and return residual
            return self._TwoPhase_Forward(1 - w_superheat)

        def OBJECTIVE_2phase(xout_2phase):
            """Nested function for finding outlet quality"""
            #Need to pass in outlet quality but still maintain the full w_2phase
            return self._TwoPhase_Forward(1.0, xout_2phase)

        # First see if you have a superheated portion.  Try to use the entire HX
        # for the two-phase portion
        # ---------------------
        # Intermediate glycol temp between superheated and 2phase sections [K]
        self.T_g_x = self.Tin_g
        #Call two-phase forward method
        error = self._TwoPhase_Forward(1.0)
        # If HT greater than required
        if error > 0:
            #Too much HT if all is 2phase, there is a superheated section
            existsSuperheat = True
            #Solve for the break between 2phase and superheated parts
            w_superheat = brentq(OBJECTIVE, 0.00001, 0.99999)
            self.w_2phase = 1 - w_superheat
            self.w_superheat = w_superheat
            existsSuperheat = False
            # Solve for outlet quality in 2phase section, lowest possible outlet
            # quality is the inlet quality
            self.xout_2phase = brentq(OBJECTIVE_2phase, self.xin_r, 0.99999)
            #Dummy variables for the superheated section which doesn't exist
            self.Q_superheat = 0.0
            self.Charge_r_superheat = 0.0
            self.h_r_superheat = 0.0
            self.DP_r_superheat = 0.0
            self.w_superheat = 0.0
            self.w_2phase = 1.0

        self.Charge_r = self.Charge_r_2phase + self.Charge_r_superheat
        self.Q = self.Q_2phase + self.Q_superheat
        self.Tout_g = self.Tin_g - self.Q / (self.cp_g * self.mdot_g)

        self.DP_r = self.DP_r_2phase + self.DP_r_superheat

        if existsSuperheat == True:
            self.hout_r = PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'P', self.pin_r,
                                  self.Ref_r)  #*1000
            self.sout_r = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'P', self.pin_r,
                                  self.Ref_r)  #*1000
            self.Tout_r = self.xout_2phase * self.Tdew_r + (
                1 - self.xout_2phase) * self.Tbubble_r
            self.hout_r = PropsSI('H', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', self.xout_2phase,
                                  self.Ref_r)  #*1000
            self.sout_r = PropsSI('S', 'T', self.Tout_r, 'Q', self.xout_2phase,
                                  self.Ref_r)  #*1000

        #Dummy variables for the subcooled section which doesn't exist
        self.Q_subcool = 0.0
        self.DP_r_subcool = 0.0
        self.h_r_subcool = 0.0
        self.Re_r_subcool = 0.0
        self.Charge_r_subcool = 0.0
        self.w_subcool = 0.0
RPMs = np.arange(3600, 72000, 1000)

# Conditions to Vary
PRs = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0]  # Pressure Ratio
RPMs = [3600, 7200, 14400]  # RPM
#RPMs = [10000.,20000.,40000.,50000.] # RPM
#RPMs = [3600,7200,14400] # RPM

# Prep
g = 9.81  #m/s^2
g = 9.81

# Gas properties
CP = PropsSI('CPMASS', "T", T1, "P", p1, fluid) * 1000.0  # KJ/Kg
CV = PropsSI('CVMASS', "T", T1, "P", p1, fluid) * 1000.0  # KJ/Kg
kappa = CP / CV
MW = PropsSI('M', fluid) * 1000.0  # kg/kmol
R_bar = PropsSI('GAS_CONSTANT', fluid)  # kJ/kmol/K
R = R_bar / MW * 1000.0  #  J/kg-K
D1 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T1, 'P', p1, fluid)  # Density (kg/m3)

# Results
variables = ['RPM', 'PR', 'D', 'pwr', 'pwr_real', 'm_dot', 'V1', 'T2', 'p2']
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=variables)

for RPM in RPMs:

    for PR in PRs:
        # Compressor Calculations
Beispiel #12
        self.DP_r_2phase = DP_frict + DP_accel

        if self.Verbosity > 4:
            print Q_2phase_eNTU - self.Q_2phase
        return Q_2phase_eNTU - self.Q_2phase

if __name__ == '__main__':

    TT = []
    QQ = []
    Q1 = []
    for Tdew_evap in np.linspace(270, 290.4):
        Tdew_cond = 317.73
        #        Tdew_evap=285.42
        pdew_cond = PropsSI('P', 'T', Tdew_cond, 'Q', 1.0, 'R290')
        h = PropsSI('H', 'T', Tdew_cond - 7, 'P', pdew_cond, 'R290')  #*1000
        params = {
            'ID_i': 0.0278,  #inner tube, Internal Diameter (ID)
            'OD_i': 0.03415,  #inner tube, Outer Diameter (OD)
            'ID_o': 0.045,  #outer tube (annulus), Internal Diameter (ID)
            'L': 50,
            'mdot_r': 0.040,
            'mdot_g': 0.38,
            'hin_r': h,
            'pin_r': PropsSI('P', 'T', Tdew_evap, 'Q', 1.0, 'R290'),
            'pin_g': 300000,  #pin_g in Pa
            'Tin_g': 290.52,
            'Ref_r': 'R290',
            'Ref_g': 'Water',
            'Verbosity': 0,
Beispiel #13
    FinsTubes.Air.RH = 0.51
    FinsTubes.Air.RHmean = 0.51
    FinsTubes.Air.FanPower = 438

    #Abstract State
    Ref = 'R410A'
    Backend = 'HEOS'  #choose between: 'HEOS','TTSE&HEOS','BICUBIC&HEOS','REFPROP','SRK','PR'
    AS = CP.AbstractState(Backend, Ref)

    kwargs = {
        PropsSI('P', 'T', T_dews[0], 'Q', 1.0, Ref),
        'WavyLouveredFins',  #Choose fin Type: 'WavyLouveredFins' or 'HerringboneFins'or 'PlainFins'
        PropsSI('H', 'P', PropsSI('P', 'T', 282, 'Q', 1.0, Ref), 'Q', 0.15,
T_clr = 150 + 273.15  # K
# Tank
V = 1E6  # m3
p_min = 2.0 * p_amb
p_max = 10.0 * p_amb
# Simulation
dt = 60.0  # s
pwr = 10E6  # W = 1 MW

# ----------
# Pre-processing calculations
# ----------
# Ambient
T1 = T_amb
p1 = p_amb
h1 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T1, 'P', p1, fluid)
s1 = PropsSI('S', 'T', T1, 'P', p1, fluid)
# Air Tank
T_tnk = T_amb
p_tnk = p_min
m_tnk = V * PropsSI('D', 'T', T_tnk, 'P', p_tnk, fluid)
u_tnk = PropsSI('U', 'T', T_tnk, 'P', p_tnk, fluid)
MW = PropsSI('MOLEMASS', fluid)  # kg/mol
R = PropsSI('GAS_CONSTANT', fluid)  # J/mol-K
# Track energy and heat stored
E_stor = 0.0
Q_stor = 0.0

# Charge
Beispiel #15
 def getPr(self, P, T):
     self.Pr = PropsSI('Prandtl', 'T', T, 'P', P,
     return self.Pr
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(
            num_samples=100,  # Have this many chromos in the sample group
            num_selected=20,  # Have this many chromos in the selected group
            mutation_factor=2,  # Randomly mutate 1/n of the chromosomes
            num_powers=5,  # How many powers in the fit
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.num_selected = num_selected
        self.mutation_factor = mutation_factor
        self.num_powers = num_powers
        self.addTr = addTr
        self.value = value
        self.Ref = Ref

        from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI

        if values is None:
            self.Tc = PropsSI(Ref, 'Tcrit')
            self.pc = PropsSI(Ref, 'pcrit')
            self.rhoc = PropsSI(Ref, 'rhocrit')
            self.Tmin = PropsSI(Ref, 'Tmin')
            if Tlims is None:
                self.T = np.append(
                    np.linspace(self.Tmin + 1e-14, self.Tc - 1, 150),
                    np.logspace(np.log10(self.Tc - 1),
                                np.log10(self.Tc) - 1e-15, 40))
                self.T = np.linspace(Tlims[0], Tlims[1])
            self.pL = np.array(
                PropsSI('P', 'T', self.T, 'Q', [0] * len(self.T), Ref))
            self.pV = np.array(
                PropsSI('P', 'T', self.T, 'Q', [1] * len(self.T), Ref))
            self.rhoL = PropsSI('D', 'T', self.T, 'Q', [0] * len(self.T), Ref)
            self.rhoV = PropsSI('D', 'T', self.T, 'Q', [1] * len(self.T), Ref)
            self.Tc = values['Tcrit']
            self.pc = values['pcrit']
            self.rhoc = values['rhocrit']
            self.Tmin = values['Tmin']
            self.T = values['T']
            self.p = values['p']
            self.rhoL = values['rhoL']
            self.rhoV = values['rhoV']

        self.logpLpc = (np.log(self.pL) - np.log(self.pc))
        self.logpVpc = (np.log(self.pV) - np.log(self.pc))
        self.rhoLrhoc = np.array(self.rhoL) / self.rhoc
        self.rhoVrhoc = np.array(self.rhoV) / self.rhoc
        self.logrhoLrhoc = np.log(self.rhoL) - np.log(self.rhoc)
        self.logrhoVrhoc = np.log(self.rhoV) - np.log(self.rhoc)

        self.x = 1.0 - self.T / self.Tc

        MM = PropsSI(Ref, 'molemass')
        self.T_r = self.Tc

        if self.value == 'pL':
            self.LHS = self.logpLpc.copy()
            self.EOS_value = self.pL.copy()
            if self.addTr == False:
                self.description = "p' = pc*exp(sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
                self.description = "p' = pc*exp(Tc/T*sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
            self.reducing_value = self.pc
        elif self.value == 'pV':
            self.LHS = self.logpVpc.copy()
            self.EOS_value = self.pV.copy()
            if self.addTr == False:
                self.description = "p'' = pc*exp(sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
                self.description = "p'' = pc*exp(Tc/T*sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
            self.reducing_value = self.pc
        elif self.value == 'rhoL':
            self.LHS = self.logrhoLrhoc.copy()
            self.EOS_value = self.rhoL
            if self.addTr == False:
                self.description = "rho' = rhoc*exp(sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
                self.description = "rho' = rhoc*exp(Tc/T*sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
            self.reducing_value = self.rhoc / MM
        elif self.value == 'rhoV':
            self.LHS = self.logrhoVrhoc.copy()
            self.EOS_value = self.rhoV
            if self.addTr == False:
                self.description = "rho'' = rhoc*exp(sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
                self.description = "rho'' = rhoc*exp(Tc/T*sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
            self.reducing_value = self.rhoc / MM
        elif self.value == 'rhoLnoexp':
            self.LHS = (self.rhoLrhoc - 1).copy()
            self.EOS_value = self.rhoL
            self.description = "rho' = rhoc*(1+sum(n_i*theta^t_i))"
            self.reducing_value = self.rhoc / MM
            raise ValueError

        if self.value == 'rhoLnoexp' and self.addTr:
            raise ValueError('Invalid combination')

        if self.addTr:
            self.LHS *= self.T / self.Tc
Beispiel #17
Fins.Air.Vdot_ha = 1.7934  #rated volumetric flowrate
Fins.Air.Tdb = 308.15  #Dry Bulb Temperature
Fins.Air.p = 101325  #Air pressure in Pa
Fins.Air.RH = 0.51  #Relative Humidity
Fins.Air.FanPower = 160

Ref = 'R410A'
Backend = 'TTSE&HEOS'  #choose between: 'HEOS','TTSE&HEOS','BICUBIC&HEOS','REFPROP','SRK','PR'
AS = CP.AbstractState(Backend, Ref)

params = {
    'AS': AS,
    'mdot_r': 0.0708,
    'Tin_r': 333.15,
    'psat_r': PropsSI('P', 'T', 323.15, 'Q', 1.0, Ref),
    'Fins': Fins,
    'WavyLouveredFins',  #WavyLouveredFins, HerringboneFins, PlainFins
    'Verbosity': 0,

Cond = CondenserClass(**params)

print('Heat transfer rate in condenser is', Cond.Q, 'W')
print('Heat transfer rate in condenser (superheat section) is',
      Cond.Q_superheat, 'W')
print('Heat transfer rate in condenser (twophase section) is', Cond.Q_2phase,
print('Heat transfer rate in condenser (subcooled section) is', Cond.Q_subcool,
Beispiel #18
@author: TrungNguyen
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
from CoolProp.Plots import PropertyPlot
from CoolProp.Plots import StateContainer

#Evaporator chracteristics
HEOS = CP.AbstractState('HEOS', 'Propane&IsoButane')
HEOS.set_mole_fractions([0.3, 0.7])

isentropic_eff = 0.7
evaporation_temp = 0 + 273.15  # R290
condensation_temp = 55 + 273.15  # Estimation from Aeronamic
superheat = 5  # ambient temperature
subcooling = 3.1  # estimation from Aeronamic (how to know or calculate the value)

#Compressor characteristics
compressor_power = 4300  #
massflow = 0.04506  #

#Aeronamic calculated values
Qdot_condensor_expected = 14.3e3
Expected_COP = 3.17

#after evaporator, not superheated
T1 = evaporation_temp
P1 = PropsSI('P', 'T', T1, 'Q', 1, 'Propane&IsoButane')
h1 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T1, 'Q', 1, 'Propane&IsoButane')
s1 = PropsSI('S', 'T', T1, 'Q', 1, 'Propane&IsoButane')
Beispiel #19
 def rhog(self, T: Iterable):
     return [
         PropsSI('D', 'T', t, 'Q', 1, self.eos + "::" +
         for t in T
Beispiel #20
def pentanes():
    # from doi 10.1021/je0202174 | J. Chem. Eng. Data 2003, 48, 1418-1421
    # T (K), rhoL (kg/m^3), rhoV (kg/m^3), eta (mPa-s)
    data_cyclopentane = """253.15 258.15 263.15 268.15 273.15 278.15 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15 308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15 333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 
    784.64 779.53 774.59 769.77 765.12 760.20 755.32 750.27 745.02 738.63 731.97 725.15 718.32 711.59 705.11 699.08 693.40 688.44 684.25 680.96 678.71
    0.0881 0.1127 0.1443 0.1848 0.2368 0.3036 0.3894 0.4999 0.6421 0.8255 1.062 1.368 1.764 2.279 2.950 3.827 4.980 6.509 8.554 11.33 15.20
    0.7268 0.6786 0.6347 0.5930 0.5567 0.5224 0.4922 0.4646 0.4382 0.4148 0.3923 0.3714 0.3521 0.3350 0.3190 0.3048 0.2912 0.2793 0.2690 0.2590 0.2502"""

    # from doi 10.1021/je0202174 | J. Chem. Eng. Data 2003, 48, 1418-1421
    # T (K), rhoL (kg/m^3), rhoV (kg/m^3), eta (mPa-s)
    data_isopentane = """253.15 258.15 263.15 268.15 273.15 278.15 283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15 308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15 333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 
    658.32 653.55 648.73 643.87 639.01 634.15 629.35 624.63 620.05 615.69 610.87 605.63 600.05 594.23 588.24 582.18 576.13 570.18 564.41 558.92 553.79
    0.4655 0.5889 0.7372 0.9137 1.122 1.366 1.650 1.979 2.356 2.788 3.278 3.833 4.459 5.162 5.949 6.827 7.803 8.886 10.09 11.41 12.87
    0.3893 0.3661 0.3439 0.3201 0.3023 0.2859 0.2703 0.2547 0.2399 0.2289 0.2144 0.2023 0.1910 0.1813 0.1724 0.1611 0.1543 0.1480 0.1411 0.1332 0.1287"""

    fluid = ''

    def undelimit(args, delim=''):
        return [
            np.array([float(_) for _ in a.strip().split(delim)]) for a in args

    from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI
    for fluid, e_k, sigma_nm in zip(['CycloPentane', 'Isopentane'],
                                    [406.33, 341.06], [0.518, 0.56232]):
        xx, yy, RHO, ETA, ETACP, ETARP = [], [], [], [], [], []
        for _T, _rhoLmass, _rhoVmass, _eta_mPas in zip(
                *undelimit(data_cyclopentane.split('\n'), delim=' ')):
            MM = PropsSI('molemass', fluid)
            rhomolar = _rhoLmass / MM
            eta = _eta_mPas / 1000
            psi = get_psi(fluid, 'Propane', eta, _T, rhomolar, e_k, sigma_nm)
                    CoolProp.CoolProp.PropsSI('V', 'T', _T, 'Q', 0, fluid))
                    'V', 'T', _T, 'Q', 0,
                    'REFPROP::' + CoolProp.CoolProp.get_fluid_param_string(
                        fluid, 'REFPROP_name')))
        xx, yy, ETACP, ETARP, RHO, = arrayize(xx, yy, ETACP, ETARP, RHO)
        rhored = CoolProp.CoolProp.PropsSI(fluid, 'rhomolar_critical')
        print('rhored', rhored)
        rhor = np.array(RHO) / rhored

        plt.plot(rhor, yy, 'o-', label='from experimental data')
        p = np.polyfit(rhor, yy, 2)
        plt.plot(rhor, np.polyval(p, rhor), 'o-', label='from correlation')

        plt.plot(xx, (ETACP / ETA - 1) * 100, '^', label='CoolProp')
        plt.plot(xx, (ETARP / ETA - 1) * 100, 'o', label='REFPROP')
        plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
        plt.ylabel('$100\\times(\eta_{calc}/\eta_{exp}-1)$ (%)')
        plt.savefig(fluid + '_deviation.pdf')
Beispiel #21
 def tsat(self, P: Iterable):
     return [
         PropsSI('T', 'P', P, 'Q', 0.5, self.eos + "::" + if
         (self.pmin < p < self.pmax) else None for p in P
Beispiel #22
    def __init__(self, symbol="N2", T=530.0, P=1000.0, child=1):
        '''Init generic Fluid'''

        self.symbol = symbol.upper()

        AS = AbstractState("HEOS", self.symbol)
        self.AS = AS =
        self.T = T
        self.P = P
        self.child = child

        Tsi = TSI_fromEng(T)
        Psi = PSI_fromEng(P)
        AS.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, Psi, Tsi)

        self.WtMol = AS.molar_mass() * 1000.0
        self.Tc = Teng_fromSI(AS.T_critical())
        self.Pc = Peng_fromSI(AS.p_critical())
        self.Dc = Deng_fromSI(AS.rhomass_critical())
        self.Ttriple = Teng_fromSI(AS.Ttriple())
            self.Tfreeze = Teng_fromSI(AS.T_freeze())
            self.Tfreeze = self.Ttriple

        self.Tmin = Teng_fromSI(AS.Tmin())
        self.Tmax = Teng_fromSI(AS.Tmax())
        #self.Pmin = Peng_fromSI( AS.pmin() ) # missing from AbstractState
        self.Pmax = Peng_fromSI(AS.pmax())

        dcIdeal = self.Pc * self.WtMol / self.Tc / 10.729
        self.Zc = dcIdeal / self.Dc

            TnbpSI = PropsSI("T", "P", 101325, "Q", Q_LIQUID, self.symbol)
            self.good_nbp = True
            self.Tnbp = Teng_fromSI(TnbpSI)
            #print('WARNING... "%s" failed Normal Boiling Point Calculation.'%self.symbol)
            Ttriple = PropsSI(self.symbol, 'Ttriple')
            #print('    Using Triple Point = %g degK as Tref'%Ttriple)
            self.good_nbp = False
            self.Tnbp = 'N/A'

        if self.good_nbp:
            if self.Tnbp < 536.67:
                self.Tref = self.Tnbp  # if NBP is low, use NBP as ref
                self.Tref = 536.67  # 536.67R = (SATP, Standard Ambient T P) = 77F, 25C
            self.Tref = Teng_fromSI(Ttriple) + 0.1
        self.Pref = 14.7

        #print( 'About to call setTP #1 with Tref, Pref=',self.Tref,self.Pref )
        self.setTP(self.Tref, self.Pref)
        #print( 'Back from call setTP')
        self.Href = self.H
        #print( 'About to call setTP #2')
        self.setTP(T, P)
        #print( 'Back from call setTP')

        if child == 1:
            self.dup = EC_Fluid(symbol=self.symbol,

        self.calcdFreezePt = 0
Beispiel #23
    Tmax = 650
    T = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, nT)

    nS = 100
    Smin = 850
    Smax = 1500
    S = np.linspace(Smin, Smax, nS)

    nH = nT
    Hmin = 200 * 1e3  #PropsSI("H", "T", Tmin, "S", Smin, 'Toluene')
    Hmax = 700 * 1e3  #psSI("H", "T", Tmax, "S", Smax, 'Toluene')
    H = np.linspace(Hmin, Hmax, nH)

    print(Hmin, Hmax)

    condenser_inlet = PropsSI("T", "P", P4, "S", S, 'Toluene')

    # diagram bars
    criticalisobar = PropsSI("T", "P", CP.PropsSI("Pcrit", "Toluene"), "S", S,
    dome1 = PropsSI("S", "T", T, "Q", 1., 'Toluene')
    dome2 = PropsSI("S", "T", T, "Q", 0., 'Toluene')

    dome1 = PropsSI("S", "T", T, "Q", 1., 'Toluene')
    dome2 = PropsSI("S", "T", T, "Q", 0., 'Toluene')

    dome1h = []
    dome2h = []
    for index, element in enumerate(dome1):
            dome1h.append(PropsSI("H", "T", T[index], "S", element, 'Toluene'))
Beispiel #24
 def getRho(self, P, T):
     self.rho = PropsSI('D', 'T', T, 'P', P,
     return self.rho
Beispiel #25
Tg = np.zeros(NZ)
for i in range(NZ):
   if Z[i] < Z2:
     Tg[i] = 273.2 + 20.0+(100.0/350.0)*Z[i]  
     Tg[i] = 273.2 + 120.0 

# initilize in tube 
Qtube[:] = 1.0
Ttube[:]  = Tin
Ttuben[:] = Tin
for i in range(2*NZ):
   Ptube[i]  = Pin + Rhoin * cg * (Ztube[i])   # PropsSI('P','T',Ttube[i],'Q',Qtube[i],'Water')
   Dtube[i]  = PropsSI('D','T',Ttube[i],'P',Ptube[i],'Water')
   htube[i]  = PropsSI('H','T',Ttube[i],'P',Ptube[i],'Water')
   mutube[i] = PropsSI('V','T',Ttube[i],'P',Ptube[i],'Water')/Dtube[i] # m2/s
   Prtube[i] = PropsSI('PRANDTL','T',Ttube[i],'P',Ptube[i],'Water')
   tktube[i] = PropsSI('CONDUCTIVITY','T',Ttube[i],'P',Ptube[i],'Water')
   cptube[i] = PropsSI('C','T',Ttube[i],'P',Ptube[i],'Water')

#-----------------  Ground temperature as reference (real data will be required)

def Tg1(z):
   Tsg1 = 20.0+273.2
   dtdz = 100.0/350.0    # 100K/350m
   return Tsg1+dtdz*z
def Tg2(z):
   Tsg2 = 120.0+273.2  
Beispiel #26
 def getViscosity(self, P, T):
     self.viscosity = PropsSI('viscosity', 'T', T, 'P', P,
     return self.viscosity
Beispiel #27
def EconomizedCycle(Ref,
    This function plots an economized cycle, on the current axis, or that given by the optional parameter *axis*

    Required parameters:

    * Ref : Refrigerant [string]
    * Qin : Cooling capacity [W]
    * Te : Evap Temperature [K]
    * Tc : Condensing Temperature [K]
    * DTsh : Evaporator outlet superheat [K]
    * DTsc : Condenser outlet subcooling [K]
    * eta_oi : Adiabatic efficiency of compressor (no units) in range [0,1]
    * f_p : fraction of compressor power lost as ambient heat transfer in range [0,1]
    * Ti : Saturation temperature corresponding to intermediate pressure [K]

    Optional parameters:

    * Ts_Ph : 'Ts' for a Temperature-Entropy plot, 'Ph' for a Pressure-Enthalpy
    * axis : An axis to use instead of the active axis
    * skipPlot : If True, won't actually plot anything, just print COP


        "This function has been deprecated. Please consider converting it to an object inheriting from \"BaseCycle\".",
    from scipy.optimize import newton

    m = 1

    T = np.zeros((11))
    h = np.zeros_like(T)
    p = np.zeros_like(T)
    s = np.zeros_like(T)
    rho = np.zeros_like(T)

    T[0] = np.NAN
    s[0] = np.NAN
    T[1] = Te + DTsh
    pe = PropsSI('P', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1.0, Ref)
    pc = PropsSI('P', 'T', Tc, 'Q', 1.0, Ref)
    pi = PropsSI('P', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 1.0, Ref)
    p[1] = pe
    h[1] = PropsSI('H', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    s[1] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    rho[1] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[1], 'P', pe, Ref)
    h2s = PropsSI('H', 'S', s[1], 'P', pi, Ref)
    wdot1 = (h2s - h[1]) / eta_oi
    h[2] = h[1] + (1 - f_p[0]) * wdot1
    p[2] = pi
    T[2] = PropsSI('T', 'H', h[2], 'P', pi, Ref)

    s[2] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[2], 'P', pi, Ref)
    rho[2] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[2], 'P', pi, Ref)

    T[5] = Tc - DTsc
    h[5] = PropsSI('H', 'T', T[5], 'P', pc, Ref)
    s[5] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[5], 'P', pc, Ref)
    rho[5] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[5], 'P', pc, Ref)

    p[5] = pc
    p[6] = pi
    h[6] = h[5]

    p[7] = pi
    p[8] = pi
    p[6] = pi
    T[7] = Ti
    h[7] = PropsSI('H', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    s[7] = PropsSI('S', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    rho[7] = PropsSI('D', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    T[8] = Ti
    h[8] = PropsSI('H', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    s[8] = PropsSI('S', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    rho[8] = PropsSI('D', 'T', Ti, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    x6 = (h[6] - h[8]) / (h[7] - h[8])  #Vapor Quality
    s[6] = s[7] * x6 + s[8] * (1 - x6)
    rho[6] = 1.0 / (x6 / rho[7] + (1 - x6) / rho[8])
    T[6] = Ti

    #Injection mass flow rate
    x = m * (h[6] - h[8]) / (h[7] - h[6])

    p[3] = pi
    h[3] = (m * h[2] + x * h[7]) / (m + x)
    T[3] = PropsSI('T', 'H', h[3], 'P', pi, Ref)
    s[3] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[3], 'P', pi, Ref)
    rho[3] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[3], 'P', pi, Ref)
    T4s = newton(lambda T: PropsSI('S', 'T', T, 'P', pc, Ref) - s[3],
                 T[2] + 30)
    h4s = PropsSI('H', 'T', T4s, 'P', pc, Ref)
    p[4] = pc
    wdot2 = (h4s - h[3]) / eta_oi
    h[4] = h[3] + (1 - f_p[1]) * wdot2
    T[4] = PropsSI('T', 'H', h[4], 'P', pc, Ref)
    s[4] = PropsSI('S', 'T', T[4], 'P', pc, Ref)
    rho[4] = PropsSI('D', 'T', T[4], 'P', pc, Ref)

    p[9] = pe
    h[9] = h[8]
    T[9] = Te
    hsatL_e = PropsSI('H', 'T', Te, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    hsatV_e = PropsSI('H', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    ssatL_e = PropsSI('S', 'T', Te, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    ssatV_e = PropsSI('S', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    vsatL_e = 1 / PropsSI('D', 'T', Te, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    vsatV_e = 1 / PropsSI('D', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    x9 = (h[9] - hsatL_e) / (hsatV_e - hsatL_e)  #Vapor Quality
    s[9] = ssatV_e * x9 + ssatL_e * (1 - x9)
    rho[9] = 1.0 / (x9 * vsatV_e + (1 - x9) * vsatL_e)

    s[10] = s[1]
    T[10] = T[1]
    h[10] = h[1]
    p[10] = p[1]

    Tbubble_e = Te
    Tbubble_c = Tc
    sbubble_e = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tbubble_e, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    sbubble_c = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tbubble_c, 'Q', 0, Ref)
    sdew_e = PropsSI('S', 'T', Te, 'Q', 1, Ref)
    sdew_c = PropsSI('S', 'T', Tc, 'Q', 1, Ref)

    Wdot1 = m * wdot1
    Wdot2 = (m + x) * wdot2
    if skipPlot == False:
        if axis == None:
            ax = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
            ax = axis
        if Ts_Ph in ['ph', 'Ph']:
            ax.plot(h, p)
        elif Ts_Ph in ['Ts', 'ts']:
            ax.plot(np.r_[s[7], s[3]], np.r_[T[7], T[3]], 'b')
            s_copy = s.copy()
            T_copy = T.copy()
            dT = [0, -5, 5, -12, 5, 12, -12, 0, 0, 0]
            ds = [0, 0.05, 0.05, 0, 0.05, 0, 0.0, 0.05, -0.05, -0.05]
            for i in range(1, len(s) - 1):
                ax.plot(s[i], T[i], 'bo', mfc='b', mec='b')
                ax.text(s[i] + ds[i],
                        T[i] + dT[i],

            s = list(s)
            T = list(T)
            s.insert(10, sdew_e)
            T.insert(10, Te)
            s.insert(5, sbubble_c)
            T.insert(5, Tbubble_c)
            s.insert(5, sdew_c)
            T.insert(5, Tc)
            ax.plot(s, T, 'b')

            s = s_copy
            T = T_copy
            raise TypeError('Type of Ts_Ph invalid')

    COP = m * (h[1] - h[9]) / (m * (h[2] - h[1]) + (m + x) * (h[4] - h[3]))
    for i in range(1, len(T) - 1):
        print('%d & %g & %g & %g & %g & %g \\\\' %
              (i, T[i] - 273.15, p[i], h[i], s[i], rho[i]))
    print(x, m * (h[1] - h[9]), (m * (h[2] - h[1]) + (m + x) * (h[4] - h[3])),
    mdot = Qin / (h[1] - h[9])
    mdot_inj = x * mdot
    print('Qcond', (mdot + mdot_inj) * (h[4] - h[5]), 'T4', T[4] - 273.15)
    print(mdot, mdot + mdot_inj)
    f = 3500 / 60.
    eta_v = 0.7
    print('Vdisp1: ', mdot / (rho[1] * f * eta_v) * 1e6, 'cm^3')
    print('Vdisp2: ', (mdot + mdot_inj) / (rho[1] * f * eta_v) * 1e6, 'cm^3')
    return COP
Beispiel #28
 def getK(self, P, T):
     self.k = PropsSI('conductivity', 'T', T, 'P', P,
     return self.k
Beispiel #29
            self.FilterDrierCharge = 0
            #Charge in MicroMotion [kg]
            self.MicroMotionCharge = 0
            #Total Chnarge [kg]
            self.Charge = 0
if __name__=='__main__':
    #Abstract State        
    Ref = 'R410A'
    Backend = 'HEOS' #choose between: 'HEOS','TTSE&HEOS','BICUBIC&HEOS','REFPROP','SRK','PR'
    AS = CP.AbstractState(Backend, Ref)
            'AS': AS,
            'pin': 500000,
            'hin': PropsSI('H','P',500000,'T',PropsSI('T','P',500000,'Q',0,Ref)-10,Ref),
            'mdot': 0.03,
            'ID':in2m(3.0/8.0)-mm2m(2), #pipe diameter
            'h':in2m(1.370),            #height of sight glass in m
            'D':in2m(1.110),            #diameter of sight glass in m
            'n_sight':2,                #number of sight glasses
            'V': cubin2cubm(16),        #volume of filter drier (website = 13.74in^3 calculated) (manual = 16in^3)
            'D_Micro': in2m(0.21),      #micromotion tube diameter
            'L_Micro': in2m(14.6),      #micormotion tube length
            'n_Micro': 2,               #micormotion number of tubes

    SightGlassFilterDrierMicroMotionClass = SightGlassFilterDrierMicroMotionClass(**kwargs)
    print (SightGlassFilterDrierMicroMotionClass.OutputList())
Beispiel #30
    def run(self):
        # ----------
        # Pre-processing calculations
        # ----------
        # Ambient
        T1 = self.T_amb
        p1 = self.p_amb
        h1 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T1, 'P', p1, self.fluid)
        s1 = PropsSI('S', 'T', T1, 'P', p1, self.fluid)

        # Cavern
        p_cav = self.p_min
        m_cav = self.V * PropsSI('D', 'T', self.T_cav, 'P', p_cav, self.fluid)
        # u_tnk = PropsSI('U', 'T', T_tnk, 'P', p_tnk, self.fluid)
        MW = PropsSI('MOLEMASS', self.fluid)  # kg/mol
        R = PropsSI('GAS_CONSTANT', self.fluid)  # J/mol-K

        # Track energy and heat stored
        E_stor = 0.0
        Q_stor = 0.0

        # Charge
        t = 0.
        while p_cav < self.p_max:
            t = t + self.dt

            # Compressor
            p2 = p_cav
            h2s = PropsSI('H', 'P', p2, 'S', s1, self.fluid)
            h2 = h1 + (h2s - h1) / self.cmp_eff
            T2 = PropsSI('T', 'P', p2, 'H', h2, self.fluid)
            m_dot = self.pwr / (h2 - h1)

            # Cooler
            p3 = p2
            T3 = min(self.T_stor, T2)
            h3 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T3, 'P', p3, self.fluid)
            Q_clr = m_dot * (h2 - h3)

            # Storage Tank
            # Mass balance
            m_cav = m_cav + m_dot * self.dt
            n = m_cav / MW  # moles
            # Energy balance
            # Cv = PropsSI('CVMASS', 'T', self.T_cav, 'P', p_tnk, self.fluid)  # Assume small differences in Cv
            # u_tnk = ((m_tnk-m_dot*self.dt)*u_tnk + m_dot*self.dt*h3)/(m_tnk)
            # T_tnk = u_tnk / Cv
            p_tnk = n * R * self.T_cav / self.V

            # Energy/Heat Storage
            Q_stor = Q_stor + Q_clr * self.dt
            E_stor = E_stor + self.pwr * self.dt

            # Store Data
            s = pd.Series(index=variablesC)
            s['t'] = t
            s['pwr'] = self.pwr
            s['m_dot'] = m_dot
            s['p1'] = p1
            s['T1'] = T1
            s['p2'] = p2
            s['T2'] = T2
            s['p3'] = p3
            s['T3'] = T3
            s['p_cav'] = p_cav
            s['T_cav'] = self.T_cav
            s['Q_clr'] = Q_clr
            s['Q_stor'] = Q_stor
            s['E_stor'] = E_stor
   = t
            self.dfC = self.dfC.append(s)

        # Mid-Analysis
        E_in = E_stor
        Q_in = Q_stor

        # Discharge
        t = 0.

        while p_cav > self.p_min and E_stor > 0.0:
            t = t + self.dt

            # Heater
            T4 = self.T_cav
            p4 = p_cav
            h4 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T4, 'P', p4, self.fluid)
            p5 = p_cav
            if Q_stor > 0:
                T5 = max(self.T_stor, self.T_cav)
                T5 = self.T_cav
            h5 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T5, 'P', p5, self.fluid)
            s5 = PropsSI('S', 'T', T5, 'P', p5, self.fluid)

            # Turbine
            p6 = self.p_amb
            h6s = PropsSI('H', 'P', p6, 'S', s5, self.fluid)
            h6 = h5 + (h6s - h5) * self.trb_eff
            T6 = PropsSI('T', 'P', p6, 'H', h6, self.fluid)
            m_dot = self.pwr / (h5 - h6)

            # Revisit Heater
            Q_htr = m_dot * (h5 - h4)

            # Cavern
            # Mass balance
            m_cav = m_cav - m_dot * self.dt
            n = m_cav / MW  # moles
            # Energy balance
            # Cv = PropsSI('CVMASS', 'T', T_tnk, 'P', p_tnk, self.fluid)  # Assume small differences in Cv
            # u_tnk = ((m_tnk+m_dot*self.dt)*u_tnk - m_dot*self.dt*h4)/(m_tnk)
            # T_tnk = u_tnk / Cv
            p_tnk = n * R * self.T_cav / self.V

            # Energy/Heat Storage
            Q_stor = Q_stor - Q_htr * self.dt
            E_stor = E_stor - self.pwr * self.dt

            # Check outlet temp
            if self.T_out_min == -1.0:
                self.T_out_min = T6
                self.T_out_min = min(self.T_out_min, T6)

            # Store Data
            s = pd.Series(index=variablesD)
            s['t'] = t
            s['pwr'] = self.pwr
            s['m_dot'] = m_dot
            s['p4'] = p4
            s['T4'] = T4
            s['p5'] = p5
            s['T5'] = T5
            s['p6'] = p6
            s['T6'] = T6
            s['p_cav'] = p_cav
            s['T_cav'] = self.T_cav
            s['Q_htr'] = Q_htr
            s['Q_stor'] = Q_stor
            s['E_stor'] = E_stor
   = t
            self.dfD = self.dfD.append(s)

        # Final-Analysis
        Q_out = Q_in - Q_stor
        E_out = E_in - E_stor

        self.RTE = E_out / E_in * 100.0
        self.Heat_Util = Q_out / Q_in * 100.0

        # Store and Convert from Ws to MWh
        convert = 1.0 / 1E6 / 60. / 60.
        self.E_in = E_in * convert
        self.E_out = E_out * convert
        self.Q_in = Q_in * convert
        self.Q_out = Q_out * convert

        # Convert to C
        self.T_out_min = self.T_out_min - 273.15

        results = pd.Series(index=[
            'RTE', 'Heat_Util', 'E_in', 'E_out', 'Q_in', 'Q_out', 'T_out_min',
            'Ebal', 'Qbal'
        results['RTE'] = self.RTE
        results['Heat_Util'] = self.Heat_Util
        results['E_in'] = self.E_in
        results['E_out'] = self.E_out
        results['Q_in'] = self.Q_in
        results['Q_out'] = self.Q_out
        results['T_out_min'] = self.T_out_min
        results['Ebal'] = self.E_in - self.E_out
        results['Qbal'] = self.Q_in - self.Q_out

        return results