def main_CRCNS(data_path, recording_length, window_length, overlap,
    This is the main function that applies the cox method on the pickle data saved by CRCNS_to_COX. This function plots the \
    adjacency matrix of connection weights in a window-based manner.

    :param data_path: The path to the pickle data file.
    :param recording_length: Total duration of recording of the dataset. This can be found in the metadata-tables of the \
    experiments too, e.g. in case of ec012ec.187 experiment.
    :param window_length: The length of the window on which the cox method is going to apply on.
    :param overlap: the overlap of the window with its previous window.

    Main internal variables:

    * nn: Total number of neurons in the network.
    * p: Number of reference neurons in the network.
    * win_num: Number of windows on data based on the length of data, length of window and overlap size.
    * final_adjacency: The result of the function in form of adjaceency matrix.
    * l_band: Lower band of the window.
    * u_band: Higher band of the window.
    * betahats: Matrix of betahat values in the network.
    * betacis: Matrix of confidence interval of betahat values in the network.
    * Xs: Reference neuron indices (x-axis) for drawing the final connectivity matrix
    * Ys: Target neuron indices (y-axis) for drawing the final connectivity matrix
    * Ss: Strength of the connection between each target neuron and corresponding reference neurons
    with open(data_path + '/crcns_data.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
        spikes = pickle.load(handle)
    nn = len(spikes)  # Total number of neurons in the network
    p = nn - 1  # Number of reference neurons in the network
    radius_to_add = 2
    win_num = int(
        float(recording_length) / (window_length - overlap)
    )  # Number of windows on data based on the length of data, length of window and overlap size.
    print "number of windows:%d" % win_num
    final_adjacency = zeros(
        [nn, nn])  # The result of the function in form of adjaceency matrix
    for win_n in range(win_num):
        l_band = win_n * window_length if win_n == 0 else (
            win_n * window_length) - overlap  # Lower band of the window
        u_band = l_band + window_length  # Higher band of the window.
        temp_spikes = {}
        for qp in spikes:
            temp_spikes[qp] = array(
                [tt for tt in spikes[qp] if (tt < u_band and tt > l_band)])
        temp_lengths = array([len(temp_spikes[q]) for q in temp_spikes])
        non_small_indices = array(where(temp_lengths > minimum_spike)[0])
        selected_spikes = {}
        for non_small in non_small_indices:
            selected_spikes[non_small] = temp_spikes[non_small]
        nn_for_cox = len(non_small_indices)
        betahats = zeros(
             nn_for_cox))  # Matrix of betahat values in the network.
        betacis = zeros(
            (nn_for_cox * 3 - 1, nn_for_cox)
        )  # Matrix of confidence interval of betahat values in the network.
        for neuron in range(0, nn_for_cox):
            target_b = selected_spikes[non_small_indices[neuron]]
            if (neuron == 0):
                print("Windows No. %d Length of each train in average: " %
            maxi_b = 0
            for i, q in list(enumerate(non_small_indices)):
                if i != neuron and temp_lengths[q] > maxi_b:
                    maxi_b = temp_lengths[q]
            ref_b = zeros((maxi_b, nn_for_cox - 1)) - 1
            idx = 0
            for q in range(0, nn_for_cox):
                if non_small_indices[q] != non_small_indices[neuron]:
                          idx] = selected_spikes[non_small_indices[q]]
                    idx += 1
            tsp_b = ref_b
            delta = zeros([nn_for_cox - 1])
            cox = Cox_Method(nn_for_cox, maxi_b, target_b, tsp_b.astype(int),
            betahat, betaci = cox.alg1()
            if (neuron == 0):
                betahats[0, 1:] = betahat
                betacis[0:2, 1:] = betaci.T
            elif (neuron == p):
                betahats[neuron, 0:neuron] = betahat
                betacis[nn * 3 - 3:, 0:neuron] = betaci.T
                betahats[neuron, 0:neuron] = betahat[0:neuron]
                betahats[neuron, neuron + 1:] = betahat[neuron:]
                ind_temp = 3 * (neuron + 1) - 3
                betacis[ind_temp:ind_temp + 2, 0:neuron] = betaci.T[:,
                betacis[ind_temp:ind_temp + 2, neuron + 1:] = betaci.T[:,
        fro = array([])
        to = array([])
        p_temp = 0
        for i in range(0, nn_for_cox):
            for j in range(0, nn_for_cox):
                if (betahats[i, j] > 0):
                    if ((betacis[p_temp + 1, j] > 0 and betacis[p_temp, j] > 0)
                            or (betacis[p_temp + 1, j] < 0
                                and betacis[p_temp, j] < 0)):
                                        non_small_indices[i]] += radius_to_add
                        fro = append(fro, non_small_indices[j])
                        to = append(to, non_small_indices[i])
            p_temp = p_temp + 3
        Xs = arange(
            1, nn + 1
        )  # Reference neuron indices (x-axis) for drawing the final connectivity matrix
        Ys = arange(
            1, nn + 1
        )  # Target neuron indices (y-axis) for drawing the final connectivity matrix
        Ss = ones(
        ) * 10  #  Strength of the connection between each target neuron and corresponding reference neurons
        for y in range(nn):
            for x in range(nn):
                if final_adjacency[x, y] != 0:
                    Xs = append(Xs, x)
                    Ys = append(Ys, y)
                    Ss = append(Ss, final_adjacency[x, y])
    with open('PATH/Xs', 'wb') as h1:
        pickle.dump(Xs, h1)
    with open('PATH/Ys', 'wb') as h2:
        pickle.dump(Ys, h2)
    with open('PATH/Ss', 'wb') as h3:
        pickle.dump(Ss, h3)

    fig = figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_xticks(arange(-0.5, 35.5, 1))
    ax.set_yticks(arange(-0.5, 35.5, 1))
    scatter(Xs, Ys, s=Ss)
    ax.set_xlim([0, 35])
    ax.set_ylim([0, 35])
def main_rst(data_path, nn):
    This is the main function that applies the cox method on the rst data prodcued by ELIF simulator that is based on \
    ELIF model (the software can be found from the following web-site: This \
    function plots the resulted connectivity map.

    :param data_path: The path to the .rst data file.
    :param nn: Total number of neurons in the network.

    Main internal variables:

    * p: Number of reference neurons in the network.
    * betahats: Matrix of betahat values in the network.
    * betacis: Matrix of confidence interval of betahat values in the network.
    * target:  Target spike train
    * maxi: The length of reference spike trains varies. This parameter defines the length of the longest reference spike train.
    * tsp: The matrix of reference spike trains. The size of this matrix is (maxi x nn-1) where each column corresponds\
    to a reference spike train and in case the length of the spike train is shorter than "maxi", it should be padded by zeros.
    * to_r: The output matrix of the main_rst function expressing the connections and corresponding reference and target neurons. 
    p = nn - 1  # Number of reference neurons in the network
    betahats = zeros((nn, nn))  # Matrix of betahat values in the network
    betacis = zeros((
        nn * 3 - 1,
        nn))  # Matrix of confidence interval of betahat values in the network.
    for neuron in range(0, nn):
        with open(data_path, 'rb') as f:
            a =
            a = map(int, a)
            each = (len(a) + 1) / nn
            target = a[neuron * each:neuron * each +
                       each]  # Target spike train
            target = nonzero(target)[0]
            target = target + 1
            lengths = zeros(nn)
            lengths_b = zeros(nn)
            for i in range(0, nn):
                lengths[i] = len(nonzero(a[(i * each):(i + 1) * each])[0])
            if (neuron == 0):
                print("Length of each train in average: ")
            if (neuron == 0):
                maxi = max(lengths[1:])
            elif (neuron == p):
                maxi = max(lengths[0:nn])
                maxi = max([max(lengths[0:neuron]), max(lengths[neuron + 1:])])
            tsp = zeros(
                (maxi, nn - 1)
            ) - 1  #The matrix of reference spike trains. The size of this matrix is (maxi x nn-1) where each column corresponds to a reference spike train and in case the length of the spike train is shorter than "maxi", it should be padded by zeros.
            if (neuron == 0):
                for i in range(0, p):
                    tsp[0:lengths[i + 1],
                        i] = nonzero(a[((i + 1) * each):(i + 2) * each])[0] + 1
            elif (neuron == p):
                for i in range(0, p):
                        i] = nonzero(a[(i * each):(i + 1) * each])[0] + 1

                for i in range(0, neuron):
                        i] = nonzero(a[(i * each):(i + 1) * each])[0] + 1
                for i in range(neuron + 1, nn):
                        i - 1] = nonzero(a[(i * each):(i + 1) * each])[0] + 1
        delta = zeros([p])
        cox = Cox_Method(nn, maxi, target, int_(tsp), delta)
        betahat, betaci = cox.alg2()
        if (neuron == 0):
            betahats[0, 1:] = betahat
            betacis[0:2, 1:] = betaci.T
        elif (neuron == p):
            betahats[neuron, 0:neuron] = betahat
            betacis[nn * 3 - 3:, 0:neuron] = betaci.T
            betahats[neuron, 0:neuron] = betahat[0:neuron]
            betahats[neuron, neuron + 1:] = betahat[neuron:]
            ind_temp = 3 * (neuron + 1) - 3
            betacis[ind_temp:ind_temp + 2, 0:neuron] = betaci.T[:, 0:neuron]
            betacis[ind_temp:ind_temp + 2, neuron + 1:] = betaci.T[:, neuron:]
        print "Neuron " + str(neuron + 1) + " out of " + str(
            nn) + " finished at %s." %

    for row in betahats:
        row = list(row)


    p = 0
    fro = []
    to = []
    thickness = []
    for i in range(0, nn):
        for j in range(0, nn):
            if (betahats[i, j] > 0):
                if ((betacis[p + 1, j] > 0.005 and betacis[p, j] > 0.005) or
                    (betacis[p + 1, j] < -0.005 and betacis[p, j] < -0.005)):
                    fro = append(fro, j + 1)
                    to = append(to, i + 1)
                    thickness = append(thickness, betahats[i, j])
        p = p + 3
    to_r = append(append([fro], [to], axis=0), [thickness], axis=0)
    to_file = to_r.T