Beispiel #1
def collide(_key1, _key2, _nonce, _plain, _ad, DEBUG=False, _blockidx=-1):
	ct_l = len(_plain)
	ct_bkl = ct_l // BLOCKLEN
	ct_bl = 8 * ct_l

	ad_bl = 8*len(_ad)

	print("blocks:", ct_bkl)
	aes1 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
	aes2 =, AES.MODE_ECB)

	authkey1 = aes1.encrypt(all_zeros)
	authkey2 = aes2.encrypt(all_zeros)

	coeffs = getCoeffs(authkey1, authkey2, ad_bl//128 + ct_bkl+1)

	pad1 = aes1.encrypt(l2b((b2l(_nonce) << 32) | 1, 16))
	pad2 = aes2.encrypt(l2b((b2l(_nonce) << 32) | 1, 16))
	pads = ifAdd(pad1, pad2)

	keystream1 = [aes1.encrypt(l2b((b2l(_nonce) << 32) + 2 + i, 16)) for i in range(ct_bkl)]

	ct = [ifAdd(_plain[16*i:16*(i+1)], keystream1[i]) for i in range(ct_bkl)]
	assert len(ct) == ct_bkl

	coef = binascii.hexlify(coeffs[ct_bkl+1-_blockidx])
	sum_ = getSum(_ad, coeffs, pads, ct, _blockidx)

	ct[_blockidx] = ifMul(l2b(getInverse(coef), 16), sum_)

	encrypted, tag = encrypt_check(ct, ct_l, _key1, _key2, _nonce, _ad)

	return encrypted,tag
Beispiel #2
def encrypt_check(_ct, _ct_l, _key1, _key2, _nonce, _ad):
	ct_bkl = _ct_l // BLOCKLEN

	aes1 =, AES.MODE_ECB)
	aes2 =, AES.MODE_ECB)

	bks1 = [aes1.encrypt(l2b((b2l(_nonce) << 32) + 2 + i, 16)) for i in range(ct_bkl)]
	bks2 = [aes2.encrypt(l2b((b2l(_nonce) << 32) + 2 + i, 16)) for i in range(ct_bkl)]

	full_ct = [0]*_ct_l
	ks1 = [0]*_ct_l
	ks2 = [0]*_ct_l
	for i in range(_ct_l):
		ks1[i] = bks1[i//16][i % 16]
		ks2[i] = bks2[i//16][i % 16]
		full_ct[i] = _ct[i//16][i % 16]

	plaintxt1 = xor(bytes(full_ct), bytes(ks1))
	plaintxt2 = xor(bytes(full_ct), bytes(ks2))

	encrypted1,tag1 = gcm_encrypt(_key1, _nonce, plaintxt1,_ad)
	encrypted2,tag2 = gcm_encrypt(_key2, _nonce, plaintxt2,_ad)

	assert encrypted1 == encrypted2 and tag1 == tag2
	return encrypted1, tag1
Beispiel #3
def decrypt_block(b, k):
    result = b2l(b)
    for i in range(ROUNDS - 1, -1, -1):
        key = b2l(k[i * BLOCK_LEN:(i + 1) * BLOCK_LEN])
        key_odd = key | 1
        result = result * pow(key_odd, -1, 2**64) % 2**64
        result = g(result)
        result ^= key
    return hex(result).lstrip('0x').rstrip('L').zfill(BLOCK_LEN * 2)
Beispiel #4
def encrypt_block(b, k):
    result = b2l(b)
    for i in range(ROUNDS):
        key = b2l(k[i * BLOCK_LEN:(i + 1) * BLOCK_LEN])
        key_odd = key | 1
        result ^= key
        result = g(result)
        result = (result * key_odd) % (1 << 64)
    return hex(result).lstrip('0x').rstrip('L').zfill(BLOCK_LEN * 2)
Beispiel #5
def analysis(key, diff):
    print("key: {:032x}".format(b2l(key)))
    keys, sbox = expand_key(key, 16)
    bits = [0 for _ in range(16*8)]
    sample = 5000
    for s in trange(sample):
        diff_sqrd = []
        #diff = b2l(os.urandom(16))
        x, y = b2l(os.urandom(16)), b2l(os.urandom(16))
        for i in (x, y):
            a = b2l(encrypt_block(l2b(i), keys, sbox, 16))
            b = b2l(encrypt_block(l2b(i ^ diff), keys, sbox, 16))
            diff_sqrd.append(a ^ b)
            if s == 0:
                print("\r{:032x}->{:032x}  ".format(i, a))
                print("{:032x}->{:032x}  ".format(i ^ diff, b))
                print("{:032x}->{:032x}  ".format(diff, a ^ b))

        r = diff_sqrd[0] ^ diff_sqrd[1]
        if s == 0:
            print("{:032x}".format(r).rjust(66, ' '))

        #r = encrypt_block(os.urandom(16), keys, sbox, 16)
        r = '{:0128b}'.format(r)
        bits = [x+int(y, 2) for x, y in zip(bits, r)]

    from colorama import Fore
    green, yellow, red = Fore.GREEN, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.RED
    reset = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
    tests = []
    for x in bits:
        t = binom_test(x, sample, 0.5)
        x = "%.2E" % t
        if len(x) > 8:
            x = red+"0"*5+reset
        x = re.sub(r"\.|E|-|\+", "", x)
        if t <= 0.1 and t >= 0.01:
            x = yellow+x+reset
        elif t < 0.01:
            x = red+x+reset
    print("\r\nProbability that each bit is equally likely 0 or 1")
    print('format: XYYZZ = X.YYE-ZZ')
    print('\n'.join(chunks(tests, 8, m=' '.join)))
    print("Overall: ", end='')
    final = binom_test(sum(bits), sample*len(bits), 0.5)
    print((red if final <= 0.05 else green) + "%.4E" % final + reset)
Beispiel #6
    def enc(self, text):
        if self.checkHexEncoded(text):
            text = text.decode('hex')
            return "Input must Hex Encoded"

        if len(text) % self.BLOCK_SIZE != 0:
            pad_len = self.BLOCK_SIZE - (len(text) % self.BLOCK_SIZE)
            text += pad_len * chr(pad_len)
        assert len(text) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0

        out = ''
        blocks = self.nsplit(text, self.BLOCK_SIZE)
        for block in blocks:
            ba_block = self.bytes_to_bitarray(block, self.BLOCK_SIZE * 8)

            for _round in range(self.ROUNDS - 1):
                ba_block = self.keyXor(ba_block, self.keys[_round])
                ba_block = self.substitute(ba_block)
                ba_block = self.permutation(ba_block)
            #last round is not permuted
            ba_block = self.keyXor(ba_block, self.keys[self.ROUNDS - 1])
            ba_block = self.substitute(ba_block)

            ba_block = self.keyXor(ba_block, last_XOR_key)
            out += '%016x' % b2l(self.bitarray_to_bytes(ba_block, 8))
        return out
Beispiel #7
def apply_sbox_inv_key(b, key, block_size):
    #fix keys
    key = [b2l(l2b(x)*block_size) for x in key]
    #extract upper and lower halfs
    uh, c = b & int('f0'*block_size, 16), b & int('0f'*block_size, 16)
    uh = uh ^ (c << 4)
    return conditional_apply(uh, c, key, block_size)
Beispiel #8
def encry(message,key,p,q,e):
    k1,k2 = key[random.randint(0,127)],key[random.randint(0,127)]
    x = p**2 * (p + 3*q - 1 ) + q**2 * (q + 3*p - 1) 
    y = 2*p*q + p + q
    z = k1 + k2 
    c = pow(b2l(message),e,p*q)
    return x * c + y * c + z
Beispiel #9
def apply_sbox(b: int, key: list, block_size: int = 16):
    #fix keys
    key = [b2l(l2b(x)*block_size) for x in key]
    #extract upper and lower halfs
    uh, lh = b & int('f0'*block_size, 16), b & int('0f'*block_size, 16)
    c = lh | (lh << 4)
    return conditional_apply(uh, c, key, block_size)
Beispiel #10
def decrypt_round(
    c: bytes,
    key: bytes, sbox_inv: bytes,
    block_size: int
    m, key = b2l(c), b2l(key)
    #non-linear addition
    m = (m - int('01'*block_size*4, 2)) % (1 << (block_size*8))
    mask = int('f0'*block_size, 16)
    uh, lh = m & mask, m & (mask >> 4)
    m = uh | ror(lh, 8*7, block_size*8)
    m = apply_sbox_inv_key(m, sbox_inv, block_size)
    m ^= key
    return l2b(m)
Beispiel #11
 def substitute(self, b):
     assert len(b) % self.BOX_SIZE == 0
     res = list()
     blocks = self.nsplit(b, self.BOX_SIZE)
     for i in range(len(blocks)):
         block = blocks[i]
         inBOX = b2l(self.bitarray_to_bytes(block, 1))
         val = self.SBox[inBOX]
         res += self.bytes_to_bitarray(l2b(val), 8)
     return res
Beispiel #12
def expand_key(key: bytes, num_keys: int = 7):
    sbox_key = gen_box_key(num_keys)
    keys = b''
    for i in range(num_keys):
        keys += encrypt_block(
            l2b(i).rjust(len(key), b'\x00')*num_keys,
    return keys, sbox_key
Beispiel #13
def encrypt_round(
    m: bytes,
    key: bytes, sbox_key: bytes,
    block_size: int
    logger.debug("%032x, %032x, %08x", b2l(m), b2l(key), b2l(sbox_key))
    #format inputs
    c, key = b2l(m), b2l(key)
    #mix in the key
    c ^= key
    #apply sbox
    c = apply_sbox(c, sbox_key)
    #lower halfs shuffle
    m = int('f0'*block_size, 16)
    uh, lh = c & m, c & (m >> 4)
    c = uh | rol(lh, 8*7, block_size*8)
    #c = uh | rol(lh, 8*(round_num+1), block_size*8)
    #non-linear addition to every byte
    c += int('01010101'*(block_size), 2)
    c = c & int('ff'*block_size, 16)
    #format result
    return l2b(c)
def main():
    start =
    i = 0
    with open(trc20_in_file) as rf:
        r_csv = csv.reader(rf)
        with open(trc20_out_file, "w") as wf:
            w_csv = csv.writer(wf)
            conv_start =
            read_time = (conv_start - start).total_seconds()
            print("读取耗时 {} 微秒, {} 秒".format(read_time * 10**6, read_time))
            for rline in r_csv:
                # print("src data: ", rline)
                rline[3] = addressFromBytes(
                    bytes.fromhex("41" + rline[3][-40:]))
                rline[4] = addressFromBytes(
                    bytes.fromhex("41" + rline[4][-40:]))
                rline[5] = b2l(bytes.fromhex(rline[5]))
                # print("dst data: ", rline)
                i += 1
                if i % 100000 == 0:
                    end =
                    conv_time = (end - conv_start).total_seconds()
                    print("解析 {} 条 总耗时 {} 微秒, {} 秒".format(
                        i, conv_time * 10**6, conv_time))
                    print("单条耗时 {} 微秒, 解析 {} 条预计耗时 {} 秒, {} 分钟".format(
                        conv_time * 10**6 / i,
                        (conv_time / i) * total,
                        (conv_time / i) * total / 60,
                # if i == 10:
                #     break

    end =
    conv_time = (end - conv_start).total_seconds()
    print("解析 {} 条 总耗时 {} 微秒, {} 秒".format(total, conv_time * 10**6,
    print("单条耗时 {} 微秒, 解析 {} 条预计耗时 {} 秒, {} 分钟".format(
        conv_time * 10**6 / total,
        (conv_time / total) * total,
        (conv_time / total) * total / 60,
Beispiel #15
def encode(m):
    m = list("{:b}".format(b2l(m)))
    m = list(map(int, m))
    m = m[::-1]

    m += (8 - len(m) % 8) * [0]
    extended = m
    oriLen = len(m)
    extended = (k - len(extended) % k) * [0] + extended
    extendedBits = extended

    oriLenBits = list("{:b}".format(oriLen))
    oriLenBits = list(map(int, oriLenBits))
    oriLenBits = (k - len(oriLenBits) % k) * [0] + oriLenBits

    extendedOriLenBits = oriLenBits

    finalBits = extendedOriLenBits + extendedBits
    finalBits = finalBits[::-1]

    return finalBits
def main():
    start =
    i = 0
    count = 10
    with open(usdt_in_file) as rf:
        r_csv = csv.reader(rf)
        with open(usdt_out_file, "w") as wf:
            w_csv = csv.writer(wf)
            conv_start =
            read_time = (conv_start - start).total_seconds()
            print("读取耗时 {} 微秒, {} 秒".format(read_time * 10**6, read_time))
            for rline in r_csv:
                print("src data: ", rline)
                rline[2] = addressFromBytes(
                    bytes.fromhex("41" + rline[2][-40:]))
                rline[3] = addressFromBytes(
                    bytes.fromhex("41" + rline[3][-40:]))
                rline[4] = b2l(bytes.fromhex(rline[4])) / 1000000
                print("dst data: ", rline)
                i += 1
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                if i == 10:

    end =
    conv_time = (end - conv_start).total_seconds()
    print("解析 {} 条 总耗时 {} 微秒, {} 秒".format(count, conv_time * 10**6,
    print("单条耗时 {} 微秒, 解析 68678330 条预计耗时 {} 秒, {} 分钟".format(
        conv_time * 10**6 / count,
        (conv_time / count) * 68678330,
        (conv_time / count) * 68678330 / 60,
Beispiel #17
def le_bv(_input_ba):
	longval_a1 = b2l(_input_ba)
	bv_a1 = bv.BitVector(intVal=longval_a1, size=128)
	return bv.BitVector(bitstring=str(bv_a1)[::-1])
Beispiel #18
def ifAdd(_a1, _a2):
	return l2b(b2l(_a1) ^ b2l(_a2), 16)
Beispiel #19
def ifCube(_a1):
	return gf_2_128_mul(gf_2_128_mul(b2l(_a1),b2l(_a1)),b2l(_a1))
Beispiel #20
def ifSquare(_a1):
	return gf_2_128_mul(b2l(_a1),b2l(_a1))
with open('server_1_priv.pem') as f:
    server1 = import_key(

with open('server_2_pub.pem') as f:
    server2 = import_key(

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print ('Usage: %s <stage>' % sys.argv[0])

BLOCK = 512 // 8
TMP_ID = 'qwaz'

mx = 'admin'
hx = b2l(md5(mx).digest())

stage = int(sys.argv[1])
if stage == 1:
    k = 123
    rx = Integer(pow(int(server1['g']), k, int(server1['p']))) % server1['q']
    sx = Integer(k).inverse(server1['q']) * (Integer(hx) + server1['x'] * rx) % server1['q']

    p = remote('', 12345)
    p.recvuntil('1) register 2) login 3) exit\n')
    p.recvuntil('name as hex encoded string.\n')
    p.sendline('%d %d' % (rx, sx))
transHisIt = transHisStore.iterator()
k, v = next(transHisIt)
vs = Tron_pb2.TransactionInfo()


tranCacheIT = transCacheStore.iterator()
while True:
    k, v = next(tranCacheIT)
    print("k: {}".format(k))
    print("k dec: {}".format(b2hs(k)))
    print("v: {}".format(b2l(v)))
    # print("v hex: {}".format(bytes.decode(b2hs(v))))
    # print("v base: {}".format(addressFromBytes(v)))

transRetIt = transRetStore.iterator()
# i = 0
# while True:

k, v = next(transRetIt)
# i += 1
# print(i)
# print("k: {}".format(k))
print("k dec: {}".format(b2l(k)))
    long_to_bytes as l2b,
from itertools import combinations
from base64 import b64encode

FILENAME = "love_letter.txt"
KEY_SIZE = 2048
e = 0x10001

data = open(FILENAME, "rb").read()
chunk_size = len(data) // 3 + (3 - len(data) % 3)

assert chunk_size <= KEY_SIZE // 8 - 11

data += b"\x00" * (chunk_size * 3 - len(data))
chunks = [data[i * chunk_size:(i + 1) * chunk_size] for i in range(3)]

primes = [getPrime(KEY_SIZE // 2) for _ in range(3)]

cipher = ""
for c, pair in enumerate(combinations(primes, 2)):
    p, q = pair
    n = p * q
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    enc = b64encode(l2b(pow(b2l(chunks[c]), e, n))).decode()

    cipher += f"{n}:{enc}\n"

open(FILENAME, "w").write(cipher)
Beispiel #24
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long as b2l
from gmpy import next_prime
from secret import flag

FLAG = b2l(flag)

def prime():
    while True:
        prime =  getPrime(512)
        if(prime > FLAG):
            return prime

p = prime()
q = prime()
r = prime()

while True:
    s = prime()
    if(s>p and s>q and s>r):

t = next_prime(s)

assert p > FLAG
assert q > FLAG
assert r > FLAG
assert s > FLAG

n = p*q*r*s*t
Beispiel #25
def ifMul(_a1, _a2):
	old_product = gf_2_128_mul(b2l(_a1),b2l(_a2))
	return l2b(old_product, 16)
Beispiel #26
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long as b2l

dummy = b'zer0pts{********CENSORED********}'
dummy += (-len(dummy) % 8) * b'\x00'
data = [0, 0x410A4335494A0942, 0x0B0EF2F50BE619F0, 0x4F0A3A064A35282B, 0]

flag = b''
for i in range(len(dummy) // 8):
    temp = b2l(dummy[8 * i:8 * (i + 1)][::-1]) + b2l(l2b(data[i]))
    temp &= (1 << 64) - 1
    flag += l2b(temp)[::-1]

flag = flag.rstrip(b'\x00').decode()
assert flag == 'zer0pts{l3ts_m4k3_4_DETOUR_t0d4y}'
Beispiel #27
def generate_collision(file1, file2):

    img1 = file1
    img2 = file2
    # Check JPEG format
    if b2l(img1[:2]) != 0xffd8 or b2l(img2[:2]) != 0xffd8:
        print "Image is not JPEG format."

    size1 =
    size2 =
    print "Image size:", size1

    # Resize the image if different sizes
    if size1 != size2:
        tmpIO = io.BytesIO()
        new =, format= 'JPEG')
        img2 = tmpIO.getvalue()
        print "Resized:", "file2"

    pdf_header = l2b(0x255044462D312E330A25E2E3CFD30A0A0A312030206F626A0A3C3C2F57696474682032203020522F4865696768742033203020522F547970652034203020522F537562747970652035203020522F46696C7465722036203020522F436F6C6F7253706163652037203020522F4C656E6774682038203020522F42697473506572436F6D706F6E656E7420383E3E0A73747265616D0A)
    jpg_header = l2b(0xFFD8FFFE00245348412D3120697320646561642121212121852FEC092339759C39B1A1C63C4C97E1FFFE01)

    # Collision blocks (This is the only part of the files which is different)
    collision_block1 = l2b(0x7F46DC93A6B67E013B029AAA1DB2560B45CA67D688C7F84B8C4C791FE02B3DF614F86DB1690901C56B45C1530AFEDFB76038E972722FE7AD728F0E4904E046C230570FE9D41398ABE12EF5BC942BE33542A4802D98B5D70F2A332EC37FAC3514E74DDC0F2CC1A874CD0C78305A21566461309789606BD0BF3F98CDA8044629A1)
    collision_block2 = l2b(0x7346DC9166B67E118F029AB621B2560FF9CA67CCA8C7F85BA84C79030C2B3DE218F86DB3A90901D5DF45C14F26FEDFB3DC38E96AC22FE7BD728F0E45BCE046D23C570FEB141398BB552EF5A0A82BE331FEA48037B8B5D71F0E332EDF93AC3500EB4DDC0DECC1A864790C782C76215660DD309791D06BD0AF3F98CDA4BC4629B1)

    prefix1 = pdf_header + jpg_header + collision_block1
    prefix2 = pdf_header + jpg_header + collision_block2

    data = ''
    data += b'\x00' * 242
    data += jpeg_comment(8 + len(img1[2:]))
    data += b'\x00' * 8
    data += img1[2:]
    data += img2[2:]
    data += b'endstream\nendobj\n\n'

    # Cross-reference Table
    xref = b'xref\n'
    xref += b'0 13 \n'
    xref += b'0000000000 65535 f \n'
    xref += b'0000000017 00000 n \n'

    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    # width
    data += b'2 0 obj\n%010d\nendobj\n\n' % size1[0]
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    # height
    data += b'3 0 obj\n%010d\nendobj\n\n' % size1[1]
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'4 0 obj\n/XObject\nendobj\n\n'
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'5 0 obj\n/Image\nendobj\n\n'
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'6 0 obj\n/DCTDecode\nendobj\n\n'
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'7 0 obj\n/DeviceRGB\nendobj\n\n'
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    # JPEG size
    data += b'8 0 obj\n%010d\nendobj\n\n' % len(img1+img2)
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'9 0 obj\n<<\n  /Type /Catalog\n  /Pages 10 0 R\n>>\nendobj\n\n'
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'10 0 obj\n<<\n  /Type /Pages\n  /Count 1\n  /Kids [11 0 R]\n>>\nendobj\n\n'
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'11 0 obj\n<<\n  /Type /Page\n  /Parent 10 0 R\n  /MediaBox [0 0 %010d %010d]\n  /CropBox [0 0 %010d %010d]\n  /Contents 12 0 R\n  /Resources\n  <<\n    /XObject <</Im0 1 0 R>>\n  >>\n>>\nendobj\n\n' % (size1[0], size1[1], size1[0], size1[1])
    xref += b'%010d 00000 n \n' % len(prefix1+data)
    data += b'12 0 obj\n<</Length 49>>\nstream\nq\n  %010d 0 0 %010d 0 0 cm\n  /Im0 Do\nQ\nendstream\nendobj\n\n' % (size1[0], size1[1])

    xref_pos = len(prefix1 + data)
    data += xref
    trailer = b'\ntrailer << /Root 9 0 R /Size 13>>\n\nstartxref\n%010d\n%%%%EOF\n' % xref_pos

    data += trailer

    outfile1 = prefix1 + data
    outfile2 = prefix2 + data
    # Check SHA-1 collision
    assert sha1(outfile1).hexdigest() == sha1(outfile2).hexdigest()

    print "Successfully Generated Collision PDF !!!"
    return outfile1, outfile2
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long as b2l

def randstr(n):
    from string import printable
    from random import choice
    return "".join(choice(printable) for _ in range(n))

length = 270 - 4
flag_message = 'Y' * length
flag_message = randstr(length)

message = Message(id=0, msg=flag_message)
print message
m1 = message.SerializeToString()
print len(m1)
print b2l(m1).bit_length()
print m1.encode('hex')

ct1 = encrypt(message.SerializeToString()) = 1
print message
m2 = message.SerializeToString()
print len(m2)
print b2l(m2).bit_length()
print m2.encode('hex')

# diff is always constant
print 'diff ='
diff = b2l(m2) - b2l(m1)
print diff

def addressFromBytes(addr):
    return tronapi.common.account.Address().from_hex(bytes.decode(b2hs(addr)))
    # 会遇到问题 UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb6 in position 3: invalid start byte

# db = plyvel.DB("/data2/20210425/output-directory/database/trans")
blockIndexDB = plyvel.DB(
blockDB = plyvel.DB("/data2/20210425/output-directory/database/block")

blockIndexIT = blockIndexDB.iterator()

k, v = next(blockIndexIT)
k = b2l(k)
vs = binascii.hexlify(v)

blockIndexITrev = blockIndexDB.iterator(reverse=True)

k, v = next(blockIndexITrev)
k = b2l(k)
vs = binascii.hexlify(v)

blk = blockDB.get(v)
blkIns = Tron_pb2.Block()
Beispiel #30
 def bytes_to_bitarray(self, s, size):
     out = bin(b2l(s)).replace('0b', '').replace('L', '')
     if len(out) < size:
         out = '0' * (size - len(out)) + out
     assert (len(out) == size)
     return list([int(x) for x in out])