if int(market['market_currency_id']) == int(originCurrency['id']) and int(market['coin_currency_id']) != int(originCurrency['id']):
			# relativeCoinValue = market['last_trade']['price']
			relativeCoinValue = market['24hr']['price_high']

			if relativeCoinValue <= 0:

			numberOfCoinsBought = originCurrencyAmount/relativeCoinValue
			route = list()
			# route.extend(['{:.10f} {:s}'.format(originCurrencyAmount,originCurrency['code']),'{:s} at price {:.10f} to buy {:.10f} coins'.format(market['label'],market['last_trade']['price'],numberOfCoinsBought),0,0,0])

			route.extend(['{:.10f} {:s}'.format(originCurrencyAmount,originCurrency['code']),'{:s} at price {:.10f} to buy {:.10f} coins'.format(market['label'],market['24hr']['price_high'],numberOfCoinsBought),0,0,0])
			coin1ToCoin2(route, int(market['coin_currency_id']), numberOfCoinsBought)


# init()
aa = c.market_orderbook(3,1)

Beispiel #2
# Scan through all ID's that are of interest
count = 5;
for x in ID_list:
#for x in ['167']:
    # Check to see if the market actually exists
    ECK = Cryptsy_Handle.market(x);
    vol = ECK.values()[0];
    vol = vol.values()[6];
    vol = vol.values()[1];

    # If the market exists, then get the current market data
    if ( ECK.values()[1] == True and vol > 1.0 ):
        # Get a list of the current market orders - 5 lowest prices to buy at, and the 5 highest prices to sell at
        market_orders = Cryptsy_Handle.market_orderbook( x , limit=1 , otype='both' , mine=False );
        market_orders = market_orders.values()[0];
        buy_orders = market_orders.values()[0];
        sell_orders = market_orders.values()[1];

        # Check to see if there are actually buy & sell orders
        # Get the current buy and sell price
        instant_buy = buy_orders[0].values()[0];
        instant_sell = sell_orders[0].values()[0];

        # Calculate the percent profit, and the break even sell price
        profit = (1 - sell_fee ) * ( (1 - buy_fee) * 1 / (instant_buy) ) * instant_sell - 1;
        BESR = instant_buy / ( (1 - sell_fee) * ( 1 - buy_fee) );

        # Get the name of the market - Like LTC/BTC or something