Beispiel #1
db = DBHandler('localhost', 'root', 'versatile', 'mydb')

choice = 0
while (choice != 9):
        '1. Add Student\t2. Update Student\t3. Delete Student\n4. Get Students By Name\t5. Get Student Data\t6. Student Exists?\n7. Get Student with Highest CGPA\t8. Display All'
    choice = int(input("Enter Choice(1-8): "))
    validateChoice(choice, 8)
    if (choice == 1):
        roll = input("Enter Roll Number : ")
        name = input("Enter Name : ")
        phone = input("Enter Phone # : ")
        email = input("Enter Email : ")
        cgpa = float(input("Enter CGPA : "))
        status = db.addStudent(roll, name, phone, email, cgpa)
        if (status):
            print("operation successfull...")
            print("operation failed...")
        input("press any key to continue.....")
    if (choice == 2):
        roll = input("Enter Roll Number : ")
        name = input("Enter New Name : ")
        phone = input("Enter New Phone # : ")
        email = input("Enter New Email : ")
        cgpa = float(input("Enter New CGPA : "))
        status = db.updateStudent(roll, name, phone, email, cgpa)
        if (status):
            print("operation successfull...")