def checker(predictions, y_true, probabilities, scorer, verbose=False, plainout=False, tier=None): "Check our model prediction and dump logloss value" if verbose: loss = 0 tot = 0 if tier: print("Predictions for tier %s :" % tier) for pval, yval in zip(predictions, y_true): if verbose: print("predict value %s, real value %s" % (pval, yval)) loss += logloss(pval, yval) tot += 1 print("Final Logloss :", loss / tot) plain = "" # sklearn metrics for regression if not scorer: print("ERROR: no scorer provided, please see --help for their list") sys.exit(1) slist = ['tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn', 'tpr', 'tnr', 'fpr', 'fnr', 'auc'] res = None for scr in scorer.split(','): if scr.lower() in slist: if not res: res = rates(y_true, predictions, probabilities) if plainout: plain += str(res[scr.lower()]) + ',' else: print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (scr.upper(), res[scr.lower()])) continue scr_str = repr(metrics.SCORERS[scr]).replace('make_scorer(', '').replace(')', '') method = scr_str.split(',')[0] res = getattr(metrics, method)(y_true, predictions) if plainout: plain += str(res) + ',' else: print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (method, res)) if plainout: if tier: print("%s,%s" % (tier, plain[:-1])) else: print(plain[:-1])
def checker(predictions, y_true, probabilities, scorer, verbose=False, plainout=False, tier=None): "Check our model prediction and dump logloss value" if verbose: loss = 0 tot = 0 if tier: print("Predictions for tier %s :" % tier) for pval, yval in zip(predictions, y_true): if verbose: print("predict value %s, real value %s" % (pval, yval)) loss += logloss(pval, yval) tot += 1 print("Final Logloss :", loss/tot) plain = "" # sklearn metrics for regression if not scorer: print("ERROR: no scorer provided, please see --help for their list") sys.exit(1) slist = ['tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn', 'tpr', 'tnr', 'fpr', 'fnr', 'auc'] res = None for scr in scorer.split(','): if scr.lower() in slist: if not res: res = rates(y_true, predictions, probabilities) if plainout: plain += str(res[scr.lower()]) + ',' else: print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (scr.upper(), res[scr.lower()])) continue scr_str = repr(metrics.SCORERS[scr]).replace('make_scorer(', '').replace(')', '') method = scr_str.split(',')[0] res = getattr(metrics, method)(y_true, predictions) if plainout: plain += str(res) + ',' else: print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (method, res)) if plainout: if tier: print("%s,%s" % (tier, plain[:-1])) else: print(plain[:-1])
def checker(predictions, y_true, scorer, verbose=False): "Check our model prediction and dump logloss value" if verbose: loss = 0 tot = 0 for pval, yval in zip(predictions, y_true): if verbose: print("predict value %s, real value %s" % (pval, yval)) loss += logloss(pval, yval) tot += 1 print("Final Logloss :", loss/tot) # sklearn metrics for regression if not scorer: print("ERROR: no scorer provided, please see --help for their list") sys.exit(1) for scr in scorer.split(','): scr_str = repr(metrics.SCORERS[scr]).replace('make_scorer(', '').replace(')', '') method = scr_str.split(',')[0] res = getattr(metrics, method)(y_true, predictions) print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (method, res))
def model(train_file, newdata_file, idcol, tcol, learner, lparams=None, drops=None, split=0.3, scorer=None, scaler=None, ofile=None, idx=0, limit=-1, gsearch=None, crossval=None, seed=123, verbose=False, timeout=None, proba=False): """ Build and run ML algorihtm for given train/test dataframe and classifier name. The learners are defined externally in module. """ clf = learners()[learner] if proba and not (hasattr(clf, 'predict_proba') and callable(getattr(clf, 'predict_proba'))): raise Exception("ERROR: model %s does not provide method 'predict_proba'" % learner) if lparams: if isinstance(lparams, str): lparams = json.loads(lparams) elif isinstance(lparams, dict): pass else: raise Exception('Invalid data type for lparams="%s", type: %s' % (lparams, type(lparams))) for key, val in lparams.items(): setattr(clf, key, val) setattr(clf, "random_state", seed) random.seed(seed) if scaler: clf = Pipeline([('scaler',getattr(preprocessing, scaler)()), ('clf', clf)]) print(clf) if split: if isinstance(split, int): split = split/100. elif isinstance(split, float): pass elif isinstance(split, basestring): split = float(split) print("Split level: train %s%%, validation %s%%" % (round((1-split)*100), round(split*100))) if verbose: print("idx/limit", idx, limit) # read data and normalize it if drops: if isinstance(drops, basestring): drops = drops.split(',') if idcol not in drops: drops += [idcol] else: drops = [idcol] xdf = read_data(train_file, drops, idx, limit, scaler) # get target variable and exclude choice from train data target = xdf[tcol] xdf = xdf.drop(tcol, axis=1) if verbose: print("Train file", train_file) print("Columns:", ','.join(xdf.columns)) print("train shapes:", xdf.shape, target.shape) if verbose>1: print("Target:", tcol, target) # split our train data if split: x_train, x_rest, y_train, y_rest = \ train_test_split(xdf, target, test_size=split, random_state=seed) if verbose: print("train shapes after splitting:", x_train.shape, y_train.shape) else: x_train = xdf y_train = target x_rest = None y_rest = None if gsearch: param_search(clf, x_train, y_train, x_rest, y_rest, gsearch) sys.exit(0) if crossval: crossvalidation(clf, xdf, target) sys.exit(0) time0 = time.time() fit =, y_train) rtime = time.time()-time0 if verbose: print("Train elapsed time", time.time()-time0) if split: if proba: print("ERROR in probabilities not supported in split mode") sys.exit(1) time0 = time.time() predictions = fit.predict(x_rest) rtime += time.time()-time0 try: importances = clf.feature_importances_ if importances.any(): print("Feature ranking:") columns = xdf.columns indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] num = 9 if len(columns)>9 else len(columns) for f in range(num): print("%d. importance %f, feature %s" % (f + 1, importances[indices[f]], columns[indices[f]])) except: pass if scorer: for scr in scorer.split(','): slist = ['tp', 'tn', 'fp', 'fn', 'tpr', 'tnr', 'fpr', 'fnr'] if scr.lower() in slist: res = rates(y_rest, predictions) print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (scr.upper(), res[scr.lower()])) continue scr_str = repr(metrics.SCORERS[scr]).replace('make_scorer(', '').replace(')', '') method = scr_str.split(',')[0] res = getattr(metrics, method)(y_rest, predictions) print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (method, res)) if verbose: loss = 0 tot = 0 for pval, yval in zip(predictions, y_rest): if verbose>1: print("predict value %s, real value %s" % (pval, yval)) loss += logloss(pval, yval) tot += 1 print("Final Logloss", loss/tot) else: print("Since there is no train/validation splitting, no prediction metrics will be shown") # new data file for which we want to predict if newdata_file: nfiles = [] if os.path.isfile(newdata_file): nfiles = [newdata_file] else: if newdata_file.find(',') != -1: nfiles = newdata_file.split(',') elif newdata_file.find('*') != -1: nfiles = glob.glob(newdata_file) elif os.path.isdir(newdata_file): for ext in ['.csv.gz', '.csv', 'csv.bz2']: nfiles = [f for f in findfiles(fin, ext)] else: print("ERROR: no files found for --newdata=%s" % newdata_file) sys.exit(1) if not len(nfiles): print("WARNING: no files to predict in %s" % newdata_file) return outfname = None for ni, nfile in enumerate(nfiles): # iterate on files to predict if len(nfiles) > 1: outfname = '%s_%s_%s' % (learner, ofile, ni) print("You provided file list, the output file name %s will be replaced with %s_%s_%s" % (ofile, learner, ofile, ni)) else: outfname = ofile tdf = read_data(nfile, drops, scaler=scaler) if tcol in tdf.columns: tdf = tdf.drop(tcol, axis=1) if verbose: print("New data file", nfile) print("Columns:", ','.join(tdf.columns)) print("test shapes:", tdf.shape) datasets = [int(i) for i in list(tdf.get('dataset', []))] if datasets: dbs_h = get_dbs_header(tdf, nfile) dbses = [int(i) for i in list(tdf[dbs_h])] if verbose: print(tdf) time0 = time.time() predictions = fit.predict(tdf) if not proba else np.asarray(fit.predict_proba(tdf))[:,list(fit.classes_).index(1)] rtime += time.time()-time0 if datasets: out = pd.DataFrame({'dataset':datasets, dbs_h: dbses, 'prediction':predictions}) else: out = pd.DataFrame({'prediction':predictions}) if outfname: out.to_csv(outfname, header=True, index=False) if timeout: # output running time data = {} if os.path.isfile(timeout): # append if file exists headers = [] for line in open(timeout, 'r'): line = line.strip(" \r\n").split(',') if not headers: headers = line if line[0] != 'model' or line[1] != 'running_time_s': print("Error writing model running time to %s: unrecognized output file found." % timeout) continue else: data[line[0]] = float(line[1]) if learner in data: data[learner] += rtime else: data[learner] = rtime fstream = open(timeout, 'w') fstream.write("model,running_time_s\n") for key in sorted(data.keys()): fstream.write("%s,%.3f\n" % (key,data[key])) fstream.close()
def model(train_file, newdata_file, idcol, tcol, learner, lparams=None, drops=None, split=0.3, scorer=None, scaler=None, ofile=None, idx=0, limit=-1, gsearch=None, crossval=None, verbose=False): """ Build and run ML algorihtm for given train/test dataframe and classifier name. The learners are defined externally in module. """ clf = learners()[learner] if lparams: if isinstance(lparams, str): lparams = json.loads(lparams) elif isinstance(lparams, dict): pass else: raise Exception('Invalid data type for lparams="%s", type: %s' % (lparams, type(lparams))) for key, val in lparams.items(): setattr(clf, key, val) setattr(clf, "random_state", 123) print(clf) if split: if isinstance(split, int): split = split/100. elif isinstance(split, float): pass elif isinstance(split, basestring): split = float(split) print("Split level: train %s%%, validation %s%%" % (round((1-split)*100), round(split*100))) if verbose: print("idx/limit", idx, limit) # read data and normalize it if drops: if isinstance(drops, basestring): drops = drops.split(',') if idcol not in drops: drops += [idcol] else: drops = [idcol] xdf = read_data(train_file, drops, idx, limit, scaler) # get target variable and exclude choice from train data target = xdf[tcol] xdf = xdf.drop(tcol, axis=1) if verbose: print("Train file", train_file) print("Columns:", ','.join(xdf.columns)) print("train shapes:", xdf.shape, target.shape) if verbose>1: print("Target:", tcol, target) # split our train data if split: x_train, x_rest, y_train, y_rest = \ train_test_split(xdf, target, test_size=split) if verbose: print("train shapes after splitting:", x_train.shape, y_train.shape) else: x_train = xdf y_train = target x_rest = None y_rest = None if gsearch: param_search(clf, x_train, y_train, x_rest, y_rest, gsearch) sys.exit(0) if crossval: crossvalidation(clf, xdf, target) sys.exit(0) if scaler: x_train = getattr(preprocessing, scaler)().fit_transform(x_train) time0 = time.time() fit =, y_train) if verbose: print("Train elapsed time", time.time()-time0) if split: predictions = fit.predict(x_rest) try: importances = clf.feature_importances_ if importances.any(): print("Feature ranking:") columns = xdf.columns indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1] num = 9 if len(columns)>9 else len(columns) for f in range(num): print("%d. importance %f, feature %s" % (f + 1, importances[indices[f]], columns[indices[f]])) except: pass if scorer: for scr in scorer.split(','): scr_str = repr(metrics.SCORERS[scr]).replace('make_scorer(', '').replace(')', '') method = scr_str.split(',')[0] res = getattr(metrics, method)(y_rest, predictions) print("Score metric (%s): %s" % (method, res)) if verbose: loss = 0 tot = 0 for pval, yval in zip(predictions, y_rest): if verbose>1: print("predict value %s, real value %s" % (pval, yval)) loss += logloss(pval, yval) tot += 1 print("Final Logloss", loss/tot) else: print("Since there is no train/validation splitting, no prediction metrics will be shown") # new data file for which we want to predict if newdata_file: tdf = read_data(newdata_file, drops, scaler=scaler) if tcol in tdf.columns: tdf = tdf.drop(tcol, axis=1) if verbose: print("New data file", newdata_file) print("Columns:", ','.join(tdf.columns)) print("test shapes:", tdf.shape) datasets = [int(i) for i in list(tdf['dataset'])] dbses = [int(i) for i in list(tdf['dbs'])] if scaler: tdf = getattr(preprocessing, scaler)().fit_transform(tdf) predictions = fit.predict(tdf) data = {'dataset':datasets, 'dbs': dbses, 'prediction':predictions} out = pd.DataFrame(data=data) if ofile: out.to_csv(ofile, header=True, index=False)