def checkOrGetGroupProxy( group ):
  """Check if current proxy corresponds to the given group, and if not call the
  :any:`getNewProxy` method to obtain a proxy for this group

  :param string group: dirac group of the desired proxy
  :returns: :func:`S_OK() <DIRAC:DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues.S_OK>`, :func:`~DIRAC:DIRAC.Core.Utilities.ReturnValues.S_ERROR`
  result = getProxyInfo()

  if result['OK'] and 'group' in result['Value']:
    if result['Value']['group'] == group:
      return S_OK()
      print "You don't have an %s proxy, trying to get one..." % group
    print "Error to get proxy information, trying to get proxy"

  newProxyRetVal = getNewProxy( group=group )
  if newProxyRetVal: ## != 0
    return S_ERROR("dirac-proxy-init failed")

  result = getProxyInfo()
  if result['OK'] and 'group' in result['Value']:
    if result['Value']['group'] == group:
      return S_OK()
      print 'You do not have a valid group'
      return S_ERROR( "Could not obtain valid group" )
  elif result['OK'] and 'group' not in result['Value']:
    return S_ERROR( "Could not obtain group information from proxy" )

  print 'Could not obtain proxy information: %s' % result['Message']
  return result
Beispiel #2
    def __setupProxy(self, ownerDN, ownerGroup):
    Retrieve a proxy for the execution of the job
        if gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate", False):
            proxyResult = self.__requestProxyFromProxyManager(ownerDN, ownerGroup)
            if not proxyResult["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Invalid Proxy", proxyResult["Message"])
                return S_ERROR("Failed to setup proxy: %s" % proxyResult["Message"])
            return S_OK(proxyResult["Value"])
            ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
            if not ret["OK"]:
                self.log.error("Invalid Proxy", ret["Message"])
                return S_ERROR("Invalid Proxy")

            proxyChain = ret["Value"]["chain"]
            if not "groupProperties" in ret["Value"]:
                print ret["Value"]
                print proxyChain.dumpAllToString()
                self.log.error("Invalid Proxy", "Group has no properties defined")
                return S_ERROR("Proxy has no group properties defined")

            groupProps = ret["Value"]["groupProperties"]
            if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in groupProps or Properties.PILOT in groupProps:
                proxyResult = self.__requestProxyFromProxyManager(ownerDN, ownerGroup)
                if not proxyResult["OK"]:
                    self.log.error("Invalid Proxy", proxyResult["Message"])
                    return S_ERROR("Failed to setup proxy: %s" % proxyResult["Message"])
                proxyChain = proxyResult["Value"]

        return S_OK(proxyChain)
def monitorUninstallation( system, component, cpu = None, hostname = None ):
  Register the uninstallation of a component in the ComponentMonitoringDB
  monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()

  # Retrieve user uninstalling the component
  result = getProxyInfo()
  if result[ 'OK' ]:
    user = result[ 'Value' ][ 'username' ]
    return result
  if not user:
    user = '******'

  if not cpu:
    cpu = 'Not available'
    for line in open( '/proc/cpuinfo' ):
      if line.startswith( 'model name' ):
        cpu = line.split( ':' )[1][0:64]
        cpu = cpu.replace( '\n', '' ).lstrip().rstrip()

  if not hostname:
    hostname = socket.getfqdn()
  instance = component[ 0 : 32 ]

  result = monitoringClient.updateInstallations \
                        ( { 'Instance': instance, 'UnInstallationTime': None },
                          { 'System': system },
                          { 'HostName': hostname, 'CPU': cpu },
                          { 'UnInstallationTime': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                            'UnInstalledBy': user } )
  return result
Beispiel #4
def getToken(key):
    Function that gets the userName from the proxy

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if not proxyInfo["OK"]:

    if key.lower() == "owner":
        userName = proxyInfo["Value"]["username"]
        tokenOwner = S_OK(userName)
        if not tokenOwner["OK"]:
        return tokenOwner["Value"]

    elif key.lower() == "expiration":
        expiration = proxyInfo["Value"]["secondsLeft"]
        tokenExpiration = S_OK(expiration)
        if not tokenExpiration["OK"]:

        now = Time.dateTime()
        # datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        expirationDate = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tokenExpiration["Value"])
        expirationDate = Time.toString(expirationDate)
        expirationDate = expirationDate.split(".")[0]
        return expirationDate
Beispiel #5
  def setSiteStatus(self, site, status, comment='No comment'):
    Set the status of a site in the 'SiteStatus' table of RSS

      >>> siteStatus.banSite( 'site1.test.test' )
      >>> siteStatus.banSite( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )

      **site** - `String`
        the site that is going to be banned
      **comment** - `String`
        reason for banning

    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

    if not status:
      return S_ERROR(DErrno.ERESUNK, 'status parameter is empty')

    # fix case sensitive string
    status = status.capitalize()
    allowedStateList = ['Active', 'Banned', 'Degraded', 'Probing', 'Error', 'Unknown']

    if status not in allowedStateList:
      return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL, 'Not a valid status, parameter rejected')

    if self.rssFlag:
      result = getProxyInfo()
      if result['OK']:
        tokenOwner = result['Value']['username']
        return S_ERROR("Unable to get user proxy info %s " % result['Message'])

      tokenExpiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)

        result = self.rsClient.modifyStatusElement('Site', 'Status', status=status, name=site,
                                                   tokenExpiration=tokenExpiration, reason=comment,
        if result['OK']:
          _msg = 'Error updating status of site %s to %s' % (site, status)
          gLogger.warn('RSS: %s' % _msg)

      # Release lock, no matter what.

      if status in ['Active', 'Degraded']:
        result = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator').allowSite()
        result = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator').banSite()

    return result
Beispiel #6
  def __setupProxy( self, ownerDN, ownerGroup ):
    Retrieve a proxy for the execution of the job
    if gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Security/UseServerCertificate' , False ):
      proxyResult = self.__requestProxyFromProxyManager( ownerDN, ownerGroup )
      if not proxyResult['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Invalid Proxy', proxyResult['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( 'Failed to setup proxy: %s' % proxyResult[ 'Message' ] )
      return S_OK( proxyResult['Value'] )
      ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
      if not ret['OK']:
        self.log.error( 'Invalid Proxy', ret['Message'] )
        return S_ERROR( 'Invalid Proxy' )

      proxyChain = ret['Value']['chain']
      if not 'groupProperties' in ret['Value']:
        print ret['Value']
        print proxyChain.dumpAllToString()
        self.log.error( 'Invalid Proxy', 'Group has no properties defined' )
        return S_ERROR( 'Proxy has no group properties defined' )

      groupProps = ret['Value']['groupProperties']
      if Properties.GENERIC_PILOT in groupProps or Properties.PILOT in groupProps:
        proxyResult = self.__requestProxyFromProxyManager( ownerDN, ownerGroup )
        if not proxyResult['OK']:
          self.log.error( 'Invalid Proxy', proxyResult['Message'] )
          return S_ERROR( 'Failed to setup proxy: %s' % proxyResult[ 'Message' ] )
        proxyChain = proxyResult['Value']

    return S_OK( proxyChain )
Beispiel #7
  def initialize( self, request ):
    """ Set default values to attributes and parameters
    if type( request ) == NoneType:
      # Set some defaults
      for name in self.attributeNames:
        self.attributes[name] = 'Unknown'
      self.attributes['CreationTime'] = str( Time.dateTime() )
      self.attributes['Status'] = "New"
      result = getProxyInfo()
      if result['OK']:
        proxyDict = result[ 'Value' ]
        self.attributes['OwnerDN'] = proxyDict[ 'identity' ]
        if 'group' in proxyDict:
          self.attributes['OwnerGroup'] = proxyDict[ 'group' ]
      self.attributes['DIRACSetup'] = gConfig.getValue( '/DIRAC/Setup', 'Unknown' )
    elif isinstance( request, RequestContainer ):
      for attr in self.attributeNames:
        self.attributes[attr] = request.attributes[attr]

    # initialize request from an XML string
    if type( request ) in StringTypes:
      for name in self.attributeNames:
        self.attributes[name] = 'Unknown'
      self.parseRequest( request )

    # Initialize request from another request
    elif isinstance( request, RequestContainer ):
      self.subRequests = copy.deepcopy( request.subrequests )
def getToken( key ):
    Function that gets the userName from the proxy

  proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
  if not proxyInfo[ 'OK' ]:
    error( str( proxyInfo ) )

  if key.lower() == 'owner':
    userName = proxyInfo[ 'Value' ][ 'username' ]
    tokenOwner = S_OK( userName )
    if not tokenOwner[ 'OK' ]:
      error( tokenOwner[ 'Message' ] )
    return tokenOwner[ 'Value' ]

  elif key.lower() == 'expiration':
    expiration = proxyInfo[ 'Value' ][ 'secondsLeft' ]
    tokenExpiration = S_OK( expiration )
    if not tokenExpiration[ 'OK' ]:
      error( tokenExpiration[ 'Message' ] )

    now = Time.dateTime()
    expirationDate = now + datetime.timedelta( seconds=tokenExpiration['Value'] )
    expirationDate = Time.toString( expirationDate )
    expirationDate = expirationDate.split('.')[0]
    return expirationDate
  def _banStorageElement( self, storageElement ):

    endpoints = getFTS3Servers()[ 'Value' ]

    blacklist = {}
    for endpoint in endpoints:
      # endpoint = ''

      # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
      proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
      if not proxyPath['OK']:
        return proxyPath

        proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
      except Exception as e:
        return S_ERROR( repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) )

      context = fts3.Context( endpoint, proxyPath )
      timeout = 3600  # or...?
      status = 'wait'  # or...?
      allow_submit = False  # or...?

      # TODO: ban_se returns the list of jobIDs interrupted by the banning
      pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se( context, storageElement, status, timeout, allow_submit ) "fts3.ban_se: %s" % pausedJobIDs )

      blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads( context.get( "ban/se" ) )

    return S_OK( blacklist )
Beispiel #10
  def prepareTransformationTasks(self, transBody, taskDict, owner='', ownerGroup='', ownerDN='',
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if not taskDict:
      return S_OK({})

    if (not owner) or (not ownerGroup):
      res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername(owner)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

      transJson = json.loads(transBody)
      self._multiOperationsBody(transJson, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup)
    except ValueError:  # #json couldn't load
      self._singleOperationsBody(transBody, taskDict, ownerDN, ownerGroup)

    return S_OK(taskDict)
    def _unbanStorageElement(self, storageElement):

        endpoints = getFTS3Servers()
        if not endpoints["OK"]:
            return endpoints

        endpoints = endpoints["Value"]

        blacklist = {}
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            # endpoint = ''

            # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
            proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
            if not proxyPath["OK"]:
                return proxyPath

                proxyPath = proxyPath["Value"]["path"]
            except Exception as e:
                return S_ERROR(repr(e).replace(",)", ")"))

            context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)

            fts3.unban_se(context, storageElement)

            blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))

        return S_OK(blacklist)
Beispiel #12
    def __getPrefix(self):
        op = Operations("")
        self.userprefix = None
        res = getProxyInfo()
        if res["OK"]:
            if "username" in res["Value"]:
                user = res["Value"]["username"]
                self.userprefix = "/" % (user[0], user)
            self.log.error("Proxy could not be found")
            return 1
        task_category = os.environ["GPL_TASKCATEGORY"]
        if not task_category:
            task_category = op.getValue("Pipeline/TaskCategory", None)
        if not task_category:
            self.log.error("Could not find task category")
            return 1

        self.prefixDest = op.getValue("Pipeline/StorageElementBasePath", self.userprefix)
        self.stagingDest = (
            + "/"
            + task_category
            + "/"
            + os.environ["PIPELINE_TASK"]
            + "/"
            + os.environ["PIPELINE_STREAM"]
        return 0
	def _banStorageElement( self, storageElement ):
		endpoints = getFTS3Servers()[ 'Value' ]
		blacklist = {}
		for endpoint in endpoints:
			#endpoint = ''
			#TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
			proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
			if not proxyPath.get('OK'):
				return S_ERROR("Proxy not found!")
				proxyPath = proxyPath.get('Value').get('path')
			except Exception as e:
				return S_ERROR(e.message)			
			context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
			timeout = 3600  #or...?
			status = 'wait' #or...?
			allow_submit = False #or...?
			#TODO: ban_se returns the list of jobIDs interrupted by the banning
			pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se(context, storageElement, status, timeout, allow_submit)
			blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))
		return S_OK( blacklist )
Beispiel #14
  def __init__(self, script = None):
    super(ProductionJob, self).__init__( script )
    self.prodVersion = __RCSID__
    self.dryrun = False
    self.created = False
    self.checked = False
    self.call_finalization = False
    self.finalsdict = {}
    self.transfid = 0
    self.type = 'Production'
    self.csSection = '/Production/Defaults'
    self.ops = Operations()
    self.fc = FileCatalogClient()
    self.trc = TransformationClient()
    self.defaultProdID = '12345'
    self.defaultProdJobID = '12345'
    self.jobFileGroupSize = 1
    self.nbtasks = 1
    self.slicesize =0
    self.basename = ''
    self.basepath = self.ops.getValue('/Production/CLIC/BasePath','/ilc/prod/clic/')
    self.evttype = ''
    self.datatype = ''
    self.energycat = ''
    self.detector = ''
    self.currtrans = None
    self.description = ''

    self.finalpaths = []
    self.finalMetaDict = defaultdict( dict )
    self.prodMetaDict = {}
    self.finalMetaDictNonSearch = {}
    self.metadict_external = {}
    self.outputStorage = ''

    self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()

    self.inputdataquery = False
    self.inputBKSelection = {}
    self.plugin = 'Standard'
    self.prodGroup = ''

    self.prodTypes = ['MCGeneration', 'MCSimulation', 'Test', 'MCReconstruction',
                      'MCReconstruction_Overlay', 'Merge', 'Split',
    self.prodparameters = {}
    self.prodparameters['NbInputFiles'] = 1
    self.prodparameters['nbevts']  = 0 
    #self.prodparameters["SWPackages"] = ''
    self._addParameter(self.workflow, "IS_PROD", 'JDL', True, "This job is a production job")
    if not script:

    self._recBasePaths = {}
    self.maxFCFoldersToCheck = 100000
Beispiel #15
  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '',
                                  ownerDN = '', bulkSubmissionFlag = False ):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
        jobClass is by default "DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job.Job". An extension of it also works.

    :param transBody: transformation job template
    :param taskDict: dictionary of per task parameters
    :param owner: owner of the transformation
    :param ownerGroup: group of the owner of the transformation
    :param ownerDN: DN of the owner of the transformation
    :return:  S_OK/S_ERROR with updated taskDict

    if ( not owner ) or ( not ownerGroup ):
      res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername( owner )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

    if bulkSubmissionFlag:
      return self.__prepareTransformationTasksBulk( transBody, taskDict, owner, ownerGroup, ownerDN )
      return self.__prepareTransformationTasks( transBody, taskDict, owner, ownerGroup, ownerDN )
Beispiel #16
  def __changeSiteStatus( self, site, comment, statusType, status, printOutput = False ):
      Change the RSS status of the given site
    result = self.__checkSiteIsValid( site )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result

    wmsAdmin = RPCClient( 'WorkloadManagement/WMSAdministrator' )
    result = wmsAdmin.allowSite( site, comment )
    if not result['OK']:
      return result
    rsc = ResourceStatusClient()
    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if not proxyInfo[ 'OK' ]:
      return proxyInfo
    userName = proxyInfo[ 'Value' ][ 'username' ]   
    tomorrow = datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ) + timedelta( days = 1 )
    result = rsc.modifyStatusElement( 'Site', 'Status', 
                                      name = site, 
                                      statusType = statusType,
                                      status     = status,
                                      reason     = comment,  
                                      tokenOwner = userName, 
                                      tokenExpiration = tomorrow )

    return result
  def notifyAboutNewSoftware(self):
    """Send an email to the mailing list if a new software version was defined"""

    #Only send email when something was actually added
    if not self.modifiedCS:

    subject = '%s %s added to DIRAC CS' % (self.appName, self.appVersion)
    msg = 'New application %s %s declared into Configuration service\n %s' % (self.appName,
    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Registry import getUserOption
    from DIRAC.FrameworkSystem.Client.NotificationClient       import NotificationClient

    notifyClient = NotificationClient()
    gLogger.notice('Sending mail for software installation to %s' % (self.mailadress))
    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res['OK']:
      sender = '*****@*****.**'
      if 'username' in res['Value']:
        sender = getUserOption(res['Value']['username'],'Email')
        sender = '*****@*****.**''*'*80)# surround email with stars
    res = notifyClient.sendMail(self.mailadress, subject, msg, sender, localAttempt = False)'*'*80)
    if not res[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error('The mail could not be sent: %s' % res['Message'])
    def initialize(self, request):
        """ Set default values to attributes and parameters
        if type(request) == NoneType:
            # Set some defaults
            for name in self.attributeNames:
                self.attributes[name] = "Unknown"
            self.attributes["CreationTime"] = str(Time.dateTime())
            self.attributes["Status"] = "New"
            result = getProxyInfo()
            if result["OK"]:
                proxyDict = result["Value"]
                self.attributes["OwnerDN"] = proxyDict["identity"]
                if "group" in proxyDict:
                    self.attributes["OwnerGroup"] = proxyDict["group"]
            self.attributes["DIRACSetup"] = gConfig.getValue("/DIRAC/Setup", "Unknown")
        elif isinstance(request, RequestContainer):
            for attr in self.attributeNames:
                self.attributes[attr] = request.attributes[attr]

        # initialize request from an XML string
        if type(request) in StringTypes:
            for name in self.attributeNames:
                self.attributes[name] = "Unknown"

        # Initialize request from another request
        elif isinstance(request, RequestContainer):
            self.subRequests = copy.deepcopy(request.subrequests)
Beispiel #19
def uploadProxyToMyProxy( params, DNAsUsername ):
  """ Upload proxy to the MyProxy server

  myProxy = MyProxy()
  if DNAsUsername:
    gLogger.verbose( "Uploading pilot proxy with group %s to %s..." % ( params.getDIRACGroup(), myProxy.getMyProxyServer() ) )
    gLogger.verbose( "Uploading user proxy with group %s to %s..." % ( params.getDIRACGroup(), myProxy.getMyProxyServer() ) )
  retVal = myProxy.getInfo( proxyInfo[ 'path' ], useDNAsUserName = DNAsUsername )
  if retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    remainingSecs = ( int( params.getProxyRemainingSecs() / 3600 ) * 3600 ) - 7200
    myProxyInfo = retVal[ 'Value' ]
    if 'timeLeft' in myProxyInfo and remainingSecs < myProxyInfo[ 'timeLeft' ]:
      gLogger.verbose( " Already uploaded" )
      return True
  retVal = generateProxy( params )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.error( " There was a problem generating proxy to be uploaded to myproxy: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return False
  retVal = getProxyInfo( retVal[ 'Value' ] )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.error( " There was a problem generating proxy to be uploaded to myproxy: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return False
  generatedProxyInfo = retVal[ 'Value' ]
  retVal = myProxy.uploadProxy( generatedProxyInfo[ 'path' ], useDNAsUserName = DNAsUsername )
  if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
    gLogger.error( " Can't upload to myproxy: %s" % retVal[ 'Message' ] )
    return False
  gLogger.verbose( " Uploaded" )
  return True
Beispiel #20
  def _banStorageElement( self, storageElement ):

    endpoints = getFTS3Servers()
    if not endpoints['OK']:
      return endpoints

    endpoints = endpoints['Value']

    blacklist = {}
    for endpoint in endpoints:
      # endpoint = ''

      # TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
      proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
      if not proxyPath['OK']:
        return proxyPath

        proxyPath = proxyPath['Value']['path']
      except Exception as e:
        return S_ERROR( repr( e ).replace( ',)', ')' ) )

      context = fts3.Context( endpoint, proxyPath )
      status = 'wait'  # This status leaves the jobs queued. The only alternative is "cancel"

      pausedJobIDs = fts3.ban_se( context, storageElement, status, timeout = 3600, allow_submit = False ) "fts3.ban_se: paused jobs: %s" % ','.join(pausedJobIDs) )

      blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads( context.get( "ban/se" ) )

    return S_OK( blacklist )
	def _unbanStorageElement( self, storageElement ):
		endpoints = getFTS3Servers()[ 'Value' ]
		blacklist = {}
		for endpoint in endpoints:
			#endpoint = ''
			#TODO: maybe proxyPath is not needed since it is picked from the environment by the REST API
			proxyPath = getProxyInfo()
			if not proxyPath.get('OK'):
				return S_ERROR("Proxy not found!")
				proxyPath = proxyPath.get('Value').get('path')
			except Exception as e:
				return S_ERROR(e.message)			
			context = fts3.Context(endpoint, proxyPath)
			fts3.unban_se(context, storageElement)
			blacklist[endpoint] = json.loads(context.get("ban/se"))
		return S_OK( blacklist )
Beispiel #22
 def __init__(self, script=None):
   """Initialize UserJob, including proxy and splitmixin."""
   super(UserJob, self).__init__(script)
   self.type = 'User'
   self.diracinstance = None
   self.usergroup = ['ilc_user', 'calice_user']
   self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()
Beispiel #23
  def execute( self ):

    res = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.proxyInfoDict = res['Value']

    return self.monitorStageRequests()
Beispiel #24
  def __init__( self, fromDict = None ):

    :param self: self reference
    :param fromDict : if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
    self.__waiting = None

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 )

    self._CreationTime = now
    self._SubmitTime = now
    self._LastUpdate = now
    # the time before which the request should not be executed
    # If None, no delay
    self._NotBefore = now
    self._Status = "Done"
    self.JobID = 0
    self.Error = None
    self.DIRACSetup = None
    self.OwnerDN = None
    self.RequestName = None
    self.OwnerGroup = None
    self.SourceComponent = None

    self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if proxyInfo["OK"]:
      proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
      if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
        self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
        self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

    self.__operations__ = []

    fromDict = fromDict if isinstance( fromDict, dict )\
               else json.loads( fromDict ) if isinstance( fromDict, StringTypes )\
                else {}

    if "Operations" in fromDict:
      for opDict in fromDict.get( "Operations", [] ):
        self +=Operation( opDict )

      del fromDict["Operations"]

    for key, value in fromDict.items():
      # The JSON module forces the use of UTF-8, which is not properly
      # taken into account in DIRAC.
      # One would need to replace all the '== str' with 'in StringTypes'
      if type( value ) in StringTypes:
        value = value.encode()

      if value:
        setattr( self, key, value )

Beispiel #25
  def setUp( self ):
    gLogger.setLevel( 'DEBUG' )
    self.wrapperFile = None

    # get proxy
    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    proxyChain = proxyInfo['Value']['chain']
    proxyDumped = proxyChain.dumpAllToString()
    self.payloadProxy = proxyDumped['Value']
Beispiel #26
def monitorInstallation( componentType, system, component, module = None, cpu = None, hostname = None ):
  Register the installation of a component in the ComponentMonitoringDB
  monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()

  if not module:
    module = component

  # Retrieve user installing the component
  user = None
  result = getProxyInfo()
  if result[ 'OK' ]:
    proxyInfo = result[ 'Value' ]
    if 'username' in proxyInfo:
      user = proxyInfo[ 'username' ]
    return result
  if not user:
    user = '******'

  if not cpu:
    cpu = 'Not available'
    for line in open( '/proc/cpuinfo' ):
      if line.startswith( 'model name' ):
        cpu = line.split( ':' )[1][ 0 : 64 ]
        cpu = cpu.replace( '\n', '' ).lstrip().rstrip()

  if not hostname:
    hostname = socket.getfqdn()
  instance = component[ 0 : 32 ]

  result = monitoringClient.installationExists \
                        ( { 'Instance': instance,
                            'UnInstallationTime': None },
                          { 'Type': componentType,
                            'System': system,
                            'Module': module },
                          { 'HostName': hostname,
                            'CPU': cpu } )

  if not result[ 'OK' ]:
    return result
  if result[ 'Value' ]:
    return S_OK( 'Monitoring of %s is already enabled' % component )

  result = monitoringClient.addInstallation \
                            ( { 'InstallationTime': datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
                                'InstalledBy': user,
                                'Instance': instance },
                              { 'Type': componentType,
                                'System': system,
                                'Module': module },
                              { 'HostName': hostname,
                                'CPU': cpu },
                              True )
  return result
Beispiel #27
 def loadCredentials( self ):
   retVal = getProxyInfo()
   if retVal[ 'OK' ]:
     credDict = retVal[ 'Value' ]
     self.commiterId = "%s@%s - %s" % ( credDict[ 'username' ],
                                        credDict[ 'group' ],
                                        Time.dateTime().strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) )
     return retVal
   return retVal
Beispiel #28
  def prepareTransformationTasks(self,transBody,taskDict,owner='',ownerGroup=''):
    if (not owner) or (not ownerGroup):
      res = getProxyInfo(False,False)
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    oJob = Job(transBody)
    for taskNumber in sortList(taskDict.keys()):
      paramsDict = taskDict[taskNumber]
      transID = paramsDict['TransformationID']
      self.log.verbose('Setting job owner:group to %s:%s' % (owner,ownerGroup))
      transGroup = str(transID).zfill(8)
      self.log.verbose('Adding default transformation group of %s' % (transGroup))
      constructedName = str(transID).zfill(8)+'_'+str(taskNumber).zfill(8)
      self.log.verbose('Setting task name to %s' % constructedName)
      inputData = None
      for paramName,paramValue in paramsDict.items():
        self.log.verbose('TransID: %s, TaskID: %s, ParamName: %s, ParamValue: %s' %(transID,taskNumber,paramName,paramValue))
        if paramName=='InputData':
          if paramValue:
            self.log.verbose('Setting input data to %s' %paramValue)
        elif paramName=='Site':
          if paramValue:
            self.log.verbose('Setting allocated site to: %s' %(paramValue))
        elif paramValue:
          self.log.verbose('Setting %s to %s' % (paramName,paramValue))

      hospitalTrans = [int(x) for x in gConfig.getValue("/Operations/Hospital/Transformations",[])]
      if int(transID) in hospitalTrans:
        hospitalSite = gConfig.getValue("/Operations/Hospital/HospitalSite",'')
        hospitalCEs = gConfig.getValue("/Operations/Hospital/HospitalCEs",[])
        if hospitalCEs:
      taskDict[taskNumber]['TaskObject'] = '' 
      res = self.getOutputData({'Job':oJob._toXML(),'TransformationID':transID,'TaskID':taskNumber,'InputData':inputData})
      if not res ['OK']:
        self.log.error("Failed to generate output data",res['Message'])
      for name,output in res['Value'].items():
      taskDict[taskNumber]['TaskObject'] = Job(oJob._toXML())
    return S_OK(taskDict)
  def submitJob(self, executableFile, proxy, **kwargs):
    """ Method to submit job.

    if self.pPool is None:
      self.pPool = ProcessPool(minSize=self.processors,


    processorsInUse = self.getProcessorsInUse()
    if kwargs.get('wholeNode'):
      if processorsInUse > 0:
        return S_ERROR('Can not take WholeNode job')  # , %d/%d slots used' % (self.slotsInUse,self.slots) )
        requestedProcessors = self.processors
    elif "numberOfProcessors" in kwargs:
      requestedProcessors = int(kwargs['numberOfProcessors'])
      if requestedProcessors > 0:
        if (processorsInUse + requestedProcessors) > self.processors:
          return S_ERROR('Not enough slots: requested %d, available %d' % (requestedProcessors,
                                                                           self.processors - processorsInUse))
      requestedProcessors = 1
    if self.processors - processorsInUse < requestedProcessors:
      return S_ERROR('Not enough slots: requested %d, available %d' % (requestedProcessors,
                                                                       self.processors - processorsInUse))

    ret = getProxyInfo()
    if not ret['OK']:
      pilotProxy = None
      pilotProxy = ret['Value']['path']
    self.log.notice('Pilot Proxy:', pilotProxy)

    kwargs = {'UseSudo': False}
    if self.useSudo:
      for nUser in range(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SUDO_UNIX_USERS):
        if nUser not in self.userNumberPerTask.values():
      kwargs['NUser'] = nUser
      kwargs['PayloadUser'] = os.environ['USER'] + 'p%s' % str(nUser).zfill(2)
      kwargs['UseSudo'] = True

    result = self.pPool.createAndQueueTask(executeJob,
                                           args=(executableFile, proxy, self.taskID),
    self.processorsPerTask[self.taskID] = requestedProcessors
    self.taskID += 1


    return result
Beispiel #30
  def prepareTransformationTasks( self, transBody, taskDict, owner = '', ownerGroup = '', ownerDN = '' ):
    """ Prepare tasks, given a taskDict, that is created (with some manipulation) by the DB
    if ( not owner ) or ( not ownerGroup ):
      res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      proxyInfo = res['Value']
      owner = proxyInfo['username']
      ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group']

    if not ownerDN:
      res = getDNForUsername( owner )
      if not res['OK']:
        return res
      ownerDN = res['Value'][0]

    requestOperation = 'ReplicateAndRegister'
    if transBody:
        _requestType, requestOperation = transBody.split( ';' )
      except AttributeError:

    for taskID in sorted( taskDict ):
      paramDict = taskDict[taskID]
      if paramDict['InputData']:
        transID = paramDict['TransformationID']

        oRequest = Request()
        transfer = Operation()
        transfer.Type = requestOperation
        transfer.TargetSE = paramDict['TargetSE']

        if isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], list ):
          files = paramDict['InputData']
        elif isinstance( paramDict['InputData'], basestring ):
          files = paramDict['InputData'].split( ';' )
        for lfn in files:
          trFile = File()
          trFile.LFN = lfn

          transfer.addFile( trFile )

        oRequest.addOperation( transfer )
        oRequest.RequestName = _requestName( transID, taskID )
        oRequest.OwnerDN = ownerDN
        oRequest.OwnerGroup = ownerGroup

      isValid = self.requestValidator.validate( oRequest )
      if not isValid['OK']:
        return isValid

      taskDict[taskID]['TaskObject'] = oRequest

    return S_OK( taskDict )
Beispiel #31
def proxyUser():
    Read proxy to get username.

    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res["OK"]:
        return res

    return S_OK(res["Value"]["username"])
Beispiel #32
def getTokenOwner():
    Function that gets the userName from the proxy
    proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
    if not proxyInfo['OK']:
        return proxyInfo

    userName = proxyInfo['Value']['username']
    return S_OK(userName)
Beispiel #33
def proxyUser():
  Read proxy to get username.

  res = getProxyInfo()
  if not res[ 'OK' ]:
    return res
  return S_OK( res[ 'Value' ][ 'username' ] ) 
Beispiel #34
  def execute( self ):

    res = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if not res['OK']:
      return res
    self.proxyInfoDict = res['Value']

    res = self.monitorStageRequests()

    return res
Beispiel #35
 def loadCredentials(self):
     retVal = getProxyInfo()
     if retVal["OK"]:
         credDict = retVal["Value"]
         self.commiterId = "%s@%s - %s" % (
             datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
         return retVal
     return retVal
 def __ownerAndGroup(self):
     res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
     if not res['OK']:
         raise Exception('GetProxyInfo error: {0}'.format(res['Message']))
     self.__owner = res['Value']['username']
     self.__ownerGroup = res['Value']['group']
     self.__vo = Registry.getVOMSVOForGroup(self.__ownerGroup)
     self.__voHome = '/{0}'.format(self.__vo)
     self.__prodHome = '/{0}/reconstruction'.format(self.__vo)
     self.__userHome = '/{0}/user/{1:.1}/{1}'.format(
         self.__vo, self.__owner)
Beispiel #37
  def getCurrentOwner():
    """Simple function to return current DIRAC username.
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not obtain proxy information')

    if 'username' not in result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not get username from proxy')

    username = result['Value']['username']
    return S_OK(username)
Beispiel #38
    def setSiteStatus(self, site, status, comment='No comment'):
    Set the status of a site in the 'SiteStatus' table of RSS

      >>> siteStatus.banSite( 'site1.test.test' )
      >>> siteStatus.banSite( None )
          S_ERROR( ... )

      **site** - `String`
        the site that is going to be banned
      **comment** - `String`
        reason for banning

    :return: S_OK() || S_ERROR()

        if not status:
            return S_ERROR(DErrno.ERESUNK, 'status parameter is empty')

        # fix case sensitive string
        status = status.capitalize()
        allowedStateList = [
            'Active', 'Banned', 'Degraded', 'Probing', 'Error', 'Unknown'
        if status not in allowedStateList:
            return S_ERROR(errno.EINVAL,
                           'Not a valid status, parameter rejected')

        result = getProxyInfo()
        if result['OK']:
            tokenOwner = result['Value']['username']
            return S_ERROR("Unable to get user proxy info %s " %

        tokenExpiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)

        result = self.rsClient.modifyStatusElement(

        if not result['OK']:
            return result

        return S_OK()
Beispiel #39
 def _getCurrentUser( self ):
   res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
   if not res['OK']:
     return self._errorReport( 'No proxy found in local environment', res['Message'] )
   proxyInfo = res['Value']
   gLogger.debug( formatProxyInfoAsString( proxyInfo ) )
   if 'group' not in proxyInfo:
     return self._errorReport( 'Proxy information does not contain the group', res['Message'] )
   res = getDNForUsername( proxyInfo['username'] )
   if not res['OK']:
     return self._errorReport( 'Failed to get proxies for user', res['Message'] )
   return S_OK( proxyInfo['username'] )
def main():
    # Registering arguments will automatically add their description to the help menu
    Script.registerArgument(("LocalFile: Path to local file containing LFNs",
                             "LFN:       Logical File Names"))

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations

    allowUsers = Operations().getValue(
        "DataManagement/AllowUserReplicaManagement", False)

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo

    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res["OK"]:
        gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res["Message"])
    properties = res["Value"].get("groupProperties", [])

    if not allowUsers:
        if "FileCatalogManagement" not in properties:
                "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement"

    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog

    fc = FileCatalog()
    import os

    # parseCommandLine show help when mandatory arguments are not specified or incorrect argument
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    inputFileName = args[0]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, "r")
        string =
        lfns = [lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    res = fc.removeFile(lfns)
    if not res["OK"]:
        print("Error:", res["Message"])
    for lfn in sorted(res["Value"]["Failed"].keys()):
        message = res["Value"]["Failed"][lfn]
        print("Error: failed to remove %s: %s" % (lfn, message))
    print("Successfully removed %d catalog files." %
Beispiel #41
    def __init__(self, fromDict=None):

        :param self: self reference
        :param fromDict: if false, new request. Can be json string that represents the object, or the dictionary directly
        self.__waiting = None

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)

        self._CreationTime = now
        self._SubmitTime = now
        self._LastUpdate = now
        # the time before which the request should not be executed
        # If None, no delay
        self._NotBefore = now
        self._Status = "Done"
        self.JobID = 0
        self.Error = None
        self.DIRACSetup = None
        self.OwnerDN = None
        self.RequestName = None
        self.OwnerGroup = None
        self._SourceComponent = None

        self.dmsHelper = DMSHelpers()

        proxyInfo = getProxyInfo()
        if proxyInfo["OK"]:
            proxyInfo = proxyInfo["Value"]
            if proxyInfo["validGroup"] and proxyInfo["validDN"]:
                self.OwnerDN = proxyInfo["identity"]
                self.OwnerGroup = proxyInfo["group"]

        self.__operations__ = []

        if isinstance(fromDict, str):
            fromDict = json.loads(fromDict)
        elif not isinstance(fromDict, dict):
            fromDict = {}

        if "Operations" in fromDict:
            for opDict in fromDict.get("Operations", []):
                self += Operation(opDict)

            del fromDict["Operations"]

        for key, value in fromDict.items():
            if value:
                setattr(self, key, value)

Beispiel #42
 def getDatasetNamePrefix(self):
     """descide the prefix of a datasetName"""
     prefix = ''
     result = getProxyInfo(False, False)
     if result['OK']:
         userGroup = result['Value']['group']
         if userGroup == 'bes_user':
             prefix = 'User_'
         elif userGroup == 'production':
             prefix = 'Proc_'
         return prefix
         return prefix
Beispiel #43
    def execute(self):"Start Execution")
        result = getProxyInfo()
        if not result['OK']:
            return result
        infoDict = result['Value']

        self.__infoFromCE()"End Execution")
        return S_OK()
Beispiel #44
  def getCurrentVO():
    """Simple function to return current DIRAC username.
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if not result['OK']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not obtain proxy information')

    if 'group' not in result['Value']:
      return S_ERROR('Could not get group from proxy')

    group = result['Value']['group']
    vo = group.split("_")[0]
    return S_OK(vo)
  def submitJob( self, executableFile, proxy, dummy = None ):
    """ Method to submit job, should be overridden in sub-class.
    ret = getProxyInfo()
    if not ret['OK']:
      pilotProxy = None
      pilotProxy = ret['Value']['path']

    self.log.notice( 'Pilot Proxy:', pilotProxy )

    payloadEnv = dict( os.environ )
    payloadProxy = ''
    if proxy:
      self.log.verbose( 'Setting up proxy for payload' )
      result = self.writeProxyToFile( proxy )
      if not result['OK']:
        return result

      payloadProxy = result['Value']
      # pilotProxy = os.environ['X509_USER_PROXY']
      payloadEnv[ 'X509_USER_PROXY' ] = payloadProxy

    self.log.verbose( 'Starting process for monitoring payload proxy' )
    gThreadScheduler.addPeriodicTask( self.proxyCheckPeriod, self.monitorProxy, taskArgs = ( pilotProxy, payloadProxy ), executions = 0, elapsedTime = 0 )

    if not os.access( executableFile, 5 ):
      os.chmod( executableFile, 0755 )
    cmd = os.path.abspath( executableFile )
    self.log.verbose( 'CE submission command: %s' % ( cmd ) )
    result = systemCall( 0, cmd, callbackFunction = self.sendOutput, env = payloadEnv )
    if payloadProxy:
      os.unlink( payloadProxy )

    ret = S_OK()

    if not result['OK']:
      self.log.error( 'Fail to run InProcess', result['Message'] )
    elif result['Value'][0] < 0:
      self.log.error( 'InProcess Job Execution Failed' ) 'Exit status:', result['Value'][0] )
      return S_ERROR( 'InProcess Job Execution Failed' )
    elif result['Value'][0] > 0:
      self.log.error( 'Fail in payload execution' ) 'Exit status:', result['Value'][0] )
      ret['PayloadFailed'] = result['Value'][0]
      self.log.debug( 'InProcess CE result OK' )

    self.submittedJobs += 1
    return ret
Beispiel #46
  def __init__( self, script = None, stdout = 'std.out', stderr = 'std.err' ):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.
    self.log = gLogger
    self.section = COMPONENT_NAME
    self.dbg = False
    if gConfig.getValue( self.section + '/LogLevel', 'DEBUG' ) == 'DEBUG':
      self.dbg = True

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified' = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo( disableVOMS = True )
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup( ret['Value']['group'] ) = vo = 'ANY' #ANY
    #self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec' # to be clarified
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    self.systemConfig = 'ANY'
    self.reqParams = {'MaxCPUTime':   'other.NAME>=VALUE',
                      'MinCPUTime':   'other.NAME<=VALUE',
                      'Site':         'other.NAME=="VALUE"',
                      'Platform':     'other.NAME=="VALUE"',
                      #'BannedSites':  '!Member(other.Site,BannedSites)', #doesn't work unfortunately
                      'BannedSites':  'other.Site!="VALUE"',
                      'SystemConfig': 'Member("VALUE",other.CompatiblePlatforms)'}
    ##Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.parametric = {}
    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow( script )

    #Global error dictionary
    self.errorDict = {}
def main():

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    allowUsers = Operations().getValue(
        "DataManagement/AllowUserReplicaManagement", False)

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res['Message'])
    properties = res['Value'].get('groupProperties', [])

    if not allowUsers:
        if 'FileCatalogManagement' not in properties:
                "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement"

    from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog
    fc = FileCatalog()
    import os

    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()

    if len(args) < 1:
        inputFileName = args[0]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
        string =
        lfns = [lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    res = fc.removeFile(lfns)
    if not res['OK']:
        print("Error:", res['Message'])
    for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed'].keys()):
        message = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
        print('Error: failed to remove %s: %s' % (lfn, message))
    print('Successfully removed %d catalog files.' %
Beispiel #48
  def getAuthorDNfromProxy(self):
    """ gets the AuthorDN and username of the transformation from the uploaded proxy
    username = ""
    author = ""
    res = getProxyInfo()
    if res['OK']:
      author = res['Value']['identity']
      username = res['Value']['username']
      gLogger.error("Unable to get uploaded proxy Info %s " % res['Message'])
      return S_ERROR(res['Message'])

    res = {'username': username, 'authorDN': author}
    return S_OK(res)
Beispiel #49
    def getAuthorDNfromProxy(self):
        """gets the AuthorDN and username of the transformation from the uploaded proxy"""
        username = ""
        author = ""
        res = getProxyInfo()
        if res["OK"]:
            author = res["Value"]["identity"]
            username = res["Value"]["username"]
            gLogger.error("Unable to get uploaded proxy Info %s " %
            return S_ERROR(res["Message"])

        res = {"username": username, "authorDN": author}
        return S_OK(res)
Beispiel #50
    def __init__(self, script=None):
        super(UserJob, self).__init__(script)
        self.type = 'User'
        self.diracinstance = None
        self.usergroup = ['ilc_user', 'calice_user']
        self.proxyinfo = getProxyInfo()

        ########## SPLITTING STUFF: ATTRIBUTES ##########
        self._data = []
        self.splittingOption = None
        self._switch = {}
        self.numberOfJobs = None
        self.totalNumberOfEvents = None
        self.eventsPerJob = None
        self.numberOfFilesPerJob = 1
    def checkCredentials(self, requested_group):
        """ Utility method to check the credentials and that the use belongs
        to a specific group """
        # First locate the DIRAC code
            from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
            raise DiracNotFoundException("DIRAC not found")
        # Now check the credentials themselves

        # Now using dirac to lookup the proxy info
            info = getProxyInfo()
        except Exception, e:
            raise InvalidGridCredentialsException(str(e))
def main():

    from DIRAC.ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Operations import Operations
    allowUsers = Operations().getValue(
        "DataManagement/AllowUserReplicaManagement", False)

    from DIRAC.Core.Security.ProxyInfo import getProxyInfo
    res = getProxyInfo()
    if not res['OK']:
        gLogger.fatal("Can't get proxy info", res['Message'])
    properties = res['Value'].get('groupProperties', [])

    if not allowUsers:
        if 'FileCatalogManagement' not in properties:
                "You need to use a proxy from a group with FileCatalogManagement"

    from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Client.DataManager import DataManager
    dm = DataManager()
    args = Script.getPositionalArgs()
    if len(args) < 2:
        inputFileName = args[0]
        storageElementName = args[1]

    if os.path.exists(inputFileName):
        inputFile = open(inputFileName, 'r')
        string =
        lfns = [lfn.strip() for lfn in string.splitlines()]
        lfns = [inputFileName]

    res = dm.removeReplicaFromCatalog(storageElementName, lfns)
    if not res['OK']:
    for lfn in sorted(res['Value']['Failed']):
        message = res['Value']['Failed'][lfn]
        print('Failed to remove %s replica of %s: %s' %
              (storageElementName, lfn, message))
    print('Successfully remove %d catalog replicas at %s' %
          (len(res['Value']['Successful']), storageElementName))
Beispiel #53
    def __init__(self, rStatus=None, rManagement=None, defaultStatus="Unknown"):

        # Warm up local CS

        if rStatus is None:
            self.rStatus = ResourceStatusClient()
        if rManagement is None:
            self.rManagement = ResourceManagementClient()
        self.defaultStatus = defaultStatus

        self.rssConfig = RssConfiguration()
        self.tokenOwner = "rs_svc"
        result = getProxyInfo()
        if result['OK']:
            self.tokenOwner = result['Value']['username']
Beispiel #54
    def _getCurrentUser(self):
        """Get current user

        :return: S_OK(dict)/S_ERROR()
        res = getProxyInfo(False, False)
        if not res["OK"]:
            return self._errorReport("No proxy found in local environment", res["Message"])
        proxyInfo = res["Value"]
        if "group" not in proxyInfo:
            return self._errorReport("Proxy information does not contain the group", res["Message"])
        res = getDNForUsername(proxyInfo["username"])
        if not res["OK"]:
            return self._errorReport("Failed to get proxies for user", res["Message"])
        return S_OK(proxyInfo["username"])
Beispiel #55
 def submitTasks( self ):
   """ Submit the tasks to an external system, using the taskManager provided
   """ "submitTasks: Submitting tasks for transformations" )
   res = getProxyInfo( False, False )
   if not res['OK']:
     gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to determine credentials for submission", res['Message'] )
     return res
   proxyInfo = res['Value']
   owner = proxyInfo['username']
   ownerGroup = proxyInfo['group'] "submitTasks: Tasks will be submitted with the credentials %s:%s" % ( owner, ownerGroup ) )
   # Get the transformations which should be submitted
   tasksPerLoop = self.am_getOption( 'TasksPerLoop', 50 )
   status = self.am_getOption( 'SubmitStatus', ['Active', 'Completing'] )
   res = self._selectTransformations( transType = self.transType, status = status )
   if not res['OK']:
     return res
   for transformation in res['Value']:
     transID = transformation['TransformationID']
     transBody = transformation['Body']
     res = self.transClient.getTasksToSubmit( transID, tasksPerLoop )
     if not res['OK']:
       gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to obtain tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID, res['Message'] ) )
     tasks = res['Value']['JobDictionary']
     if not tasks:
       gLogger.verbose( "submitTasks: No tasks found for submission for transformation %s" % transID )
       continue "submitTasks: Obtained %d tasks for submission for transformation %s" % ( len( tasks ), transID ) )
     res = self.taskManager.prepareTransformationTasks( transBody, tasks, owner, ownerGroup )
     if not res['OK']:
       gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to prepare tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                             res['Message'] ) )
     res = self.taskManager.submitTransformationTasks( res['Value'] )
     if not res['OK']:
       gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to submit prepared tasks for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                     res['Message'] ) )
     res = self.taskManager.updateDBAfterTaskSubmission( res['Value'] )
     if not res['OK']:
       gLogger.error( "submitTasks: Failed to update DB after task submission for transformation", "%s %s" % ( transID,
                                                                                                    res['Message'] ) )
       continue "submitTasks: Submission of transformation tasks complete" )
   return S_OK()
Beispiel #56
    def _prepareProxy(self):
        """Set the environment variable X509_USER_PROXY"""
        if not self.proxy:
            result = getProxyInfo()
            if not result["OK"]:
                return S_ERROR("No proxy available")
            if "path" in result["Value"]:
                os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = result["Value"]["path"]
                return S_OK()
            result = gProxyManager.dumpProxyToFile(self.proxy, requiredTimeLeft=self.minProxyTime)
            if not result["OK"]:
                return result
            os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"] = result["Value"]

        self.log.debug("Set proxy variable X509_USER_PROXY to %s" % os.environ["X509_USER_PROXY"])
        return S_OK()
Beispiel #57
    def _getCurrentOwner(self):
        """Simple function to return current DIRAC username.
        if 'OwnerName' in self.workflow_commons:
            return self.workflow_commons['OwnerName']

        result = getProxyInfo()

        if not result['OK']:
            if not self._enableModule():
                return 'testUser'
            raise RuntimeError('Could not obtain proxy information')

        if 'username' not in result['Value']:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not get username from proxy')

        return result['Value']['username']
Beispiel #58
  def __init__(self, script=None, stdout='std.out', stderr='std.err'):
    """Instantiates the Workflow object and some default parameters.

    super(Job, self).__init__()

    self.stepCount = 0
    self.owner = 'NotSpecified' = 'Name'
    self.type = 'User'
    self.priority = 1
    vo = ''
    ret = getProxyInfo(disableVOMS=True)
    if ret['OK'] and 'group' in ret['Value']:
      vo = getVOForGroup(ret['Value']['group']) = vo = None
    # self.setup = 'Development'
    self.origin = 'DIRAC'
    self.stdout = stdout
    self.stderr = stderr
    self.logLevel = 'info'
    self.executable = '$DIRACROOT/scripts/dirac-jobexec'  # to be clarified
    # $DIRACROOT is set by the JobWrapper at execution time
    self.addToInputSandbox = []
    self.addToOutputSandbox = []
    self.addToInputData = []
    # #Add member to handle Parametric jobs
    self.numberOfParameters = 0
    self.parameterSeqs = {}
    self.wfArguments = {}
    self.parametricWFArguments = {}

    # loading the function that will be used to determine the platform (it can be VO specific)
    res = ObjectLoader().loadObject("ConfigurationSystem.Client.Helpers.Resources", 'getDIRACPlatforms')
    if not res['OK']:
    self.getDIRACPlatforms = res['Value']

    self.script = script
    if not script:
      self.workflow = Workflow()
      self.workflow = Workflow(script)
    self._siteSet = set(getSites().get('Value', []))
Beispiel #59
def monitorUninstallation(system, component, cpu=None, hostname=None):
    Register the uninstallation of a component in the ComponentMonitoringDB
    monitoringClient = ComponentMonitoringClient()

    # Retrieve user uninstalling the component
    user = None
    result = getProxyInfo()
    if result["OK"]:
        proxyInfo = result["Value"]
        if "username" in proxyInfo:
            user = proxyInfo["username"]
        return result
    if not user:
        user = "******"

    if not cpu:
        cpu = "Not available"
        for line in open("/proc/cpuinfo"):
            if line.startswith("model name"):
                cpu = line.split(":")[1][0:64]
                cpu = cpu.replace("\n", "").lstrip().rstrip()

    if not hostname:
        hostname = socket.getfqdn()
    instance = component[0:32]

    result = monitoringClient.updateInstallations(
            "Instance": instance,
            "UnInstallationTime": None
        {"DIRACSystem": system},
            "HostName": hostname,
            "CPU": cpu
            "UnInstallationTime": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
            "UnInstalledBy": user
    return result
Beispiel #60
    def submitJob(self, executableFile, proxy, **kwargs):
        """ Method to submit job.


        coresInUse = self.getCoresInUse()
        if "WholeNode" in kwargs and kwargs['WholeNode']:
            if coresInUse > 0:
                return S_ERROR(
                    'Can not take WholeNode job'
                )  #, %d/%d slots used' % (self.slotsInUse,self.slots) )
                requestedCores = self.cores
        elif "NumberOfCores" in kwargs:
            requestedCores = int(kwargs['NumberOfCores'])
            if requestedCores > 0:
                if (coresInUse + requestedCores) > self.cores:
                    return S_ERROR(
                        'Not enough slots: requested %d, available %d' %
                        (requestedCores, self.cores - coresInUse))
            requestedCores = 1
        if self.cores - coresInUse < requestedCores:
            return S_ERROR('Not enough slots: requested %d, available %d' %
                           (requestedCores, self.cores - coresInUse))

        ret = getProxyInfo()
        if not ret['OK']:
            pilotProxy = None
            pilotProxy = ret['Value']['path']
        self.log.notice('Pilot Proxy:', pilotProxy)

        result = self.pPool.createAndQueueTask(
            executeJob, [executableFile, proxy, self.taskID],
        self.taskID += 1
        self.coresPerTask[self.taskID] = requestedCores


        return result